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Charlotte Cave

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:18 am
by Stark*
Name: Charlotte Fiona Cave
Gender: Female
Age: 17
School: Colehurst Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Boxing, activism, church, the ladies

Appearance: For a girl her age, Charlotte is slightly above-average in terms of height, standing at 5'7", with most of her 145 pounds allocated in her muscles and, as she herself puts it, her "awesome rack," a 34B, to be precise. She works out regularly, and it shows. Her red hair is kept short, not more than ear length, and hangs wildly about her head. Her face is a heart-shape, with a slender, nose bent noticeably to the left at its center, flanked by a pair of very round, almost piercingly green eyes, all set above a mouth that is nearly always curved into a smile of some sort. She wears a total of ten ear piercings - six in the right ear, four in the left - and, barring special occasions, prefers to eschew makeup. She has a small cluster of scars around her left eyebrow as well.

In terms of clothing, Charlotte tends toward lighter colors, while maintaining a balance between stylish and practical. She prefers pants to skirts as a general thing, but will mix it up every once in a while for the sense of "freedom" it offers. On the day of her abduction, she was wearing a Red Sox jersey, with Carl Yastrzemski's name and number on the back, a denim miniskirt, and green, white, and orange sneakers.

Biography: Charlotte Cave was born in Dorchester, Massachusetts, on May 2, 1995, to Ian and Siobhan Cave, who moved to the States from Dublin, Ireland the year prior. She was the first of six children born to the devoutly Catholic couple, the remaining five all being sons, though when young Charlotte was growing up, they may as well have gone six for six. They tried to raise her, and really, all their children, in as traditional a manner as possible, but they were more than a handful, Charlotte herself especially. She was always the type to come home an absolute mess, covered in dirt and grass stains, and occasionally, blood, which was occasionally hers. It wasn't that she would go out looking for fights; rather, they sort of came to her, with the boys on the playground not taking kindly to having a girl butting in on their activities, and she was too stubborn to back down, something that hasn't changed.

Shortly after the birth of their youngest son in 2009, the family relocated to California when Ian received a lucrative job offer in San Bernardino, and they settled in nearby Highland Beach. None of the kids old enough to know the difference took it well, Charlotte in particular, being a Southie at heart, but she adjusted well to the change over time, her outgoing nature earning her friendships within weeks, and starting high school just after the move only eased things further.

If only to keep her out of trouble and give her a healthier outlet, her parents allowed her to try out boxing when she was seven, and right away, she was right at home. She worked hard, training every day to be the best she could, and when she began boxing competitively in 2010, she won her first bout by TKO in the second round, eventually powering her way to Southern California's youth league championship. It's distracted her somewhat from her studies, which she hadn't cared for to begin with, but she manages to skate by on a C average, only particularly excelling in Physical Education.

Charlotte makes no secret about her sexuality, being openly gay since at least the start of high school. While reactions from her parents when she came out were mixed at best at first, they have, for the most part, accepted that there's not much they can do about it, after years of passive-aggression and guilt trips proved less than effective. Her siblings were a bit more receptive to the idea, having looked up to her their whole lives, and not having taken the religion as seriously as Mom and Dad. It's not something she seems to struggle with, saying it's just part of who she is, so why make a fuss of it? One could almost say she revels in it, in fact. Still, she's not callous, quite the opposite; she understands why others might, and as such, she's very active in Colehurst's GSA, as well as in the local GLBT community, and donates a portion of all her paychecks from her cashier job at Target to related charities, volunteering with OutFront California's education and training program on weekends, with the occasional protest mixed in.

Since she lets out most of her excess aggression in the ring, she's very much a happy-go-lucky type out of it, always wearing a smile on her face and seeing the glass as half-full. She makes it a point to treat everyone how she'd want to be treated, although she tends to have something of a mischievous streak, something that is generally reserved for those she considers friends. While it's nice that she's as friendly as she is, she tends to pour it on a bit too much, to the point that it can be overbearing, or even grating.

Somewhat in contrast to other aspects of her personality, some of her parents' lessons managed to rub off on her, and she is very firm in her belief in Catholicism. While her participation in certain pro-gay rights events can put her at odds with the local churches, she always takes the stance she believes Jesus would, even if not everyone agrees that to be the case.

Advantages: Fighting is Charlotte's hobby. That she can handle herself physically goes without saying.
Disadvantages: Her sunny, optimistic nature can be terribly irritating, especially in a high-stress environment, which could make forming non-pre-existing alliances tricky. Whether she'd be willing to harm anyone else is highly doubtful. Additionally, she's never been better than average in terms of intelligence, with perhaps to one right hook to the frontal lobe too many not helping matters.

Original Profile: