

This section covers areas that lack major defining features. Okishima Island is largely covered in forest, broken up by periodic clearings and meadows. The island slopes up towards its two peaks, and the combination of this and the foliage make for rough traveling through the undeveloped areas, though a road through the valley between the peaks offers access to the western side of the island and is comparatively traversable.

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Catche Jagger
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Joined: Tue May 28, 2019 7:40 pm
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Post by Catche Jagger »

Kayoko hadn’t entered the house planning to rob Kuramoto when she’d first arrived at the house. At least, she didn’t think she’d planned to rob anybody like that. The idea of trying to take a more immediately useful weapon had danced about her mind prior to their meeting, little more than an intrusive thought at first.

And yet Kayoko had attacked him all the same.

((Kayoko Kotohiki continued from Party like it’s 1997))

Following the rough path away from the house had led Kayoko to a wider road, which she decided to not tread directly upon. The location was too open, too obvious, made it more likely that she’d be spotted. Kayoko wanted to make sure that she was far from the house before she was next spotted, just in case.

However, she did need to rest after running so much. Eventually, she spotted an outcropping of rock near the bottom of the slope, itself marking the foot of a larger mountain that dominated the southwestern part of the island. It was there, against the rocks, that Kayoko finally came to rest and was given some time to think, to ponder Kuramoto’s actions as well as her own as she deposited the nunchaku into her bag.

He’d never been the smoothest guy, even after he started dating Yahagi, so the possibility remained that his strange behavior was the product of genuine awkwardness rather than some hidden Kuronag. Her brow furrowed at the thought and a sense of guilt, perhaps even a bit of embarrassment, wormed its way out from her guts.

Pulling one of the water bottles from her bag and drawing it to her lips, Kayako hesitated for a moment, reminding herself that she couldn’t go drinking too much. And so, she only took a few sips (though her throat still felt a little dry) before screwing the top back on and placing it in the bag.

Attacking Kuramoto had been an impulsive move, sure, but it had also been the right one to make. In the Program, Kayoko couldn’t afford to just think the best of everyone. She’d already spent too much time getting too into her own head about this.

It wasn’t a matter of nicety or consideration. The matter at hand was one of survival.

As she thought, Kayoko heard something shift to her left and quickly leapt to her feet, hands diving into her bag as her eyes darted around wildly.

Though she found a firm grip on the nunchaku, her heart continued to race and part of her expected someone to appear directly behind her. And yet, as she turned round and round, she could see no one else.

It had to be a trick of the night, or perhaps some animal that couldn’t possibly comprehend her position.

Though she tried to call herself down with this thought, to recall the lessons of the tea ceremony, of centering herself and being present, her hands continued to shake and her heart did not slow. She had never been very good at any of those lessons, thought she tried so hard. Instead, her mind turned to home and the lessons it had taught.

Slowly standing up straight, Kayako let out a beleaguered sigh, rubbing her forehead. All seemed steady once more.

One thing here was certain: She really needed a flashlight.

((Kayoko Kotohiki continued elsewhere…))
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