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Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 7:01 am
by HELPful_Crow
((An investigator's flashlight beam fell upon another corpse.))

Partially buried in the sands of the flatlands was the former shell of Jacob Rowe, his signal yellow skin marred by a great pool of scarlet, centered on two holes that had been blasted through his chest, right where his heart had been. Cursory examination of the scene would reveal tire tracks leading to and away from where he was found, and that the 9mm bullets that had ripped the life from him ultimately came to rest in the nearby sand, leaving small craters where they had impacted. With no footage to show what had transpired in the moments leading up to his death, that was all the evidence there was to obtain, and any conclusions that could be drawn from it would be nothing but speculation.

Ultimately, the investigator who found his body would take some pictures, write down the cause of death, mark the body's location, and depart. While tragic, his fate was not unusual for the members of his class, as his was only the fifth corpse that investigator would find that day. Much later, men in dark suits would arrive, stuff him inside a body bag, and stow the bag in the back of an unmarked black van. After that, what was once Jacob Rowe would never be seen again, just like the rest of the dead.

Nobody would know what had truly happened to him, or how recently he had died, or how close he had come to making it out.

So it goes.

S018 - Jacob Rowe: DECEASED