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Seeking Focus


Post by Killer_Moth† »

((Teddy Behr Cont'd from Meltdown))

As they exited the cinema, Theo felt more relaxed and at ease than he had for a long time. He'd been laughing and joking with Victoria ever since the film ended. He felt totally at ease around her, more so than when he was around his own family.

He was pretty certain that his pills had kicked in totally by now. His stammer was almost totally gone, but he found himself talking less, more just reacting to what she said. And while he was trying hard to listen actively, he couldn't always quite muster up the energy. Damn, this wasn't good. He liked this girl. He wanted to engage with her. He didn't want to become the drone that the pills turned him into. He needed something to build his adrenalin, to stimulate him. To force him into action.

"So, that was... That was fun. It's really great just hanging with you like this. I know this'll sound cheesy, and please, don't take it the wrong way, but can I... Well, can I buy you a drink someplace?" There. Alcohol ought to get him a bit more focused. Wait, that didn't sound quite. Ah well. "Someplace that they don't ID, y'know?"
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Post by Yvaine† »

((Victoria Logan Continued from Meltdown))

Victoria was somewhat surprised to realize she was having a good time. She expected Theo to act like a nervous wreck the entire time, with the majority of the time between them spent in an almost awkward silence. The idea didn't really stem from anything he had actually done, but his general demeanor previously hadn't done much to dissuade the idea. For once, she was happy to wrong.

The joking, laughter, and all around good times picked up as they walked out of the movie. Not to say they weren't having a good time on the way, though. She had ended up providing the transportation, which didn't bother really bother her. Theo had been telling the truth when he offered to pay for gas, but she just told him to keep her money. It didn't really matter anyway. Her payday was coming up, so she wasn't too worried about that. Worst comes to worst, Alice always was open to lending her some money, as much as Victoria loathed asking. It wasn't that she hated borrowing money from her friends, she just hated borrowing money from Alice, especially considering what she usually spent it on.

Shaking her head lightly, she pushed those thoughts away. Right now, she was having a good time. The last thing she wanted was thoughts like that bumming her out. For a few moments there, Theo was sort of tuned out. Not because he was starting to bore her or anything, but her thoughts started to catch. When she caught onto his current sentence, she blinked. Offering to buy her a drink? Not that a beer didn't sound appealing, especially with the business with Pondsworth, but it seemed really sudden. Of course, that wouldn't stop her from taking up on his offer. "Yeah, yeah, I know a place." She said with a small smile.

The place she had in mind wasn't too far off, and easily within walking distance. "Yeah, okay, follow me." The walk was short, like she had imagined, and the whole time they were still talking and joking. The place she had in mind didn't card, but the fact she was a regular would help even if they did. With a quick nod to the bouncer, they were both inside. Like she had said, she was a regular. She took a seat in one of the padded booth's along, forgoing a seat at the bar. It occurred to her this whole thing might be a bad idea. After all, she knew how she was when she drank. Well, one or two drinks wouldn't matter. "Okay then. Here we are." She smiled at Theo nodding at the seat across from her. "Is this alright, or did you want to sit at the bar?"
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Post by Killer_Moth† »

Theo smiled back at Victoria as she led him into the club. Inside, he felt his stomach churning, and his heart leaping about wildly. But in order to get in, he had to maintain the image that he was exactly where he was supposed to be. Quite how he pulled it off, he never really knew. Maybe the combined calming effects of his drugs and Victoria's presence made him seem more comfortable in his own skin than normal, but maybe it was just the bouncer recognising Vic.

Either way, she led him to a booth away from the bar. It was quiet, like the place as a whole. He felt himself thinking more clearly just based on the excitement of being here. He'd never really been out in a place like this before. But, with everything that had happened, he was trying new things and enjoying every minute of the ride. Victoria seemed to have a real lust for life that was rubbing off on him. Just being around her, he wanted to see and do things that he'd always been too scared to do before, in case they set him off.

In the back of his head, a voice was screaming that this was all a bad idea, but he ignored it. He knew that it was a bad idea, that the last thing he should be doing was drinking with a girl like Victoria Logan, but that didn't seem important. What did matter was that he was having fun with somebody human, making a real connection.

"Oh no, here's perfectly fine. I don't want to attract too much attention. Let's face it, I really don't look old enough to be in here in the first place. Thanks for getting us in and all, though. You've been absolutely wonderful. Now, how about that drink? What can I get you?" Theo laughed as he realised what had just happened. "Hey, how about that? No stuttering!" He grinned from ear to ear.
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Post by Yvaine† »

"Wonderful, eh?" Victoria said with a wry grin. "I like that. What else ya got?" Leaning forward against the table, her elbows propped on the slightly sticky tabletop. She was having a real nice time, relaxing and joking like this. A nice time, and she was going to maybe get a decent buzz on. It was always nice to get a drink or two. Or, three, however it played out. Either way, she'd see Alice afterward, a tonight, well...Tonight would be the night, she was sure of it. It might take some of the magic away if she was a little drunk, but it would certainly make it easier to ante up the courage to ask her to go all the way. Until then, it was nice being in a stress free environment, with somebody she could laugh and joke with. Alcohol would only make things better.

When it came to him taking her drink order, she smiled straightening in the bench. "Vodka. Definitely vodka." Her preferred drink, no doubt. She'd drink anything, really, but she loved vodka. No real reason, nothing besides fondly remembered and often denied history. Hell, it was probably one of the contributing factors behind her reputation. Not the only, by any means, but it certainly didn't hurt.

"You sure you wanna pay for it? I mean, I know how the whole 'buying a drink' works and all, but are you sure I can't pay for this one at least?" Offering another grin, she finished. "I'm sure you'll get another chance to buy me a drink." With that, she pulled the wad of bills from her pocket once more and removed a two fives. Stuffing the rest back into her pocket, she shoved the fives across the table towards Theo.
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Post by Killer_Moth† »

I like that. What else ya got?

"Hey, are you just fishing for compliments now? Come on, you know you're gorgeous. And fun, and talented, and I'm gonna stop before I completely embarrass myself." Theo laughed at his comment. He meant every word, and somehow it didn't matter. This wasn't some massive declaration of love. It was just simple honesty. He really liked Victoria, honestly felt those things about her, and didn't care if she knew. After all, she wasn't going to use this info against him, not like some others.

He laughed at her drink order. "You just wanna have it straight, or shall I get some mixer in there as well. I'm not really a hardcore drinker. Stop, no, change that. I'm not really a drinker, period. Stop me if I'm getting too drunk. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen, after all."

He paused. Was he talking too much? Certainly the stutter seemed to have vanished, but he was still babbling a lot. He didn't think that he was normally like this when his pills kicked in. Then again, this was not a typical night for him. He watched as Victoria took out her cash and shoved two bills across the table at him.

"Hey, Vic. I really don't want you to pay for this round. I do have cash, you know. Anyway, I offered, so it's no big deal. If you really feel that strongly about it, then you can buy the next round. I'll be right back." Reaching into his inside jacket pocket, he pulled his wallet out and checked how much cash he was carrying. Certainly there was more than enough to get a few vodka's, plus any other expenses for the night. He always liked to have plenty of ready cash on him. It made sure that he would be prepared for anything.
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Post by Yvaine† »

Oh, this was proving to be more satisfying then she initially thought. It wasn't like she wasn't used to hearing guys sweet talking her. Hell, you may have even called it a weakness. Before Alice, she heard it plenty from guy's trying to get into her pants. It usually wouldn't hurt anyone's chances. But here, well, it was nice coming from someone who was sincere about it. Yeah, sure, he probably wouldn't mind going further then talk, but she didn't really feel like there was any actual lust behind it. Like she said, it was nice having a break from that sort of thing. Even with Alice, it was around. Sure, it was coming from her, but that's not the point. It was...refreshing, was her point. The fact he was buying the first round went far too.

"Well, if you insist. I got next round, though." Offering a wry grin, she pulled the money back towards her but left the bills on the table. She sure didn't feel like stuffing them in her pocket only to scrounge them out once Theo was done. Maybe Guinness, next round. If she stuck solely to vodka tonight, she probably wouldn't be awake long enough to go to bed with Alice. Not that she couldn't hold her alcohol or anything, but it had been awhile and she might be a bit out of touch, so to speak.

While Theo fetched the drinks, she waited in patient silence, content to relax in the rather comfortable booth. If she had a choice, a booth was always her first choice. Comfort and a measure of secrecy, if she ever needed it. 'Course, the place was dead at the moment. Not empty, but certainly not busy like she was sure it would be later in the night. Well, that served her just fine. Quicker drinks now anyway.

