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Your Screams Are The Thing They Wanna Hear

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 1:42 pm
by Applesintime
((Gregory Miller continued from Get The Fuck Out))

Slamming the door behind him, Gregory took the moment to catch a breath, and then back to the panic and the worry and the burning pain in his arm. It was still bleeding, crimson dripping down his arm and onto the floor. Had he left a trail? Were they hunting him down, following the drops of blood scattered on the floor of the cruise ship like bloodhounds? Gregory didn't know, but he had to stop the bleeding. Sitting down on the bed, he shakily pulled the medkit out of his bag, opening it in a hurry and tossing pills and bottles everywhere as he grabbed some bandages from it, wrapping it sloppily around his right arm, where all the bleeding was. Man, oh man, he had done it now.

"Ben? Ben, are you there?! What do, what do I do now?" He was panicking and all the shock was settling in and tears were rolling down his face, he just needed Ben to answer, to know that there was someone else looking out for him, someone who was on his side.

Re: Your Screams Are The Thing They Wanna Hear

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 7:01 pm
by Rattlesnake
"Get those on tight. Everything else is no good if you just end up exsangri - fuckin' bleeding to death.

"Now, you ever been up Shit Creek? This, this, this is the Mississippi Shit River and you gotta paddle hard, understand? Gotta get a blindside, gotta get 'em separated, and you'll have a pretty good shot... Probably that door is what you got to work with. Slam it behind the first one through, jump 'em, try to deal with them quickly. Eyes, hands, throat. That's your base, maybe, but you're the one on the ground. You gotta intuit from there. Remember, 100% commitment to whatever you do."

Re: Your Screams Are The Thing They Wanna Hear

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 6:37 am
by ItzToxie
The clanks of footfalls were getting louder. “There’s nowhere to hide you rodent! Come out man, accept your responsibility in this mess and it’ll be over. Keep running and you’re just gonna be too tired to scream when I catch you!”

Fisk slowed to a jog, then to a walk as he knew he was getting closer to Gregory. Follow the blood, that’s all he had to do. He kept both knives in each hand, he was going to familiarize himself with their use, and see how much damage he could do.

“Do what you got to do, Greggy! It all leads to the same end. It doesn’t matter, you’re fucked! You threw it all away you shit!”

“Just wait. I’m gonna find you! It’s gonna happen!” Fisk began peeking into rooms, keeping an eye on if there were anyone else in these halls. He knew where Greg went, just had to follow the red, he just didn’t know if he had backup or not.

Re: Your Screams Are The Thing They Wanna Hear

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 8:52 am
by Applesintime
"Oh shit, Ben, he's coming, he's here. What do I, how do I get out? Aw fuck, fuck fuck..." Jumping up from the bed, Gregory looked around. There was a chest of drawers pressed up against a wall, and Gregory pushed at it, pressing his good arm and shoulder against it and grunting as he shoved it towards the door. He needed to barricade this place so they couldn't get in. What the fuck, why was it so heavy? It felt like it was taking him forever, but that was because his fucking arm was bleeding like shit! Fuck, come on, move faster or they'll get you.

Re: Your Screams Are The Thing They Wanna Hear

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 9:18 am
by Rattlesnake
"You're gonna have to hit back, alright? Eyes, hands, throat. Groin too, if this dickless tweaker's got anything down there. Put him on the floor any way you can, and choke the fuckin' life out of him. I'll be with you, alright? Hit him head-on and don't stop 'til he's done twitching."

Re: Your Screams Are The Thing They Wanna Hear

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 9:21 am
by ItzToxie
“Hey! I heard that motherfucker’s col-“

Re: Your Screams Are The Thing They Wanna Hear

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 9:24 am
by Wham Yubeesling
Four bullets went through the wall to Gregory's right.

Re: Your Screams Are The Thing They Wanna Hear

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 9:28 am
by Applesintime
Gregory was about to respond until the bullets whizzed by him and he let out a scream of fear. If he had started pushing the drawers a little more, they''d be dead, and as they were now, the bullets had hit the drawers and sand was slowly pouring out of the holes. Without thinking, Gregory ran for the door, throwing it open, and ran as fast and as far as he could.

((Gregory Miller continued in Somebody Smell Like Fear))

Re: Your Screams Are The Thing They Wanna Hear

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 9:32 am
by ItzToxie
CLANK CLANK CLANK CLANk CLAnk CLank Clank clank clank clank