The Dark Prince

Odile Jones and Tiffany Dexter, Start

Mostly untouched, this natural rain forest sits on the far east side of the island, providing a marked contrast to its strictly regulated cousin. One of the defining features of the resort, very prominently displayed in every brochure, the only sign of civilization is a small wooden booth labeled "Jungle Safari" on a crude wooden sign a few hundred feet down the only pathway leading in.
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The Dark Prince


Post by storyspoiler* »


Splitting headache, who knew. Turns out knockout gas is bad for you.

Forest. Rainforest. Odile immediately thought of the Rainforest Cafe, something she'd never had the money to re-create in her theater, with the steaming fountains and embroidered leaves. It had brought on jealousy, especially the twitching robot animals, like pictures of Tokyo or rides and Disneyland did. Something spectacular that she could never re-create, for lack of fucking funds.

She rolled over.

Next to her was Tiffany Dexter, which was a bit of a disappointment. Odile already knew Tiffany Dexter. Tiffany already thought of her as an enemy. That dynamic was uninteresting.

It could change.

The bags were easy to open. Her weapon was duct tape; Tiffany's weapon was a gun.


And Tiffany was stirring now.

Time to be the Dark Prince.
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Post by Cake »

Dear Diary,

Well, today was a really fucked up day. There I was, completely minding my own business. Just going through the cafe to pick up my cheque, when all of a sudden these people with guns came bursting into the cafe. I thought they were gonna try to hold up and rob the place, with how Detroit Central was and all. I was ready to whoop some ass with my ka-rah-tay, or at the very least call the police, after setting off the alarm. I settled for throwing sandwiches at them. Surprisingly effective I think.

When all of a sudden a man in a suit came wadding through to the front asking for a Tiffany Dexter. I was all, what the heck does this guy want from me? Heck why is a man in a suit leading around a group of robbers, when I realized they weren't masked robbers, but some kind of swat team. The guy forcefully shook my hand  and then said I was lucky to be selected for a chance at fame. I was like who are you people and how did you know I was here? He didn't answer and simply motioned for the swat guys to grab me.

SO THE MOTHERFUCKERS DID! They PUT THEIR DISGUSTING HANDS ON ME, ALL OVER MY BODY!  I was struggling screaming and yelling for them to Release me at once, but they ignored me, and all those bastard customers just looked! My Brother James was there, and he looked like he was ready to object to this, when a man suddenly PUNCHED HIM for NO APPARENT REASON!

Why the FUCK would they do that? James didn't do anything! Those BASTARDS! I'd Fucking kill.

So now apparently they actually let me write in you diary, we're reaching some studio or something, for a briefing apparently. I'm on that Completely BARBARIC Show. SOTFUCKING-TV.

I was this...THIS CLOSE to finishing High school and Graduating, and getting a good job, and good life for me and my Family Away from that dump of Detroit Central, and this SHIT had to happen to me. It's like the whole world Hates me!

Oh shit, one of those guys is telling me he needs the diary now. We're here he said.

Ok! Until next time... XOXO
*Forced Scribbling ended the rest of entry*


Orange Team Member #4 Tiffany Dexter Start!

Tiffany Dexter's head hurt. Like the very top part of her head especially, where it touched the ground. It was moist soil. Everything was just a green blur. Tiffany sat up, holding her head. She was in a jungle? Well at least it wasn't any worse than being at Detroit Central.

The back of her Cardigan sweater was a little crusted with dirt though, but no matter. Tiffany swiped it off with her hand.

It was real. She really was in this completely Barbaric game, and used as entertainment for the Dumb'd down populace. She had to kill, or be killed, the general idea and premise of the whole thing of course. If she wanted to ever get out of here, alive that is.

Wait they were issued a bag. Tiffany looked forward to see her backpack. She grinned and scattered toward it. There was supposed to be a weapon in there. Tiffany wasn't looking forward to actually playing, but she needed something to protect herself, from someone who was. She opened it, ignoring everything in it, and then...

"Duct tape?"

Tiffany's hands tightened around the roll, trembling.


She could feel the roll compressing in her hands


She ripped a piece out, put it over her mouth and yelled in anger and annoyance. Then ripped it off again.

"Shit..."  OK Tiffany cool it. You've never let anything keep you down before. You work over any obstacle Detroit has brought you. You can handle this. So she calmed down, collecting herself. Yes she could somehow make this work. They were on teams right? She'd have to find her team and they could protect her, she could even help lead them to victory. Now all she needed to do was find the bandanna color assigned to her in her bag.

