Gimme an L!

Open, Davison clothes store, Bikriki's tagged

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Gimme an L!


Post by Espi »

((Lucy Williams' story continues from A Quiet Evening With some Casual Entertainment))

Lucy loved the Lady's Luck store.

It was a nice little mom-and-pop clothes store, and they had lots of really nice clothes. Lucy especially enjoyed it when she was shopping with friends, and today she got to enjoy the company of her pal Lisa Toner. Lisa had a good eye for clothes and she was great company, so it was great fun to hang out with her.

Lucy gently dug through a rack of clothes of all different sizes and colors, but most of them were black or brown, which Lucy would never wear. After a second, though, she found a nice red blouse that looked about her size. It was even a nice, soft cotton fabric, which was always a nice bonus for good clothing.

Clearly Lady Luck was smiling.

"What do you think of this?" Lucy said to Lisa, holding up the blouse in front of her. "Does it look good on me?"
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Post by Bikriki* »

Lisa Toner, Pregame Start

Black? No. Brown? No. ...Black again? Goodness, was this some goth shop? If it were true to its name the Lady Luck shop would only offer green stuff. Or a bunch of four-leaf clovers. Hm... maybe that was not much of a good idea. Would be boring if literally everything looked the same. Well, there was more in this shop than the rack she inspected with Lucy. So she guessed that she should give it a second chance.

Oh, cool. Lucy found something. Lisa shifted her focus from the rack to her friend.

"Awesome! It has nearly the same color as your headband. I think that's cool, you could call yourself the lady in red."

She moved forward to touch the fabric of the blouse. Neat, it was so... soft.
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Post by Espi »

Lucy touched her headband. "You're right, it does match!"

She smiled and chuckled at Lisa's comment. "That's awesome, I'm totally going to buy this." She folded it up and held it under her arm, and kept looking. She was glad she'd found something; going shopping was nice, but it was so much more fun if you actually found something. Otherwise it's a bit disappointing.

Lucy kept going through the clothes, but after a moment she realized there was a bit of an awkward silence going around. She didn't want that, obviously, because it would be boring. So she turned to her friend and spoke.

"Hey Lisa, did you see that Season 65 rerun last night? I was texting one of my other friends, and we laughed sooo hard when Jared interrupted Amber and Sterling."
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Post by Bikriki* »

Yesh. Thus Lisa has managed to enrich the wardrobe of a fellow friend. Good deed done for the day.

Lisa's eye caught something that looked interesting, something in the most delicate pink. She whirled around and walked a few feet towards the desired object.

...oh, it was a t-shirt. Great color, but much to small for her. Well, shit happens. Lucy got her attention now.

"Oh, reruns? I totally forgot those. Was really busy yesterday with family stuff."

She drew a bit closer to Lucy.

"But I know that scene. Prolly one of my faves. Text book example of a moment killer. Not that I would mind being interrupted by Jared. By far the best mentor."
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Post by Espi »

Lucy chuckled again. "Yeah, it was a really funny scene."

She paused, unsure if Lisa would be offended by bringing up the murder that followed shortly. Still, Lisa probably wouldn't mind; she watched the show, she was used to it.

"Of course, it did get really weird when that guy came in and tried to make them do it in front of him. He got what was coming to him."

Lucy paused again, looking at a couple of hats on a nearby rack. They were nice, but Lucy didn't like hats much. "So what family stuff were you doing yesterday? Anything serious?"
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Post by Bikriki* »

Lisa nodded when Lucy brought up the guy who came in after that rather amusing scene. And turned it... a bit weirder. Well, creeps are everywhere. She hoped that there was nobody in her school that was like that.

"Hm? Oh, nothing serious. We're just eating outwards every month. Our way of keeping contact, I guess. Oh, look at these hats! These are sweet."

She lunged over to the rack and fetched herself a black fedora. The moment she put it one she began to imagine that everything just turned monochrome. Then she presented herself to Lucy, put on a serious face and lowered her voice a full octave.

"Hey lady. I got your case covered."
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Post by Espi »

Lucy busted up, laughing so hard she nearly doubled over. "Oh, my god!" She momentarily lost it in the throws of laughter. Maybe it wasn't that funny, but Lucy hadn't expected it so it surprised her. It took her a moment before she recovered her composure and was able to respond.

