G069 - Gabriella, Clio[/DECEASED]

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G069 - Gabriella, Clio[/DECEASED]


Post by Namira »


Name: Clio Gabriella
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Archery, Sewing, Music (performing), Biking, Shooting

Appearance: Clio is extremely beautiful, standing at 5'6'' and 128 pounds, bearing long black hair that reaches down a little past her shoulders, with a few purple streaks running through it. She wears a pink lanyard around her neck with a key on the end, with the words, 'To My Heart' inscribed on it. She has heterochromia iridis, meaning one of her eyes is a different colour than the other. While one is green, the other is hazel, thought this is not noticeable at first glance. Her lips are a normal size, but a darker red than most peoples.

She is almost flat chested, and very thin, with a smooth chest with the faint outline of muscles due to her frequent exercise, and smooth legs which are waxed regularly. She wears self-designed clothes, generally consisting of knee-high colourful skirts and skintight shirts with a logo she designed herself existing somewhere on the shirt.

Biography: Clio was born in Verona, Italy, to Francis and Illona Gabriella. She had a relatively normal infancy, but that changed when her parents were gunned down inside their home right in front of her when she was 5 years old. According to police reports, her parents had snitched on a local branch of the mafia, and the first order once they were released was to end their lives. Clio was soon after released into foster care, and her new parents, Maria and Angelo Costello, had already arranged for her to move to America. Specifically, St. Paul, Minnesota.

After settling in, her parents immediately sent her to counseling to deal with her parents death. After many years, she was finally ready to deal with the loss head on without psychiatric help, and at the age of 9, she made decided to never become a victim to anyone or anything. Throughout her childhood, she talked her foster parents into letting her take self defense classes, to make sure that she was always ready if she was attacked or in danger. Her parents amused her, and gave her the beginning basics of self-defense, although they point-blank refused for her to have any gun training, as she was far too young. She would continue this class at an ascending level until the end of secondary-school.

Her school life had nothing significant happen to her, as she was simply a normal student, getting average grades with the odd 'A' every now and again. She did however become interested in a subject that no-one else enjoyed: Genealogy and Genetics. While she could never quite understand the science behind Genetics, she had an avid interest for the history of her traits and the parts her ancestors played to make the world what it was. It was also during her childhood that she discovered a fluency at playing piano. She practiced and played for 3 years, up until she was 12 years old, until an audition for a special camp for the gifted changed her course of life again.

As it was a very prestigious and competitive camp, one of the other pianists at the age of 8 years old had been pushed almost until breaking point by her parents, was so disillusioned by the whole auditioning process, that she was under the impression that she could only win if she eliminated the competition, starting with Clio. The girl broke Clio's hands with the piano lid while practicing in order to stop her from auditioning. Although the girl was charged and banned from the auditions, Clio was crushed, as the lid had hit a fragile nerve ending, rendering her unable to play the piano ever again.

For the next 5 years, Clio became recluse, not speaking to anyone. While school stayed normal, as well as her class in self-defense, her parents finally allowing her to pick up shooting, puberty passed her by, and she did not notice the amount of boys who were attracted to her. Her parents had tried to speak to her, but she ignored them, refusing to listen to any advice anyone gave her, trying to become almost completely self-reliant. That was, until she met a boy when she was 16. His name was Nathaniel, and she met him on an internet chat-room. She became quickly attracted to him, because of the way he talked. He was able to make her feel special, something that her foster parents could never do exactly right. Over the next few months, Clio and Nathaniel traded stories of their lives, and she grew even more in love with him. However, he went missing from the chat-room for a few months, and Clio grew worried. With eventual consent from her parents, she visited his house, which she found was in a neighboring town. She arrived at his house, only to see him from her car coming home with a girl about her age: his girlfriend.

Something inside Clio almost snapped, and she became unstable. While she initially only confronted him, she attacked him after a comment from his girlfriend regarding her figure provoked her. She broke his hand and causing wounds that required a large number of stitches. She was charged and almost jailed, when Nathaniel withdrew the charges. He had realized how he had made her feel, felt responsible, and apologized to Clio for leading her on: what Clio saw as affection was simply Nathaniel's writing style, as he wrote the way he wrote to her about everyone and everything. Her parents were furious with her, and as well as taking her out of her shooting lessons, they forced her to open up to them about everything from that point on.

While Clio was initially reluctant, she decided it was best that she become more of an outgoing person. She joined numerous clubs around the school including archery, biking, writers corner, and several other clubs that were popular. In regards to her social life, she regretted the assumptions she made with Nathaniel. She felt that she could have handled it better, and that she should be meeting people in person rather than long-distance, which contained more risks. She knew that school was a great place to do this. She decided never to become a product of popular culture, and started to design and make her own clothes and bags, which her parents approved of.

Around this time, she also found out that there were other boys that liked her, and not just for her personality. According to one of her first boyfriends, she was one of the most beautiful in the school, and soon became notorious for having a large amount of boyfriends over the next few years. Most of her relationships did not last past one day. Clio started reconsidering her lifestyle when she found her name on one of the bathroom cubicle walls, surrounded by many different slurs. She decided that she should stop having so many partners, and made the bold move of joining GODSpeed. This Christian group helped her redeem herself, and she vowed to become faithful to only one partner.

Advantages: Clio is experienced at shooting and aiming, though she has not had lessons in a while, and is a very fast runner. She is generally outgoing and likable, and although she is reluctant to, can use her looks to manipulate people to her advantage.
Disadvantages: While she may be good with weapons, her hands are weak, and thus she is not very quick to use a weapon, and would be very hindering in hand-to-hand combat. Also, being as 'popular' as she used to be, Clio has made many many enemies at school, of both male and female (mostly boyfriends who were dumped quickly, or girls whose boyfriends she took). While she believes that her self-defense training allows her to protect herself, she does not have the proper knowledge to apply this practically, especially the game.

Designated Number: Female student no. 68


Designated Weapon: Walther PPK (9mm) [7x clips (7 round capacity)]
Conclusion: You know, so long as those old injuries don't come back to haunt her, I can see G069 being a serious force in the game. She's got the weapon, the skills and the looks to mount a serious challenge! I've got my eye on you Miss Gabriella, I hope you won't disappoint.

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