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The Night Is My Friend

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 6:18 am
by Carrion Queen
((Ximena Rodriguez continued from A Protest Against Despair ))

Ximena ran as fast as she humanly could through the night. The light of her flashlight bounced along with each of her long strides, illuminating the path ahead. She stumbled and put her hands out in front of her, catching her in slowed time before she could fall. After a second, Ximena recovered, released her hold, stood up, and began running again.

She cried freely and sobbed loudly in the dark. Though she'd only met Alan two days ago, it felt like she would die from being severed from him. She felt the same about leaving Emily. If only Ximena could have found Emily in time.

She felt that way, too, about people who had left her first, about David and especially Raja, who had kept her alive in the real world. But it didn't really matter how loud she cried out here all alone, just as long as she didn't stop. You can have a bit of a cry as long as you don't give up.

All she had was her hope, the cover of night, and a parting gift. Ximena could still feel his boost in her blood, and she wasn't truly alone until that faded.

Before long, she saw a ramshackle rope fence ahead with a sign on it.


She looked at it.

"Fuck you, búho."

Ximena grabbed the sign, tossed it like a Frisbee, and climbed over the fence, landing on the opposite side with a thud.

She laced up David's shoes as tightly as she could and started to run again. Once her feet were going at a good pace, she shot down accelerated time at her shoes

Ximena ran faster than she humanly could through the night.

((Continued in the The Day Is My Enemy ))