

The most frequently traveled beach, if only for its proximity to the only real civilization on the island. The students who spend their time here will find a few abandoned food and merchandise vendors strewn about, and the occasional litter and seaweed washed up on the shores.
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Post by Acidic* »

(Sterling Odair continued from Somewhere)

(GM'ing has been approved)

He had never run so hard in his live. Every pant and gasp for air seemed futile and contradictory. Moments ago he was ready to let his own head erupt in front of the world, but his body had a stronger will to live than he. So here he was, back on the beach so soon, in front of the ocean he thought he'd never see again.

Sterling avoided looking at the hotel as he passed it, and a dead body as well. It was probably the kid in the announcement who got trapped here, or he did what Sterling wanted to back at the Western Beach. It didn't matter, his foot falls went faster anyways as if it did.

Did he deserve to make it this far in the game? Probably not, but here Sterling was. It had to mean something, right?


He still wanted to find Amber. Considering how broken she was (justifiably) killing a perfect stranger, Sterling could only imagine her in jagged little pieces from off'ing Bobby. Or she was lost to Odile's influence. He had to try, and nobody was getting in his way. Sterling told himself that he'd feel guilty later, another lie in so little time.

He saw a figure hobble into one of the stores, and he got his gun to the ready and walked over. All he was going to do was ask some questions, and if they tried to kill him he was justified in defending himself, right?

He was shocked when he entered the store. It had more blood than the boat store in the last place he stayed. Okay, they gotta go down. Now. Was all he was able to think when the figure tackled him. He tried to stay standing, but they had knocked the wind and courage out of him. When he was on the ground the punches came fast, and as they attacked he tried to throw them of.

He was unsuccessful in his attempt, but then he remembered his gun. He reached for it, but it must've gotten lost when he was tackled. He was gonna die, he knew it. His brains were gonna be bashed out in this fury of fists. It was never going to stop.

It did, but a barrel of a gun had replaced it. It was place softly between his eyes when the figure said,

"Before I kill you, I want you to know." They gasped. The voice was jagged, and desperate for air.

"My name is Madelyn."

(Madelyn Conner continued from A Day on the Water)


She heard the announcements while walking from the lake. She lived, somehow. Someway, but the other kid hadn't. Good. It was also a long one, longer then she had remembered from any season. This just meant that she was better, stronger than 20 people. All together almost fifty. And she wasn't lucky, she was good.

When she heard Jake's name she was sad, but it just proved that he would've been better off staying with her. She was going to kill this Bobby kid for him, but some chick got to him first. Fine, saved her the trouble. She just made it to the beach when damn near everything else was made a DZ.

She had seen two bodies, both missing heads. Not her problem, but there was a bag by the first one. Taking it she looked for shelter. She was the first one here since it was safe, so there'd be no surprises. Madelyn knew she needed somewhere to recuperate, that Marcus kid had done a number on her. Still, she had won. When she got her the first building she saw someone in the reflection in the window, and she made herself stay in the murder scene of a shit hole.

She had the gun ready to just shoot him, but she was still pissed letting the last guy almost off her so easily. She could probably knock him around before she off'd him, just to let people know she was in this to win. Before she could rethink he was in the door.

Gun against his head she was ready to kill him, but why not let him have some last words?

"Same team." He part moaned, part coughed. What? She thought, head cocked. She looked down at him.

Purple shirt.

Purple bandanna.

Aw, fuck me sideways. She thought. Here she was proving herself, to be the biggest idiot ever.

"Oh, erm. Sorry about that." She said, as a embarrassment diluted the anger. She got off him, and leaned again the building. What a fucking scene.
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[[GLD4: Shawn Morrison Continued From: Of Moons, Birds & Monsters.]]

Two headless, rotting corpses and Alicia. Dead, but in better condition then the other two bodies. It was as if her body was slowly mummifying in the salty air. Unfortunately the same couldn't be said about the unrecognizable other two, which stunk significantly worse and had more black stain puddles around them, possibly due to the fact that their heads had somehow disconnected from their bodies.

Shawn kept his head up, looked away, tried not to think of the dead around him, tried holding his breath.

He knew how one died. Mae cut off her head for the collar. The other one, it was probably that boy he saw with Mae and Zach when he ran away, last he was here. Someone died by danger zone and he was willing to guess that this was the guy.

There were no bags near any of the bodies, which sent Shawn into high alert. It meant that someone had been here on this beach before to take them sometime after the danger zone was lifted from the location and that someone could have still been near. He made sure to keep his steps a little quieter than before, just to be careful.

