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Irina’s Relationship Thread (For The Program)

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 10:18 am
by Irina Ivanov
So, I’ve seen other people do the relationship doohickey threads (well, with better names then mine), and it makes sense. No kid is an island, everyone has relations. Anyways, here we go!

Lucy Arkwright:A rich girl who due to her neglectful upbringing, grew up with too many books, and not enough friends and sense. With a preference to indulge in fantasy rather then the real world, this means she is emotionally-undeveloped and is often called childish. Lucy suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder, so she has an contradictory personality, once you get past her quirky traits, it’s clear she has no consistent personality. She also cannot keep friends and hobbies for long due to her BPD and her unmotivated attitude. She does averagely in school despite being very knowledgeable, since she’s too unmotivated to change. Lucy is regarded as a weirdo, not only because of her poor social skills and strange interests, but because that she’s known as a stalker. The rumours are true, and if she thinks someone is special, like being in a minority or Lucy thinking they know magic or something, she will stalk the person, until she has collected sufficient data or gets too unmotivated to keep pursuing them.

Looking for:

-Fellow Nerds Hobbyists: Lucy’s interests change a lot, but when she has a hobby, she is devoted. Since her hobbies are nerdy such as roleplaying and photography, she will be close with people with the same interests. Well, until she pursues another hobby, and drifts from them like she does with everyone.

-Stalkees: Lucy’s known for stalking people that she likes or finds interesting, This means anybody she finds special, will soon be feeling they are always being watched...

-Enemies: Lucy does not have a good reputation. Due to her creepy demeanour that shows when she talks for too long, and a incident back a few years, where she was caught recording a fellow classmate, means that she’s known as a lonely freak that makes people uncomfortable. The more popular students don’t usually like her.

No One Yet!

Molly McDonald: A popular girl with a charming, confident attitude, Molly is a queen bee, when it comes to the social totem at school. With a beautiful appearance and being in the school sports team, Molly has many followers. Underneath that confidence and charm though, is an insecure, hypocritical woman who refuses to accept the cruelty of the world, and the fact that in this world, she will fade away like everybody else. Because of her feelings of inferiority, she puts others down to keep her ego up. She mocks those who not as popular as her or who she considers weirdos, leading others to bully the victims as well. When it comes to school, while she is smart enough, she doesn’t see any point in learning and considers those who are too academically geared ‘teacher’s pets’. Interestingly enough, she secretly enjoys video games although she hates ‘nerds’, a secret hobby of hers. As long as you’re relatively high up in reputation and are fairly normal though, Molly will just seem like a friendly, headstrong leader.

Looking for:
-Friends: Molly is popular and charming, it’s likely most people would like her, and want to be friends with her. Especially due to her leader-like attitude.

-Victims: For the more introverted, more geeky kids, Molly can be an absolutely nightmare, a relentless bully.

Rue - Friends

Re: Irina’s Relationship Thread (For The Program)

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 1:16 am
by backslash
I think my girls could have some relationships with your girls!

For Lucy, I doubt either Rue or Ashley would be too into her. Not sure how she'd view either of them, but there's no hobby overlap there and neither of their personalities lends itself to really being friendly with her.

For Molly, I think she and Rue move somewhat in the same social circles, so they could be friends. Ashley would hate her and probably vice versa.

Re: Irina’s Relationship Thread (For The Program)

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 5:44 am
by Irina Ivanov
I like your characters by the way, espically Rue. Very cool kids.

Anyways, Lucy never found Rue interesting enoughto interact with, and she never found out about Rue’s problems. Lucy’s isn’t much for social or popular students, she doesn’t feel anything but a little jealousy for their social standings, and probably would also get annoyed with Ashley’s loud behaviour quite quickly.

Molly would be friends with Rue I think! Likely not the greatest friend, but Molly at least wouldn’t talk behind her back. Meanwhile, Molly would be generally quite awful to Ashley. She would consider Ashley a ‘uneducated party animal’ and probably talk trash about her to her friends.