Party At My Place

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Party At My Place


Post by Imehal* »

[Regina's Home]
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[Regina Aston continued from Videos Cannot Do This Justice]

Season Sixty-Six was coming in a few weeks, and to celebrate it her father was hosting a pre-season party at his shop but only for over eighteens. Of course she (and a lot of his customers) had friends and relatives who enjoyed the show just as much, if not more, but were under the legal age to enter a betting shop, let alone attend a party there.

”Hey, dad?”

Her father looked up from his desk in the basement, his daughter’s face peeking through the open doorway to the underground study. “What is it Reggie?”

A flash of hesitance, maybe even sheepishness, and then she was off rambling. “Well, you know the night of your party? I’ve got friends who are fans of the show, and I know you don’t want me having too many friends over at home but I’m near-”

“It has to be over by eleven, or at least taken elsewhere and you clean everything up before I get home. Understood?”

Regina stared, then grinned at her success. “It’ll be like it never happened.”

No parties at home. It had always been her dad’s golden rule about partying. She had always been allowed to go out with friends as long as she kept in contact and was home by one, but their family home had always been off limits. That was why, despite all the planning testing Regina’s patience threshold, she was ridiculously excited about today. Budgeting, getting all the technology to get along just for once, and most crucially, making sure everyone knew this was happening.

So far? It had been a success. A fair few people had shown up within the first hour, some of them chatting over by the dinner table - covered with a few plain tablecloths to protect it - that was littered with disposable tableware and plates of still warm food. A few bottles of soda and disposable cups sat on the partition between the kitchen and the living area, with about half a dozen bottles of cheap alcohol beside them, brought by the guests of the party so far. She had not been able to actually allowed to buy any at all per her father's request. However, she had told people to bring a bottle if they wanted to drink under the proviso that it went home with them when they all left.

The smell of barbecue wafted pleasantly through the whole bottom floor of the house, and the loud chatter gave the house a lively ambience that it often lacked with fewer people. Admittedly, people that she loved more than life itself, but Regina had always preferred crowds - lots of people to chat to and engage with rather than just one person. That had only become more prevalent in recent years, and to be able to host her first party cemented it as a part of life she would never ever stop loving.

She meandered through the room, stopping just shy of the back of the couch to chat with a friend of a friend about the new season. Everyone was excited to see what the producers had planned this year, and given that the party was about Survival of the Fittest it was of little surprise that she kept getting inadvertently pulled into discussion regarding it. That said, when this particular someone - Hayley, maybe? - was gushing about how she hoped there would be a nicer win condition in this version, Regina momentarily wished that she had been out of earshot, if not sight.

“Maybe a clause where if there’s only kids from one school remaining, they all get to go home safely, you know?” Hayley smiled, clearly pleased with her idea. “It would be an interesting twist, and we’d see a lot more co-operation. It’d be more humane, you know?”

Regina tried not to stiffen, eyes narrowed ever so slightly. If she opened her mouth to reply, all that would come out was the odds of people trying to be heroes, turning the conversation to statistics, and forcing her to point out that that sort of contestant usually died being a martyr, rather than saving anyone. Not only were teenagers typically just not that diplomatic, but a clause like that would be terrible for ratings. Not that she had particularly approved of the ten kills rule, but it had made for fantastic viewing for fans, and spurred many a long night debating motivations for killing on the between her, her father and grandfather.

“We’ll have to wait and see,” Regina replied noncommittally, summoning up interest to continue the discussion rather than making it crash and burn. A burst of laughter erupted from the couch across the room, and she fought back a smile at the sign of her friends having a good time. That, and she recognised one particular chuckle as it died down, the moment of humour passing.

Enjoy yourself, even if you're not entirely comfortable with the subject matter. Not like it wouldn't be the first time. “They usually find a way to keep things different enough, but a clause like that would make for a completely different show than what we're used to. It'd be a brave choice, and I can appreciate why it's a good idea.”
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

((Vahka Basayev Continued From Videos Cannot Do This Justice))

"None of that Saturday night. Playing nice is the aim of the evening. Half past six."

"No idea what you mean, I'm as nice and passive as they come. See you then, Reggie."

