Viktor Semyonovitch Kurchatov

Ive been spinning him in my head like a microwave for two years at least

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Viktor Semyonovitch Kurchatov


Post by Yonagoda »

Name: Viktor Semyonovitch Kurchatov
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Hobbies and Interests: Reading, creative writing (horror and erotica,) sandbox/life simulation games, animal care

Appearance: Viktor is a thin boy of average height, standing in at barely 5’7 and 120 pounds, giving him a wiry build despite his mesomorphic disposition because of hormonal imbalance stemming from his eunuchism and developmental issues. He has a rectangular build with long limbs and bony joints. Partially indigenous siberian in ancestry as well as slavic, Viktor passes as completely white.

Primarily centered on the left side of his torso, burn and surgical scarring covers a significant portion of his body. Viktor is still healing from a partial face transplant a year ago- before the transplant, large chunks of his nose and lips were missing. He grows out his hair to shoulder length. It is black and straight, sometimes being greasy because of a lack of care. He wears a wig to conceal his hair loss.

Almost a decade of surgeries have helped him fit in more, and his primary concern as of late is the texture and raised skin at the corners of his eyes and neck as well as his lopsided eyes. His skin is usually fair with neutral undertones. He has a gaunt, slightly oblong face, a wide mouth, and almond eyes, which are dark brown in color and usually bloodshot due to dryness. Attempting to remedy his photophobia, Viktor is often seen with sunglasses and hats on. His eyebrows are very sparse and often filled with makeup in an attempt to help with his facial language, slightly arched and sitting high on his face. His average sized nose slants slightly to the right and points up.

Viktor prefers casual, loose clothes. He rarely shows even his forearms and lower legs. He owns a lot of copies of the same clothes, and tends to wear similar outfits several days in a row. At the time of the abduction he was wearing light blue, loose worn out jeans and a cat-hair covered red flannel shirt, half buttoned with a white tank top underneath. On his feet he had on worn down pink Nike running shoes with dark pink laces and a white trim over white ankle-socks. His hands had black fingerless compression gloves on them in an attempt to prevent carpal tunnel from extensive computer and pen use. His hair was tied in a short mid-low ponytail with a black hair tie. He carried rectangular, light brown tinted black framed sunglasses in his pocket and was wearing them when he was abducted, as well as a black baseball cap.

Biography: Viktor was born in Yeniseysk in the winter of 2004. His mother, Natalia, had untreated postpartum psychosis, which culminated in an aborted attempt to drown Viktor in the bathtub; she soon divorced Semyon and refused to ever see him again. His father, Semyon, is a schoolteacher that used to work in a St. Petersburg international academy, who had moved back to his hometown in Yeniseysk with an infant Viktor to support his father Ivan in his declining health while his teaching career teaching there. Ivan was extremely and irrationally paranoid about the Soviet government even after the fall of the iron curtain, and as a result fled to Yeniseysk after being overheard denouncing Lysenkoism by a coworker, where he refused to leave, even for medical treatment. Both Viktor and his father suspected that he suffered from some sort of mental issue, but the latter did not want to force him out of his self-imposed exile.

When Viktor was five, Ivan died from heart failure. For economic reasons, as well as Semyon’s fondness for more urban living, they moved to Moscow. For the next half decade, they lived in a small apartment as Semyon took a teaching job at a local high school. Viktor, a curious child, was generally sociable and had a small circle of friends who he liked to play with. At home, Semyon would share his passion for biology with Viktor, and they often went to pet stores and zoos to observe animals. Viktor was a precocious student, and would read the textbooks his father used for teaching for fun, though he didn’t understand most of it.

Two years after they moved to Moscow, Semyon had begun to date an American woman named Jane online. The relationship grew serious, and she visited Moscow several times to meet up with the Kurchatovs. Semyon, dissatisfied with his current life because of his low-paying job, his lack of company and support, and desire to experience a new environment, wanted to move in with Jane in America. A while after Viktor turned 10, Jane and Semyon planned to get married, which they legally did without much fanfare in the summer of 2014, and several months after that the Kurchatovs were finishing their preparations to move to the U.S. Viktor was ambivalent to the move, because he didn't want to uproot his entire social circle, but felt pressured to do so for the sake of his father. Viktor had been learning rudimentary english at this time to prepare for living in the US.

While landing, the gear of the small commercial plane the Kurchatovs rode had failed to deploy completely, and the plane crashed and was then engulfed in flames. Viktor and his father were sitting near the back of the plane but several seats away from each other, and survived the initial crash. The impact caused a spinal fracture in Semyon, who was one of the first to be dragged out and rescued, but Viktor was trapped under luggage and a collapsed seat and sustained severe burns until he was taken out.

Spending the next few weeks in a medically induced coma, Viktor woke up to discover that he was disfigured beyond recognition and in excruciating pain. The shock, as well as the isolation from being confined in the hospital, the disorientation from his coma, and the trauma of the incident caused Viktor to be in a depressive spiral for the next several years. Viktor has repressed a lot of the trauma mentally, and struggles to recall its exact details, which he believes is for the better. He was supported through his recovery by Jane, Semyon, and the local community who donated money to fund his and other survivor’s surgeries. These procedures were academically and socially disruptive. Semyon's new American citizenship and the family's good insurance meant that they did not have major financial issues getting medical treatment. Viktor, who has only met Jane a few times before, did not regard her as a mother figure at the time, and felt resentment towards her for indirectly causing his injuries by encouraging the family to move.

