TV2: The First Announcement

One part Unpy, one part Namira

Announcements for the second version of TV are stored here.
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TV2: The First Announcement


Post by Namira »

One of the perks of being the announcer Rhiannon had grown fond of was that she didn’t have to be cooped up in an office or any kind of building like the mentors did, so she was free to wander in and out of the resort as she pleased. She chose to leave often, knowing that the show would still be there when she got back. The resort wasn’t far from civilization, so she could grab the escort of the hour and have them give her a ride to wherever she wanted, and she could still be back in record time. Of course, she always had to keep herself updated on the show, but that’s what phones were for.

So now Rhiannon kept her mouth shut as she walked through the strip-mall, knowing that people mostly recognized her by her voice instead of her face. Came with the job, of course. She smirked a little as she watched SOTF on so many of the TVs on display in one of the shops, little kids smashing their faces against the glass window in awe of their favorite contestants, their parents all doing the same. They couldn't care less about her, as they watched a nude boy, flailing and screaming out for his daddy, die because he fell into a volcano in the midst of his panic.

“Looks like someone wanted to have a hot streak.”

Rhiannon turned away as one of the children perked up and turned their head left and right, searching for her. Not too many years ago, she could’ve enjoyed being an easy face to pick out of a crowd, and now she got her giggles by being a ghost. Ah well, too much fun could get risky anyway.

Now she skulked through a toy store, giving each little gadget and figurine a quick look-see before putting it back in its original spot. As the speakers wished her a holly jolly Christmas with a jingle bell rock, she looked towards the children waiting in line to talk to Santa, probably ready to ask for a DVD box-set of one or two seasons of SOTF, maybe a Kenshin Yamana robot. That was what she remembered getting for Joe when he was their age. Oh, now she felt old. Joe didn’t get by with just toys anymore; he was almost fully grown now, biding his time through high-school. She had always been awful about buying his presents early, but she always got them, and he had always been happy, and that was the important thing. She wouldn’t have even taken up being the announcer if she didn't know she would be home for Christmas. She was away now, but they couldn’t take him from her. She cuddled a raggedy doll and petted it as she turned her attention to a Christmas tree decorated in all its fancy, standing like a tower in the middle of the mall, dazzling the surroundings with its lights and big bright star.

This place even had an ice rink, bigger then the one back at the resort, and she took a moment to indulge her reminiscences, renting a pair of skates. She spun herself in broken eights and dented circles, her mind spiraling out and yet secure in its revolving state. She had thought she was so good when she was little, always bragging to her friends when they went to the ice rink, said the only reason she wasn't a pro was because that would be too lame for her. And now she was simply Dizzy Ritzy. She smiled again at her own joke, losing her concentration and falling on her bottom, still spinning. Rhiannon grasped her head and tried to slow the world down as her body did, not to much avail. She couldn't erase that small smile on her face though, even the queasiness in her stomach having some nostalgic effect on her.

And then, her phone was ringing with a song she had picked out just for business matters. She figured she might as well get a good song stuck in her head while she was bored to death.


"We need you back at the resort, now." Her boss, always right there to wreck her fun. "It's almost time for the announcements."

"Oh, shit, already? Twelve hours seemed a lot longer in my head." She hoped he'd appreciate the humor. He never did.

"Yes, well, it's not. We have to get it going soon. Delays aren't exactly great for keeping people's attention, you know."

"Yeah, yeah, I got it. I'll be right there."

Rhiannon slid her fingers across the screen, ending the call, and let out a small sigh. She looked out to the horizon as she walked back through the mall, already growing a bit tired of the whole back and forth thing she had going on. She had known what she was getting into, and she'd be lying if she said she didn't get some enjoyment out of it, but it was all a bit more demanding then she expected. However, a job was a job, and a job meant hard work. She looked towards her escort, so silently taking her wherever she wanted or needed to go that she'd forgotten the woman, even as she shadowed Rhiannon through the toy aisles and watched her skating.

"Hey, uh, what's your name?" she asked, suddenly, on a whim, as they pulled back into the parking lot of the building a few miles from the resort that had been commandeered as this season's HQ.

"Jordan." Jordan was a stone faced lady, not too young, not too old, always seemed to be keeping her eyes forward no matter what. Even now, when Rhiannon had tried to make something of a personal connection, she stood stern and professional, all business.

"Jordan, name a song you really like, and don't ask why."

"We Will Rock You, by Queen." Still, not even a single tiny crack from the ice queen.


Jordan opened the car door for Rhiannon, who stuffed a few dollars into her guide's breast pocket and gave her a small tap on the cheek, thankful for the ride, then made her way back inside the office building. Just because it was hard work, didn't mean she didn't already know how to cheat herself out of it. Rhiannon put on her headset as she sat down in her special chair, adjusting her microphone and her earphones, all the while paging through the library of songs on the computer in front of her. It held all the music she could imagine at her disposal, hooked up to hell and back, even better than what she'd had recording her shows. She looked towards the tech across from her, who was glaring at her as he counted down the seconds to air time. They were both aware of how closely she'd cut it.

5—She leaned back—4—relaxed—3—regained her posture—2—licked her lips—1—and began to speak into her microphone.


It started off low, slow... and then quickly rose to the rapid fire fever pitch of a showman. Ritzy Daggers was on the air.

"Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, allow me to be the first to congratulate you on surviving long enough to hear the first announcement of SOTF-TV season sixty-six. I'm your host Ritzy Daggers, here to bring you live - or rather, dead  - updates about the state of the game.

So with no further ado, here's who bit the dust!"

Ritzy scanned her list, finding the first handwritten name.

"This year's wooden spoon award goes to Davis Todd. Turns out trusting someone to have your best interests at heart right after losing an eye... not such a good idea. Lisa Toner followed directly in ol' Davis's footsteps and took an axe to the chest for her trouble. A double kill is just the eyecing on the cake for Jewel Evans. Atta girl.

Meanwhile, one man's sight-seeing tour ended in tragedy when early contender for Season 66 'most flamboyant' Taylor DeVasher took a swan dive off the sunshine tower at the behest of Vahka Basayev. Remember kids, work hard, chase your dreams, and one day you too could be half naked on international TV.

Austin White made the wrong decision of hanging around Lucia del Pirlo, and just when they seemed set to become the best of friends, she wound up shooting him. To recap this one; just because they aren't shooting you now doesn't mean they can't shoot you in a few minutes' time.

Marcus Redder came up with one from the improv gang when he took a shard of glass to the neck of Eden Zahn and rapidly conducted a DIY tracheotomy. I'm told the patient did not survive but we made many fine advancements in the field of cutting throats with sharp objects.

To add to the ranks of those people that enjoy facing down loaded weapons a little too much, Isaiah Hall felt that he just had to get acquainted with Alice Young's crossbow. Spoilers; bolts are bad conversationalists, they are rude, will eat all of your food, and then leave without tipping.

Next to take a dirt nap: Lucy Williams chose the wrong man to tangle with when she got on Gabriel Munez's bad side, and the side of a sword that has sharp points that can quite easily perforate you if you're not careful. Lucy was not careful. Don't be Lucy.

Finally. Damion Castillo decided that man, this group just wasn't doing it for him. Too bad that there are few things clingier - or is that just paranoid - than gun-wielding nervous wrecks on Murdervision. Leah Bissard guaranteed that Damion wouldn't be going anywhere. Permanently."

Ritzy's finger traced down the list to the very bottom, the mostly scripted part. Like they'd let her choose this.

"That's not all kidlets... we're taking the Nature Walk and Daycare Centre off the map for now. Clear out of those places before you go kaboom, all right?

We'll be back with your regularly scheduled SOTF-TV action after this...

Keep rocking."



1. Sarah Bourne (Deamon) - Matthew Weiss (The Homeless Beard, Hero Card used)
2. Sarah Miller (decoy73)
3. Vincent Holway (Bikriki) - Forrest Doe (Rockythetigre, Hero Card used)
4. Vahka Basayev (Doc Balance) - Gabriel Munez (Doc Balance, Swap Card used)
5. Soren Rosendahl (Skraal)
6. Genesis Bradly Baker (Mimi)

3 days for cards, 3 days to clear DZes, and 10 days for deaths!
[+] Logs

Elena N 6:16 pm
   Awkward coughing.

Elena N 7:09 pm

Red Velvet 7:09 pm
   shoopa woops

Deamon 7:19 pm
   Lets do this shit

Red Velvet 7:19 pm
   aw yea
   Deamon rolling, Nam logging, me calling

[Deamon, Brandon Banton and more] 7:21 pm rolled 1 64-sided die:  20

Red Velvet 7:21 pm
   #20: Sarah Bourne

[Deamon, Brandon Banton and more] 7:21 pm rolled 2 6-sided dice:  4 3 rolled 1 64-sided die:  51

Red Velvet 7:22 pm
   #43: Regina "Reggie" Aston
   wait, hold on
   #51: Sarah Miller

[Deamon, Brandon Banton and more] 7:23 pm rolled 1 64-sided die:  4

Red Velvet 7:23 pm
   #4: Vincent Holoway

[Deamon, Brandon Banton and more] 7:24 pm rolled 1 64-sided die:  5

Red Velvet 7:24 pm
   #5: Vahka Basayev

[Deamon, Brandon Banton and more] 7:24 pm rolled 1 64-sided die:  60

Red Velvet 7:24 pm
   #60: Søren Rosendahl

[Deamon, Brandon Banton and more] 7:25 pm rolled 1 64-sided die:  42

The Homeless Beard 7:25 pm
   (We were rolling 5)

Deamon 7:26 pm

Red Velvet 7:26 pm

The Homeless Beard 7:26 pm
   Either way we're done!

Red Velvet 7:26 pm
   That was posted in the notice board and the order we agreed on
   Not yet!
   We got one more.
   The regina one was a flub with the dice.

The Homeless Beard 7:26 pm
   My b! Carry on!

Red Velvet 7:26 pm
   #42: Genesis "Sissy" Bradley Baker
   Last one, take us home!

[Deamon, Brandon Banton and more] 7:27 pm rolled 1 64-sided die:  8

Red Velvet 7:28 pm
   #8: Nina Riddhi

Red Velvet 7:30 pm
   Bunny Barlowe?

The Homeless Beard 7:32 pm
   Clarification for the folks at home: Six people are rolled! Bunny and Nina are safe.
   And NOW that's a wrap.
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