On the ground, tossed a small distance from the boy's body. was a weapon, a gun to be precise. Shawn crept closer to it's spot and then place a hand over it, lifting it off the ground. With some examining, Shawn noticed that it was one similar looking to Jacob's, a pistol. It must have been the boys' gun, but since he was dead, he didn't need it anymore and the more weapons he could keep from crazy people, the better.

The gun still had ammo in it, but it was missing some, which meant it had been used before. If need be he could use it. Too bad there weren't any bags around with any of it's spare clips. Shawn slipped the firearm into his pocket and continued on, with Ali's Remington 870, held down but ready. With the corpses all around the place, Shawn thought that maybe the merchandise shack wasn't such a great place to stay in after all.

What caught his attention, were the feint sounds of a person talking.

The young hippie, froze at first, allowing himself to take a few deep breaths of air, ultimately deciding to round the walls of the shack and determine whether the people here Silver Dragon kids or not. A female. Her voice seemed rather strained.

He peeked in silently from the still open entrance and recognized the girl as one from his school. She was also a friend of his. A friend who killed twice. Shawn hesitated, but decided to take his chances with her. He stepped in, pump action shotgun strapped over his shoulder, but still down, directed toward the floor. He didn't want to be the idiot who got shot because he scared people by unintentionally pointing a gun at them.

"Hey Madelyn."

A cough and a moan. There was someone else in the room too, a boy. Purple bandanna, just like the one Madelyn was wearing. Her team mate.

"...and Sterling?"
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Post by Acidic* »

He watched as she morned her pride. He didn't like this girl. First impressions aside, she proved she was ready to kill. No matter who they were. She's just like Karen. He already failed in stopping her getting off the island, but he could make up for that here. Sterling knew he'd have to tolerate her until she trusted him, but that probably wouldn't take to long.

Then he saw her stiffen before a familiar voice called out their names. That's the kid who killed Jaszmine, and she's the one from the last announcements. He'd knew Marcus, good kid, great basketball player. To think he was dead because of her made the idea of turning on her even better.

He sat up, and turned to Shawn and gave a friendly smile. As if meeting the recent acquaintance under better circumstances. Seeing his gun he picked it up, and slowly stood as Madelyn spoke,

"Hey, Shawn." She paused, not quiet sure what to say next. Plus, it was a reason to rest her throat. She looked at "Sterling," as Shawn called him, making sure he did nothing stupid. When he kept in line she looked back to Shawn and said,

"How have the last few days been treating you?" Before he could answer she added,

"'Cause they've been hell on me." She tried to force a laugh, but with the damages to her throat it came out like a sob.

Sterling sifted where he stood, not sure what to do. He felt like the odd one out, and while this was easy to fix back home he thought it better to stay silent. Keeping his gun pointed to the ground.  
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Post by peregrineink* »

(Mae St. Clair continued from Of Moons, Birds, and Monsters)

Mae didn't look around, because she didn't want to know what she already knew, which was that Michael was dead...killed because he hadn't made it out in time. Why hadn't she helped him? Why hadn't she stopped and grabbed onto his arm like she had with Mason? Then again, she hadn't dragged Mason out either he had helped himself, and maybe some people just didn't want to live anymore.

She kept her distance, not being able to see who Shawn was talking to and not wanting to spook them by her sudden appearance. However she could recognize a voice...

was that...Madelyn? She remembered Jake's girlfriend, although things had always been kind of weird since the party. How could Mae had known that they had started dating then? How could Mae even remember that she had attempted to make some half-assed move on Jake while she was drunk off her ass? It was all so trivial now, she though, incredibly so. In fact she had to stifle a laugh as she thought about it. Did anyone care anymore about who was sleeping with who and who liked who and who cared about who when everyone was murdering each other?

She gripped her gun and watched, so far everything seemed okay.
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Post by Cake »

Two people. Two killers. On the same team. Purple. Like Karen. Like Amber. They killed too.

But even if Madelyn did kill two people, she was still his friend and the fact that she was making small talk with him and not shooting him in the face was a good sign, a very good sign.

What wasn't a good sign was how she sounded. Her voice was hoarse and through the blue white glow of the moonlight, Shawn thought he could make out some bruises on her neck. It meant she was attacked first, probably by that guy who she killed whose name wasn't familiar to him. One of those Detroit kids. Made sense. The Detroit kids did nothing, but cause problems. True, she did kill Ferric too, but then Ferric was dick. Shawn wouldn't be surprised if he attacked her first.

Why was he thinking like that? Ferric was a classmate. He didn't deserve that. He didn't even kill anyone as far Shawn could remember.