Ultimately, the Kurchatovs decided to stay in the states; Semyon, being paralyzed below his lower waist, relied on Jane to take care of him and Viktor while he tried to adjust to his new living conditions. Viktor was resistant to Jane's parenting, and Semyon's condition made it hard for him to fulfill all his parental duties, meaning that Viktor was surprisingly independent. Viktor was enrolled in a local middle school, skipping a year in order to recover medically. As he readjusted to life in school, Viktor was relatively accepted by most of his peers, who pitied him more than anything, though the teasing and insensitive comments they made had a large impact on his view of himself. Viktor’s low self esteem and emotional vulnerability often leads him to assume the worst when it comes to others’ opinions of him. Despite this, he was regrded as a well-behaved child with a few close friends.

Viktor has always been a hard working student, and doubled down on this once he started high school. The fact that his health interferes with his academics is a sore point for him. His experiences as a patient and his childhood interest in biology has led him to work towards a future in animal sciences. Since his sophomore year, Viktor has been shadowing at a veterinary clinic in a program aimed at prospective veterinarians. On recommendation from his father, this became permanent for the foreseeable future, or at least until he graduates. He finds it easier to get along with animals than people. He has adopted or fostered several cats from a local shelter that were treated at the clinic, devoting quite a lot of his personal time to taking care of and entertaining them. He frequently attends fundraising charity events at the shelter.

Viktor is actually quite extroverted, but struggles to make friends or connect with others, so he clings on to anyone he has and communicates online quite frequently because he believes his appearance would turn others away. In school, this reflects in his small friend group consisting mostly of several other kids generally considered outsiders, though he gets along with mostly everyone on a shallow level. A long time fan of inhuman characters and animals, he found acceptance in the furry community in his freshman year after being introduced to a discord server by an online friend. Viktor finds it comforting to portray himself as something inhuman as a way of coping with his medical trauma. He identifies, mostly ironically, as a canine therian, a person who believes themselves to be a non-human to some degree. Viktor is one of several moderators for a Twitter account dedicated to calling out, doxxing, and harassing zoophiles within the community, ever since an online friend in the furry community passed the position onto him during an unexpectedly long hiatus. Despite refusing at first, he was eventually persuaded and gave in. While he does enjoy protecting animals by exposing those who abuse them, he also enjoys feeling a sense of moral superiority over predators, as well as a sense of power over his well-deserving victims.

While his quality of life has improved dramatically, Viktor still feels frustrated by his appearance and his perceived unattractiveness. This has led to him fetishizing his own trauma and seeking out those who feel the same in order to feel more confident in himself. Most of his paraphilias correspond with specific events in his life- witnessing corpses being taken out of the plane, undergoing extesive surgery and mutilation, and the resulting bodily dysmorphia. Ever since he was sixteen, he wrote and discussed paraphilic media online. Against his therapist’s advice, Viktor has a history of throwing himself into toxic relationships and dynamics over the internet. Despite only taking up a small portion of his life, Viktor finds his perversions to be distressing, and an inadequate coping mechanism for his dysmorphic frustrations with his own eunuchism and appearance. Viktor developed a strong moralistic view due to his own self-hatred; he is constantly questioning if his own behavior is up to standard, and is terrified of ever having his online behaviors leak into real life.

Aside from writing smut on the internet, Viktor is also a prolific diarist and short story writer with a focus on medical horror, which he is all too familiar with. Because of his physical issues, his hobbies tend to be low activity; he finds solace in life simulation and otherwise cozy games, including Animal Crossing, the Sims, and several indie projects ever since he was gifted the Sims 4 for his 13th birthday. He likes to read online rather than on paper, and is working his way through multiple web serials.

Recently, as of the 2022 Russo-Ukrainian war, Viktor has been an avid watcher and commenter on war forums, where he is exposed to copious amounts of combat footage and gore, which quickly spiraled to him browsing shock sites. Originally stemming from wanting more material on online debates, he was drawn to the raw violence of it all. Part morbid fascination, part entertainment, part paraphilic and part emotional self-harm, his constant participation in gore forums has given him an increasingly pessimistic and detached view of the world. Viktor takes some pride in his inability to be phased easily. His therapist has been recommending him to stop, to no avail.

Viktor still struggles to navigate through the fallouts of multiple traumatic events that affected him, which was made worse by a family history of mental illness. Amongst other things, he has multiple phobias that interfere with his daily life, such as refusing to drive and usually biking/walking wherever he goes. Brain damage to his left brain hemisphere and, for a while, jaw damage has caused a marked decline in his speech, and he is going through speech therapy for his mild aphasia, which is partially why he writes so much. His intense migraine attacks happen about once a week and are painful enough for him to skip class because of it. Despite this, Viktor believes that his life is slowly improving. His most recent surgery, a partial face transplant for his lip and nose, gave him a new sense of confidence, though he still struggles with insecurities. Semyon has mostly recovered, and works at a local middle school as a counselor. The Walmart Jane works at has recently promoted her to a store manager, and, while still middle class, they were more more well-off than ever. Despite the rocky start, Viktor has a good relationship with Jane, though he still does not regard her as a true mother figure. She is hands-off and does not parent him much, especially since he is a legal adult now.

