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Andrew Martin

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 8:43 pm
by Fenrir
Name: Andrew Martin
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: Junior
Hobbies and Interests: Reading, Documentaries, Model building

Gift: Hush
Power Details: Hush creates an effect around the user in which no sound can be created or pass through, effectively rendering everyone, including the user, within the affected area deaf and unable to produce any noise. The effective area of the Gift is a sphere roughly 25 feet in diameter centred around Andrew’s head.
Limitations and Drawbacks: This power is active by default and must be consciously suppressed by the user, which can be taxing if done for elongated periods of time; prolonged suppression of the ability can result in migraines, nosebleeds, dizziness, blackouts and eventual loss of control over his Gift and an inability to suppress the Gift again for up to 12 hours.

Appearance: Standing at 6’ 2” Andrew is of above average height, though seems shorter than he is due to a pronounced slouch, and at 129 lbs he is considered to be underweight for his size. Tall and with a skinny build, he has the appearance of someone who has been stretched out, with thin arms, bony wrists and a narrow face. He has an unhealthy pallor to his skin, with a pale complexion and constant dark rings under his eyes due to lack of sleep; usually he will cover this up to an extent with makeup, but sometimes he forgets to do this or is too tired to do so.

He has brown hair that he usually keeps cut short but it is currently longer than normal, falling to roughly ear level and starting to become unkempt, as he has not had a haircut for a few weeks. His eyes are a muddy brown with bags under them and he has a thin face with a long nose and pointed chin; slightly sunken cheeks add to his overall gaunt appearance. Wisps of facial hair are starting to grow on his chin but it has yet to grow into a full beard.

Andrew commonly wears baggy clothing, mostly consisting of jeans and t-shirts of no particular brand; often plain, solid colours or stripes. On the day of his abduction Andrew was wearing blue jeans with a baggy, forest green t-shirt with a tan canvas jacket. He was also wearing black converse trainers.

  • Andrew is the oldest child of Charlotte and Elijah Martin, a musician and bank manager respectively. He has a younger sister, Emily, who is five years younger than himself.
  • He was something of a late bloomer in that his Gift took longer to manifest than for most children. When it did finally appear Andrew was at first under the impression that he had gone deaf, until he realised that no one else in the house could hear anything either.
  • From a young age, Andrew has struggled with controlling his Gift. He learned to suppress it to some extent on his own, but due to the side effects of prolonged suppression it became apparent he would have to be put on a regimen of benzodiazepines fairly early on. Andrew doesn't like his medication as it makes him feel drowsy and does not completely suppress his Gift, instead merely shortening its range and still leaving him functionally deaf; however he continues to take them at the request of his parents.
  • Andrew’s hobbies, for obvious reasons, tend to include things that can be done without needing to hear, and he spends a lot of his time reading books; he has no real preference for genre, instead just picking up anything that interests him. He will sometimes watch TV with closed captions on, but tends to find shows or movies with narratives boring without sound; instead he prefers watching documentaries and educational shows.
  • Between having to suppress his Gift at school for long hours at a time, leading to almost daily headaches, and having to take medication at home, Andrew began to feel increasingly burdened and isolated by his Gift. He would attempt to avoid taking the medication or lie about having taken it and instead suppress his powers himself. At the same time he would find opportunities at school to be alone so that he could stop suppressing his Gift for brief moments during the day. This eventually led to Andrew temporarily losing control over his Gift and the ability to suppress it due to overtaxing himself.
  • After regaining control of his Gift, Andrew talked to his parents about why he didn’t want to take his medication and tried to avoid taking it. His parents cooperated with him, converting the garage into a bedroom and letting him move in there so he would be further away from the rest of the house wouldn't have to suppress his power as often. The larger living space also allowed him to indulge in a new hobby, as he would spend his pocket money and time on assembling models of places, tanks, and ships due to his interest in military history from watching documentaries. As a condition by his parents, he would eventually start seeing a therapist as well.
  • After explaining his feeling of isolation to his therapist, it was suggested that he begin attending group counselling sessions intended for young people with hearing disorders; even though Andrew’s loss of sound was power driven and could be turned off, the therapist felt that the situations were similar enough that Andrew could relate to them. Andrew attended these sessions for almost a year and did make a few new friends but ultimately decided to stop attending when it became clear that his situation was too dissimilar from the others. These sessions did convince him to learn sign language as an alternate means of communication however.
  • Andrew occasionally goes through bouts of insomnia and anxiety caused by his Gift; the lack of sound, even though he has lived with it for years, sometimes cause him to wake in the middle of the night with a feeling that something is wrong. It is difficult for him to go back to sleep when this happens.
  • He is a member of the schools model building club: a small, niche club with few members that Andrew joined two years ago. As well as giving him a chance to share his hobby with like-minded people, the other members of the club have introduced him to various new media that he now makes models of alongside his military ones, in particular sci-fi series and the ‘mecha’ genre.
  • Due to his frequent headaches, periods of lack of sleep and having to split his focus between his teachers and suppressing his Gift, Andrew does not do particularly well in school. He studies often and his interests mean he is quite knowledgeable in certain subjects, particularly history and geography, but he often finds it hard to concentrate in class and especially during tests.
  • Between the other members of the model club and a few people from his old counselling group, Andrew has a decent number of people that he can call friends, enough that he doesn’t consider himself to be unpopular. Aside from this, his need to stop suppressing his Gift at certain points during the day, usually during breaks between classes or at lunch time, mean that he does not often socialise with his classmates outside of club activities or classes. There are a few students who will sometimes approach him during breaks in order to make use of his Gift to get some peace and quiet, but his relationship with these people is usually cordial at best.
  • Andrew does not know what he is going to do after high school, other than the fact that he wants to attend university and study history. He hasn’t yet figured out what he is going to do in regards to his Gift and his living arrangements should he leave home, whether he will go back to taking his medication all the time or try to find accommodations where that isn’t necessary, or try to find a university close enough to home that he doesn’t need to move out. Whatever the solution is Andrew knows that it will likely be difficult to manage and has been putting off thinking about it.
Personality: Andrew is someone who doesn’t like to take risks or make big changes; he has found a groove that he can exist in, one that lets him live with his Gift relatively comfortably, and he isn’t interested in shaking that status quo up any. This means he doesn’t like to reach out to people who he doesn’t already know, doesn’t seek out new things and generally keeps to himself. He is quiet, more out of habit than anything else, and often responds to people through gesture or sign language instead of speaking. Andrew tends to be very low energy most days, which shows in both his posture and the way he moves. He is friendly, but doesn’t give off much of a sense of approachability.

