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Post by Yvaine† »

Well, he took as well as expected. Like she said, disgust and revulsion wasn't really high on that list, but you never knew. And that was it. It wouldn't be brought up again. No that he asked in the first place, but it was done. She knew her reputation as loose and easy, or, if you prefer, easy and loose, and it was just a matter of time before he asked. Probably. Well, he didn't press for details, just nodded and moved on, which she thought was best. It occurred that she was making a big deal out of something he probably didn't care about in the first place, and she realized she was the one that brought it up in the first place, not him. Well, with that out of the way, she could focus on what he was saying then.

Okay, changing the subject then. Survival of the Fittest? Yeah, she was familiar with the program. Didn't watch it with the fervor Alice's friend Bounce did, but she knew what he meant, even watched it if nothing else was on. She canted her head to the side, a mischievous smile playing across her lips. "Here we were, having a good time, and you bring up mass murder. Is that some kind of warning?"

Her smile fell away, and she shrugged. She understood what he was saying, about the authenticity of the show. She felt the same way, though probably not as strongly as he did. The whole thing had a sort of, eh, off quality to it. Like, you watched it and kind of though there was something else going on you didn't quite get. In her opinion? Yeah, it was more then some Friday night TV show. What it was really, though, well, that was beyond her. Truth be told, it made her feel uncomfortable even thinking about it. It was like driving past a car crash, somewhat. People might be dead or dying, and you can't look away. She rubbed her arm anxiously, making eye contact for a moment before looking away. "Yeah, I've watched it with Alice once or twice. I know what you mean, though. About something going on behind the scenes, I mean.
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Post by Killer_Moth† »

"Mass murder?! No, it's nothing like that. I'm not like that. The pills, they're supposed to stop things like that from happening." Great, now he'd gone and terrified her. Wait, he was over-reacting again. She was smiling at him. He really had to learn to read people better. Of course, now he'd gone and revealed that he had the potential to- he didn't like to think about it. He'd read enough to know that he fit serial killer profiles left right and centre. It scared him more than he admitted.

Still, she was receptive to his ideas. "Alright, so if we assume that the thing is real, what do we then see? That a terrorist group is kidnapping high school children, and forcing them to kill each other for the entertainment of others. This is not something that can be done easily. There would have to be a massive support network in place to set it all up." He rubbed the back of his head. He knew that he couldn't be drunk, but was finding it harder to get his thoughts in focus. The pills must be winning after all.

"There's also that we can't seem to find them, anywhere. They're broadcasting a massive amount of video that should be traceable. The devestation we've seen on some of these islands should easily be picked up by orbital spy satellites." He had other evidence that he could recite. Why couldn't he remember what it was?

He looked at Vic, to see if she was following him. She looked a bit uncomfortable with the topic as a whole. Understandable. Theo couldn't stomach watching any of the death scenes himself. He just read about the highlights after on one of the many forums that had cropped up about the programme.

"Sorry, if you don't like this. If you wanna talk about something else, then that's totally cool. I mean, who really wants to hear what their government is actually up to, eh?"
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Post by Yvaine† »

So she hit a nerve, then. Unintentionally, mind you. That freaked him out though, the serial killer thing. That should worry her, probably. If that kind of thing, you know, being bothered by a little remark...Okay, she didn't actually care, but you know. It could be considered worrisome. It wasn't like she had just met him or something. But whatever, right? She didn't actually take any stock in him doing something.

Survival of the Fittest wasn't exactly a better change of subject. It was still an uncomfortable subject. Everything he said made perfect sense. The government cover up, all that. She never thought beyond the surface herself, the kids killing each other thing. Probably couldn't stomach thinking further then that. The few time they actually did watch, it was at her girlfriends behest, as strange as that sounds. It had certainly surprised her at the time. On the subject of honesty, she had spent half the time it was on cringing on the sofa. The very prospect, 'The Most Dangerous Game' on a school wide scared the hell out of her.

"Yeah, yeah, I know what you mean. I think the only conspiracy I actually know of is the Grassy Knoll, but yeah, I know what you mean. Of course, it could also just be a very morbid TV show."

She rubbed her arm, glancing to the table and her empty glass. She briefly considered grabbing another, but she eventually decided against it. Even if she could get Theo to drive her over to Alice's place, she just really didn't want to drink any more. Maybe it was just the current subject, but her desire to drink, as ever present as it usually seemed, was gone. A clear head, that was what she wanted.

"Right, I can dig that. Did I just say 'dig that'? Geez." She grinned weakly, shaking her head. "Right on, I can agree with a change of subject. I think I'm giving it you again, but I just hope you can go with something that doesn't freak me out this time." Her grin widened enough to take any possible venom in her words away. Not that she had interned anything, but after her previous slip, she wasn't taking a chance again.
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Post by Killer_Moth† »

" At least I'm not stuck in the seventies, but as for new topics, Erm, I'm not really sure." Theo looked embarrassed. His head was feeling cloudy, and he was beginning to feel uneasy about the way things were going. He hadn't been able to catch a break with Vic ever since the laugh. Everything they said seemed to have a negative reaction.