Reflecting on the text exchange from last weekend brought a smirk to Vahka's face. She wasn't kidding about playing nice tonight. It was a hell of a lot more tame than the ragers Ronnie usually dragged him along to, but he wasn't in a mood to complain. He figured he'd enjoy the break and stay out of the way for the most part tonight, since he wasn't too knowledgeable about SotF or too sociable with most of the crowd.

He had seen Regina flitting around playing hostess through different parts of the room. It was a new setting to see her in, it was almost funny to see her acting all responsible and polite and shit. She'd gone all out dressing up for it too, with a short, forest green dress with a flowing, wide sash over her bare shoulder that was amusingly similar to the cape he wore for performances. He had to wonder if that was on purpose. It also looked like she'd been impressed with the stilt walkers at the fair, since it looked she'd borrowed some heels from them. She might even come up to his chest now, though he hadn't had a chance to check.

His ears perked up at the conversation she'd just ducked into. The idea of someone looking to make SotF "nicer" made him chuckle. "Seems like niceness would be missin' the point a tad," he observed dryly from the wall beside the couch. "Though if you ask me, the way to tidy things up there isn't about the win condition. It's all in the set-up. They should take out the whole random selection schtick." He shifted off the wall and walked closer, standing across from Regina in the small cluster the discussion had grown from. "I get why it was around at the start, but now? The whole thing's popular enough that everybody knows some crazy bastard who'd volunteer to be on if they held auditions or somethin'. Seems like that'd be an interestin' twist to me."
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Post by Aster »

((Tucker Hopkins- START))

Tucker didn't have any major weekend plans, or at least he didn't up until recently. A few hours ago he was at home, reading a book and his biggest concern was when dinner was. But then he heard about a few of his friends attending a party at Regina's house, and one of them invited him over. He considered going, though the answer was most definitely yes. It was a party, and friends were already there. The nail in that coffin was that it was an SOTF-related party. After he was informed of that, Tucker just sort of arrived unexpectedly.

He had spent the next hour or two chatting with friends about the newest season and what they all hoped to see come up. As of now Tucker was leaning on the food table, making up for his missed dinner with a slice of meat lover's pizza and a paper cup full of Coke. He had wandered away from the group a little earlier, and he was just now starting on his snack.

None of his other friends had come with him, and everyone else near the table was absorbed in a whole different conversation he didn't feel like butting into. In the mean time, Tucker looked around to find someone to talk to. Leaving the table, he spotted the host of the party herself speaking to a boy he only knew by first name. While he had never personally talked to Vahka, Regina herself seemed like a friendly enough person.

Maybe he'd introduce himself.
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Post by Imehal* »

“There’s nothing entertaining about people volunteering to go into Survival of the Fittest just to kill each other.” Hayley’s tone put across her disapproval at the darker alternative to her suggestion succinctly. “Popularity doesn’t mean that we should suck everything potentially good out of the show.”

The situation had taken an interesting turn. A conversation about making Survival of the Fittest more humane - something that could have turned sour with Regina’s candid input - had fortuitously turned to a broader discussion about changes to the show that people would like to see. If it had been any other moment, any other time, Regina might have smiled at the fact that there was no effort required to meet Vahka’s eye, raising her eyebrows slightly. He had been here for a while but someone else had answered the door and let him in earlier, so this discussion was their hello for the evening. It did not feel awkward regardless, though she fought back a quip that would not have been appropriate, and only funny to one involved in the present conversation.

A cup she had set aside previously caught attention on the coffee table, and Regina crouched to pick it up, rather than let herself smile and lower the tone of the discussion. It was then that she noticed someone a little way across the room, pizza slice in one hand and cup in the other, observing the little gathering that had accumulated around the three. This time Regina smiled freely, waving them over with her own drink secured, straightening to reintegrate herself into the discussion but half an eye on the boy whose name she was trying to remember before he reached them.

“You want to make it fairer? Less pointless?” she questioned, already knowing her opinion might cause friction, especially after hearing the scandalised responses to Vahka’s suggestion that people volunteer to die on television. “We’re abducting participants one way, and actively accepting our desire to enjoy violence with your change, and rewarding psychosis by letting these people find celebrity status.”

