Cecilia Moreno

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Cecilia Moreno


Post by Gundham »

Name: Cecilia Moreno
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
Hobbies and Interests: Reading, jogging, working out, cooking

Gift: Necromancer
Power Details: When Cecilia activates her gift and touches a human corpse, she is able to effectively possess the body as though she were its living consciousness. She is able to pilot the body as though it were her own, and use it to walk, talk, or perform other actions, provided the body is actually capable of performing those actions. She does not feel the injuries that killed the body beyond a dull ache, and subsequent injuries will register as mildly painful. She is able to break off the connection with a psychological trigger – mentally commanding herself to will do the trick, but a sincere desire to abandon the corpse will also cause her to return to her own body. Cecilia's power does work on successive corpses - that is, if she is possessing a corpse and comes into contact with another corpse, she may voluntarily choose to discard the first corpse and transfer into the second. This process is not automatic, and must be purposefully chosen.
Limitations and Drawbacks: While Cecilia possesses someone’s body, her own physical body collapses and goes into a comatose state - the body will still perform automatic functions such as breathing and digestion, but will have a very faint heartbeat and be completely unresponsive to all forms of stimulus. She has a little over an hour to inhabit a corpse before her real body begins suffering from unnaturally rapid muscle degeneration. Physical hindrance will become apparent within an hour, and within six hours she will become too stiff to function and her body will essentially become incapable of movement. In this state she will suffer multiple organ failures and die. Her body is defenseless while she is possessing a corpse, and Cecilia's consciousness will instantly die if her body is killed. Additionally, she is constrained by the physical limitations of the corpse that she is possessing. A possessed body is animated, but not alive. Thus, a corpse with a broken leg will be unable to walk properly, and possessing a headless corpse would render Cecilia blind, mute, and deaf. Cecilia can only possess a corpse containing more than fifty percent of the corpse's biomass, meaning that she cannot possess a severed limb or a body that has been atomized or burnt until nothing significant remains. She may possess an animal, provided that the animal is a mammal and approximately the same size as an average human being, such as a large breed of dog or a deer. Dead bodies possessing Gifts will still retain them, but unless the Gift is a passive or immutable characteristic of the body, or Cecilia has personal specific knowledge of how to activate the Gift, she will be unable to activate it and/or use it with any degree of proficiency. Once she has abandoned a corpse, she is locked out and cannot possess it again.

Appearance: Cecilia is Hispanic, stands 5'4'' high and weighs 140 lbs. She has shoulder-length black hair, which is naturally a bit wavy. She usually wears it loose, but sometimes pulls it back into a ponytail. She has a slightly rounded face, and deep brown eyes. Cecilia’s nose is blunt and downturned, and she has wide lips. Her build is slightly stocky, but not overweight, with a bit of muscle evident on her arms and legs. Cecilia buys most of her clothes second-hand, and tends to dress in cheaper styles. On the day of the abduction, Cecilia was wearing a grey sweater over a red tank top, dark blue jeans with holes in the knees, grey socks and worn green runners.

