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Crispin-Kelley ‘Crispy’ Cuyler

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 11:49 pm
by ItzToxie
Name: Crispin-Kelley ‘Crispy’ Cuyler
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
Hobbies and Interests: Betting, Pranks, Freerunning, Techwear

Gift: Human Squirrel Hybrid Traits
Power Details: Crispin shares many visual similarities with squirrels, including extended front teeth, claws, stronger leg muscles, and a large bushy tail. Crispin’s traits go beyond visual, giving him enhanced jumping height and distance, while his claws are designed to make it easier for him to climb various obstacles.
Limitations and Drawbacks: Crispin’s front teeth never stop growing and the first sign of this is lisping his words and difficulty eating, forcing him to file them down whenever they get too long. To maintain his energy Crispin eats constantly, and takes small naps throughout the day. During the winter his metabolism slows down, causing him to be lethargic and sluggish. He is red-green colorblind.

Appearance: At 5’7” and weighing 156 lbs, Crispin is pear shaped and a little bit on the pudgier side, not helped by his naturally endomorphic build or poor diet habits. Whilst he tries to counteract his visual paunch with upper body workouts and more cardio, he hasn’t found any luck so far. Crispin is Caucasian, with rather pale skin, and freckles dotting his cheeks and shoulders. His strong jaw and high cheekbones are contrasted by a softer brow, blue upturned eyes, and a small button nose. His ears are pointy. His lips are thin, and Crispin takes great care to ensure his buck teeth don’t protrude from them, though they’re always prominent the moment he speaks or smiles. Because of this, and the fact his mom is a dentist, he takes great care in his teeth, making sure to brush, floss, and whiten them twice a day. Crispin’s naturally brown hair is cut into a shoulder length surfer dude emo style hybrid, with the bangs combed up and over in front of the left side of his face being dyed in ice blue stripes. His large bushy tail also has the same ice blue stripes dyed into its pattern. He speaks in a thick Louisiana accent whilst talking at a rather fast pace, causing him to stutter and slur his words.

On the day of the abduction Crispin was wearing an outfit that’s considered the usual for his fashion sense. For his top, he wore a long sleeved cobalt blue under armor shirt, underneath a black high collar snood T-shirt, with an asymmetrical zipper going from the right hand side of the snood, and going down and stopping just underneath the right side of his chest, flanked by buttoned straps protecting along the outside of the zipper. For legwear, Crispin wore black and cobalt blue striped athletic leggings underneath a black pair of techwear cargo-harem pants, being baggy along the thighs then thinning out and stopping just below the knees. For footwear, he wore a pair of black and white Jordans, with cobalt blue trims and black and blue striped shoelaces.

For accessories, Crispin wore a light coating of black eyeliner along his eyes, a pair of black and white fingerless tactical motocross gloves, and a black messenger bag with white tron stripes, and the Kanji for ‘Fujiwara’ along the strap. He also painted his claws black and cobalt blue.

