Give a Finger ...

The start of a good team?

A natural semi-volcanic opening on the island, it is roped and fenced off extremely well. However that hasn't stopped the odd tourist from sneaking away from the group and climbing the fence before. Glancing into the maw of this geological wonder, one would only see a massive, nearly bottomless pit about 30 feet in diameter, with a soft red glow being the only think marking the bottom. Some scientists have theorized that the intense heat that this location creates, combined with north-easterly winds may be the reason for the Rain Forest coming to be in the first place. The lip of the Hotspot is typically around 140 degrees on a cool day.
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Give a Finger ...


Post by decoy73 »

((David Myerez continued from Magical Girl Bunny Warrior Sidney-Chan))

David was walking now. Not only because there was no one around, so he could relax, or because he had run quite a ways, but because it was hot. Not just like it was when he exited the cruise liner, or even "summer in Bryan" hot. It was burning up. He wiped the sweat off his brow as he approached the spot where what seemed to be lines of pure heat seemed to be emanating.


David looked down to note the lava. As in volcano juice lava. No wonder it was so hot here. He stepped back, partially because of the heat, and particularly because if he lost his footing and fell forward, he'd be cooked faster than he could say "bad step."

He looked around. Nobody yet. Hopefully Josh and Sidney would come soon ...
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Post by Nami* »

((Chelsea Roberts arrived from This is Bad and Other Redundant Statements))

It was hot.

It was a stupid thing to bother thinking. Of course it was hot, her body was making all kinds of signals that it was hot, mostly in the form of sweat, lots of sweat. Her green bandanna was already darkened with it, but at least it was keeping sweat from dribbling into her eyes.

Still, there was so much it was starting to worry her. Chelsea had a limited amount of water and each drop of sweat was just another drop she'd have to replace with her already diminishing supply. There were ways of getting more water, but the only one that seemed reasonable still needed some sort of metal container, a fire - she was pretty sure she could make one without setting anything important on fire - and impure water. She hadn't seen much of the last - a stray pond here and there, but not much more.

Chelsea hadn't seen much of anything. The landscape had been an almost monotonous expanse of grassland for what she'd thought were hours before the edge of a forest, a rain forest according to the map, had come into view. She hadn't gone much closer, the place was one of unknowns and she had enough of those already. She had decided to walk parallel to it, doing so gave her a rough idea of where she was, and if she kept walking due south eventually she'd run into something. Or someone.

She had banished that thought, just as she'd banished all the others like it. She had forced herself to recall survival books she'd read on whims, of how too start fires and find fish and a host of other things, but it was hard to remember. She had read those years ago, and the details smudged and blurred in her memory. She had remembered about the water, and she focused on it, teasing out every little detail, thinking through ways of making it happen.

She stretched that line of thought as far as it could go, and when if finally petered out she tried to think of something else, to try and find figures in the clouds or count her steps or something, but her mind kept wandering to a topic over and over.

What the hell was she going to do when she met someone?

She hadn't so far, she hadn't even caught a glimpse of another ... contestant? Victim? What was the right word? Did it matter? For half a second she hoped that this linguistic puzzle might prove a distraction, but no, already she found herself back on that topic.

Running seemed like a good plan, running, hiding, staying away from everyone. Except she had watched SoFT-TV, that strategy never worked. The people who'd won SoFT were the people who kil- but she had a team now. There were people out there who had to help her, or at least had no reason to want her dead, and that was important. She had to keep thinking about that, keep reminding herself of that, but as the hours dragged by it became increasingly more difficult to do so. Chelsea was so used to letting her mind wander, meandering from topic to topic. Trying to keep it on just one was something new and was starting to give her a headache.

So she was almost happy when the edge of the rain forest started to curve into her path, preventing her from going due south without walking into it. After trudging for so long in the baking sun the unknowns of the place seemed far less important next to the fact that it offered shade.

Somehow she convinced herself that it wasn't a bad idea. She was just passing through it for a short amount of time, she'd march directly through until she hit the beach, the producers didn't want anyone killed by wild animals when there were perfectly good, heavily armed, teenagers around to do the job. The excuses were easy to think up, even if they weren't always comforting, and so she marched into the forest.