Gosh. Things were complicated.

Madelyn asked how the last few days were treating him. He wanted to tell her too. He wanted to tell her about watching people get killed everywhere he went. About witnessing a friend brutalize someone to death. About how it felt like to choke the life out of a girl with a dead snake. About the panic, he felt from the gun shots at the hotel. How he had to leave another friend only to find out that same friend was killed after he left. How he witnessed Mae decapitate someone in front of him. About the time Karen killed a good friend of his in front of his face out of no where. How he had to protect a girl by fighting her off. How he was almost killed by Karen's attack. About how he lived because a friend sacrificed his own life at the last moment to save his. He wanted to tell her about how he had to bury his friends. How he had to discovered the bloodbath at the hotel and Peter's body at the resort.

He wanted to tell her about Jacob. His best friend, her boyfriend. How he witnessed Jake die after a short reunion. About how he couldn't do a thing and let her team mate kill someone else right after and let the murderer of Holly and John and the reason Jake died escape unscathed. About all the crap he had to put up with the past few hours since the ski resort.

Shawn wanted to tell her all these things.

The thing that stopped him, was that Madelyn's damaged throat concerned him. She was attempting to laugh but it came out all wrong.

"I- I had quite an experience..." He whispered.

"But Madelyn, are you okay? What happened to your throat? Shoot... You know Renée Carlson right? There are a few others from Silver Dragon with her too. They're a little down that way. You can go there if you want."

He pointed down the sand of the curving beach and then turned his direction to the two Purple teamers, discretely glancing over at Sterling for a moment. Being from Detroit and holding a newly received automatic firearm which Shawn was sure Sterling didn't have before, concerned him. He wasn't exactly sure he could trust the other boy not to spray bullets at everyone.

"Mad you should probably run ahead first. Maybe someone can check what's up with your neck and treat it or, uh, something."
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Post by Acidic* »

Should she go? Shawn had every reason and more to take Sterling and her out. It could be a trap, but he wasn't like that. Right? Sure he killed, but it's be so much more easy for him to shoot them here. No, not with both Madelyn and Sterling armed.

"I'm going to." Well, since he was going too maybe it was okay. She started walking with Sterling tailing her. It was odd that he was supposed to have her back, but barely knew him. Plus, meeting him via beat down made her even more nervous. Still, better than being alone.

(Madelyn Conner continued Of Moon, Birds & Monsters)

He was going to keep an eye on her. Losing her was failing all over again. Maybe is wasn't justice, but it was as close to right as he could get here. Before he could go any further he felt an arm going up in front of him. Shawn was blocking him,

"What?" Sterling didn't have time to waste with these brats. He had to take care of Madelyn, and find Amber. Sterling wasn't going to let this punk, as cute as he was, interrupt his purpose.
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"Hold on a minute there, Detroit."

When Madelyn started running off ahead, Sterling seemed to want to follow. That was when Shawn swerved to a sudden stop in front of him, lifting his arm up to block Sterling's exit. Sterling looked at him, as if asking him "what?" with mere facial expression. He would hear, what, alright. It had eaten at Shawn for a while and now he could finally get all this off his chest.

"Gonna be honest, man. I just don't trust many people from your school anymore."

Shawn looked at the gun in Sterling's hand and back to his face again.

"Heck, the last time we saw each other, a whole group of you practically mobbed Ben and me. Remember Ben don't you? That scared guy, back at the hotel? The one I saved from your friend Jaszmine, after she tried to shoot him? Yeah he's dead. Someone else from your school managed to skewer him with a sword and shoot him to death. Karen, she's from your school too right? She killed two of my other friends right in front of me. Shot them both. Notice a trend here?"

His voice started to pick up in speed as the horrible memories from his last few days on the island began to replay in his head.

"Actually no, you're not all bad. Your friend Bobby, that guy who threatened me, turned out to be pretty friendly... but then he did kill my best friend. He was aiming for someone else, but hit Jake, because your other friend and team mate, Amber, thought it was a good idea to protect a murderer like Odile. Oh and Amber stabbed Bobby in the back for her too. I know, because I was there."

The Texan boy's mouth curved into a bitter smirk.

"What I need to know, is whether or not, you, can be trusted."
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This. Shawn stopped him for this. As if his school was filled with fucking angles.

"Can I be trusted?" He let the question sit before adding,

"Shit, I should ask you the same thing." Sterling forgot he had a gun, and started to gesture his his hands. How dare this punk even say these things about his school and his friends.