She bent down to put the tape back and looked for her bag, when she saw a pair of legs in front of her. Tiffany's expression of annoyance, changed into a still irritated face, but with the added effect of wide eyes, and a horrified expression. Tiffany couldn't believe who was the first person she had to meet, out of all people she could met first. She stood up, with eyes seeming like they were looking down on, and staring daggers into her first acquaintance on the island.

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Post by Courtography »

(Alexis Allwell continued from Braids and Bandannas)

She had wandered through the rain forest some. She was lost. There was no way out of there, it was all humid, which was probably causing her hair to frizz out, luckily it was still in her normal braid so it wouldn't be too bad.

Right, nothing too bad? Wrong. That was when she had the terrible luck to trip over a tree root. Why is it always me!? She felt like crying again but held it in. She was going to be strong now. Try not to be her shy wimpy self. She needed to be strong! Find her team, survive, be strong.

She looked up spotting the other two girls. So much for looking strong in front of others. Tripping right in front of them. She jumped up, her shy self still coming through, "Oh...uh uh hi." Her voice got quieter with each syllable as she noticed the hateful glare one was giving the other. So much for being strong.
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Post by Kitten* »

Odile had stayed silent as Tiffany awoke. The shorter girl was hurt. Weak. Malleable.


While Tiffany was dull beyond words, that wasn’t of concern to Odile. Her stagecraft hinged on showing normalcy’s dark underside, the razorblade in the Halloween candy. Transforming the mundane into the macabre, as it were, and Tiffany was nothing if not mundane.

Odile ran a slender hand through her boy-cut hair, watching.

Toying with people had always been something of a hobby of Odile’s. Hers was less the pantomime, super-villain manipulation of the Saturday-morning cartoon, and more something almost childish and curious. An infant poking roadkill with a stick, to “see what it does”.

The opportunities she now had for indulging this interest were... exciting.

She waited for Tiffany to realise she was there, impatient to get on with things. SOTF’s viewing figures meant this would be Odile’s biggest performance yet, and she was determined to make it a good one. The stage was fascinating, and the prop she’d “borrowed” from Tiffany? She fiddled idly with cylinder, enjoying the guns weight in her hands. Wonderful.

The things she could have done, with something like this in Detroit.

Tiffany finally noticed her. “You?!” Hatred. Entertaining, but of little use to Odile.

She knew Tiffany. She knew how she worked, and she knew how to work her. She could make her dance like a marionette, or mindfuck her for the hell of it.

The little girl who’d just arived though, her she didn’t know.

New-girl stammered out a greeting. It was returned with a smile; warm on anyone else, disconcerting on Odile’s palid face and thin lips.

“Lost, sweetie?” It wasn’t really a question.

The girl was unfamiliar, definitely not from Detroit. Small. Fragile.

Uninteresting, at least for the time being.

Odile turned her attentions back to Tiffany.
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Post by Cake »

Tiffany Dexter had many 'choice words for the girl in front of her, but closed her mouth as soon as she saw what the girl was playing around with in her hands.

Oh, for Christ sakes!

Odile Jones. Tiffany hated that... that freak. Tiffany wasn't normally the type to be rude to the unusual type people. If the girl was unusual, but nice, Tiffany would have been fine with her. But Noooooo. Odile was a freak and a BITCH on top of that. One who enjoyed taunting, harassing and doing anything she could to make Tiffany miserable all through Detroit Central High School.

Call her a thin skinned bitch, but Tiffany, of course wasn't the type to just stand there and take that kind of rubbish. She was always an aggressive and snippy bitch back. Only with Odile, she didn't stop. With every time Tiffany stood up for herself, Odile, just grew even more and more antagonistic to Tiffany. Even bringing her family and her brother's name into her taunts, like she knew full well how much that kind of thing ate at Tiffany's core.

For what? Tiffany was unsure, but just watching Odile, it seemed to Tiffany, that Odile did this all simply, cause it was FUN.

She would have jumped all over that bitch, beat the shit out of her. But Tiffany, was smarter than that. She wasn't going to be another statistic in the Detroit Central's populace of being in yet another fight. She wasn't going to be suspended or expelled for a FREAK like Odile. Tiffany was better than that. Educated. She could get her back one of these days, and the SOTF-TV made that possible. A problem though, and it was a big one...

