Stephanie McDonald

The Lesbian Queen

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Stephanie McDonald


Post by decoy73 »

Name: Stephanie Lindsay McDonald
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Hobbies and Interests: Fashion, modeling, Gay-Straight Alliance

Appearance: Stephanie McDonald is Caucasian, stands at five feet ten inches tall and weighs 165 pounds, having an athletic figure. She has blond hair which goes down to her mid back and is normally styled in a perm. Her eyes are blue, and they sit over a button nose, and full lips. Her light skin is normally covered in a smattering of brand name makeup to enhance her face, done with lipstick and blush. Her normal attire consists of skirts and tops cut to subtly accentuate her large bust. She has no piercings of any sort. On the day she was kidnapped, she was wearing a pink sleeveless tank top, a black skirt that ended two inches above her knees, and black pumps.

Biography: Stephanie McDonald is the second oldest of five children. Originally born in London, England to actress Georgia McDonald (nee Walker) on February 15, 2005, she is the second oldest of five children, junior to brother Ty, born on March 27, 2002, and senior to sister Olive, born March 29, 2011, brother Wilfred “Will,” born May 2, 2013, and sister Doris, born November 9, 2015. Ty was born from a previous relationship, however Georgia met David in early 2003, and they quickly hit it off, getting married in August of 2004. David and Georgia were performers of some renown - while neither of them had any famous roles, they were able to obtain relatively consistent work in background and commercial roles.

Stephanie herself started in the entertainment business early, starring in various commercials and shoots as an infant and toddler. This was mainly due to her parents, who brought her to some of their jobs, allowing Stephanie to be noticed. As she grew up, she continued this by choice, enjoying the attention it brought her, with her experience in the industry being a point of pride for her. Over the years, the three of them and had modest success with this line of work, allowing them to have a decent standard of living, even as the other three children were born.

When Stephanie was 13, her family moved to St. Paul. David had been moving from acting to behind the scenes work, and had some good connections in the acting industry and the area to get a permanent job organizing events at the Fitzgerald theater, which further helped supplement their income, as they now had Olive and Will to take care of. Stephanie at this point was of average intelligence, but her focus on her modeling and commercial jobs was done at the expense of her academics, and as such she was forced to repeat the seventh grade. This was met with disappointment by David and Georgia, and summer tutoring over the remainder of middle school to ensure that she did not fall behind again.

When Stephanie started attending Aurora Bay, she fell in with the popular crowd, facilitated by her fashion knowledge from modeling and research in fashion magazines. Stephanie herself had never felt much of anything romantically toward men, but she did have romantic and sexual feelings towards women, and eventually realized that she was a lesbian when she was sixteen, in between her freshman and sophomore year. Her realization of her sexual orientation caused her to join the Gay-Straight Alliance at Aurora Bay, where she is contributes, but does not stand out.

Academically, Stephanie struggles. She is able to get a C average in school, but the subjects she is taught in school are of little interest to her, outside of drama, where she does better in. Her focus is much more on fashion, which she has a very detailed knowledge of, with a focus on magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Elle, and Vogue. Much of this is due to her desire to appear her best, as she takes a high stock in her appearance and looking good, both for others and herself, both out of a natural pride in her appearance and due to her work in the fashion industry. In recent years, she has also created a profile on Instagram, where she logs her leisure time as well as her gigs, and YouTube, where she does fashion haul videos, taking inspiration from top fashion bloggers such as Ingrid Nilsen and Michelle Phan, and showing a preference for brands such as Michael Kors, Versace, and Vera Wang. Both of these profiles have a decent following, and she hopes to improve upon this in the coming years. She is able to keep up her appearance via dieting and calorie counting, mostly through the Atkins diet, along with extended sets of low intensity exercise. At school, she has recently entered a romantic relationship with Bree Jones. She is generally polite towards the rest of the class, and while gregarious in general, although she is much more open and expressive around her friends. Her intelligence as measured in school is of little import to her - while she does have some issue with maths outside of calculating measurements and has little experience with outside-the-box thinking, her gifts are more in her social abilities and fashion sense, a fact that she is aware of.

Stephanie’s short-term needs are currently met. Over junior year, she auditioned to become a model for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, but she was cut in the second round of auditions. She is doing some modeling with a makeup company and has some runway gigs set up for the next few months, and she is on track to graduate high school, although she has no plans to go to college at this time. She is currently planning on trying out for the Sports Illustrated 2025 Swimsuit catalog, as well as making plans to move to an apartment of her own to lighten the financial load on her parents, who still currently have four children to look after, including Stephanie. Inside the current McDonald household, Stephanie is closest to Georgia, Ty, and Olive - while she does love her father, and younger brother, she has quite a lot in common with her mother and older brother, who both do professional work like she does, and they can both give and receive help in that area as well as share experiences, and Olive is currently growing to be similar to Stephanie, which Stephanie does attempt to nurture. She is not as close with Will and David - Will's interests lie outside of modeling and the entertainment industry, and her father, while supportive of her goals, is currently more interested in being a part of the entertainment industry behind the scenes. Doris, the youngest, is in an unique situation. The ten year age difference means that there is little common ground between the two. However, the common ground that the two of them do share is in looking good. The result is that while they do have some many different things that on is interested in that the other is not, Stephanie also loves bonding with Doris on style and makeup, in that major way seeing Doris as a younger version of Stephanie herself.