"Like this 'Zach' kid I heard so much about, or whether Jaszmine really did threaten you two." Well, he was from Texas. Everyone knew it was fucking backwards down there.

"Or her" He said, without thinking, holding a gun in Madelyn's direction.

"She kills two people, and you're wondering if you can trust me?"
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Of course he was going to be offended. That's what people often did when they know an accusation against them is true.

Sterling immediately snapped back at him accusing the students of Silver Dragon Academy being just as bad. Shawn stayed quiet, half listening, half scanning the room. There was what appeared to be dried blood everywhere in the shack, something he hadn't noticed before. Then on the table next to him, he spotted a tiny joint. The same joint he left with Alicia two or three days back in this very building. He quickly pocketed it just as Sterling brought up something that managed to upset him.

He looked up as soon as Sterling mentioned Zach and started going off about whether Jaszmine really did threaten Ben back at the hotel.

Speculation. That was all it was.

Unlike the crap Sterling was saying about his school, everything Shawn had said about the Detroit kids were witnessed first hand and undeniably true. The guy just didn't want to hear it. He didn't want to hear that his classmates, his friends could be monsters. So he settled on bringing up subjects that he had no idea about. Stuff he hadn't seen with his own freaking eyes.

Shawn saw Jaszmine do it, he didn't.

Zach had saved Shawn's life from a bigger psycho from his school, the Detroit School. The fact that Sterling was slandering Zach's name, pulled at Shawn's nerve, but he had to keep it together and be level with the guy. No need to get angry and cause any self-fulfilling prophecies, after all.

"I know Madelyn, but I don't know you. Sorry."

The golden boy paused to scratch his right cheek with his left hand and then spoke up again, looking at the taller boy, eye to eye.

"Listen. Dude. I'm inviting you to join a group of kids from my school, but after what your friends did I just have a hard time feeling safe with any Detroiters around. I just don't want to regret that invitation later, if you end up spraying bullets at everyone once we get there, you know?"

The young hippie took another look at the gun in Sterling's hand, his own hand tightened around his own weapon.

"If you want to come along; I need to know if I can trust that nothing like that is ever gonna happen. So, can I trust you Sterling?"

Shawn lifted his gaze from Sterling's weapon and gave steady eye contact once more.

"...And this time, please answer the damn question."
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Post by Acidic* »

Did Sterling want to join the fuckers from Shawn's school? Where the sex offender wannabe Lou came from? Where the team blind psycho bitch took notes? No, and this kid needed to get the fuck out of Sterling's way.

"No." He'd have to let Madelyn out of his sight, but let her be their problem. He pointed the gun at Shawn.

"Now, I think I'll be leaving." Shawn needed a gun at him. Nobody knew what kind of shit he'd pull if Sterling turned his back to him.

New plan: find Amber, deal with Odile, and get off this island.
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Post by peregrineink* »


Mae didn't know what she was doing until she was already doing it. They were talking, it seemed rational although that purple boy who was hanging around with Madelyn seemed to be copping an attitude something fierce. Madelyn looked a little worse for wear too, but had she hard that Jake had died? Was that it? Or was it just the fact that there was something wrong with her throat now? Either way she was gone now, how could she have left Shawn with this boy?

Either way, this Sterling character was now pointing a gun at Shawn's face.

I'm not going to lose another person I love.

It was as though she was moving on her own, the Colt Single Action Army in her hand, moving forward with her old ballet grace. She pointed it at Sterling, at that boy, and the only thing she could think of was to separate Shawn from him. Protect Shawn like he had protected her so many times.

"No," she said quietly, firmly. "No."

And she squeezed that trigger at the boy she didn't know, emptying round after round until the gun was empty.

"No," she whispered.
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It wasn't the answer he was looking for. He shouldn't have been surprised, but somehow, he was. He didn't expect Sterling to answer as bluntly as he did, but at least the guy was honest. A prick with an attitude problem that he hadn't seen before, but an honest one. It was a bit funny how Shawn actually trusted Sterling more after that answer, than if he had said yes.

But then a second later, all Shawn could see was the thin barrel of Sterling's gun. His own gun, wasn't in proper position and Shawn knew that no matter what he'd try to do, he wasn't going to be able to shoot Sterling first. So Shawn did the only thing he could do. He stood ground and waited, waited for the guy to either shoot, or leave.

Before he knew it, a loud pop echoed the area.

And another one.

And another one.

The thing was, Shawn didn't feel any impact. Instead he felt droplets of blood spray onto the front of his shirt and onto his face.

He watched, eyes wide with shock as six rounds unloaded toward the Detroit boy's body, surprised that none of the shots got himself. He had expected to be shot too.