  • Cecilia was born on October 3rd, 2003, in the San Andrés area of Mexico City to Lucas and Ana Moreno. She has a younger brother three years her junior, Rafael.
  • Lucas owned a small bar, and the family lived in an apartment above it. The bar was frequented by several members of a local chapter of the Tláhuac Cartel, but was unfortunately bordering on territory held by a rival faction, and the area was becoming increasingly violent. Three years ago, a violent gunfight killed several people in the neighborhood.
  • Fearing an escalation of the violence, the Moreno family attempted to emigrate to America. The family were apprehended crossing the border, and were separated under the zero-tolerance policy. Cecilia’s mother and father were deported, but Cecilia and Rafael remained in a holding facility for several weeks before they were cleared to go live with an aunt and uncle in Bend, Oregon.
  • Cecilia's time in the holding facility inflicted substantial mental trauma on her and her brother. Many of her more independent personality traits were pushed into overdrive by the experience. She has become much more withdrawn and suspicious of other people's motives, and focuses on being self-reliant so that she cannot be hurt by losing anyone else. She has a deep and intense mistrust of the government and police officers, and frequently suffers nightmares about being returned to the facility.
  • Cecilia loves her family, and she misses her parents deeply. However, in her quiet moments she finds herself hating them. She blames them for the separation, and for the trauma she suffered in the holding facility. She understands why they wanted to leave San Andrés, but emotionally cannot make herself believe that coming to America wasn't worth losing her parents. She wishes that they had just tried to make a new start somewhere else in Mexico, or tried to pay a coyote to smuggle them across so they wouldn't get caught rather than claiming asylum.
  • Cecilia’s aunt and uncle run a bookstore in Bend. The aunt has a gift for libromancy, allowing her to understand the thoughts and intentions behind any written work she is reading. This helps the bookstore stay afloat, but the family doesn’t have much in the way of disposable income.
  • School is a struggle for Cecilia. She possesses a decent amount of intelligence, and maintains a fairly steady C+ average. She could potentially do better, but the language barrier tends to hold her back. Cecilia is capable of reading most things in English, but she has much more difficulty writing and speaking it.
  • Cecilia works at the bookstore a few afternoons a week, so she rarely if ever socializes outside of school. Her aunt and uncle let her borrow books from the store sometimes, so she usually tends to read in a quiet corner whenever she has free time, using a small notebook to jot down words she doesn’t recognize.
  • Cecilia has never had reason to touch a dead body before, meaning that she does not actually know what her gift is. She secretly suspects that she might not have one, and can be jealous or resentful of others who seem to have amazing talents and capabilities. She tries to compensate for her lack of ability by pushing herself to be useful in whichever way she can, whether it’s tidying up around the house, looking after Rafael, or doing her best in school. She will often focus intently on a project until it is complete, and double and triple-check it to make sure she’s done her absolute best. Her biggest success has been learning how to cook. She taught herself a few recipes, and makes dinner for the family a few times a week.
  • Fitness and strength are very important for Cecilia. Her work at the bookstore keeps her too busy to join a sports team, but she goes jogging in the early morning four times a week, and in her free afternoons works out after school. She has developed some muscle as a result of these efforts, and she’s secretly quite proud of it.
Personality: Cecilia is generally regarded as a quiet presence. She isn’t unfriendly, but she doesn’t generally initiate conversations. She tends be introverted and hesitant to trust other people. Because she doesn’t have much of a sense of humor, she can come across as blunt or aloof in most conversations. She is a hard worker and desperately wants to be self-sufficient, but she lacks confidence and often doubts herself. She does not often ask for help from others, even when she clearly needs it, and struggles to accept assistance when it’s offered.

Other Skills: Physical endurance, heavy lifting
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Post by VoltTurtle »

Heya Gundham! I've got Cecilia, and there are some aspects of her profile (and more specifically how her Gift works) that need to be adjusted/expanded before she can be approved. Starting off simple:
Gundham wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 7:34 amHobbies and Interests: Reading, jogging, working out, cooking.
No period, please!
Gift: Soul Bond.
Same here!
Once she has abandoned a corpse, she is locked out and cannot soul bond with it again.
This would go in limitations, not power details.

Before I get into any critique of what's there in her limitations, I have two point of expansion that I have immediately: does Cecilia's Gift work in such a way where she can hop from body to body? As in, can she touch another corpse while possessing a corpse to possess the new one in turn? Additionally, can she possess the corpses of animals, or only humans (and if she can possess animal corpses, is there a size limit? can't imagine she wouldn't end up accidentally possessing a dead dust mite at some point if there was none)?

Continuing on:
Cecilia’s soul bond works both ways – while she possesses someone’s body, their dead soul will be transferred into hers, meaning that her own physical body will collapse and begin decaying as though she had dropped dead at that moment.
So, the wording here is a bit of an issue. While you refer to her acting as the consciousness of her victim in the power details, you establish that "souls" are (some kind of) a thing here in the limitations, and I'm afraid that's not something I can allow. Whether or not there is such a thing as souls hasn't exactly been proven in real life, and I don't want to establish them as a fact of the universe here in Supers either. While naming the gift "Soul Bond" is fine, this bit will need to be reworded to something like:

"While Cecilia possesses someone’s body, her own physical body will collapse and begin decaying as though she had dropped dead at that moment."

Additionally, though, I have some concerns over the mechanism of these limitations, below:
She has a little over an hour to inhabit a corpse before her real body begins undergoing rigor mortis. Within six hours, her body will enter advanced rigor mortis, and increasingly become too stiff to function. After six hours, and her body will essentially become incapable of movement. It is likely that in this state she would suffer multiple organ failures and die.
So... bit of a problem here that might require massive adjustments to her limitations/drawbacks to fix (namely, nixing the entire "her body dies" point). What exactly qualifies as "death" is completely ambiguous here, and the common definition of it has changed as our understanding of what people can "come back" from has shifted. Since you don't define exactly what her body dying means here, I'm going to go with the most charitable assumption here that you simply mean that her heart and breathing stops (as that is the state of "death" that one can be most easily resuscitated from in the real world).

With that in mind, I'm willing to grant the fact that when she returns to her own body, her heart and respiration will immediately restart, but in the meantime if her heart isn't beating and she's not breathing, her cells will start dying all throughout her body. More specifically, her brain cells (the body's most oxygen-hungry cells) will begin to die within about 2 minutes, and after about 5 minutes she will have suffered some kind of permanent brain damage. After 10 minutes, her brain will have suffered such catastrophic damage that there would be no hope for her to return to it and actually come back to life. It's not a given that her Gift will magically repair any ischemic damage suffered while she's piloting another body, so needless to say, this is a far cry from the "after six hours" bit mentioned in the profile.