"Oh, detective," she said in a sultry voice, "could you please help me find my missing fiance?"

She turned to the side, seductively, before pouting almost cartoonishly. This was good, this was fun, Lucy was having a lot of fun here, and that was great.

The sultry voice returned "His name is..." Lucy paused for a second before adding, "James Bond." She stood calmly for only a second before she began busted up again.
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Post by Bikriki* »

Lisa did manage to keep her face serious for a while, though her lips flickered multiple times when Lucy decided to play along. However, Lisa was not a devout follower of the stoic principles, thus she broke out in a loud and rouring laughter after Lucy did the same.

It took her some while to cool down, and everytime it seemed as if her laughter were to subside, it began to emerge again in its snorting majesty. She still struggled with regaining her composure as she took the hat and put it back into its original rack.

"O...okay. I - haha... -I think I am good now.

So... hehe, where were we?"
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Post by Espi »

Lucy took a moment to recover, and after another bout of laughter, she managed to dust herself off and fix her hair, as her bangs had fallen into her eyes during her fit.

She nodded. "Yeah, I'm alright. That was funny, though."

When Lisa asked about the conversation, Lucy was disappointed she didn't remember. It couldn't have been that important, she supposed, since it had slipped both of their minds in just moments.

"Hmm, I dunno. What were we talking about, SOTF?"
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Post by Bikriki* »

"Oh, yeah! We talked about the reruns, and how funny it was when Jared interrupted the rabbits. Or were it rats that were humping around all day? I hope not, because I- oh, that one is good!"

Lisa dashed behind her friend to pick up a piece of clothing she found while scanning the room with her eyes. A light blue t-shirt, decorated with a floral pattern. Even her size, as well! She played with it for a while before walking to the changing cabines.

"Uno momento, s'il te plâit!

And with that, she vanished behind the crimson velvet cloth.
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Post by Espi »

Lucy nodded. "Okay-dokey!".

She went back to the rack, continuing to browse for that perfect bit of clothing. This was quite fun for Lucy; doing this with friends was so much better than shopping alone.

Solo shopping was just boring. She glanced over at the changing room and wondered how it was going for Lisa.
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Post by Bikriki* »


Lisa emerged from the changing cabine, t-shirt wrapped around her arms.

"Seems as if I need some googles, or maybe the mirror is broken, but this here fits me less that I hoped."

With a not-so-skilled throw and complete ignorace of the basic laws of aerodynamics, Lisa placed the t-shirt to where it came from. Well, she tried, but it instead decided to land 6 feet to the left, hanging on another rack. Lisa looked at that for a second before shrugging and turning to Lucy.

"This isn't really my day. Haven't found anything cool yet."
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Post by Espi »

Lucy shrugged. "Sorry, Lisa." She sighed dramatically. "I'm sure somewhere, somehow, someday, you'll find that special cardigan, sundress or tee."

The giggles bubbled up again, but she compressed them so as not to burst out laughing. Still, she chuckled a bit.

Lucy bent down to pick up the shirt, and placed it gently back on the rack. She glanced around, and noticed the clerk at the desk was suppressing a smirk. The giggles almost came back.

"D'you wanna keep looking, or should we take a break?" Lucy asked, holding up the blouse. "I can buy this real quick and we can get lunch or something if you want."
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Post by Bikriki* »

Lisa dramatically went down on her knees as a sign of grief over the greatest tragedy of all. Not being able to find a sufficient piece of clothing. She abruptly stood up when Lucy mentioned lunch though.

"Hm... yeah! That's a good idea. Shopping makes hungry, huh?

This is actually pretty weird, though. I mean, we didn't move that much, or? Anyway..."

Thus, she embarked on her dangerous journey to the clerk.

And thus, ended her dangerous journey to the clerk.

[Lisa Toner, continued in [Davison/OPEN] A party...]
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Post by Espi »

Lucy chuckled as Lisa reacted to her story.

"Yeah, true, we walked here I guess, but that's not really the shopping part, right?" She scratched the back of her head. She wasn't entirely sure what made shopping hunger-inducing, but it wasn't that important.

After paying for her new red blouse, Lucy thanked her cashier (who was wearing a really odd choice of lime green), walked towards the door, and called back. "Ready?"

This was going to be a fun day.

((Lucy Williams' story continues in The Juicy Lucy))
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