  • Crispin-Kelley Cuyler was born in Shreveport, Louisiana to Early and Maude Cuyler. Starting off, Crispin grew up in a lower middle class household, with Early doing interstate truck driving, and Maude working on her dentistry degree.
  • Crispin spent most of his time playing outdoors. Despite that, and because of his family’s work routines, they frequently dined on fast food for convenience. Because of this Crispin was rather heavyset until middle school.
  • Due to the combination of his Gift’s appearance and his weight, Crispin was frequently bullied growing up. In his way of reacting to this, Crispin was a trouble maker in class and would frequently pick on kids weaker than him.
  • At the beginning of Crispin’s time in middle school, Maude got her degree in dentistry and found a job opening in Bend, Oregon. The move was a welcome change of pace, along with moving them up into comfortably middle class by midway through high school.
  • At his new school, Crispin was having trouble fitting in until he met Alan Melnyk. The two shared similar interests and enabled each other’s bad habits.
  • At this time, Crispin also grew more aware of his general appearance and made great pains to lose weight and get into shape, something his parents didn’t help with. At Alan’s advice, he also thought about his choice of attire, going through various phases until he found the one he liked most.
  • During eighth grade, Crispin and Alan heard rumors of a kid with the ability to shoot bullets out of his fingers and saw an opportunity. Upon finding the individual, Noah Davis, they pestered him into showing them his gift. Noah refused, and an angry Crispin tried to force him, only for Noah’s power to discharge and geld Crispin with a graze.
  • Despite his family having insurance, the combined doctors bills and testosterone supplements to compensate for Crispin’s injury had caused financial struggles that effect the family to this day.
  • Despite Crispin’s parents suing for damages, the court declared the incident to be accidental, with Crispin mostly at fault due to a CCTV camera recording.
  • Because of these combined factors, Noah is Crispin’s first target when it comes to picking on someone, as Crispin blames him for the injury he received, the issues that surround it, and the rumors that followed, affecting his reputation.
  • Academically, Crispin is mediocre. Due to a combination of lack of effort and lacking in understanding, Crispin’s grades are averaging around C’s or D’s with the occasional B. The only class he really excels at is PE, from a mix of his climbing abilities and taking track and field as an elective.
  • When he gets out of high school, Crispin plans to get into cosmetology, as found an interest with cutting and styling his hair and he’s the one who styled Alan’s. As of now he sells his service to anyone who’d pay, particularly for fades or dying.
  • Crispin has a tendency to place bets with Alan and others for money, usually disguised as chance or challenges. However, Crispin rarely takes part without the odds stacked in his favor, and while most likely he won’t cheat perse, he plays with a “house always wins” attitude.
  • Crispin’s reputation in school is as a bully and a misfit, frequently being known to disrupt class or prank another student. Despite this, he rarely gets in trouble at school outside a detention or two due to the majority of his pranks being done outside school grounds. He does this in a mix of finding it funny and to get a laugh from Alan, who enables his behavior.
Personality: Crispin is energetic and volatile with little sense of personal space or boundaries. He frequently bullies those that seem either physically or mentally weaker than him, targeting the personalities or appearances of his targets. He enjoys seeing people react, be it laughing at a tasteless joke or anger over being the butt of it. He does not appreciate being on the other end of stick and has a tendency to escalate situations, especially if his injury is mentioned.

Other Skills: Acrobatics

Re: Crispin-Kelley ‘Crispy’ Cuyler

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 9:07 am
by Jilly
Hey, Toxie. Crispin's honestly looking pretty great content-wise but needs a few edits/expansions/tone adjustments before I can approve him so he is currently DENIED at this stage so let's get into it. Grammar fixes/edits are in blue where it's relevant/I can present them without commentary (a lot of them are just commas needing to be removed or capitalization errors).
Gender: Male
Hobbies and Interests: Betting, Pranks, Freerunning, Techwear.
Make sure to take out that period at the end there.
[+] Powers
Honestly this part is pretty fine but I feel like it could benefit from being expanded on some more so I'll ask you some questions/thoughts I have that could maybe be touched on considering Crispin's specific Gift.

- Grey squirrel adults (which I'm assuming you're basing Crispin's Gift off of but also correct me if I'm wrong) have to sleep about 14-16 hours a day, so would Crispin normally also have particularly extended sleeping requirements/habits that could be considered a disadvantage?

- Is he red-green colorblind at all?