How you want to address this is your call, because I don't know exactly what you want to do with her power. You could keep the idea as-is (her body is dead while she's away) but you'll need to define exactly what "dying" means in this instance (as I did), and you'll need to address the time frame and consequences accordingly. This could potentially create an interesting effect where she's effectively "trapped" in whatever body she possesses after a few minutes, or you could go another route and effectively let her Gift work in such a way that she can possess her own body after it has died, thus creating a situation where she has to keep hopping from decaying body to decaying body to "stay alive".

Alternatively, you could make it so her body begins to slowly die (ex: her heart rate will decrease slowly over time until it outright stops) instead of outright "dying" as soon as she body hops. This would be a simpler solution, but does not really create the above cool scenarios, which might be what you're going for.

Or you could do a mix of both! I'm not your mom, follow your heart.

Continuing onward (since the rest of her limitations are fine), I have one stipulation/condition (that I also had to pose to mostlyharmfulll, since his kid Gary's Gift also tampers with corpses) that you'll need to accept here and now before I will approve Cecilia:

You MUST make sure to ask each and every handler of any kid you decide to have Cecilia possess for permission before you are allowed to do so. If you don't get someone's approval first, then anything you did with their dead kid's corpse will be retconned immediately with no potential for an appeal. Some people care about their kids and the possibility of their corpses being desecrated, and Cecilia hijacking their bodies and using them as meat puppets might be liable to upset them. Should you explicitly accept these terms (and fix everything else I've asked about above and below), she will be approved.


Onward! Background:
Cecilia was born on October 3rd, 2003, in the San Andrés area Mexico City to Lucas and Ana Moreno.
Missed a word; "area of Mexico City".
Cecilia loves her family, and she misses her parents deeply. However, in her quiet moments she sometimes resents them and wishes they had just stayed together in Mexico.
Has being separated from her parents caused her any distress beyond just missing them? Did being separated from them cause her any kind of trauma? Does she worry for them being back in Mexico despite whatever caused them to leave? On that note, why did they leave and risk a border crossing in the first place if Cecilia wishes they had just stayed together in Mexico? After all, that does make it seem like the reason they left was trivial if she can so easily dismiss it.

Also, one point of expansion: what are her plans for the future?


Other Skills: Physical endurance, lifting heavy objects.
No period (again), also these would be better put as "Physical endurance, Heavy lifting" or some variation thereof.


That's all! I know it's a lot, but post back here when you think she's ready to be looked at again (and don't forget to formally accept the condition in your follow-up post) and I'll give her another look in Round 2! :3
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Post by Gundham »

VoltTurtle wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 1:39 amYou MUST make sure to ask each and every handler of any kid you decide to have Cecilia possess for permission before you are allowed to do so. If you don't get someone's approval first, then anything you did with their dead kid's corpse will be retconned immediately with no potential for an appeal. Some people care about their kids and the possibility of their corpses being desecrated, and Cecilia hijacking their bodies and using them as meat puppets might be liable to upset them. Should you explicitly accept these terms (and fix everything else I've asked about above and below), she will be approved.
Hiya, I'll do the other edits shortly, but I wanted to get a jump on confirming this. My plan was always to ask permission from other handlers, and to give them a prospectus of what I'd be using the body to actually do, so that they can consent ahead of time, and/or say that they explicitly don't want their kid's body/gift being used in specific ways or contexts.

I'll try and get the rest of the edits done as quickly as I can. Thanks! <3
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Post by Gundham »

H'okay, I think I've completed the edits as requested!
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Post by VoltTurtle »

Heya! Thank you for the confirmation. This iteration of Cecilia's profile is looking a lot better! Just two more things:
Gundham wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 7:34 amIt is likely that in this state she would suffer multiple organ failures and die.
We have the benefit of omniscience when it comes to detailing power details/limitations, and perfect clarity is desirable, so half-sure statements like "it is likely" are to be avoided. Would she suffer multiple organ failure and die, or not?
Fearing an escalation of the violence, the Moreno family attempted to emigrate to America. The family were apprehended crossing the border, and were separated under the zero-tolerance policy. Cecilia’s mother and father were deported, but Cecilia and Rafael remained in a holding facility for several weeks before they were cleared to go live with an aunt and uncle in Bend, Oregon.
Split this off into its own bullet point.


Lemme know when you've got that done!
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Post by Gundham »

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Post by VoltTurtle »


Remember to post in the roll call thread so Cecilia can be rostered!
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