Random selection kept things different enough each season to hold the attention of the masses. A fresh crop of relationships, rivalries and stories to invest in. It was a side of the show that Regina was all too aware existed, and let herself forget. Her father and grandfather actively avoided discussions what they would do in the situations that the participants found themselves in.

Participants. Strategies. Statistics. Deliberately using those terms created a distance between the analysis and the emotional attachment that most succumbed to watching Survival of the Fittest. She often admitted to having an almost academic interest in the show, but enjoyed trading opinions - having discussions - up to a designated point.

Fortunately a distraction came in the form of someone else in the circle asking if, almost as a joke, if anyone knew anyone who would be crazy enough to volunteer for Survival of the Fittest. Regina, for now, was happy to let the conversation continue over her as she got her thoughts in order, though this time she did not bother to disguise her amusement at the turn of the discussion, fingers fiddling with the sash absently, smiling coyly across at Vahka.
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Latin For Dragula
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

Vahka listened to the moralizing voice to his side with amusement. "I think we're on different pages here. Somehow gettin' consent from people to chuck 'em in a murder bin with each other instead a nabbin' a bunch folks and watchin' 'em go stir crazy is the worse alternative?"

He saw someone else headed towards their bunch and greeted him with a nod. He didn't recognize him, but that wasn't much of a surprise. He'd probably remember him if a name slipped out.

He turned his attention back to the discussion, particularly Regina's interjection. "I mean, what you're assumin' is that only psychos who wanna kill would sign up. But what about all the people who just wanna be famous? There's a buncha winners who went on to sell books and stuff. I can guarantee there's a ton of otherwise square people who want a piece of that action."

The vaguely serious atmosphere was undercut by a wide grin and a shrug. "Wouldn't catch me signin' up, fake fights are good enough for me. But I'm not gonna pretend I don't know a handful a people who'd gun for that deal, and I think the rest of ya probably can too."
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Post by Un-Persona* »

((Ashley Namath -Sandbox- Continued from I'll Tumble For Ya))

Even if it was for a dumb SOTF thing, Ashley wouldn't say no to hanging out at a friends house and talk if she could help it. Besides, it was being hosted by Regina, so that's a guaranteed good time. Never had actually been to a party hosted by Regina, only having gone to other parties with her, but whatever. She might have been a little late considering the supposed start of the party, but that wasn't important.

She was here now, but it didn't seem like anything special so far. That was okay. Didn't have to go wildin out as soon as you hit the floor. Ashley walked over to the table that had the sodas and the beers, craving something to drink upon her arrival. While she found her choice of poison, Ashley listened and looked for something or someone interesting.

Regina and her not-so-little friend were talking about the show with someone else. Boring. Still, it was to be expected as such, Ashley knew what she was getting into when she decided to come here. Though that didn't mean she couldn't find anything at all to entertain her in the meantime. Maybe someone who already looked lost in the mist or were already out of it. Those ones were always fun to hang with if they could get hyped enough, even made her nights some times.

Ashley began scouting the playing field, looking for the hopeful.
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Post by Mimi »

Sissy didn't get the allure of SOTF or it's following. It was pretty brainless as far as she was concerned, just a bunch of kids stabbing one another and maybe some salacious romance scenes every now and then. It was one of those shows you watch when you're bored to the point that anything will do and it just happened to be minutely better than watching paint dry.

Parties, on the other hand, were something she could get behind, no matter the content that was being celebrated. While she hadn't been personally invited, per say, word of mouth reached her and that was as good an invite as any in her book. She barely even knew Regina, nor did she really care too, but hey. Thanks for the free booze and food, right? She'd try her best not to burn the place down, but no promises.

"Excuse me, excuse me. I have herpes, you better move," She insisted as she elbowed her way to craft services table, a belligerent scowl twisting on her features once she'd shoved her way past the great sea of idiots. The spread was decent, lined with snack foods and a good assortment of cheap alcohol. Behind her, Norma, whom she dragged along with her, attempted to follow the path she made, but not succeeding nearly as well Sissy herself had. With a great sigh, she grabbed Norma's hand and yanked her through the crowd into a spot next to her.