Fast Forward to the present... That Freaky Bitch was pointing a gun at her, as Tiffany just stood there, helpless, in a jungle with a roll of duct tape.

Tiffany wanted to break out into hysterics of laughter at how the world hated her just as much as she hated Detroit Central.
Fate wouldn't even give her a fighting chance!!!
Now she was going to get shot as soon as she woke up in this miserable and barbaric television show, holding freaking duct tape, by the one girl at school, who Tiffany despised the most out of any other!!!

Just so delightfully typical!!!

Oh my gosh, just kill me now! Let everyone have their laugh! HAHAHAHA!!

"Oh...uh uh hi." Another girl's voice, a shy, nervous one. Refreshing for Tiffany to hear. She turned her head to see the small girl, trip, falling into the dirt and quickly trying to pull herself back up.

This girl was definitely not one of the imbeciles of Detroit Central. She had far too many manners to be one. Tiffany would have for sure noticed someone like this before. She was probably from the private school that was abducted as well. Silver Dragon Academy, Tiffany recalled. Oh, what she would do, to go into a prestigious school like that.

She felt sorry for the seemingly nice girl who stumbled into her doom.

Poor thing. She doesn't know that she's going to watch me die. Then probably get gunned down herself.

"You should probably run away now." Tiffany said to the new girl, in a blunt, yet sarcastic tone, as she motioned her thumb at the gun in Odile's hand.

Tiffany closed her eyes, dropped her arms to the side and gave a great big and clear as day, sigh, for everyone to hear.

"What are you waiting for? Odile dear, be a darling and just shoot me already."

Oh god... Wait! What the fuck was she saying!?!
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Post by Courtography »

Oh God! How had she missed the gun? She was so stupid! She was terrible at this, first people she found and one was pointing a gun at the other! She hadn't even looked in her bag and people were pulling their weapons out at each other.

And she didn't even recognize either of them. That made it even WORSE! She would at least have a chance of help if she knew someone, but now she was stuck in a terrible jungle that was way too hot and humid with two complete strangers.

At least the one with the gun sounded at least a little sympathetic, but then again her tone was weird, and she had a gun for God's sake. The other girl sounded so, so...uhh negative! That was the word. Negative. Exact words were hard to come up with, she was too stressed.

Oh God! Did that girl just say to the other to go ahead and shoot her!? She didn't want to see that! She tried to run, but her feet wouldn't move. Run Lexi Run! She couldn't move her feet, but she finally found her voice. "What!," she squealed. "No don't do that," she finished exasperated. It was all too stressful for her. She didn't want to see either of the girls kill the other.
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Post by Kitten* »

The new girl hadn’t run; she’d spoken up when Tiffany had said to shoot. Mouse-quiet and clearly shit-scared, but she’d spoken nonetheless. For someone so short, she’d a good amount of spine.

Tiffany’d hid her fear better. Her tone was faux-flippant, one that Odile had heard before. It was a fuck-off tone; the one that she’d got back in school, whenever Odile’d found a button and Tiffany really didn’t want her to press it.

Odile was having fun.

She pointed “her” weapon at Tiffany, squinting theatrically down the barrel. Build the tension. Feel the crowd. She couldn’t go too far, didn’t need anyone snapping now, but she wanted to get her little audience as close to snapping point as possible.

More fun that way.

Odile tossed the colt in the air, enjoying the shock on the girls’ faces, the power she had over them. She caught the gun with an effortlessness that belied the hours upon hours of practice taken to grant her level of dexterity. Swinging her arm in a loose arc, past the frightened face of the still-nameless girl, Odile raised it to her own head. Keep the tension. Work the crowd.

The apprehension was fucking tangible. God, she could taste it. She suppressed a smile. Game face on, stay professional.

Odile gave Tiffany a stage-wink, exaggerated and jaunty, and pulled the trigger.


The “click” was the loudest thing in the world. The collective sigh of relief came a close second.

She spoke, the words sounding strange and heavy after the silence.

“Guess I’m not much of a gun-slinger.” She tilted her head, mock-selfconsciously.

And for the prestige…

She dropped the empty gun at Tiffany’s feet.

“Maybe you should take this”

She stood taller, stretched, showcasing her significant height. Emphasise the aberrant. Disorient. Confuse.

“Call it a peace offering. There’s ammo in my bag”

And scene.

The gun had been a brilliant toy, as fun as she’d hoped and then some. Tiffany though… Odile had high hopes for Tiffany.