Viktor has been writing more since he already finished his college applications- his grades are very mixed, and even though his father may attribute some of his worse grades to being constantly online he considers himself to be a good student. He no longer needs ESL accommodations, but his literacy grades still sit at low-Bs, not helped by low participation grades. He is at the top of his science classes, and the rest of his grades are often in the mid A to B grade. He decided to take a semester of nursing on a whim, in order to learn to better take care of his father, and several classes focused on life skills, such as culinary arts and personal finance, aiming to be more self-reliant. Urgently awaiting for responses from colleges, Viktor is preparing to study biology before going into veterinary school.

Advantages: Viktor is relatively mentally resilient, being unfazed witnessing injury and well-versed in techniques to mentally stabilize oneself. He has a largely inoffensive reputation and frequently inspires pity from some of his peers, which could lead to him being treated with well by his classmates. Viktor has rudimentary nursing and medical knowledge. Generally speaking, he is mature, independent, and self-aware.
Disadvantages: Viktor is strict with his own self control and moral center to the point where this may be a mental barrier to his survival. He has an array of medical conditions that will impair him. In group dynamics, he tends to struggle to communicate, and is easily taken advantage of. There is a chance that his interest in viewing violence may override his self-preservation. He does not have many close connections.

Original Profile: Viktor Kurchatov (V3)

Permission: Shiola
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Hey, Yona! Viktor's looking pretty solid—you've done really well with a difficult older profile. A few things left before he's good to go, though.

If Viktor was born in the summer of 2005, he'd actually still be 18 (though on the older end of the class). You could move him back to 2004 (though then he'd be quite old) or maybe move his birth date to spring (any time before May 23 will make him 19 with a 2005 birthday).

What did Natalia do ti attempt to kill Viktor? Also, I assume that Semyon was his caretaker after that, but would like to get it made 100% explicit.

What did Viktor's father do before the move to Moscow? What was the family's economic situation like?

When did Viktor learn to speak English? Was he already more or less fluent before the move to America?

Could we get "therian" briefly defined in Viktor's profile? I found a couple different possible meanings, and want to make sure I know what's meant.

How did Viktor get involved with his Twitter vigilantism?

I'd like to get just a little more specific about some of Viktor's preoccupations with his condition. Is he fetishing mutilation/scarring that he suffered in the accident/subsequent surgeries, or is he doing further body modification (or self-harm) of some sort? Or is this purely in the realm of written work? What sorts of toxic relationships has he become embroiled in? Is he aware that they're unhealthy?

Can I hear a bit more about Viktor's life sim interest? When did he pick these games up?

What drew Viktor to war footage? Are his family and/or his therapist aware of this fascination?

The timeline for Viktor's family's immigration/the marriage is a little unclear to me—I'd initially thought that the marriage came before they moved to the US (since that makes immigration much easier). If that's not the case, can I hear just a bit more about the family's road to moving?

A few more little details I'd like to get in Viktor's bio:

-How has his relationship with his father changed after the move/accident? Do they get along well? Do they interact much?
-What was the financial impact of the accident on the Kurchatovs? Did they already have insurance somehow (this is another thing that could maybe be explained if the marriage comes earlier)?
-What's Viktor's relationship with Jane like? What does she do for work?
-How does Viktor act around school? Does he get along with others?

Can I hear a bit more about Viktor's moral center in his bio? Maybe in connection with his Twitter activities.

Can I hear a bit more about his assertiveness issues (maybe relating to how he interacts with others)?

Can I get a bit better a picture of what's being implied by his fascination with violence (there's a big difference between "he'll get close to a fight" and "he'll start a fight")?

Finally, a bit of formatting stuff:

-Can we lose the line break between Advantages and Disadvantages?
-Can we get the link to Viktor's page on the Mini wiki? This makes it much easier when making SC pages for characters.
-For the Permission field, can we get a link to the post establishing permission from Shiola?

Post when that's taken care of, and we'll give Viktor another look. Thanks!
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Post by Yonagoda »

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Post by MurderWeasel »

Hey again, Yona! Almost there! Just a few little tweaks still.

Can I hear a little more about the Viktor's family's economic situation, both before and after the move? Are they well off? Middle class? Struggling? Has it changed recently (especially when Jane ended up in charge of her store)?

Can I hear a little bit about Viktor's partial face transplant in his bio? I realized it's not directly addressed, and feels like a pretty significant turning point for him. How did he adapt to it? Did it change how he feels about himself/his injuries?

Finally, looks like the wiki link slipped by—could we get the original profile link switched to Viktor's page on the Mini wiki? It makes it a lot easier to make the SC pages quickly.

Post when that's taken care of, and we'll give Viktor another look. Thanks!
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