Advantages: Being in the popular group, and a decently well known model means that people know who Stephanie is, making it somewhat easier for her to find allies. Her work in commercials and drama gives her some ability to put on a front. Furthermore, she could use her appearance to her advantage, and has a ready-made ally in Bree Jones.
Disadvantages: Stephanie's intelligence is also below average, meaning it will be harder for her to think strategically or tactically outside of her fields of experience. She is also a little vain - while she may be able to get dirty with little issue, she may have issue with getting into a fight that may disfigure her.

Original Profile: Stephanie McDonald
Permission: Original Handler
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Hey, Decoy! Stephanie's looking fairly solid, but there are still a handful of things to take care of before she's ready to go.

First off, some formatting stuff: The headings should be bolded (right now, only Advantages and Disadvantages are). Also, SC3 doesn't use the Grade and School sections (so those can be removed) but does use the Original Profile and Permission sections (so those should be added).

It sounds like Stephanie is Caucasian, but I'd just like to get it explicitly stated.

Does Stephanie have any piercings (especially the very common ear piercings)?

Stephanie's bio first says that she's the oldest child, then that she's the second oldest. Given the dates, it sounds like she is indeed second oldest, so the first mention of her comparative birth order should be tweaked accordingly.

Was Stephanie's biological father ever known? Was her name changed at the time of her mother's marriage?

Did the McDonald family have any previous connection to the US to allow them to more easily immigrate (was David perhaps a citizen with connections in the area)?

What about fashion appealed to Stephanie?

How old was Stephanie when she realized her sexuality? How active is she with her GSA work?

How does Stephanie act around school? Is she different with friends than she is with mere acquaintances?

Is Stephanie intending to attend college? It sounds like probably not, but I'd like to have it made explicit.

Could I get some more detail about Stephanie's family situation? Specifically, I'd like to get one key unique detail of her relationship with each of her parents and siblings, just so they feel less like a single unit. Some possible question to help: How does she feel about her stepfather? Are there ever any issues there (or, on the contrary, does she just consider him her true dad)? How does she feel about her older brother, and what's he currently doing with his life? Does she ever help take care of her younger siblings? How does she connect with them?

Stephanie's acting skills would probably be pretty useful in-game (I'd even say more so than her appearance), so I'd note them in her Advantages too.

Stephanie's noted as not being very athletic in her Disadvantages, but her Appearance says she has an athletic figure. Is it that her work on maintaining her figure is all form over function? Also, are her physical condition and outdoors skills notably worse than an average student her age? How does that crop up in her normal life (has she maybe been a little sheltered by her family)?

I'd also like to hear a little bit more about Stephanie's intelligence in her bio. Does she have trouble with out of the box thinking? How does it affect her in her regular life?

Post when you've got that taken care of, and we'll give Stephanie another look. Thanks!
Avatar art by the lovely and inimitable Kotorikun
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Post by decoy73 »

Edits made:
  • Edited appearance
  • Stephanie is now the second child.
  • Related to the above, David is now Stephanie's biological daughter.
  • Added details on how David got his job.
  • Added details on fashion interest, which has caused an added disadvantage in the form of vanity
  • Added sexuality details
  • Added social details
  • Elaborated on post high school plans
  • Added family details.
  • Added a mention on her exercising - she does extensive low intensity exercises to maintain a good figure, but low intensity is form over function. I did not add acting as an advantage - I feel that her skills are passable, but not to that extent, especially with her experiences being more in the realm of looking good.
  • Added some stuff about her intelligence - her abilities are more in fashion and sociability.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Almost there! Just a couple little things left.

Can I get just a touch more detail about Stephanie's relationships with the family members she's not as close to? What are her interactions with Will and Doris like? Are there any special things she has in common with her dad?

Could we get Stephanie's acting skills mentioned in her Advantages?

Is Stephanie actually less fit than an average student? Right now, it sound like she's not especially fit, but not particularly unfit either. If she is actually unfit, could we get it briefly discussed in her bio?

Post when you've got that taken care of, and we'll give Stephanie another look. Thanks!
Avatar art by the lovely and inimitable Kotorikun
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Post by decoy73 »

  • Detail on David, Will, and Doris added.
  • Advantages and disadvantages edited.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Avatar art by the lovely and inimitable Kotorikun

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