A Simple Favour


From the outside, the Ghost Ship appears to be an ancient, derelict pirate vessel, its masts shattered but still flying a proud (if tattered) Jolly Roger. At various places, the hull is gouged and broken, allowing the potential for entrance and egress through jagged holes feet above the waterline. Inside, the ship is murky and full of creepy decorations, including an animatronic skeleton crew and artificial cobwebs and doubloons everywhere. The whole interior is lit in eerie red and green lights, and there are many hidden access hatchways revealing more modern storage rooms and access ports. This is because the Ghost Ship actually began its life in a theme park—specifically, it has been transported from Tortuga Bay, the amusement park previously featured as the setting of Season Forty-One.
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A Simple Favour


Post by Primrosette »

((Bacchia Rubus continued from When Betting On High Card Pays Off))


Bacchia had always sucked at directions and she had somehow headed away from where the cruise ship was. But to be honest, she really did need some time to herself. She really needed to think about everything had has been going on so far. Too much was going through her head and she was just standing outside the ghost ship. She knew that it was from Season 41 and it did not look pretty from the outside. However, she wasn't going to head inside for the time-being. She wondered how long they were going to stay on the cruise ship. She was really on edge about staying where Giselle had been taken from.

Giselle. If only we had been more prepared for a surprise attack.

She sighed softly and she touched her side briefly, wincing once more. She really hoped that this wasn't going to hold her back from what she had been planning to do.

She was hopeful that James and Fisk would make it back safely and she knew that she couldn't be alone for too long.

However, she needed to talk to someone.

She tapped her collar.

"Hey, Emmy, I know you might still be upset with me for what I am doing." She paused briefly and she cleared her throat, feeling that her breathing was slowly getting back to normal. "But I was just wondering if you could give me a few minutes of your time."

She paused once more.

"If not, that's fine too. I betrayed my team without a care in the world so.... Heh." She smiled a little at the thought of how easy it was.
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"You always have my time."
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Bacchia chuckled a little. She didn't know why she did so. She thought that Emmy would do the same as Fisk and Vasily's mentors and not bother to even talking to her ever again. She was glad that that was not the case and she had to make sure that she had to talk about some difficult things. Normally Bacchia wouldn't want the world to see her having too much of a vulnerable moment but honestly, their opinion did not really matter at all. Let them see.

"Good to know, good to know."

She was staring down at her bloodied hand with several cuts almost absentmindedly. She took in a deep breathe and then she let it out slowly. She needed to keep herself in a calmer state.

"Okay. First of all...."

She paused, listening slightly to the sounds of the ocean around her. It was oddly comforting to her.

"Are you doing okay, Emmy? I mean, beside witnessing all of this bloodshed and betrayal and all that."
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"I don't... I don't really know how to answer that.

"I'm not in there and I don't want any of you to be in there.

"I hate this but that's selfish. It's worse for you guys."
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Bacchia didn't honestly think that Emmy was being selfish. Sure, everyone was going to die expect like maybe just one or two people might survive a nightmarish time here and they will either go into hiding or take up on their popularity or infamy with the fans of the show. But Bacchia knew that Emmy had to deal with everyone dying for the rest of her life and honestly, Bacchia thought that was a lot worse than just being dead. The dead don't have to worry about the aftermath, the living do.

"It's understandable really. It's a lot worse to see your friends and classmates in a life or death situation." Bacchia was being honest about it and she wasn't trying to be the mean, calculating, bloodthirsty goth that everyone was possibly used to seeing right now. "I don't think you're selfish about this at all, Emmy."

Silence for a few moments. All Bacchia could hear was her own shallow breathing.

"I didn't like what I did to Calla. But I made that choice and I'm not going to stop until either I get out of here or I die trying."

She clicked her tongue.

"Emmy. Are you allowed to tell me where Giselle's body is?"

Mere curiosity. But she wondered if maybe getting Giselle's body would somehow give the others some time to mourn and get some kind of closure. She hadn't been close to Giselle at all as she had been an anti-fan and Bacchia normally wanted nothing to do with people who were against the show. But Giselle being a friend of Fisk and James had made her seem like a part of the family or something like that.
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That appears to be all she has to say for a time, through to Bacchia's next question.

"I'm not su..."


"Jetties. East-south-east from the cruise."
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Jetties. East-south-east from the cruise.

Bacchia had to keep that in mind once she got back to the others to tell them and they could do whatever they wanted with that information. If they went out once again... Well, she just had to make sure that they were more better prepared for any encounters or ambushes. She still wanted to tell Fisk off for his provoking manner towards Akeno back on the clipper ship, but she would deal with that once she got back. She needed to hurry up with her questions before the boys would wonder what is taking her so long.

"Alright. Thank you for telling me. I'll keep that in mind."

Now it was time for the question that she was kind of dreading a little. But she had to do it. It was for the sake of The Respects after all.

"So my next question is going to be about, well, Ivan."

Her eyes flickered over to the ghost ship's entrance and she hummed under her breath softly.

"Is he really aiming to kill all of us?"

She felt like she knew the answer already. But she needed to hear it from someone who had been watching Ivan's journey from a different point of view.
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"That's what he said."
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"Hm. Thought so. We really did mess up with him and now we have to be more prepared if he tries to ambush us again."

She tapped her foot patiently and she was still listening to the calming waves. It was somewhat relaxing besides all the murder and chaos.

"Also if you are talking to him, Emmy. Tell him from me personally... That I wish him good luck in trying to take us out. He's going to need it."

She really needed to get back to the others and to make sure that they were not at each others' heads.

"I should really get going. So if I need to talk to you again, Emmy. I'll let you know. Just take care of yourself too. I don't want all of this to crush you, Emmy."

She was started to move away from the ghost ship and she was staring up at the cruise.


And she was off.

((Bacchia Rubus continued in Picnic After The Panic))
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