Could You Really?

Kindred spirits meet

This section covers areas that lack major defining features. Okishima Island is largely covered in forest, broken up by periodic clearings and meadows. The island slopes up towards its two peaks, and the combination of this and the foliage make for rough traveling through the undeveloped areas, though a road through the valley between the peaks offers access to the western side of the island and is comparatively traversable.

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Could You Really?


Post by Aura »

(Hirono Shimizu continued from GTFO)

After escaping from the house, Hirono had slunk off into the woods that took up a significant portion of the island. In her eyes, it seemed like a decent strategy. The woods were full of trees, and it was dark. It wasn't an obvious shelter, so she could just find a nice cluster of trees to hide out in for a bit while she came up with her next plan. It wasn't ironclad, but she still hadn't had the time to calm down and rationally think threw a plan since someone got shot right next to her.

God, she couldn't get that out of her head. It was good that Eto wasn't dead, but what if the shooter had gone for her instead? She's already be dead, bleeding all over the ground of a random house on an island she wasn't even supposed to be on.

No Hirono, no. Don't think about that. You're alive. You're not going to die.

Being so close to death had gotten into her head. She had considered stashing away her knife, but she didn't feel comfortable leaving herself defenseless. She knew that some of the others didn't have weapons, but at least Eto's vest saved her life. If someone had something even worse than that, they were as good as dead. Her knife wasn't a whole lot when she had classmates with guns, but at least she could fight.

Hirono continued skulking through the woods, her eyes and ears vigilant as she mentally prepared herself for whoever she may encounter next.
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Post by decoy73 »

((Mitsuko Souma continued from START GAME))

Mitusko was lucky as shit. She'd looked over the contents of her bag. Food, water, map, compass, a watch, and holy shit, so that's why she'd gotten such a heavy bag.

An "Ingram M10 SMG," with several full clips of ammunition and a silencer that she could attach. She had, after reading it over once, loaded the weapon and threaded the silencer on. Of course, that only took away part of the weight from the bag. It was still heavy as shit.

But hey, nobody would mess with the chick with the goddamn machine gun. Well, nobody smart would, so a few people might actually try, even if she had a clearly gun-like object in her hand. Of course, time would make some of those people dumber, or cockier, or better prepared. Best to not think about it, unless ...

Her head turned. Someone was close. By reflex, she turned both her head and her gun towards the noise.
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Post by Aura »


Hirono heard something. The sound of footsteps, as well as old twigs and leaves being crushed underfoot. She ducked behind the nearest tree, unsure of her next move. She could confront them, or she could run. There was no telling who it was or what they had. Everything was up to chance.

More walking sounds. They weren't going away. Hirono looked over, and in the moonlight, she could spot a figure between the trees. She moved to a new hiding spot. It was a little closer, which was a risk, but if someone showed up, she needed them to see the knife. Best case scenario, it would scare them away from robbing or attacking her. Worst-case scenario... well, she needed to be close to use the knife.

Shit, shit, shit!

The person turned around, and that was the instant that Hirono had to choose fight or flight. She held her knife in what she considered to be a fighting stance, and her face went white as a large gun was pointed at her in return, probably bigger than the one that had shot Eto. She had just fucked up bad.

She looked up to see who her assailant was, in the hopes that she could talk them down, and that maybe she wouldn't screw that up as badly this time. However, a look at their face gave Hirono quite a surprise.

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Well, fuck her running. It was somebody that Mitsuko actually wanted to see. Armed with a knife, sure, but also not actively trying to kill her.

"Hirono." Mitsuko's gun hand relaxed, pointed down to the ground. She looked for something to say.

"Heh." She just smirked in relief.

Well, it was something.
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As she watched Mitsuko lower the gun, Hirono's knife arm went slack. She also started chuckling. She wasn't trying to, and nothing was funny. However, she was so relieved to run into someone that she actually liked and could reasonably expect not to kill her.

"Mitsuko, holy fuck." Hirono said, running a hand through her own hair as she recovered her composure. "Seriously, I'm so happy to see you right now. This place is like... it's fucking nuts, man. Seriously." She was talking with her hands, even though she wasn't saying a whole lot. Then again, she had already seen quite a bit.

"Anyway, uh..." She points at the gun dangling from Mitsuko's hand. "Looks like luck was pretty kind to you."
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"Mitsuko, holy fuck. Seriously, I'm so happy to see you right now. This place is like... it's fucking nuts, man. Seriously." Hirono had laughed, too. Probably because it was either that, or strip down and go feral. Her hand dropped, just like Mitsuko's did, although instead of a gun, it was a decent sized knife.

"Anyway, uh... Looks like luck was pretty kind to you."

"Yeah. Haven't had to use it yet, at least." Mitsuko looked around. "Seen anyone else here? I've been alone since I left the school." Maybe she had? It had already been, what? Long enough for her to put the watch on.
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Hirono gave an uneasy smile that quickly turned into a grimace. Great, she was gonna have to talk about what happened with Eto. It wasn't like she could just leave Mitsuko hanging about that kind of thing. It was a pretty big deal, and she'd probably need to know that there are other people running around who are willing to kill.

"I ran into Eto in one of the houses. And she freaked. Seriously, as soon as she saw me, she thought I was gonna kill her." She itched the back of her neck as she recounted the story. "Yeah, she made so much noise that someone snuck in through the door and shot her." She felt a chill as she remembered the gunshot ringing out just a few feet away. She wasn't sure that she would ever forget that.

"Oh, she lived, by the way. Bulletproof vest."
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Post by decoy73 »

Eto had a bulletproof vest.