It was easy at first, with her compass out to always tell her which direction to head, she was able to keep from getting lost - not that she'd ever been found in the first place. But slowly, deceptively so, it became more difficult. Even as the canopy thickened and blocked out more of the sunlight, the undergrowth seemed to become denser, vines starting to criss-cross between trees and ferns becoming so numerous that she couldn't help but crush some with each step. Her way became blocked more and more often, as if the place took some malicious glee in thwarting her.

Plants began to snatch at her legs, some leaving prickly seeds on the hems of her jeans so that they jabbed her ankle from time to time. Tree roots caught her feet, their shape seeming designed to try and trip her up. Twice, inexplicably low lying branches hit her in the face. And, as if that wasn't enough, it was actually getting hotter. It had started out hot and humid, but after the heavy sunlight it seemed better, but whatever relief the shade cast by the trees had given was being offset by the increasing temperature, an increase she couldn't explain in the slightest. At least until she remembered the large red circle that had been on the map, the one labeled 'Hot Spot'. That must be where she was now. Hopefully she would-

The clearing appeared without warning, one moment she was fighting her way through trees and the next she'd burst out into bright daylight and a fresh blast of heat. She could only stand for several moments, blinking stupidly as her eyes adjusted to the new light- when they finally did she registered two things. The first, that the Hot Spot was even more aptly named then she had thought, and the second that she had finally run into another... contestant.

Her entire body went rigid for a second, her hand clenched tight around the handle of her bat. A thousand thoughts ran through her head, most of them idiotic, all of them at least half insane. But instead of acting on any of them she just stood, frozen, because her eyes had seen the loop of fabric that had swung around as the boy had surveyed the area.


Was she really that lucky? The first person she had met was on her team? ... Did it matter?

There was no time for paranoia, there was no time to imagine up things that weren't there. There was no reason this could be a trick, there was no way that he could have known she would show up, would have had time to or even wanted to set up some sort of trap. Not that he needed to considering he had a fucking sword.

She forced herself to speak, "I- you are on the green team?" Stumbling, quavering almost, a terrible first impression that made her seem weak. But at least she'd gotten herself to make one.
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Post by KamiKaze »

((Sidney Rice continued from Magical Bunny Girl Warrior Sidney-Chan))

It had been a while after getting out of that hell hole. Sidney was kind of glad about that. Not only had they gotten away from Mr. Pink Bandanna, but her balance had been screwed up after dealing with being on a ship for a while. Sure, she had to catch a breather after getting the hell out, but for the most part things had been quiet.

Hot, though. Sidney was used to hot weather. She lived in Texas, after all, and although the weather could get quite bipolar over there, in the summer it could get very hot.

But it still was extremely warm, though. In a way, Sidney was glad she'd stripped down to wear this outfit. Sure, she'd just been fooling around and she knew they only gave her that outfit to gawk at her body. But, if she'd still been wearing that sweater, then she'd be roasting even more than she already was.

It was nice of them to send them out on a deserted island, actually. She had seen a beach on their way over, and currently they were in some kind of rainforest. Where were they, anyways? Tropical, that was for certain.

But, she finally caught up with David.

As she approached, it only seemed to get hotter. What the shit? What was going on? What-

Oh, that explained it.

Sidney stared down with David after placing her things down, seeing a hot stream of lava directly below them. How stereotypical of a tropical island. So they had a cruise ship, a beach, a rainforest, and apparently a volcano? Well.

It was probably a good idea to stay back, and go this far at the most. Or else they'd catch on fire like Anakin in that Star Wars movie and then someone like Obi-Wan would steal their weapons, scream how they were like a brother to them, and-

... Why was she thinking about the shitty Star Wars prequels, again?

As she continued staring, she couldn't help but make a crack.

"Hey David. You think someone's gonna sacrifice virgins to their gods now that there's a volcano?" she joked, her trademark smile once again on her face.

Okay, it was a lame crack, and someone might get ideas to shove her in there after saying that. But it wasn't everyday you saw a volcano.

Sidney turned to look at David, only to see another girl approaching him. After a bit of stammer, the girl only asked one thing; was he on the green team?