"Stand guard," Sissy said in a low voice, not bothering to explain why before thumbing over the alcohol choices. Opening the flap of her messenger bag, she swiftly began stacking some of the bottles inside without the slightest bit of shame. She managed to fit at least five of the smaller bottles inside before taking two more underneath her arms and glancing around the table once more, picking up on some incredulous looks from a boy she recognized from Home Ec.

"My dad just died. I'm really sad and I need this," She said in monotone before pushing her way back out from the crowd the same way she'd come in, still dragging Norma along behind her.

She wasn't familiar with Regina's house, but she managed to find the staircase leading upstairs easily enough, taking one sweeping glance around to make sure nobody was watching before following them upstairs, where a selection of doors awaited them.

"Which one do you think is hers?" She said, not bothering to whisper anymore.
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Post by Carrion Queen »

((Norma Jean Torkelson continued from Ultimate Chef))

Norma just loved Survival of the Fittest. The killing she could take or leave, but the drama and the romance made her dreamy eyed and anxious for each new episode. She was secretly pretty happy they got to go to an SOTF party, though she would have been happier if it had been during the season.

As Sissy pushed her way through the crowd Norma giggled after hearing her excuse and tries to weave between the people who were filling in the gap Sissy had made with her pushing.

She casually leaned against the table, looking around as her friend started filling her bag up with cheap liquor.

"Oh hi-"

She was yanked away and soon they were upstairs. Norma stifled her giggles and started twirling a piece of blonde hair around her finger.

"I dunno," she shrugged. "Let's just open doors I guess."

She tried one to the right and it led into a bed room decorated in mature, dark colors.

"Must be her mom and pop's room. Let's keep looking," she said as she made a move to close the door.
[+] May you find that which shines and learn the power of miracles.

The only thing I've ever been proud of was describing the setting sun as "daylight's falling star" in a recent Supers post.

Ximena Rodriguez: "Everything is just a matter of time."
Soraya Martinez: "Need a translator? I'm pretty good."
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Post by Un-Persona* »

((Oh hey, loose posting order that I can take advantage of.))

Ashley's attention was finally caught by something semi-interesting. Few bottles making a familiar clinking sound as she saw them smuggled by a girl, Sissy, if she was seeing right. Ah well, if she was going to drink that much anyway, no harm. The joke about her dad dying was funny, if getting a bit diabolical. That would be an awkward Sunday.

Her eyes lit up a smidge as that Norma girl said hi to Ashley. She looked like she could be fairly nice to talk to.


And just like that, the Torkelson girl was swept away.


Ashley could only smirk and shrug to herself, taking another sip of her drink.

"Torkelson is such an ugly name."
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

Some movement near the drinks table caught Vahka's eye.

Aw shit.

Running into exes wasn't really a problem he had, normally. The list of people who could be considered more than one night stands was pretty thin, and he liked it that way for several reasons.

Sissy was one of those reasons.

A six and a half foot man suddenly trying to look inconspicuous is awkward at best and comical at worst, but goddamn did he put in the effort. The last thing he wanted was to deal with her tonight. He hushed up and kept a careful eye on her as she slipped upstairs with her partner in crime. He relaxed a little bit, but he needed something to take the edge off now.

"'scuse me," he nodded to the group around him as he moved towards the table. He snatched a beer up and opened it with a satisfying pop. About the time he took his first sip he noticed the girl peering up at him over her cup. "Cheers," he said with a slight smile. Staying loose and friendly was a good idea here. He wasn't looking to make waves.
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Post by Aster »

Looks like he didn't have to. Regina had spotted him while bending down to pick up a drink and beckoned him over. Accepting the invitation, he made his way to the couch, muttering several 'excuse me's as he bumped into people on his way. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Vahka nod in greeting. He nodded in return.