She’d choose puppetry over a gun show any day.

And now there was the matter of the new girl. She put a sympathetic face on - an imperfect one, and a thoroughly under-practiced one, but it’d suffice.

“You’ve a name, dear?”
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Post by Cake »

She bit her bottom lip, with eyes closed and expression scrunched up, preparing for her own demise.


Tiffany peeked one eye open. She was... she was still alive? She patted herself to make sure. Yup, nothing. Hahaha! Yes, the stupid freak forgot to load it!!!

She let out a tremendous sigh of relief.


Tiffany fully opened her eyes, looking at the ground in front of her. It was the handgun, Odile had just been pointing at her. All Tiffany could think of at this moment was a bunch of question marks.

“Maybe you should take this.” Odile said while stretching herself, quite relaxed as well.

What the heck? Was Odile really freaking serious? Giving up her gun just like that? No, it just can't be that simple.

"What the?" Tiffany began. She stared at the gun on the ground in front of her. Disbelief.

"Is this a joke? Some kind of... trick?" Her tone blatantly cynical, as per course for Ms. Dexter.

“Call it a peace offering. There’s ammo in my bag.” Odile turned her back.

This was... this was just too good to be true. No, there had to be something up. Knowing Odile, there just had to be. Why? What? But damn it, there was a gun in front of Tiffany, free for her to use, and she wasn't about to really question a good thing, especially with her life on the line.

Tiffany bent over, keeping her eye on Odile, just in case the freak tried to pull a fast one, like hit her over the head as she went to pick it up. Instead Odile seemed preoccupied with talking to the other girl.

Were, Odile and Tiffany on the same team or something? That could be the only possible reason for this. No way would Odile be like this to Tiffany on her own accord.

Tiffany saw the orange bandanna, folded, and sticking out of her own pocket, and then took a look at Odile, trying to find the same colored cloth on her persons. Tiffany spotted a cloth in Odile's pocket, but it wasn't the same color: They weren't on the same team.

Well then, no need to dwell on that then, she'd need to get that ammo first, then ask questions later. She opened up Odile's bag, pulling out a small baggie with the bullets, and the instructions for it.

The weapon was called a Colt Anaconda .45 Magnum. Sounded rather intimidating. The barrel of the reflective silver handgun was also quite long, perfect for intimidation. Elegant looking as well, which quite suited Tiffany. Yes, this would be very nice. Needless to say, it felt nice for Tiffany to be holding this Colt Anaconda in her hands. She almost smiled.

She found the compartment for the bullets, and started filling it up to maximum capacity. The instructions seemed simple enough. Hold, aim and shoot, in layman's terms. Tiffany took out her weapon related items, from Odile's bag, placing them into her own bag, and then zipping up Odile's.

She stood up, dusting herself off from all the flakes of dried mud on her clothing, pants, and cardigan. Odile seemed busy talking to the Silver Dragon girl, paying no heed to Tiffany, at all. As if she wasn't even there.  Well, now it was Tiffany's turn.

Instead of running away; the hand gun went up, raised in the air, grasped in both of Tiffany's hands, pointed straight toward the direction of the two girls.

She pulled the Colt Anaconda's hammer back with another audible...

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Post by shining knight* »

Harold continues from the mission

It felt like he had been walking for days although it was more like an hour. He kept quiet not wanting to incur the wrath of this very scary girl he had teamed up with.

Scary she may have been but she is a worthy tool in his mission to save all the students in this game by killing them so they no longer had to damage their souls in participating further. She may have scared him but that would not stop him from using the old heavy item in backpack technique if she got rowdy.

He heard the chatter of two girls and grinned. He then said the first few words he had spoken since Marvia told him to keep quiet.

“Two lost souls ready to be reaped…shall we?”
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Post by Courtography »

How did she catch that!?

That was all Lexi could think as she saw the other girl flawlessly throw and catch the gun. Well that, and that the girl must be completely insane. She was treating the horrible situation like a...a game!

Wait, what! She had the gun to her head. Why!? She didn't want to see someone shoot themselves before her eyes. No. No! Click She was so thankful she didn't have to see that. Oh so thankful.

And then the girl just gave the gun to the other girl. Lexi was confused to say the least, all that just to hand the gun over.

Oh her name, right. She felt so stupid. "It's Le-Lexi." The last minute of time had gotten to her a bit, to say the least. "Wha-ats you-" Click. She turned, to see the other girl pointing the gun at them again, but something was wrong, in all the right ways. She hadn't been shot.