Other Skills: Fluent in American Sign Language

Re: Andrew Martin

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2021 3:42 am
by Jilly
Hey Fenrir, I'll be taking a look at Andrew today. He looks pretty good content wise, but he is DENIED at this stage as he actually is a little too good content wise and his profile needs to be pared down quite a bit, along with just a few grammatical issues that need to be taken care of. I'll get right into it.

The first thing I've noticed that shows up multiple times is that "Gift" referring to a person's superpower in the Supers universe needs to be capitalized since it's a proper noun in this context. I'm just noting this here so you'll know why I'll be dinging those. Anyway, I'll get to the actual critique:
Hush creates an effect around the user in which no sound can be created or pass through, effectively rendering everyone, including the user, within the affected area deaf and unable to produce any noise. The effective area of the Gift is a sphere roughly 25 feet in diameter centred around Andrew’s head.
[...] prolonged suppression of the ability can result in migraines, nosebleeds, dizziness, blackouts and eventual loss of control over his Gift and an inability to suppress the gift again for up to 12 hours.
[...] and at 129 lbs he is considered to be underweight for his size.
His mother also has a sound related power, having perfect voice control including mimicry of others. His father can hover a few inches off of the ground and his sister can produce an endless amount of ball bearings.
- In the profiles we don't need to know about the powers a kid's family has unless it's something relevant that comes up in their background, so please take this bullet point out.