Actually, yeah, he was. Apparently this girl was, too.

Wasn't Green Team the one who apparently had a crappy mentor or whatever? What was this mentor deal, anyway? Apparently all but the Green Team people had good mentors, judging by the comments, and they'd give them advice or whatever. God, she couldn't wait to see just how bad said mentor was, just so she could laugh. She probably had a good mentor, and not... like whatever the Green Team person was. It was probably going to be hilariously bad, based on the comments.

"Well Dave. Looks like you found yourself a girlfriend", Sidney said.

The only thing was, though... would she attack them? Probably not David, but her? Oh look out, crazy rabbit on the loose! She might stab you with a carrot or something! Run run run! But yeah, she might try to kill her specifically.

She seemed nervous enough, though, so it seemed safe. But she'd already had a run in with "nervous", a.k.a. Pink-Bandanna Guy shooting across the halls like it was nobody's problem. What was that guy's problem, anyways? Damn near gave her a heart attack.

The girl wasn't from their school, though, so probably the same one as Crazy Asshole. Something to keep in mind...
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Post by decoy73 »

"I- you are on the green team?"

David looked at the new girl - she wasn't big in any sense, but the bat she had did seem harmful ... if it weren't for one important fact: the bandana on her head was the same color as the one that had been in his bag and was currently tied to his belt loop.

Hopefully she won't be swinging at me. David looked down at the sword in his right hand as Sidney spoke up.

"Well Dave. Looks like you found yourself a girlfriend."

David raised his eyebrow and glanced at Sidney. "Yeah, laugh it up." He then turned to the other girl. He had only one real choice in the matter:

"Yeah. I am. Seen anyone else who isn't shooting on sight?"
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Post by Nami* »

Chelsea's grip on her bat tightened even further when another person appeared. It was a girl and, like the boy, Chelsea didn't recognize her. She was pretty sure they weren't from Detroit - even though she was terrible with names Chelsea had a gift for remembering faces, and neither of them were familiar in the slightest.

Also, none of the girls at Detroit wore Bunny Suits.

Chelsea blinked her eyes a couple times before looking again. Maybe she'd seen it wrong, but no, the girl was wearing a bunny suit. One of the play boy variety.

Even more questions were added to the mountain she already had. Starting with why, but now was not the time. The... Bunny Girl seemed to know her teammate, and she wasn't attacking him. Good enough for now.

It was also not the time to reply to the girl's weak attempts at humor, so Chelsea merely rolled her eyes at her suggestion and looked back at her teammate - Dave, according to the Bunny Girl.

"Yeah. I am. Seen anyone else who isn't shooting on sight?"

Shooting? People were shooting already? That was bad, very, very, very bad. As if this whole situation didn't suck enough, kids were already coming unhinged and all she had was a-

Calm down, she had to calm down and answer him, not let her mind run off in different directions like she normally did.

"No." She said before realizing how that sounded. She raked her free hand through her hair and tried to keep the irritation with herself out of her voice, "I mean, I haven't seen anyone, shooting or otherwise. Just you two."

Even if she'd found non-trigger happy people, Chelsea would've avoided them. Unless they had a green band like the one around - what was his name again? - Dave's belt loop, they had no reason to want her alive.

Like the girl in the bunny suit.

Okay, she had to stop thinking about that.

Chelsea took a few tentative steps forward, trying to hold her bat as non-threateningly as possible without actually hiding it behind her back. "I guess I'm lucky to have found a teammate already." She paused for a second, trying to think of what to say next, then had to resist the urge to face palm, "Oh, right, I should- neither of you are from Detroit." And even if they had been it was probable they wouldn't have recognized her, "I'm Chelsea. Chelsea Roberts." She offered a rather strained smile and waited for their answer.
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Post by Kitten* »

((Odile Jones continued from The Dark Prince))

Odile was a state. She’d grazed her knee at some point, and while the wound was shallow, barely a scrape, the lower leg of her pants was nearly torn off. There were twigs in her hair from her less-than-graceful flight through the forest, and scratches from branches on her forearms.

She dumped the bags on the ground beside her, bending forward with her hands on her knees to catch her breath. She couldn’t remember ever sweating this much.