“Two lost souls ready to be reaped…shall we?” came from a guys voice from behind. "Wha-what?" She let out confused, what the hell did he mean? This was all so confusing, and there was no one she could find that was actually acting rational! First the stuff with the gun, now this!
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Post by shining knight* »

Harold walked over to the girl who said her name was Lexi. She looked pathetic the kind who broke easily during stress. An appropriate girl to be the first he saves from the game. He ignored the other two for the moment and worked on the weakest.

Harold held out his hand in a kind gesture towards the girl. “Do not worry my child…this has a been a trying day for us all,” he smiled a kind smile at her and said “But I have a way out for you all…I can save you from playing this terrible game,”

He then stood there with his arms open “Give me a hug and I shall save you!” he said with the same kind smile but inside his head was a different story. Inside only he could hear “give me a hug and I shall strangle you…so much kinder than the alternative,”
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Post by Namira »

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Post by Kitten* »

Lexi. Tiny, Texan, private-school Lexi. Cute.


Tiffany had a gun pointed at them. An empty gun, but a loaded gesture.

I’ll work with you, but I don’t fucking like you.

That was fine by Odile. She grinned, intentionally unsettling.

A voice from the trees, somewhere past Lexi. Male, though the words were indecipherable. Getting closer.

Stay calm. Regulate breathing. Think things through. Talking meant at least two people. If Odile could hear them, it stood to reason that they’d've heard her. Whoever the voices belonged to knew about the girls’ position, and were heading towards them without attempts at secrecy.

That was good, Odile supposed. It made an attack less likely. Tiffany had their only real weapon. Could she even shoot? She seemed to have been aiming it fine before. Would she shoot? Unknown. All things considered, a firefight was best avoided. Which suited Odile just fine.

Still, no sense in being careless.

“Some advice, Tiffie? Load that thing now. We’ve some guests arriving.”

A giant walked out of the forest. Odile was tall, and she guessed he’d have over a foot on her. He was wearing a priest’s frock, the largest garment Odile had ever seen.

The sheer amount of material... She could’ve replaced one of her stage curtains with it.

There didn’t seem to be anyone with him. Had he been talking to himself? It was hard to see anyone choosing to accompany him; he’d said one thing to Lexi, and Odile was already put off. Did he really call her his child? Definitely something wrong with him.

Odile frowned. There was no fun in a lunatic, no challenge. She couldn’t subvert his mind; it was clearly pretty fucking subverted already. He was useless.

She’d had people like him in her shows every other night: methheads, gangsters, nutcases who’d miracled there way to a ticket, or who the bouncers had let in out of pity. There was a level of understanding she required of her audiences, and it did no one any good if they didn’t have it. They got upset; and upset crazies tended to make a mess.

Odile had no patience for crazies and no time for messes.

The priest moved to hug Lexi. Too fucking friendly by half, but the little thing looked too petrified to move. This kind of behaviour, from a man of the cloth? What was the church coming to? Odile sighed.

She wouldn’t have intervened back home. Odile wouldn’t’ve needed to back home, of course; the law dealt with anyone truly crazy enough to tempt Odile’s formidable reputation. Here all she had in the way of backup was fucking Tiffany. Not ideal. Still, Lexi was likable enough, and company like her wasn’t exactly going to be easy to come by, on the island. Odile didn’t need the headache of having to replace her, especially so early. The kid had “suggestible” written all over her, she was too precious to give away to some crazy.

Odile had no patience for crazies.

Action, then. It was rare for Odile to play the hero, and it wasn’t a role she was comfortable with. Or good at. Shit. Had Tiffany actually loaded the gun? Odile’d been too preoccupied to notice. Fuck. From experience, she knew that bluffing psychos was unreliable at best. Again, fuck. She took a breath.

“Hey “Father”, let’s play a game.”

She had his attention.

“You keep your hands to yourself, and we let you keep your fucking head.”

Too much? Did guns even do that? Did it matter? The magnum would fuck him up, and he didn’t look so gone as to not realize this.

Odile exhaled. At least Tiffany’s aim wouldn’t be an issue.

The big fucker’d be pretty hard to miss.
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Post by Cake »

[[OOC - Just to keep track for everyone here, the order is now: Kitten, Keaka, Bacon, Shining Knight.]]

This was nice. Holding a loaded gun at one of her most hated enemies at school. The other girl who Tiffany heard, said her name was Lexi, just happened to be in the way. She had no beef with the poor thing, just that freak next to her.