When he did return, she took her drink with a smile. "Why, thank you. Quite the gentleman, buying a lady a drink and all." After a quick chuckle, she raised the glass, offering a brief "Cheers," before raising the glass to her lips. It must have been longer then she had thought, because she barely stifled a cough as she down the drink. Despite that, she enjoyed the bitter beverage. With a mischievous grin, she set the glass on the table and looked to Theo. "So, what are your plans once I'm drunk?"
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Post by Killer_Moth† »

He quickly bought the vodkas, keeping his head down and his voice low to make himself look old enough in the dark bar to look old enough. Between having gotten past the bouncers and the bartender looking bored, he must not have been worth the hassle to challenge. He returned to the booth, seeing Victoria smiling up at him, and he instantly relaxed again.

Is this what I've been needing, more than the drugs? I'll have to talk to Dr Brock about this. After all, he can't tell the cops anything. I do love Doctor/Patient confidentiality. Unless... No, no unless, Theo. He's not out to hurt you. Nobody is just now. You're safe, you're calm. Enjoy the drink. . He gave Victoria her drink. As he watched her sip it, he copied. The drink was harsh and bitter on his tongue. His cheeks drew in, his eyes grew wide, and he had to contain himself from spitting it back into the glass. He swallowed hard, and breathed deeply to keep from coughing.

"Next time, remind me to get coke or something in here." He looked at her. Thankfully, she seemed to be having a similar reaction, but was better able to contain it. "Hey, you must have figured I'm a total lightweight."

So, what are your plans once I'm drunk?

"What? Erm, I, I d.. I wasn't trying to... I'd never..." He breathed deeply again. She was smiling at him, not accusing him of anything. Still, he wasn't used to anybody flirting with him. He tried to put on a big grin and hoped he didn't look to dorky "I mean, unless you really wanted me to. As long as Alice doesn't mind."
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Post by Yvaine† »

Vic chuckled at his initial reaction, his attempt to stammer out some form of negative. Again, that same descriptor as before came to mind. She noted it before, when he was stumbling through his words, or mixing them up altogether. Now, with that warm sense of comfort that accompanied a drink, she actually giggled. With a blink of surprise she quickly covered her mouth, but the worse seemed to have passed. At the moment, all she had to worry about was a rather large smile. It occurred to her she might not want to drink too much, for a number of valid and logical reasons, the need to drive later chief among them. Avoiding another giggle was just an added benefit.

"Relax." She said easily, placing a reassuring touch on his hand for a brief moment before withdrawing. Flashing a quick grin, she added "It might not look it, but Alice can pack a hell of a punch." Finishing with a wink, she felt things were going well. Geez, even the wink felt like it went off well. Most times people winked it just looked stupid. Not that Theo would ever say so, of course.

"Hey, I'm going back up for another drink. I take it you'll want that coke this time?" As she said it, she slid out of the seat, grabbing her money. She flashed another warm smile, the kind she knew put people at ease. Even after the time they were having, he still seemed a little jumpy. Not as much as he was at the mall, yeah, but still. It might have been egotistical, but he almost assumed that it was here putting him on edge. Then again, it could also have been a minor drinking in a bar. Either one, really.
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Post by Killer_Moth† »

She laughed at him. How DARE she?! What did she think she was? He wasn't some sort of pathetic nobody whose problems were there to be laughed at. He was- He was overreacting. She hadn't meant anything bad by it. She'd even tried to cover her reaction. She was not out to hurt him.

Somehow, despite his attempts to rationalise it, he wasn't quite comfortable with it. True, she didn't know the full story of his problems, or if she did, she wasn't letting on. And maybe it was just nothing more than joking between the pair of them, but somehow, that particular laugh seemed crueller than the others. Before, she'd always been laughing with him. This was different. He had thought she was different.

"Yeah, a coke would be nice." As she walked over to the bar, he went through his mental routine again. It was beginning to slip away from him, and he wanted to maintain himself. He couldn't go and attack her just because she'd giggled. There was much more to her than that slight cruel side. It was just a natural reaction, one he'd seen before when he got flustered like that.

Maybe it would be better if he stopped trying to fight the pills, let them relax him and just go with the flow. No more alcohol, that was a given. The vodka had been a mistake, he was certain. He'd wanted to impress her, but that had clearly failed. Still, she wanted him to relax. Maybe she wasn't used to people like him.

Nah, she had to be. A girl like that could fluster anybody. And her last remark had clearly been intended to – no, it was casual flirting, like on TV. But there was nothing more to it. She had a girlfriend already. He really wasn't suited for a romantic relationship. He liked girls, but figured that most girls wouldn't want to date the crazy guy. Plus, he was scared to let them get too close, in case they saw just how bad he could be at times.

