There Will Be Blood

A hit song by Kim Petras! PRIVATE

This refers to the vast array of smaller vessels that form the filler of the flotilla. They are primarily old, junky sailboats, though rowboats, lifeboats, and dinghies are also well-represented. Generally speaking, no single boat in the sprawl exceeds twenty-five feet in length, and none are vessels designed for long hauls or lengthy habitation. The inner sprawl is densely packed, but likely safer for it; should a student fall overboard, something will always be close to hand, though the risk of getting trapped or crushed between boats is high.
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There Will Be Blood


Post by Yonagoda »

A pair of footsteps clanked down.

''Man, that's, like, a lot of boats.''
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Post by ItzToxie »

“Mhmm. Decent spot to hide, or haunt.” Fisk figured that Giselle might be around this area, he was pretty sure this was where Anthony took her back at the pool, but he couldn’t be sure.

Still, even if he couldn’t find her, he could find someone else, and at the very least having his name on the announcements officially would feel pretty nice. He stepped past some crates on the makeshift docks. Lots of corners and hideyholes here. Probably not to great during the day, but at night you had to be on your guard. Couldn’t see too far, even with the lights from the moon or the cruise ship. Hell could barely see the dock in front of you, only way to tell where you were stepping was that the docks didn’t reflect the sky back up at you like the ocean did. At least the stars were pretty. Made this whole graveyard feel very dreamlike. Honestly this whole arena felt very dreamlike, all displaced from time as it were. Not a bad place to die in all honesty, but in the end it was a much better place to win than lose, though that could be said anywhere, this place was by and far the most iconic to achieve victory.

“If we find someone who’s not Giselle, how do you wanna do it? All sneaky beaky like?”
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Yonagoda »

''Yeah, like... we're a team. One of us spook 'em, act as a distraction, or something, 'cause there's gonna be people with weapons better than us. And then while one of us is, like, talking to them or whatever the other sneaks behind them and then sh-luk!''

Vasily imitated slitting his throat with his thumb, a smile broken up by the stifling of a yawn, bloodied sleeves illuminated by the faint moonlight.

''Though, like, if they were aware or had a buddy it's kinda harder... but hey, a hostage scenario's kinda cool, right? Like 'nobody make a peep or this dude get's his throat slit, y'know? That kinda stuff.''
[+] There are so many things that they could try out in the next few days
-Discover who he really is.

-Snipe someone

-Start a romance arc

-Strangle somebody

-Tell Lucia that he loves her (platonically)


-Get some sleep

-Beat the shit out of-


He was scaring himself. He should stop.
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Post by Sunnybunny »

Getting lost was so easy.

The shifting of waves under her feet didn't completely to concrete under her skates, but it had become a comfort. Small, but steady. Assured.

Her face still stung like a bitch, makeshift stitches making do. At least the scarring that was bound to happen would make a woman out of her relentless baby face.

Leaving Kurt, even for the quick moment she'd intended it to be hadn't been smart. Putting on the costume... ah, but hadn't she always been a bit of a peacock?

The moonlight reflected off of sequins just so, and it was hard not to give credit where credit was due for that.

On a boat near the docks, Cassini wondered. Watched.

Gave a little stretch.
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Post by ItzToxie »

“An ambush sounds perfect. I’ll be the bait in case whoever we draw near gets froggy. Either way, we catch them off guard, and they’ll have no chance.”

Fisk looked around the area. “Hmm, either that boat, or those crates could work.”

“How should I draw them in if we see anyone? Call for help, act casual? Either way it gives me a chance to work my drama practice.” As Fisk glanced around he spotted someone in the distance, resting.

“Oh shit, speak of the devil, get in position, I got a plan.”

Fisk cupped his hands together, and faced the person in the distance.

“Hey Giselle! That you over there?!”
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Yonagoda »

''Uh... to be honest, I think a a good ol' ''hey, we're on SOTF, isn't that crazy?' Or just casual small talk could work. Callimg for help... I mean, I don't think people are gonna be willing to help us. Once our name get out there, we won't fool people easily anymore. So yeah, just talk about... I dunno, the food or maybe who the killers are.''

Vasily 🤔-ed for a few seconds.

''Just... like, if you want me to strike, do something like... maybe raise three fingers, whistle, say some key phrase? Something innocuous.''

He snapped, snapped, snapped his fingers as he thought.

''I was thinking something like 'the weather's beautiful' or some corny shit like that? Or-''

Someone's here.

A figure too skinny to be Giselle.

And also too bedazzled.

''K, got it,'' he called out (but obviously didn't just call out because he's trying to be stealthy here, so it's more like he whispered lamely.) His form ducked behind a crate, and then towards one of the larger sailboats. A good structure with some seating and railings and other obtrusive little details that could help him blend right in (he hoped anyways.) Fisk yelled out to the girl almost right after he settled in, kneeling on the dirty floor.