Tiffany wasn't really planning to shoot Odile. After all the girl gave Tiffany the gun, so Tiffany did owe her, at least a little bit. She just wanted to see Odile shake in her boots for a little while, at her fatal mistake, before telling her to scram.

Instead though, Odile kinda smiled at Tiffany's gun pointing action. For a second Tiffany contemplated on actually pulling that trigger and shooting Odile's face... several times. That would be delicious. Tiffany collected herself, after realizing how sick and wrong that would be, and gave her own sassy grin back at the freak.

Tiffany threw the roll of Duct Tape at Odile's feet. "For you..." She said as she begun to lower the magnum.

Before anything else could happen, other voices started echoing through the jungle. They were about to have some new visitors. Just freaking great.

“Some advice, Tiffie? Load that thing now. We’ve some guests arriving.” Odile sarcastically told Tiffany, as if she was some dumb ass child.
Gee, Thanks for telling me something I already know. Plus I already loaded the gun - that clicking noise you heard was me flicking  back the hammer of a loaded gun, pointed and ready to shoot into your face, telling you, how fucked you are... bitch.

But, whatever, Odile was right for once, so Tiffany steadied her gun.

A few seconds later a male, the first male she would be seeing on the island came into the picture. Tiffany was quite pessimistic about most men, especially those that she didn't know anything about. They were not meant to be trusted, as far as Tiffany was concerned. It was all about first impressions for Tiffany here, really. The first impression she got from this guy was not very good at all.

He was a big ugly, guy dressed in a preacher outfit; absolutely gigantic...

“Give me a hug and I shall save you!” ...and not to mention creepy, very freaking creepy. He sounded psychotic, with a definite screw loose in his brain.

The guy looked like some kind of crazy perv, with his preacher suit, choice of words and that disturbing smile on his face. It was accentuated by his huge build, and Lexi's tiny size, making him look like some kind of child predator, or pedophile rapist, preying on a helpless young girl. And the way he was opening his arms at Lexi for a big hug, was really unnerving.

"What the fuck?" Tiffany muttered in disgust. That guy was gross, and Tiffany had a gun, which means Tiffany could do something about it, for Lexi. Tiffany had the urge to protect the poor girl for some reason. Maybe cause she was just an innocent and weak girl, and seemed to be sane, unlike the freaks around her. Oh and there was no way Tiffany was gonna watch this giant freak touch another female.

Then Odile spoke to the giant reverend, before Tiffany could fire her gun. "You keep your hands to yourself, and we let you keep your fucking head.”

Tiffany nearly smiled at this. Odile actually had the same mindset, over this strange man. Even though they hated each other, they had a common enemy now. For once the girls needed to stick together against this unknown male threat. So Tiffany nodded at Odile, as she pointed the gun at the behemoth in the preacher suit.

I don't like you, but I'll work with you... At least with this rapist looking freak here.

Tiffany pulled back the Colt Anaconda's hammer again, to emphasize the point. Another, click.

"Oh and we don't mean just the head on your shoulders either, you creepy pervert." She said in her calm, authoritative, yet snarky tone.

She pointed the magnum at the fat boy's balls.

"Lexi, get away from that creepy freak. Stay close to me. If he touches you..." Tiffany switched her focus from Lexi to the boy again.

"...I swear to God..." Tiffany grinned widely at her choice of words, considering the boy's outfit. "... I will blow his fucking balls off."
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Post by Courtography »

Oh God no. No she recognized the gigantic kid in the preacher's outfit now. It was that freak Harold. Lexi wasn't exactly at the top of the social food chain, but she had her own group of friends. Harold didn't have a group. Of course there was a reason for that: he was weird!

And this creepy boy she wouldn't have associated with under any circumstances was now offering her a hug, an especially awkward given their height difference, she was over a foot shorter than him!

Her mouth hung agape. Of course she liked hugs and she never got hugged by boys, except her older brother, who didn't count anyways. But this, despite how desperate she got sometimes, was not a boy she wanted to hug. Ever.

Luckily the other two girls knew what to do. Yelling at him, threatening to shoot him. Lexi got the message: boys could be dangerous. Well she thought she got it, she knew that this boy was dangerous, but not all boys were bad.

She got behind the girl the other one had referred to as Tiffie, must be named Tiffany then. She hoped Harold would leave, he creeped her out. A lot.
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