"Hello," Tucker said quietly, smiling at Hayley and Regina in turn. They were talking about SOTF-TV (obviously) and it was something about making the show more fair and less pointless. Tucker didn't hear enough of the conversation to jump in freely, so he decided to hang around before chiming in. In the meantime, he smiled and listened.
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Post by Imehal* »

For the briefest of moments Vahka’s attention was taken from the group, giving Regina extra time to formulate a response - and Hayley a moment to process that he genuinely believed his improvement was better than hers. Blue eyes followed his gaze with eyebrows raising at the sight of Genesis Bradley-Baker, Norma Jean Torkenson in somewhat confused tow. They crossed the room, but the young woman had become infinitely more amused at the way Vahka tried to make himself smaller - less noticeable - eyebrows raised until the moment he finally appeared to relax again. A quick glance around confirmed that Genesis had disappeared, probably upstairs.

“There’s easier ways to secure celebrity status - and with less fatal odds in the balance.”

That was what Regina would have said - would have cut across whatever Hayley wanted to say in indignant, but possibly justified, response to Vahka’s suggestion that so many would be incredibly willing to offer themselves up to the slaughter. Here was a person who believed in the goodness of humanity versus someone who had never been sheltered from the decidedly more grey reality of the world. But just as the conversation should have continued, Vahka abruptly excused himself - yet another unexpected response that had Regina fighting back an amused smirk - and left her standing there with a largely bemused group of once-conversationalists.

Hayley huffed something dismissively, and Regina was sure the other girl had named Vahka as the reason for said comment as she watched the tall, and practically impossible to miss, boy make his way to the counter where the alcohol had been set up. “I’m sure he’ll be back soon,” Regina added just as the boy she had waved earlier reached them from across the room.

“Oh hey.” The slightly too thin appearance and short ginger hair were triggering enough recognition so that Regina knew that she could name the newcomer, but bugger if she could recall his name at this exact moment. Typical. Instead of focusing on that blunder though, Regina gestured to the screen that currently had the Golden Couple filling its considerable size on the wall opposite the couch full of spectators.

“You a fan of the show, or just here because well, party, why not?” The question was punctuated with a friendly smile, and a sidelong glance at Hayley, who was currently still glaring at… hey, was that Ashley? When did she get here, and why the hell hadn't she come to say hello yet?
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Post by Un-Persona* »

Ashley had Vahka figured as the most massive of tools.

She was taught to not judge a book by it's cover, but given the books she read, that rule mostly fell flat on the ground. Okay, that wasn't fair, not to mention missing the entire point of the phrase, but there was just something about him that put him on the upper levels of douchebag.

She couldn't quite pin-point what it was that mad him such a douche either. Maybe it was his face. Maybe it was the clothes he wore, or the tattoos he had. Guys who had tattoos of a foreign language of any kind always turned out to be jerks in Ashley's experience. Maybe it was the fact that Regina had showed her his little hobby of play-fighting and acting like he was hot shit and how obsessive her friend had become over that type of thing.

One of those.

But who knew, she was aware of the fact that she could be wrong about him, that Vahka could turn out to be a decent dude.

She could also be right.

"Fuck it."

Ashley turned her face away from his sight, a increasingly grotesque expression on her face, giving a pitiful finger wave to Vahka, mumbling what could be considered a shamed greeting.
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

The room felt just a little bit colder.

Vahka wasn't sure what this girl's problem was with him, but she seemed kinda pissed at him. He wracked his brain to see if he'd met her before. He was drawing a complete blank though.

Maybe she was from school? Probably somebody Reggie knew. The puzzle pieces were coming together now. Her name started with an A, Amy or Ashley or something. Reggie'd brought her up a couple times.

Normally he'd just walk away, but this chick was probably an important part of playing nice. He might as well give it a shot.

"Cool party, eh? You real big into this SotF stuff too?"
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Post by Aster »

Regina greeted him with an "Oh, hey." and immediately after asked him if he was here for the party or SOTF-TV. Glancing at the screen to catch a small snippet of the action, he turned back to Regina and smiled.

"I guess I'm here for both," He answered, grinning. "I mean, I like parties and SOTF. This thing pretty much a prefect thing for me."

Tucker noticed Hayley glaring at someone, and following his gaze he saw a girl he knew as Ashley Namath. She was definitely a familiar face; he saw her around school quite a lot, and several parties as well. While he probably had never spoken to her directly, she might recognize him.

He waved at her, flashing a friendly smile in her direction.
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