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Blue Is The Disappearance Of Him

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 12:04 am
by Primrosette
Kaine was still trying to keep an eye on his younger sister's rabbits and he was watching as they munched on some lettuce, feeling like his mind was wandering off to another world once again. He really needed to talk things over with Toma. He needed some time to think about where to take him for a date. Kaine was not the biggest fan of planning romantic dates. He would rather have a date at home while watching TV and just chilling with him in general.

He needed to be honest about how he was feeling about things as well.

But he was too hesitant to do that.

He glanced down at the blue turtleneck that Vinnie let him borrow for the day as Sherrie has thrown her coffee on his black t-shirt as she had a argument with her boyfriend, Hugo Prince, earlier.

Blue was not his favourite color.

Re: Blue Is The Disappearance Of Him

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 1:00 am
by Primrosette
Connie was trying to not crying like a banshee as she didn't want to have her power going off again. She had accidentally done it before a few times and it had made a few people's ears bleed. It had made Abilene Kingsley go half deaf as she had super hearing as her power and Connie was relieved that she had never blamed her for it. They have even been best friends for a long time since they were both ten years old.

Kaine walked into the kitchen and he noticed the look on her face, suddenly feeling concerned. "Connie, are you okay?" He asked as he stepped closer to her and he sat down at the dinner table with her.

Connie sniffled. "I...I'm fine." She mumbled softly.

"Come on, you don't have to pretend that you are okay."


"What about you?" She asked suddenly.

Kaine blinked. "What?"

"I heard our Moms saying that you might have to see a therapist as there seems to be some difficult things that you are going through...." Connie said honestly and then she blushed shyly. "I....I didn't mean to eavesdrop on them. Honest...!"

Kaine mulled over what to say next and he bit down on his lower lip awkwardly. "....Yeah, I need help. But don't worry about me, sis. I'll be all better one day. I promise."

He never knew that he would never keep that promise to her in the future.

"A-Also.... uh, blue is really not your color, Kaine." Connie giggled gently.

Kaine smirked and chuckled, shaking his head a little. "Yeah, you're right. It really isn't."

Re: Blue Is The Disappearance Of Him

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 1:13 am
by Primrosette
Vinnie got a basketball to the face. "Aaah! What the fuck...?"

Kaine cringed. "Oooh.... Ouch."

Sherrie had a smug look on her pretty face and she huffed as if she was a superior queen. "That's what you get, dickwad. Don't insult my boyfriend again." She crossed her arms against her chest and she huffed once again. "Only I am allowed to insult that asshole. Got it."

Vinnie grumbled under his breath as he climbed back up his feet and he was trying to stop his nose from bleeding. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." He was grinned behind his hands that were trying to stop the blood dripping more. "You're the worst, best sister, Sher!"

Sherrie rolled her eyes at him, waving him off with her purple-painted nailed fingers. "Oh, and you, Kaine...." Her gaze was like a piercing of complete death as she glanced over at Kaine. "Blue is really shitty on you. Ew!!"

Kaine laughed. He felt like this was going to be a track record now.

What was the problem with blue on him?

He had no idea.

Re: Blue Is The Disappearance Of Him

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 1:24 am
by Primrosette
He had thought about dying his head blue once. But then he thought that it would look silly on him. A lot of people had told him that blue wasn't really him. So he went with red instead.


His favorite color was really orange.

And his natural hair color wasn't really black.

Not that anyone asked.

Being an invisible kid had made people forget what it was. Even his own family had.

But he didn't mind it at all.

He also didn't mean that blue turtleneck that much. Toma liked to snuggle up against it whenever he took a nap during some boring movies and Kaine thought that his boyfriend was the cutest person in the whole world. He always liked to just cuddle and do some hand holding without having to do anything sexual. He preferred simpler things like this.

So why did he have to ruin things in the future? Why couldn't he have been honest with Toma about how he felt in the future?

Maybe blue really was his color after all.

Re: Blue Is The Disappearance Of Him

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 1:36 am
by Primrosette
Marsha was blowing up a blue wad of chewing gum and it popped before she went back to chew on it again. She was playing with one of her golden hoop earrings and she glanced down at the text message that Kaine had sent her. She let out a small sigh as she hadn't seen him since that day he had been out of it and she wondered if she should have tried harder with him. Even she and Kaine were exes, she still worried and cared about him in her own way. They had kept their relationship a secret for about six months and then they decided that they were better off as just friends. Before Kaine started to date Toma and Marsha had to be honest... She really thought that Toma was good enough for Kaine.

She glanced down at the message once again.

Hey, Marsha! I know I haven't seen you in a while, but you really don't have to worry about me. I'll be okay, I promise. X

"What a dumbass." She chuckled with a hint of complete helplessness.

Re: Blue Is The Disappearance Of Him

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 1:48 am
by Primrosette
Blue was going to be the color of the whole family after Kaine was completely gone.

His Moms were never going to be able to tell him how much he meant to them in the future.

Vinnie wasn't even going to see his ghost to bond with in the future.

Connie wasn't even going to take care of the rabbits with him in the future.

Sherrie wasn't even going to be able to mess with him in a sisterly way in the future.

Kaine wasn't going to be able to tell them how much he loved them all the future.

Not to Marsha.

Not to Toma.

Not to even himself.

Not even to that blue turtleneck that was tucked away in his wardrobe.

This was the complete end.