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J.J. Sturn

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:39 pm
by GameMaker*
Name: John Jared 'JJ' Sturn
Gender: Male
Age: 17
School: Colehurst Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: JJ loves football and basketball, playing full back and linebacker on the football team and center on the basketball team. He isn't a fan of any school clubs, however, and doesn't play any musical instruments. His hobbies include weightlifting, drinking heavily, partying, smoking, and until about six months ago, womanizing.

Appearance: JJ is 6'3" 215 pounds, and in great shape. Being a full back and linebacker, he is quite muscular. His skin is a tanned light brown, and it works to compliment his brownish green eyes. He has short spiky black hair, and is growing the beard known as a 'chinstrap', mostly hair around the sides of his face and his chin. He fortunately has been able to avoid the teenage curse of acne, his face being free of any real blemishes. When he was abducted, JJ was wearing a Rise Against T-shirt, a white wife beater underneath it, and blue jeans.

JJ was born in Highland Beach, California, to Robert and Katherine Sturn. His parents were both pretty well off, but JJ as he grew older wondered where all the money had come from, unless they got it for fighting with each other.

JJ was very athletically gifted from a young age, being bigger than most of the kids his age and faster than almost all of them. He took full advantage of this, doing several sports throughout his youth, eventually falling in love with basketball and football. He loved sports because it gave him a chance to lord over other people. And even from a young age, JJ knew that he wanted to be the best.

When JJ was young, sports were one of the few things he actually liked. Sports that is, and hanging out with his friends. JJ was never the smartest kid of the bunch, and still isn't. He struggled with his classes even at a young age, and never really had any interest in science, history, math or any of that 'bullshit' as he calls it. His parents- they were a different story. They never beat him, sure. They never really abused him. They had a few arguments, yeah, and words were exchanged, but who hasn't had arguments with their parents? Of course to JJ, it wasn't what they did, but what they didn't do. They were always too busy- his mother and father never really had time for JJ. Never really wanted to talk to him, never wanted to spend time with him, never really wanted to be alone with him. Never wanted to be alone with each other, or together at all really, for at least the last ten years.

So from then on, he decided that he would focus on sports and his friends. And as he got older a new goal came across: women. Part of the reason was because JJ wasn't, except for his athletics, anything more than a normal teenager, and he had a normal teenager's wants and needs. But part of the reason was because this was another area where he could excel, where he could prove that he was the best. And this was, as he entered the world of highschool, a world of popularity, parties, and women, a big part of his mindset. JJ had always been able to take what he wanted, when he wanted to. He had been the best in the games he and the other kids had played. And he was determined to be the best in highschool, and to do what he wanted when he wanted to.

JJ never really did understand when he began the descent into what he would later become. Maybe it was when he realized he could take advantage of other people. Maybe it was when he started to wake up at his house with no idea of what he did last night. Maybe it was even earlier, with the first time he ever smoked a cigarette. Either way, he started to quickly gain a reputation for himself in highschool. He was the school's athletic star, excelling on both the football field and basketball court. And off the field, JJ began to get a different reputation. He was a popular guy, a belligerent and boisterous drunk who picked many a drunken fight. A heavy drinker who was always down for a party. A man who ran through girls like a serpent through snakeskin.

The reason for the drinking, the partying, the fights, and the women was always the same. It was a need to be the best, a need to show everyone around him that he was better than them. It was his natural competitiveness in a social atmosphere, and he fought and drank and kept switching from women to women not just because he wanted to, but because he wanted to prove that he could. He didn't have the best personality, that was true, but he was built like a model and handsome. Also, he was popular, a star athlete, and at parties, his aggressiveness, swagger, and disregard for others radiated a certain charisma that appealed to girls. Plus, to some girls, the knowledge that he could have plenty of other girls and was choosing her was a major turn on. So, JJ fought, and JJ partied, and JJ slept with girl after girl.

And this continued for most of highschool. JJ went to countless parties, and quickly began to develop an addiction for both alcohol and tobacco. He ended up with many women, and he ended up breaking quite a few hearts. He said things to people that he never should have, and ended up getting in a lot more than one fight. And throughout all of it, he was blind to what he was becoming. He was going along on a thrill ride, too caught up and absorbed in is own persona to even question his own actions. It felt good to be in charge, to have the feeling that you can take whatever you want whenever you want it. And on the few occasions that he did question his actions, and start to wonder about something he'd done, he'd just drink, fight, and/or fuck until he'd got his mind on something else. He was a selfish person, caring only about his own pleasure and showing a complete disregard for any other people, except in the way they could help please him. And if she hadn't come along, he might have even stayed this way.

Who was she? Just another girl at a party. JJ, most of the time, couldn’t even remember her name. But it wasn’t the name that had mattered to him, not really. It wasn’t even her rejection, not even really that. He’d been rejected before, but every time he had they’d had an excuse, that they had a boyfriend, or that they were just getting out of a long term relationship or some other bullshit like that. But she had straight up insulted him. She had asked him why such a “skeazy piece of shit’ had thought that she was just another easy girl that he could pick up.

And what had he felt about her at first? Had he just wanted to sleep with her? Or had there been more emotions connected with it? JJ didn’t know how it had been at first, but after a few weeks it seems like he had really liked this girl. Liked her more than any girl he had met in her life. It was the first hint that started him on his realization that he might have really, as his dad said, “screwed the pooch”.

He tried to move on after that, but he couldn't. Whenever JJ would try something with another girl, he'd just be reminded of her. When he was practicing, he couldn't get her out of his head. Hell, even when he was piss drunk he couldn't get her out of his head. And for a man that thought he had everything he wanted, not being able to get the one thing he really wanted started a downward spiral. His grades suffered, his athletics suffered, and his carefully made reputation fell apart. His former 'friends' saw that the party animal JJ had become the depressed JJ, and they deserted him.

One of JJ’s favorite movies was The Wizard of Oz. It was his favorite because one of his last great memories of his parents was when he was five, and they sat down to watch it together, and when JJ watched it again, he could almost feel like he was going back to the days when they had cared about him. When he lost his friends, and lost his social reputation, it was like the scene at the end where the curtain’s pulled away, and the mighty wizard is shown to be nothing but a fraud. And that is exactly what happened to the Great And Powerful JJ.

He finally realized what people thought of him, and more importantly, he realized that he deserved it. He had been a colossal asshole for years, taking advantage of the people around him. It’s a humbling thing, to realize that you’ve fucked up the majority of your decisions for the first 18 years of your life.

Now, three months later, JJ has got a few friends who know him for the person he really is. Most of the kids at his school don’t believe he’s changed, and the ones who do, the popular kids he formerly was friends with, think he’s a “pussy” for changing. JJ doesn’t care, though, at least not as the most important thing to him. The most important thing to JJ, and the thing he fears he’ll never be able to do, is to in some part make up for the things he did in the past.

JJ is in very good athletic shape, being both a fast runner and a runner with endurance. He is a good fighter, with strength and fighting experience. He is also used to doing things on his own and being independent. Finally, JJ is able to think on his feet pretty well.
Disadvantages: Even though he changed, JJ still has quite an abrasive sense of humor and speech that grates on most people. He is quite stubborn, and often shortsighted. He is also disliked by most of the school, and hated by some of the school. He has no experience with guns or knives, and does not know much about survival techniques.

Original Bio: Original Bio HERE!