When Vic returned with the drinks, he barely looked at her, just nodded briefly to acknowledge what she had done.
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Post by Yvaine† »

Did she do something wrong? It seemed like she pissed him off, but the reason escaped her. It wasn't intentional, whatever it was. Yeah, he hadn't outright said anything, but it didn't take a genius to realize something was wrong. His whole damn demeanor changed. Sure, he wasn't exactly Mr. Extrovert before, but now... Well, it made her start think to about what she'd said. Maybe it was something small, something she wouldn't even realize unless he pointed it out. Like when she met Alice, she'd made some off-hand comment about her parents, no way could she remember what, but it had a similar result.

"Well...I guess I'll grab that drink then." She said, feeling a touch awkward as she climbed out of her seat. As she walked over to the bar, she tried to gather the meager knowledge she had about Theo. Aside from his whole conspiracy-nut thing, she had nothing. Maybe some less the flattering rumors, but hell, he didn't have anything on her.

"Hey Rich." She called once she got close, nodding to the the bartender. He responded with a silent nod of his own, same as always. "My usual and a coke, please." While he worked on the drinks, she looked back over to the table and Theo, leaning against the bar while she watched. What did she say? Maybe the comment about Alice? She really had no idea. A faint tap on the shoulder and she looked back to see Rich with the two drinks. Passing the ten across the counter, she took the drinks and made her way back to the table.

Once she reached the table, she hovered there for a minute. After a moments deliberation, she slid into the seat next to him. She slid the drink across the table to Theo, offering a tense smile. Ever since since she asked him about his drink, everything seemed so weird, like she was missing something so obvious. She hesitated with her drink, her lips resting on the rim. After a minute, she finally set the glass back down on the table with a little more force then she intended, causing a bit to splash out. "Did I do something wrong?" She asked, a hint of her frustration leaking into her voice. It wasn't like she insulted him, and she was getting the silent treatment? How was that right?
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Post by Killer_Moth† »

He had to tell her the truth. His mind was raging back and forth, she was the one who had laughed at him, and now she was the one acting like he was the one being an asshole.

That was a point, was he? She really hadn't intended to laugh. And he'd pretty much- no, not him. The pills were shutting her out. The problem was shutting her out. It was only right that she know.

"Look, it's not you. It's me" Damn, that sounded cliché. "There's these pills I'm on. They – keep me together, but they... It's important to me that you know this. I'm not dangerous. I just... I'm paranoid. Clinically."

There. He'd said it. He didn't want to look at her face, to see her shock, her disgust, or worst of all, her pity. "The pills keep me stable, but they make me less- you know. I hate springing all this on you tonight. I just didn't want you to find out another way. I'm sorry if I ruined you night. I should go."
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Post by Yvaine† »

Vic blinked, waiting from him to continue. That wasn't it, was it? Geez, the way he said it, he expected her to bolt from the bar in terror. She was careful to stifle any chuckle that might have made itself know, as harmless as it would be. Paranoid, all right. The way he built it up, she was expecting him to say he was some schizo bi polar? Was that an expression? She guessed it didn't really matter. What did was calming him down. It was obvious this was something he wouldn't have shared if he could help it.

Reaching out, slowly, like any sudden movement would set him off, she touched his arm. Unless it concerned an intimate interaction, she wasn't an expert on physical contact. Having a girlfriend like Alice meant she wouldn't be finding out anytime soon, either. Any practice was good, right, so it might be better to learn on the fly. She offered a smile that was meant to come off as warm, but to her felt sheepish.

"Hey, it's not like we don't have things we want to keep to ourselves, right? The things we're kind of embarrassed about. Unless you slept with half the guys in the school, I think I got you beat. My point is, you really don't have to worry about it. Not we me, anyway. I'm really not the person to judge someone."

Her hand fell away, to settle on her lap. Glancing to the table, she retrieved her vodka, downing the small glass in one gulp. She noted with some satisfaction that the barely restrained cough wasn't present this time, that she was starting to get into the comfortable groove she always did when she went drinking. Which was really a shame because she could have one more drink, tops, before she started to actually get a buzz. If she was going to be driving anywhere, she had to restrain herself. Oh, maybe Theo could drive! That was, of course, assuming she pulled him out of his slump first.
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Post by Killer_Moth† »

((Sorry the last post was short. It's just weird. Depressed Theo doesn't want me to write more about him))

"Thanks, Vic. I really didn't mean to dump all this on you." Theo felt better now that she knew, and that she seemed to accept. Quite how she equated his medical problem with her decisions that led to her track record he didn't know. When she touched his arm, he wanted to pull away, to run, to do anything except let her get close to him. But at the same time, all that he wanted was for that contact to continue.

