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Here is the final roster of all contestants in SOTF: International.

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Post by Ohm »

Name: Clara Micallef
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Place of Residence: St. Paul's Bay, Malta
Language/s: Maltese, English
Hobbies and Interests: Association football, track and field, cooking, rock/metal music

Appearance: Clara possesses an athletic build, standing at a height of 170cm and weighing 65kg. She keeps her dark brown hair cut short in a pixie cut style above an oval shaped face, containing wide-set brown eyes, a small, upturned nose and a thin-lipped mouth. Spending much of her time outside has given her a noticeable tan, resulting in an overall tawny complexion.

She prefers to wear casual clothes as much as possible, and can typically be seen wearing comfortable sweatpants or leggings along with a top from her large collection of band t-shirts. However, on the day of the abduction, she was wearing her school's P.E. uniform, a burnt orange t-shirt with navy blue side panels, navy blue gym shorts with burnt orange side panels, and white trainers.

Biography: Clara was born as the second of two children to Guiseppe and Nikola Micallef, the owners and operators of a small cafe in Xemxija, a suburb on the western side of the city of St. Paul's Bay, Malta. Guiseppe had inherited the cafe from his father while still quite a young man due to the latter's untimely demise, and has been running it ever since, transferring the ownership to his wife after the two childhood friends eventually married. The couple, while not wealthy by any means, were still able to provide a comfortable upbringing to their children, hoping that one of them will take over the family business after their parents retire. Overall, the family of four gets along pretty well, and Clara is on friendly terms with both her parents and her 21 year old brother, Antonio.

From a very early age, Clara looked up to her older brother. When Antonio began developing an interest in football, his sister soon followed suit. The two of them soon fell in love with the sport, both for playing it themselves and for watching games on television, and the siblings can happily talk for hours about the topic. While Clara and her brother could both wax poetic about the sport's elegant simplicity and international significance, the true appeal for her is much less complicated. She loves the feeling of freedom resulting from weaving quickly through a crowd of opponents to break into open field, her body (relatively) unencumbered as she focuses on the split second decisions governing where to send the ball next. She has tried playing other sports over the years, but no others have been able to capture her interest in quite the same way. However, at the urging of some of her friends, she has also joined her school's track team, finding enjoyment in both pushing herself in developing the skills that she was already using on the football field, and being able to show off her speed and dexterity in unique and interesting ways.

While her frequently reckless and aggressive style of play has resulted in frequent scrapes and bruises, she has been lucky enough to so far avoid any major injuries, though a couple close calls that have resulted off the field while showing off to her friends. Over the years, she has experienced many incidents where her instinct to act first and think second has caused her to do things that she would later regret, due to either causing public embarrassment or unnecessary damage to a relationship.

Due to spending time on various school teams, she has never had a shortage of friends and acquaintances who share her interests, and while she has never been popular, she has also rarely felt lonely or isolated either. Her experiences with teamwork, as well as the influence of her family have left her intensely loyal to those who she becomes close with, and her outspoken nature results in her rarely letting any insult or slight against one of them slide without some sort of retort. Once she has befriended someone, their problems seem to also become her own, and she is prone to take her friends' sides in conflicts even if they appear unwinnable. In her younger years these conflicts would sometimes come to blows, though such escalations have become vanishingly rare as she and her peers have matured - more so on their part than hers, however. Though she has drifted away from some friends over time, she has been fortunate enough never to have this trait abused too much by selfish actors, though her efforts to prevent herself from considering this possibility betray that deep down, she knows that it's only a matter of time until that happens.

Starting in secondary school, she began to spend time helping her parents with their business on the weekends, in exchange for a small allowance. While helping to make the rather simple cafe food, she began to take an interest in the process, and with her mother's help, soon moved on to practising cooking on her own time. While she still does not consider herself very good at it, she still very much enjoys the experience for its own sake, and when on the computer her browsing often brings her to various recipe websites and cooking videos, which she finds very helpful for inspiration. Her time online has also introduced her to a wide variety of music, which she frequently spends time listening to. Over the years she has gravitated towards fast and aggressive music, taking a particular interest in groups that to her seem to straddle the border between rock and metal. She has developed a decent repertoire of favourite performers, such as Architects, Shai Hulud and Misery Signals, who she attempts to support from time to time by purchasing merchandise from their websites. Unfortunately, her collection isn't as large as she would like, as shipping fees to her country are often too high to justify orders that she would have otherwise been happy to go through with.

As far as school has gone, while Clara hasn't been the best student, her grades have managed to remain passable enough to avoid any serious problems. She tends to find activities that require her to sit still rather boring and frequently procrastinates both studying and projects, a habit which has gotten her in trouble more than a few times. As graduation approaches, she is unsure what she wants to study in university, or even if she wants to continue on to university at all. The indecision weighs heavily on her mind, and has become a frequent source of stress in recent months. The stress has been compounded by the fact that her brother has made it clear to their parents that he has no intention of taking over the family business, leaving Clara in the awkward position of either stepping into a career out of obligation rather than genuine desire, or having to break the news to her parents that their dream of passing on their life's work to their children will never become a reality. Neither option seems particularly appealing to her, and with every passing day the pressure to make a decision becomes increasingly uncomfortable.

Advantages: Clara is athletic and has developed a high level of stamina, leaving her well equipped to deal with any physical challenges she may encounter during her time in SOTF. Her friendliness and rapidly developed loyalty may serve well to ingratiate her with any potential allies.
Disadvantages: Her hotheaded nature may cause her to endanger herself through taking unnecessary risks, and her personality leaves her open to being taken advantage of or betrayed by former allies, as well as driving her to put herself in danger on another's behalf. Her unwillingness to back down from conflict may also prove troublesome, dragging her into fights that she'd be better off retreating from.

Designated Number: O05


Designated Weapon: Malinnov M1P

Conclusion: Hopefully that gun of hers is the military version, that and her natural athleticism already puts her ahead of most of these dead meat. Although her rash nature might complicate things somewhat, if she plays her cards, I don't think that should matter. Unless she tries to fall down on her face and call foul; soccer players are so dramatic. - Quaker

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