"I think I'm just gonna head off. But look, this has been great, really. I'd love to get together with you again sometime, but tonight, I reckon we'd best quit while we're ahead" Damn, that didn't sound good at all, but the last thing he wanted to come out and say was 'it's not you, it's me'.

The truth was he liked Vic, but somehow, everything was going wrong. The alcohol had been a mistake. He didn't know how it would react with his pills, but at the time, it had seemed like a good idea. He thought back on how many other things must have seemed like a good idea at the time. Waterloo, Little Big Horn, confronting Pondsworth. Shit, he'd never been good at decisions.

"It's about time for me to get a bus anyway. Can I walk you anywhere? Your car, the bus stop?" He half wanted to joke about a dark alley, but thought that she would totally balk at that, think him a psycho rapist and never talk to hi m again. That was the last thing he wanted.

"I'm really sorry about all of this. It's just not been a good day for me in all. You've been a real highlight." Part of him didn't want to stop being there with her, just enjoying having someone there who didn't care about his problems. But sooner or later, something would happen, and it would all go wrong. It always did.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Killer_Moth. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Yvaine† »

Yeah, this wasn't going very well. Not well at all. Everything she said that was meant as a joke always returned a panicked response from her companion. Either she was going to have stop making jokes, or he'd have to start realizing that's all they were, a playful comment and nothing more. She didn't think he was a serial killer, just like she wasn't laughing at him. If he hadn't been so much fun earlier in the night, she might have been pissed off. Not to say she wasn't, at least, a little. It was like he took the worst out of everything she said. It wouldn't be a stretch to call him paranoid. Probably thought she was going to pull some Carrie shit on him, like she was playing some big joke on him the whole evening. Okay, she wasn't going to lie. If she had a choice earlier in the evening, Alice or Vincent would be sitting next to her. He kind grew on her, though. At it's peak, she was having a wonderful time, before he started getting paranoid and nervous.

When he decided to pull the plug on everything, she was hard pressed to stop him. The way things were going, it was only a matter of time before someone did something to freak out the other. "Okay, I guess that works." She said, sliding out of her seat. Standing next to the table, she straightened her short, pausing to check her phone for any message or missed call. She would have heard, she knew, but it was more of a wait-for-Theo-to-get-up tactic then anything. It was probably for the best, really. Not only would it prevent some faux-paus, but she really wanted to see Alice.

"No, man, I can make it. Two drinks is easy. Or was it three? Whatever, I'm fine. It takes a hell of a lot more then that to put me under." When he started apologizing, she knew she was right. If she didn't like him, it would get really old. With a wry grin, she extend a hand to help him from his seat. "You need to relax, Theo. Don't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. But, yeah, I'd like getting together again, this was really fun. I'll give you a call when I'm free, alright? I mean, between work, Alice, and school...but I'll get you later, man."

She waited until he was up before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I've gotta go, but I'll talk to you again, right?" With a quick wave to him, and to the bartender, she was out the door. It didn't occur to her until then that kissing him might make him freak more then anything else she did, but he could handle it. Yeah, two or three drinks was fine. It would take at least six to start affecting her driving. Yeah, six sounded right. Well, it wasn't far to the apartment complex where Alice lived. A quick pause to send her girlfriend a text to hurry up her little game, and she was gone. Seat belt and all that, just to be safe, but she would be fine. Especially if the night ahead was anything like she planned it. If it was, there was no way she was dying now.

((Victoria Logan Continued in That Special Someone...))
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the former handler Yvaine.
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Post by Killer_Moth† »

As Vic got up and walked out, Theo hit himself in the forehead with his palm. How had he been so stupid? On one level, he knew that nothing that she had said had been intended against him. And yet, why couldn't he shake this feeling? That she knew all along, and was just stringing him along for some reason. It made no sense, but he couldn't get himself to stop thinking about it. He'd have to talk to Doctor Brock.

I'll give you a call when I'm free, alright? I mean, between work, Alice, and school...but I'll get you later, man.

There, the 'I'll call when I'm free, but I'm pretty busy' speech. She wasn't going to call. He knew she wasn't. He wanted her to call sometime, but it just wasn't going to happen. Apart from anything else, he didn't think she had his number. Still, it was better that her saying something along the lines of 'it's not you, it's me.' And then she had kissed him, just one, gently on the cheek.

This had never happened to him before. Admittedly, Vic was probably his first real friend. He blushed deeply as she waved at him, his hand going to his cheek to try and capture the sensation. Just as soon as it happened, she waved and was gone, smiling back at him.

What had it been about? He wondered as he walked out of the bar, ignoring the strange look he received from the bouncer. He doubted that there had been any romantic intent, but then why had she been so keen to point out that she'd already been with a lot of people? Why point out that she wasn't just a lesbian? Still, he wasn't going to get his hopes up. At least, that was what he told himself.

As he walked towards the bus stop, he found himself wondering what if he'd been better able to carry a conversation. What would have happened then.

((Theo Behr Cont'd in Survival of the Attentive))
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Killer_Moth. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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