"Lucky her." Mitsuko wasn't too shaken, but she'd heard a joke once: if some said that six thousand people died in an explosion, but it happened in ... Pakistan, let's say, nobody would care, since it would be too far away. But if it happened in Shiroiwa, she'd be tripping over herself to see the bodies, because bad news was interesting. Mitsuko probably hadn't even heard the shot.

"Shit. People are already freaking out." Mitsuko grunted. "How long has it even been?"
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Hirono shrugged. "I dunno, maybe an hour? Maybe less? It feels like we just got out." Granted, if it had been an hour, then it was a very strong contender for the longest hour of Hirono's life. Even going to the dentist felt more breezy than the island.

Hirono tried to relax. She was with one of her best friends, and no one else was around to bother them. They could just talk about whatever and not give a fuck. It was a little piece of Shiroiwa that had fallen into both of their laps.

That didn't make it much easier for Hirono to avert her attention, though. Her encounter with Eto still stuck with her. The way that she flipped out, the things that she said about her, they were eating at the back of her mind. She kept trying to force those thoughts back down, though. However, she did have another question to ask Mitsuko as she leaned against a tree.

"So Mitsuko." Hirono swallowed, knowing that she was about to open up a pretty heavy question. "Do you think that you'll be able to... y'know... do it?" Her eyes drift back down to Mitsuko's gun.
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"So Mitsuko. Do you think that you'll be able to... y'know... do it?

There was the question. Could she take her big ass gun and kill someone? The answer was

"No bullshit? Yes." Mitsuko frowned. "Don't give me that," dismissing the suspicious look that Hirono had on her face. "I'm not saying that I'm going to go psycho killer on everyone. But I sure as shit don't hold any illusions about this. At the end of this, only one person's gong to be alive, and everyone wants it to be them. So that means that at some point, someone's going to try and kill me. And when they do try to kill me, I will have to kill them, 'cause that's what it will take for me to survive." She looked at Hirono.

"And if you're wondering if I'm going to kill you, only if we're the last two left. Even then, it'd be like a duel, and I wouldn't really want to, but the only other thing we can do is see if Sakamochi will let us both live, and unfortunately I don't think there's anything we can do to get that to happen."
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Post by Aura »

There wasn't really much reason in pretending that Hirono wasn't a bit disconcerted by how quickly Mitsuko admitted her willingness to kill. There was at least some comfort in her specifying that she's prefer to do it in self defence, and also her assurance that she wouldn't go after Hirono unless they were the last two remaining.

There was some truth in what Mitsuko said. Only one of them was going to be alive once the program was over. In order for any of them to get home, everyone else would have to die first. Unless they got insanely lucky, they would have to kill or at least fight eventually. Hirono looked down at her own knife. Could she stab it into someone? Slice it across their neck? She supposed that she could, but the worst that she'd ever done before is give someone a bloody nose. Actually taking a life was a pretty big step up from that.

"It's just weird to think about, y'know? Having to kill." She does not sound enthused about the prospect. "So how long do you think we have before people start breaking?"
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Post by decoy73 »

And how long was it before people broke? Mitsuko frowned at that. If Eto was only saved due to a bulletproof vest, then


Her head turned.

"Fuck me," she mumbled. "Well, if Eto got shot, and I'm assuming that's not the shot you were talking about, then I'd say that some of us already have broken."
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Post by Aura »

The shot sent Hirono into a state of panic. She didn't know where it came from, but it was loud and she wasn't prepared for it. She scrambled a few steps back and ducked down as she tried to bring herself back into the relative safety behind the nearest tree. A couple moment after the shot rang out, she looked back and forth and realized that it was still just herself and Mitsuko in the area.

Fuck... Chill, Hirono. Nobody here but us.

Hirono stood back up, hoping Mitsuko wouldn't be quick to judge after that little display. "Shit... it's gotta be getting bad if more people are already shooting. We've barely even had the time to get our bearings." The sound of the shot had stopped ringing through the night sky, but not in Hirono's mind. It was morbid, but she couldn't help but wonder who had been the target this time.

"Maybe it's the same shooter." Hirono wondered out loud. She kind of hoped that was the case, since it would mean only one of her classmates was a confirmed danger. She knew better than to believe in that hope, though.
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Post by decoy73 »

On the one hand, it wasn't very good that Hirono was freaking out, given that it had been only an hour, if that, that they had officially been told to kill each other. On the other hand, it made perfect sense, given what she'd ... well, that wasn't important right now. What was important was that (a) there was a good chance that it wasn't the same person who had shot Eto, and (b)

"Couldn't tell ya. All we can really hope for is that they calm down or get offed by someone more level headed." She knew she was being pessimistic, but, well, that was how the world was, wasn't it?
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Post by Aura »

"Yeah... guess that's all we really can hope for right now." Hirono agreed. Fuck, how could there have been two shootings already? Yeah, she knew that they were in the program. Slimy-ass Sakamochi had made sure to hammer that in nice and hard. But still, they were fucking classmates. She would've wanted to think that they would've had a little more self-control before they started trying to kill the people who had been sitting next to them all year.

Hirono had Mitsuko's word that she wouldn't be going after her... but she wasn't 100% confident that wouldn't change later. Mitsuko was crafty, and Hirono knew that better than anyone. But even then, it was better to be around her than some of the others. At least Mitsuko was her friend. Hopefully wherever Yoshimi was, she was in a relatively safe place too.

"So in the end, it'll just be one of us left." Hirono stated, scratching her neck. "You think there's any other way out of this, or is it just gonna be the one?"
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