Instead he saw Mae, only a few feet from where he and Sterling were standing, holding the old revolver from the hotel with two hands; smoke still flowing out from the muzzle.
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Post by Acidic* »

All thoughts were nothing but a flurry of emotional and physical pain as the gunshots destroyed Sterling's flesh. The first one had hit him in his side, and traveled through both his lungs leaving them popped. Another had hit him in the elbow of his arm, almost causing it to bend completely bend the opposite way.

The rest had missed, and Sterling had fallen backwards. Attempting to scream, but all that came out was a high pitched moaned, crackling with need for air. He tried to force the air into his lungs, but breathing against brick walls did nothing.

Writhing on the ground all he could think about was doing better. In his life, if Sterling was a better person, wouldn't have ended up here. He'd be at home with his friends and family, where he belonged.

I could've done better.

Regardless, the "revelation" didn't make breathing easier. The gunshot wounds where spasming in pain. Contracting and relaxing. Teasing Sterling with the promise of recovery, and pulling it away.

Over and over again. Until he finally died.

[PRP5: Odair, Sterling | Deceased]
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Post by peregrineink* »

Mae stood there for a moment staring at what she had done.

She felt nothing. She really just didn't feel anything at all.

She looked up at Shawn.

He didn't seem hurt.

And she felt something then.


"I didn't shoot you, did I?" She didn't want there to be a sort of secret injury he had sustained or anything, she had tried really hard not to hit him, though she knew bullets and aiming could be difficult.

She felt nothing about what she had just done.

Perhaps there was more ammo in her bag, just in case her shooting had attracted an unsavory element. How many people were left?

She fumbled through her bag awkwardly, trying to see if there was any box of ammo or such things. She tried to ignore the voice in her head, talking as plain as day.

This wasn't sustainable. She couldn't go back to normal after this.

Could anyone?
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Post by Cake »

Shawn watched as Sterling's body collapsed two inches from his shoes. Another corpse added to the body count of this building, let alone the entire game.

Sure, he didn't exactly trust the guy, but he never wanted the kid to get killed. Back in the hotel, Sterling had even decided to spared his life. All Shawn wanted was for the boy to hand over his gun, so he could trust the guy to follow him back to the others. That was all. He didn't want Sterling to die.

He watched Sterling spasm on the ground for a minute before he inevitably stopped moving, allowing for the blood to flow forward until it touched his shoe.

Mae spoke. She asked him is she had managed to hit him. Her voice was so easy, so relaxed, so normal and it frightened Shawn.

But what did he have to worry? They were on the same team. She wouldn't hurt him. In fact it looked like she was trying to save his life. Due to the circumstances of having heard or seen what she may have, he couldn't blame her.

"No. I'm... ok." His voice was soft. The whole thing was a lie. He wasn't "ok" it was yet another kid killed in front of his eyes. This one close enough to have blood spray against his face and shirt like morning dew. He felt at the joint in his pocket, left here with Alicia and Mae from a few days ago. He wanted to light it up, so badly.

Mae was quietly reloading her gun, reminding Shawn of Sterling's weapon. It was another dangerous looking gun, which Shawn supposed was a pretty redundant thing to say. Pretty much all guns were dangerous weren't they? The point was, he couldn't leave the weapon here for easy taking by any psychos. He picked it up, from where Sterling dropped it after getting gunned down. He supposed there would be more ammunition in Sterling's bag as well. He carefully unzipped it and pulled out only the magazines of the weapon and stuffed them into a plastic bag nearby formerly used for packing the merchandise bought from the store they were in.

Seven in total, how many rounds in each, was an unknown until used. He practiced clipping and unclipping the gun, while Mae reloaded. When he was done, he slipped the gun into his other pocket, opposite to the one that contained the firestar gun. His pants weighed down somewhat heavily due to the weight of both firearms. He shook his head and stuffed the firestar gun into the plastic bag with the ammo of the other gun, this way the ammo and gun would be useless to anyone who'd try to steal the bag.

For now, he needed to get out of this place. He needed to go back to the others. He was just so tired of all of this-this... death.

"Alright, I had enough of this. I am so SICK of watching people die. We're all getting off this island and going back home... alive, ASAP. Heading back to Renée and figuring out how to get out of this place once and for all."

Shawn turned around and patted at Mae's arm to follow and walked out of the building back down to the other end of the beach. The blood sprayed on his front completely forgotten in his haste.

[[GLD4: Shawn Morrison Continued Back To: Of Moons, Birds & Monsters.]
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