- Does his extended front teeth affect the way he eats or speaks at all? Since squirrels normally eat pretty constantly due to their metabolism, does that also mean Crispin might need a significantly higher caloric intake per day in order to function?
[+] Appearance
At 5’7" and weighing 156 lbs, Crispin is pear shaped and a little bit on the pudgier side, not helped by his naturally endomorphic build or poor diet habits. Whilst he tries to counteract his visual paunch with upper body workouts and more cardio, he hasn’t found any luck so far.
Crispin’s naturally brown hair is cut into a shoulder length surfer dude emo style hybrid, with the bangs combed up and over in front of the left side of his face and dyed in ice blue stripes.
He speaks in a thick Louisiana accent that could be described as “Bill Paxton trying to impersonate Boomhauer”.
- The quotes section is too informal so I'd take it out entirely and just leave this as "He speaks in a thick, rather cartoonish Louisiana accent." or something like that if you want to keep the vibe.
For legwear, Crispin wore black and cobalt blue striped athletic leggings
For footwear, he wore a pair of black and white Jordans with cobalt blue trims and black and blue striped shoelaces.
For accessories, Crispin wore a light coating of black guyliner
- "Guyliner" is a little too informal imo so I'd just use "eyeliner".
[+] Background
Crispin-Kelley Cuyler was born in Shreveport, Louisiana to Early and Maude Cuyler. Starting off, Crispin grew up in a lower middle class household, with Early doing interstate truck driving and Maude working on her dentistry degree.
At the beginning of middle school, Maude got her degree in dentistry, and found a job opening in Bend, Oregon.
- I know what you're saying but I would rephrase the "At the beginning of middle school" thing so we know you're for sure talking about Crispin.
At his new school, Crispin was having trouble fitting in until he met Alan Melnyk. The two shared similar interests and enabled each other’s bad habits.
At this time, Crispin also grew more aware of his general appearance and made great pains to lose weight and get into shape, something his parents didn’t help with.
During eighth grade,
Despite his family having insurance, the combined doctors bills and testosterone supplements to compensate for Crispin's injury had caused financial struggles that affect the family to this day.
Despite suing for damages, the court declared the incident to be accidental, with Crispin mostly at fault due to a CCTV camera recording.
- I know what you mean here as well but I would rephrase that first part as "Despite his family suing for damages" just so we clearly know who's doing the suing since Crispin and Noah are still minors at this point.
Because of these combined factors, Noah is Crispin’s first target when it comes to picking on someone as Crispin blames him for the injury he received, the issues that surround it, and the rumors that followed, affecting his reputation.
Academically, Crispin is mediocre, and that’s being generous. Due to a combination of lack of effort and lacking in understanding, Crispin’s grades are averaging around C’s or D’s with the occasional B.
- "and that's being generous" is too informal so it needs to be cut.
The only class he really excels at is PE, from a mix of his climbing abilities and taking track and field as an elective.
When he gets out of high school, Crispin plans to get into cosmetology, as he found an interest with cutting and styling his hair, and he’s the one who styled Alan’s.
Crispin’s reputation in school is as a bully and a misfit, frequently being known to disrupt class or prank another student. Despite this, he rarely gets in trouble at school outside a detention or two due to the majority of his pranks being done outside school grounds. He does this in a mix of finding it funny and to get a laugh from Alan, who enables his behavior.
- "Betting" is kind of an ambiguous hobby on paper so would you mind maybe touching on that for a sentence or two somewhere?
[+] Personality
Crispin is energetic and volatile with little sense of personal space or boundaries. He frequently bullies those that seem either physically or mentally weaker than him, targeting the personalities or appearances of his targets. He enjoys seeing people react, be it laughing at a tasteless joke or anger over being the butt of it. He does not appreciate being on the other end of stick and has a tendency to escalate situations, especially if his ‘injury’ is mentioned.
- The quotes around "his injury" in the end there are too informal imo so I would get rid of them and maybe make it more specific and say "especially if his injury from Noah is mentioned".
And that should be about it! Lemme know when you get to these and I'll gladly give Crispin another look. Don't be afraid to ask me any questions you have either.

Re: Crispin-Kelley ‘Crispy’ Cuyler

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2021 9:53 am
by ItzToxie
Edits made!🐿

Re: Crispin-Kelley ‘Crispy’ Cuyler

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 4:16 pm
by Jilly
The second time his mom's dentistry degree shows up in his background still needs to be decapitalized but eh I'll just take care of that for you since it's the only mark I have against Crispin's approval.

APPROVED and welcome to Supers.