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Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:18 pm
by Acidic*
((Sterling Odair continued from Wrong Direction))

So he'd made it to the Western Beach. Far enough out of the reach of the rest of the island. It looked like something bug had gone down, but it was empty enough for Sterling.

Walking into the boat store he saw the blood. His first reaction was to think of cleaning it, but it didn't seem worth it. Walking to another place in the store (the blocked the blood) Sterling sat down and caught his breath.

Taking the gun out of his bag Sterling inspected it. Could I use it? He pictured himself gunning other kids, but his stomach turned. He'd forgotten the last time he ate, so he broke out some of Jonas' food and started eating.

He wondered how everyone was. Was Amber still alive, what about Caesar, Bobby, Simon, and that Shawn kid he met at the hotel. After groaning Sterling realized that contemplating the fates of his class mates wasn't going to help. He moved to behind the register, and lay down to rest.

Re: Somewhere

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:14 am
by Acidic*
Sterling awoke with a start, not realizing he fell asleep. Rubbing his face he sat up using his bad arm for support. It barely held his weight, but the shooting pains reminded his to re-bandage the wound along with his others. Taking the first aid kit back out he got everything he used last time when he spotted a bottle of saline solution. After reading it, he elected to try this instead of the rubbing alcohol.

It was a bit cold, but didn't hurt half as much.

After he finished his work Sterling leaned back. He was just exhausted, and it wasn't even noon. At least it wasn't noon since the announcement hadn't been on yet. Maybe he left too early, but it wasn't like he could go back and claim to have taken the longest piss ever. Tossing the kit in the bag it hit Jonas' gun.

Sterling looked at it for a while before pulling it out along with a paper booklet that was the manuel. He began to read it. He read what his priorities listed: aiming and reloading. He skimmed the rest of the booklet. He had what was needed down, but it wasn't like he was gonna be pro now that he read it.

With the booklet in the bag, and the safety remained "On" on the gun as he placed it next to him and sighed. He felt like he should say something about this. About the game, Tiffany, Jonas, Karen, and stuff. Nothing sounded right, though. Everything he thought sounded preachy. Sterling put his good arm behind his head.

Re: Somewhere

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 1:29 am
by Acidic*
((Place Holder))

Nobody had come in, which was perfectly fine by Sterling.

Re: Somewhere

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:03 pm
by Acidic*
The announcements came on, as Sterling was waiting. Hearing that almost a sixth of the people here were still live caused a sharp pain of misery in his torso, maybe where the soul was? He didn't have time, or the desire, to think about that. Brenda was killed by Karen, and Cesar by Odile. So Bobby knew what he was talk'n about.

Then three names he didn't recognize came up, the last being killed by Karen. He was starting to regret lying around, not looking for her, when his name came up. It was jarring, even if it was expected. He barely paid attention to the other names, but he didn't recognize them except for one of Amber's acting buddies. How would she deal with this? Sterling hoped she was alive to react.

Then it turned out that Bobby had killed someone, and before Sterling could gasp he was killed by Amber. What the hell! He was on the verge of hyperventilating at the whittling down of his friends when it was revealed the Karen was free. The one person who deserved to be rotting here was free. Sterling knew injustice happened, but this. He was still messed up about it when another name was listed off.

Now he was in a danger zone. Shit.

He stood up got this things, and ran with the rhythm of the beeps. Each foot fall matching the beeps until they started speeding up. At the end of the beeps Sterling stopped and looked back. He could end it, and be free. From the threats, the blood, worry, and guilt. Just a few steps back.

All over.

Sterling smiled, and walked over. The collar's called warned him like a good friend.

No, not like this.

((Sterling Odair continued in Clusterfuck))