God it was hot.

Her breathing having slowed, Odile straightened up, pushing some damp strands of hair from her face. If anyone was shooting, she couldn’t hear it.

She needed new clothes. Had she seen some in the bags? She opened Tiffany’s, pulling out a short black dress with a lacy white apron. A french maid costume? Seriously?

Yeah, that wasn’t gonna happen.

She checked her own bag. White gloves, top hat n’ tails. A magicians outfit? Were these chosen specifically? The legwear was stockings and briefs, the footwear heels. Certainly, it couldn’t’ve gone to a guy.

It wasn’t what shed’ve chosen to wear, back home. This sort of outfit distracted, and people thought things Odile didn’t want them thinking. She’d take androgynous over feminine any day. A bit of ambiguity was always fun, and she frankly didn’t have the chest to pull off the “eye-candy” look.

Still, it wasn’t ripped, and it’d be a blessing in this fucking heat.

She looked around. No one seemed to have followed her, but there were still cameras everywhere, and hers wasn’t that kind of show.

The top hat went on her head, the rest of the clothes went back in the bag.

She tipped the hat to the nearest camera.

“Maybe later” she smirked.

Re-shouldering the bags, she started walking.

Why was it so fucking hot?


Odile had lost track of how long she’d been walking. Long enough for her feet to be screaming, and her shoulders to be numb, and her to be sweating from parts of her body she didn’t even know could sweat. She was fairly certain her new hat had melted to her head.

Despite all this, she was happy, though she wasn’t sure quite why. Adrenaline? The thrill of life, in the face of death? The smug satisfaction of seeing Tiffany behaving perfectly?

The answer came to her the second she saw the trio. A boy, a girl, and a giant bunny.

She was clearly delirious.
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Post by KamiKaze »

David took the standard approach; just reply back with a sarcastic comment. He was used to this by now, really. He knew her, after all.

So then he answered the girl's question. Yup, green. He also asked her if she had ran into people shooting on sight. Presumably she had the chance of a lifetime to deal with Crazy Assholes wearing pink bandannas or something along those lines like they did. She seemed to be in one piece, though, so she wasn't hurt, either.

And apparently she hadn't. She hadn't ran into anyone until them, actually. Good, she wasn't tracking anyone over, that she knew of. Sidney still wasn't in the mood to deal with people like Mr. Team Ass Pirate. And although she clearly had a bat, she apparently wasn't planning on using it right now. "Right now" being the precise term, but still vaguely a good thing.

And if she did? David had a sword, Sidney had a gun. Simple. She probably realized that they both had weapons.

Not like she'd attack her own team mate, though.

And so the girl felt the need to introduce herself. Chelsea Roberts of Detroit. So yes, not from their school. Same school as Crazy Asshole. Well, might as well introduce themselves, then.

"Sidney Rice, from Silver Dragon. That there-" she pointed to David. "-is David Myerez, also from Silver Dragon. We're just rich assholes from Texas who they decided making kill people would be fun, it seems."

Well, that was the truth, at least when describing Sidney. She never really flaunted it most of the time, but she was rich. She was from Texas. They probably found her entertaining in some way. And most importantly of all, she was definitely an asshole.

There was no denying any of that. It was all truth.

And what's this? Another girl? This one was wearing a top hat. Maybe that was her outfit, but she wasn't sure; they'd give her more than a hat, of course. Something skimpy, but something to go along with it. She was looking right in their direction, so it was clear she knew they were there.

Well, it looked like the tiny volcano was quite the hot spot, no? Everyone seemed to want to be here.

That wasn't necessarily a good thing, though. More people meant more attackers. Sidney wanted to win this competition, damn it, and she didn't want to be shot at in the middle of the swarm.

Hopefully she wasn't psychotic, either. But might as well acknowledge her.

"YO TOP HAT!" she yelled at the girl.

There. She knew that they knew she was there. No sneak attacks could happen. Or at least, there was an decreased chance.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
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Post by Courtography »

(Alexis Allwell continued from The Dark Prince)

She was extremely out of breath from her run after Odile through the rain forest. She had lost sight of the other girl a few times, but managed to regain sight after a few moments. She was too out of breath to get her attention. She just kept moving too much. Playing tennis was one thing, but it hadn't prepared her for hiking through a rain forest.