  • To begin with Andrew was not able to suppress his gift, or even realise that he could. His parents took him to the hospital, only for the doctors who examined him to conclude that there was nothing wrong with him physically. They were instead referred to a councillor who worked with children to help them learn control at a young age.
  • Once Andrew figured out how to suppress his gift he attempted to do so all of the time, only to discover that this would leave him with migraines and other, more serious symptoms if he did this for too long. Once it became apparent suppressing his gift himself was not an option, Andrew was prescribed Benzodiazepines to keep his power under control instead.
  • Unfortunately, while power suppressing medications do significantly shorten the range of the effect of Andrew’s gift they do not completely remove it; meaning that while it does prevent it from affecting others it still leaves him essentially deaf. As such, he does not like to use them as he does not benefit from their use but still experiences the side effects of the medication itself.
  • However, when his sister was born it became necessary for Andrew to take power suppressants regularly so that his parents would be able to hear the baby crying at night when Andrew was asleep and his power was active. Even as Emily grew older his parents asked him to continue to take the medication when at home in order to limit its effect on them; Andrew complied despite not liking the medication and the way they made him feel drowsy.
- I would combine these four paragraphs together since you don't have to go that in-depth with a character's history on the surfacing of their power usage, so I'd make a suggestion to cut these bullet points down to just something like this:
  • From a young age, Andrew has struggled with controlling his Gift. Although he learned to suppress it to some extent on his own, it became apparent he would have to be put on a regimen of benzodiazepines fairly early on. Andrew doesn't like his medication as it makes him feel drowsy along with it still leaving him functionally deaf, but he continues to take them at the request of his parents.

Andrew’s hobbies, for obvious reasons, tend to include things that can be done without needing to hear, and he spends a lot of his time reading books; he has no real preference for genre, instead just picking up anything that interests him.
Between having to suppress his Gift at school for long hours at a time, leading to almost daily headaches, and having to take medication at home, Andrew began to feel increasingly burdened and isolated by his Gift. He would attempt to avoid taking the medication or lie about having taken it and instead suppress his powers himself. At the same time he would find opportunities at school to be alone so that he could stop suppressing his Gift for brief moments during the day. This eventually led to Andrew temporarily losing control over his gift and the ability to suppress it due to overtaxing himself.

  • Once his power was back under control he told his parents about avoiding his medication and his reasons for doing so. His parents realised that they needed to change the way they dealt with Andrew’s gift and rather than continue to ask him to suppress his power through medication they converted the garage in to a bedroom and moved Andrew in to it, placing him far enough away from the rest of them that suppressing his power was not needed as frequently.
  • While this technically meant that he was more physically isolated than before, it had the intended effect of allowing Andrew to suppress his power less; through medication or otherwise. The additional space also meant he was able to indulge in a new hobby; watching documentaries had given Andrew an interest in all things military and he would spend his pocket money and his time assembling models of places, tank and ships to fill the shelves of his new room.
  • His parents also decided to send Andrew to see a therapist, to give him a better outlet for any problems he might be having and a place to talk about the things he was previously keeping to himself. Though he was initially reluctant to open up to a stranger, these sessions did help him and he continues to see a therapist even now.
- This section also goes quite a lot in depth against the scope of what we're looking for with profiles, so I'll ask you to condense this down into one or two bullet points as well. I'd suggest something like so:
  • After regaining control of his Gift, Andrew talked to his parents about why hated his medication and why he avoided taking it. His parents cooperated with him, converting the garage into a bedroom and letting him move in there so he wouldn't have to suppress his power as often at home. The larger living space also allowed him to indulge in a new hobby, as he would spend his pocket money and time on assembling models of places, tanks, and ships due to his interest in military history. As a condition by his parents, he would eventually start seeing a therapist as well.

He is a member of the schools model building club: a small, niche club with few members that Andrew joined two years ago. As well as giving him a chance to share his hobby with like-minded people, the other members of the club have introduced him to various new media that he now makes models of alongside his military ones, in particular sci-fi series and the ‘mecha’ genre.
Due to his frequent headaches, periods of lack of sleep and having to split his focus between his teachers and suppressing his gift, Andrew does not do particularly well in school.
- Could you give a bullet point on his social reputation around school, and maybe another one for what his post-high school career plans are?

- Looks like a blank bullet point got slipped in the end there, so make sure that gets taken out.
Andrew is someone who doesn’t like to take risks or make big changes; he has found a groove that he can exist in, one that lets him live with his Gift relatively comfortably, and he isn’t interested in shaking that status quo up any. This means he doesn’t like to reach out to people who he doesn’t already know, doesn’t seek out new things and generally keeps to himself.
And that's all I got! Let me know when you account for all of these, and I'll give Andrew another look. Feel free to ask me any questions you have.

Re: Andrew Martin

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 4:56 pm
by Fenrir
Hey Jilly, I have made the requested changes. I've cut down on the details in a few places and added a couple bullet points around his social activity at school and his future plans.

Re: Andrew Martin

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 3:33 am
by Jilly
Awesome, Andrew looks great to me. Remember to post in the roll call thread, and we'll be good to go once Supers officially starts.