She didn't understand. She thought it was something he was ashamed of. To some extent perhaps that was true. More, though, it was something that he was afraid of. That he wasn't sure what was real, and what was his own fried neuroses, terrified him more often than he cared to admit.

How was she taking it? She wasn't scared, wasn't trying to run, and wasn't letting him go either. She just stayed, and continued drinking. Okay, that was cool. There was acceptance. He didn't think he'd ever seen that before. And her comment, Unless you slept with half the guys in the school, I think I got you beat. He smiled at that one. The idea that he'd slept with anyone, never mind that many, just amused him.

"Thanks. I'm sorry if I'm a bit moody. It does help to be able to talk about it. And I doubt it's half the guys. You really don't seem the type. You're clearly devoted to Alice. You just don't seem the type to fool around on somebody like that." He smiled over at her, trying to show that he was feeling better. Truthfully, he was still sore about the laugh, but knew better than to let her see, Plus, he wanted to like Vic. Maybe she was just pretending to like him, but for now. He was willing to pretend.
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Post by Yvaine† »

((It's my turn to apologize this time. Sorry about the longer then usual lull between posts, but I was out of town and I forgot to post in the away thread.))

At least he seemed better now. Not the withdrawn Theo of a few moments before. Of course, she realized it was her fault, at least a little. Sure, she didn't know what she had said or done. All the same, she was glad he wasn't acting all mopey. Was this something he'd been worrying about all night? That she'd run out on him, freaking out about whatever it was he thought she'd freak out about. Well, crisis averted. Now they could o back to drinking and joking. Emphasis on drinking. If he was this relieved that she didn't care one way or another about his problem, there should be no problem in getting him to drive over to Alice's place. But how would he get home? Well, shit. That meant she had to cut down on the drinks.

In the mean time, she could quietly explain how she gained that reputation, or, and this was preferable, avoid the subject altogether. Not that she suspected he'd say anything poor about her. Not that he didn't have the capacity in him, she was sure. It was a feeling, really, not sold fact, but it was the idea that if she did see fit to enlighten him about her sordid past, it wouldn't change much.

With a wry grin, she held up her hand and began to list a series of names, ticking off a finger as she did. "Jennifer Romita, Asher Kerrington, Ross Baker, Vincent Barrows, Edward Belmont, Dustin Royal, and more one night stands then I'd care to talk about." She shrugged, lowering her hand and leaning against the table. "Not all men, and not exactly recent, sure, but you get the idea." Some of the most recent before she started to see Alice. Those were the few from this school year, before she started to see Alice. No way was she going to go into detail on the ones before them. While she wasn't going to mess anything up with Alice, especially after eleven months, her record for loyalty wasn't exactly spotless. More often then not, it would have ended the same away, but Alice didn't need to know any of that. Hell, she considered her self extremely lucky she didn't care much about her track record in the first place. "Let's talk about something else, yeah? Anything of your choosing, except that."
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Five? That was her big dark past? Four boys, one girl. The girl was hardly a surprise, considering her current relationship. Still, she seemed uneasy about it all. Theo wished he had a track record like that. He'd liked to have slept with even one girl. Still, down that road led further depression. Not something that he wanted to talk about.

Still, she left the topic of conversation up to him. As long as it wasn't her past. Which was fine. So what if she'd done some things she wasn't proud of. He wasn't exactly happy about a lot of his past. Sure, there were bits that he could blame on his problems, but he tried to avoid that. He didn't want to be defined by his illness, and as such, tried to take responsibility as much as he could. Certainly that afternoon, he could have avoided the whole scene with Monty. Then again, at the time... There was always the danger with hindsight. Still, he really didn't want to get back to Monty again.

He considered briefly discussing school events. Prom was coming up, but he doubted he would go. He didn't think that they shared any classes, and future plans were something that he really didn't want to think about if he could avoid it. He doubted she'd be interested in debating the finer points of the South's position during the civil war, and his treatise on why Australia was a fictitious continent, dreamed up to cover Britain selling many of their convicts into White Slavery, was usually met with derision. He had plenty of circumstantial evidence, but nobody was prepared to listen to it. That left one option that he thought they could get something going with.

"Do you watch that Survival of the Fittest thing? I reckon that it's not the drama series the Government's trying to make it out to be."
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