Finally Odile stopped walking; Lexi could catch up with her. She needed someone to team up with, and she didn't have anyone else to be with. Tiffany had started shooting back at Harold and that girl that had shown up. Lexi really hoped Tiffany was okay, she had protected her from Harold, if nothing else.

And of course Tiffany wanted Lexi to get her bag back. Somehow. "Odile -" she was cut off by a the yell of "YO TOP HAT!"
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Post by decoy73 »

This new girl was nervous as hell, and not really able to even hide it.

"No. I mean, I haven't seen anyone, shooting or otherwise. Just you two." New Girl slowly put her bat behind her back.

"I guess I'm lucky to have found a teammate already." She paused momentarily, as if she was bringing up some effort to even speak. "Oh, right, I should- neither of you are from Detroit. I'm Chelsea. Chelsea Roberts."

David was about to open her mouth when Sidney spoke.

"Sidney Rice, from Silver Dragon. That there," Sidney motioned to David. "Is David Myerez, also from Silver Dragon. We're just rich assholes from Texas who they decided making kill people would be fun, it seems." David chuckled a little at that, if only to keep the sick feeling down.

David was about to speak again when ...

"YO TOP HAT!" David looked off to note the girl in the skimpy clothes wearing a top hat, just as Sidney noted.

Damn, am I getting all the ladies?

"Well, nice to meet you, Chelsea," David wiped his brow with the back of his left hand. "You think she's on either of our teams?" David motioned to Top Hat Girl.
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Post by Nami* »

Dave-id, his name was David, not Dave. Or maybe it was Dave, maybe people who knew him -- people like Bunny Gi- Sidney -- called him that. Or maybe Sidney had only called him that because he found it annoying? Or maybe- She was over thinking things again.

Somehow managing not to shake her head in annoyance Chelsea offered Sidney a wane smile and said, "And I'm just a poor asshole from Michigan who they decided to try and turn into a killer." The reply came out far more darkly then she'd meant, but Chelsea soldiered on, "I don't think economics really matter, it's more--"

Sidney turned before Chelsea could continue digging herself a deeper, calling to someone wearing a top hat. Naturally, Sidney called her Top Hat.

Chelsea had a feeling that the bunny girl had quite a few of those naming schemes for people. Her's probably was Girl With Bat, or something else completely obvious.

These thoughts were just a distraction, of course. It was better to think these nonsensical things then to freak out from the sudden appearance of yet another person. A person wearing top hat. In a jungle.

This just could not be good.

She closed the distance between her and David in a few strides, really, it could be said that she scurried over to him and Sidney. But only if you were very unforgiving or extremely self-deprecating.

She also looked at the approaching girl, and didn't peer around Sidney. That would be cowardly.

"I, uhh, don't know." she told David, shrugging, "But she is." she added, pointing to the girl behind Top Hat. The one with the delightfully green bandanna around her head.
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Post by Kitten* »

The bunny was a girl in a costume, an outfit like the ones in hers and Tiffany’s bag. Odile chuckled to herself. A brave choice, putting that on.

The girl was unfamiliar, but the yellow bandana ‘round her neck was promising. In reply to the bunny’s greeting Odile fished out her own, matching one and waved it in front of her.

“Bunny.” It wasn’t friendly, far too tired for that. Still, it was far from aggressive; somewhere in the vicinity of languid detachment.

Odile knew the value of first impressions, how crucial it was to get that first appearance after the curtains opened just right. She resisted the urge to slouch; to pant; to wipe at the sweat collecting below her hat-brim.

She resisted the urge to make an awful bunny/ top-hat pun.

The guy and the non-bunny-girl had green bandanas, so this wasn’t a team meeting. School friends? No, the girl looked familiar. Chelsea… something, a mousy little creature. Costumes aside, they appeared stable enough, and the bunny’s gun would come in handy should Marvia have chosen to make chase.

Odile had regained enough breath to attempt conversation. That was good, she had to get talking fast. If they started conversation, they were in power.

“You’re Texans, right? From the other school?”

Was the school in Texas? She should have checked, really. Lexi had the accent though, the big fucker and the bunny girl too. As assumptions went, this seemed like a safe one.

“I bumped into a classmate of yours. Fat guy. Tried to kill me.”

Should she add “Dressed as a priest”? Odile presumed he didn’t wear that sort of thing to school, though he was freaky enough that she couldn’t be sure. She decided against.

“Weird kid.”

Nonchalant, like being shot at was nothing. She had their attention, time to capitalize. She looked at Chelsea.

“Girl from our school was with him. Marvia.”

And back to the others.

“Black bitch with a big gun”

An incredible performance, if she said so herself. Using the name drop to exclude the others from her and Chelsea’s implicit social circle, then inviting them in with her explanation. Now she was allowing them to take part in her conversation, instead of begging to be part of theirs. Inspired, really.

She lived for this kinda thing.

The sight of the weapons in everyone’s hands snapped Odile from her reverie, an unpleasant reminder that power in a conversation did not equate to actual power. Had she come on too strong? Her performance had been subtle, but if they picked up on it and took offence to her little condescension, things could turn nasty.

All things considered, Lexi arrived at the perfect time. Odile mustered enough energy for warmth.

“Lexi, hey! You got away too!"

She sounded happy, and it was genuine. Lexi's arrival could very well have saved her an unpleasant confrontation.

"Where’s Tiffany? I have all her shit for her.”

No the best explanation for her theft, but it'd have to do. Given the circumstances, she doubted anyone would question it. She put a friendly arm 'round Lexi's shoulders.

“You know Lexi, yeah? I'm Odile.”

Ideally she'd've tipped her hat, but Odile was less-than-confident she could actually remove it. Either way, it was no great loss. She waved a sweeping hand at the bunny girl and her companions.

"Lexi, these are my new friends."

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Post by Namira »

A voice echoes from Chelsea's collar...

"You! Yes, you! There are no 'team-mates' in this, just fellow victims! Stop thinking about this in terms of opponents and allies this very second! You're all in this together! Fight against it!"
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Post by KamiKaze »

Well, yup. Chelsea was not from their school, apparently a "poor asshole from Michigan". Okay, so these other people were from Michigan? Actually, there was a mention of Detroit. Crazy Team Ass Pirate Asshole had mentioned being from there, among other things. So yeah, they were from Detroit, A.K.A. Michigan.

Jury's still out on them knowing how to properly use guns, though.

David asked if top hat girl, and what looked like another girl following her, were on either of their teams. In response, the top-hat girl showed up her own bandanna.


Fuck... yes.

This was good. This was very good indeed. One yellow team member, and, as observed by Chelsea, two green team members nearby. Two for David, one for herself.

Now if there were more yellow team members nearby... perhaps even the entire set...

Sidney smiled that trademark smile. This was a good sign.

And so the other yellow team kid rambled on. She revealed that someone from their school- a fat, weird guy- had attacked her. So there was indeed someone from their school planning on killing. The description was vague enough to mean anything, really.

But there was another one. A "black bitch with a big gun" named Marvia, apparently from their school. She'd make a comment about how stereotypical it was for there to be a black chick from Detroit wielding a gun and was apparently bitchy, but she declined. Eh, maybe if she ran into this bitch, then.

Before Sidney could reply to all this, Top-Hat gestured at the other girl, greeting her excitedly. Looked like a friend. Actually, looked like someone from their school, as well, so it looked like they had aligned together.

Someone named Tiffany was also supposed to drop by. Another team mate? Possibly.

Odile- that was the girl's name- had vaguely introduced them as her "friends". Well, she couldn't call herself that. As nice as it was to find team mates both for her and David, she knew one thing.

She wasn't here to make friends. She was here to win!

But, the idea was still there. Two teams working together to hunt down the other teams.

What to do when it was only the two teams left?

Well, she had an idea.

But Sidney was interrupted by her thoughts by shouting. Was that coming from Chelsea? No, the voice seemed a lot more shrill. Wait a second, was that coming from her collar? Apparently it was telling her they were all victims in this, and not to think in terms of team mates and rival teams. And apparently they were to "fight against it!". Whatever that meant.

Was this the mentor shit they were talking about?

"Uh, Chelsie dear? Your neck's talking to you."

Well, Captain Obvious to the rescue!

So this might be the mentor they were talking about. Might. They seemed a little too... optimistic for this place, though. She'd expect advice to be "Don't ally with this person", not "TEAM UP WITH EVERY SINGLE ASSHOLE YOU SEE, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT THEY HAVE A BLOODIED AX HEADING IN YOUR DIRECTION".

Staring at Chelsea for a few seconds, Sidney turned back to top hat- Odile. That was her name.

"Uh. Anyways. We saw this douchebag a while back. Pink team. Screamed that he was from Detroit and fired at us in a panic. Seemed really jittery."

She shrugged.

"Guess that's our story with psychotic assholes for the moment."
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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Post by Courtography »

Lexi was happy Odile hadn't been simply ditching Tiffany, but the fact that Tiffany hadn't been following her made her extremely nervous. She could be dead, and she had been defending her from Harold and that black girl. "I d-don't know, she told me to follow you."

That's when she realized she actually recognized a few of the people around. The girl who yelled top hat was Sidney, not someone she really knew, but she recognized her. And then there was that David kid, he was kind of cute, a skater guy, but hadn't he been in some car accident? Wait, on hit belt. That bandanna was green so that made them teammates right? And then that other girl, she didn't recognize her but she had green too. It almost seemed too good to be true; she had found two of her teammates!

She was about to greet them when that girls collar started saying stuff. It was confusing, Lexi had no idea the collars could talk. She agreed with what it was saying though, she didn't want anyone to die, like Tiffany. For all she knew Tiffany was dead.
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Joined: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:39 am


Post by decoy73 »

Chelsea looked at the girl in the top hat. "I, uhh, don't know. But she is." Chelsea pointed to the girl behind her. Then Top Hat spoke for herself.

“Bunny. You’re Texans, right? From the other school?”

"Yeah. We are. Well, myself and Sidney, here, but Chelsea's from your school, I'm guessing," David replied.

“I bumped into a classmate of yours. Fat guy. Tried to kill me. Weird kid. Girl from our school was with him. Marvia.” David raised an eyebrow.

“Black bitch with a big gun.”

"Uhh ... which team are they on?" The description "Black bitch with a big gun" could have applied to, well, any black girl that David didn't recognize. Then, Top Hat turned her attention to the new girl that Chelsea had spoken about.

“Lexi, hey! You got away too! Where’s Tiffany? I have all her shit for her. You know Lexi, yeah? I'm Odile.” David smiled a little. He knew of Lexi, at the least. He didn't know her, but it was enough for now.

"Lexi, these are my new friends."

"Hey, Lexi. How's it ..."

"You! Yes, you! There are no 'team-mates' in this, just fellow victims! Stop thinking about this in terms of opponents and allies this very second! You're all in this together! Fight against it!"

It was at that very second that Chelsea's collar decided to speak. Everyone just stared for a second before Sidney decided to speak.

"Uh, Chelsie dear? Your neck's talking to you." Sidney then continued to mention Pink Boy on the cruise ship they'd started on.

David was thinking about the voice from the collar. Given that it came from Chelsea and Chelsea was on his team, it was likely Green Team's mentor. What was she, some protester? David put his hand on his forehead, partially because of the sweat that was pooling on his forehead, and partially because of his mentor's advice. It wasn't very helpful - not only because it said "Don't play," which everyone was doing, regardless of their actions, but all she had said was "Fight against it," which irritated David, as even if she wanted them to fight the system, she could at least tell them how to fight it.

"Well, it seems like our mentor isn't much of a fan of this game. Looks like we're on our own. Unless she can give us some more specific advice, she's pretty useless." He then leaned in towards Chelsea's collar.

"Hear that, whoever you are? Either help us escape or shut up!" David then stepped back and looked around at the girls he was with.

"Sorry about that. Anyway, it seems like we have a good group going. We should get out of here. I'm not going to die on this show, especially not by sweating out all my bodily fluids. That would just be embarrassing."
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