Cassini's costume shone under the light. Like a target. Bright. Distracting. Obvious.

There's this thing he's heard once, about how people are much better at spotting things when they're moving. Vasily sincerely hoped that was true when the only movements he made was when he yawned once or twice, or when the cold breeze made him shiver, or when the little tremors in his whole body refuses to stop, or when the breaths he took were too shallow and fast and shallower and faster and he had to remind himself to take deep breaths and count to four.
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Post by Sunnybunny »


She knew Gis-who. The voice calling was familiar enough too.

Cassini knew she wasn't gonna be mistaken for a Person of Height, at least it had never happened before. Her sister had taught her all the game, the ways to talk to get someone on your side while sliding under their skin.

Thing was, that was a lot easier when you looked like Cressida.

When you just looked like her-

A small fist clutched a lid in her bag.

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Post by ItzToxie »

Clearly 'Gis-You-Hoooo?' was not Giselle, but Fisk didn't mind too much. His plan was to find either Giselle, or someone out past their bedtime, to use an exact quotation of his, and he was rather successful in the latter if not the former. Maybe not the best gambit, especially considering that Giselle would never wear whatever Fanservice outfit the producers decided to give her, let alone one so flamboyant. Next was that Cassini was not nearly as tall, nor nearly as wide as Giselle was, (no offence to the heavier folk that may be reading Fisk's mind) so the comparison was still just as blatantly off, even a blind man wouldn't mistake the two. But, it did elicit an answer and that was all he needed.

"Sorry about that!" Fisk called out to the form in the distance. "Was just looking for my friend, this was the last place I saw her, and all. It's pretty dark outside and I figured you might have been her... C-Cassini?" Clearly not so dark he couldn't recognize who he was talking to, but if he called her by her name it'd probably take her off edge.

"Nice outfit, by the way!"
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Yonagoda »

She had no idea what was going to happen. He almost pitied her.
[+] That was the worst part
No. No it wasn't. Well, it nearly was. He could almost imagine it, oh-so-vividly. That sense of security amongst these calm, calm waves, and then, suddenly, there's so much noise, and so much pain, and he's bleeding, bleeding, bleeding out on the sprawl. Anyone would pity her.

No, he worst part was that it really could have been him. It could have been Lucia. It could have been anyone. And if he didn't want it to be him, then it would be everyone else who'd suffer though this.
Vasily's fingers clenched against the shiv, almost enough to bleed. He continued peering. He continued pretending he wasn't there. Blending in's never one of his talents. He never thought that this would be real. Ivan felt like a fever dream. He couldn't let this one get away, too.

Cassini continued to shine in that outfit of her's under the pale moonlight, that rippled and distorted in the ocean. It all looked so normal, so gentle. Like it could just be these three buddies, walking across the beach on a normal weekday, listening to the waves and the water crashing against each other. Like he could have that security from when he was a child, with his father besides him, that thought of 'there isn't a force in this world that'd gonna topple me down,' but here he was, so so easy to topple.

The tug of the bandanna over his ponytail was a reminder.

Ivan's blood's still on his shirt.

The teeth were still in his bag.
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Post by Sunnybunny »

"Ain't it just? I'm not playing along with the whole show but no sense in wasting good clothes."

She nodded, feather on her cap bending down.

What she didn't do was come closer.

Too bull-headed.

"Speaking of the show, what's your color?"
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Post by ItzToxie »

"What I got on. Quite nice, yeah?" Fisk rolled his shoulders, put his hands on his hips. "Suit's all mine, designed by me, tailored by a family friend, the usual for the better half of my wardrobe. The captain's scarf isn't mine, but I liked it enough to reacquire it, the Mafia Don look suits me rather well, wouldn't you agree?" Fisk could help but smile, talking about fashion was always fun, made even the most abnormal situations normal.

"Ehh, you're probably not asking about my choice of attire, so much as who I'm with though, right? Officially, I'm with Sheeva, Shiv-ay? Chive's? Whatever's Sirens. But unofficially, I'm playing for my own team. I got myself an escape group going, so I can get my friends out of here. 's got me, Giselle, Anthony..." Fisk kind of wished he'd have paid more attention to who was anti-SOTF, to make the story more believeable, but it is what it is. Truthfully the only reason he even mentioned Giselle's name instead of someone else was because he called for her earlier, and he didn't need to rat out any of the other members if he didn't have to.

"Anywho," -time to change the subject- "Enough about me, tell me about yourself. How would you like to help our little alliance out?"
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Yonagoda »

Vasily wasn't even listening.

He wanted to be ready. Listening to their small talk won't do anything. All he needed was a single phrase, a single sign, and that was all he would be there for. Cass wasn't someone to talk to.
[+] She was just someone to kill

(He didn't want to hear Cass say something that'll make him regret killing her.)
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Post by Sunnybunny »

"It's nice! Very much Miami Vice... having a tailor friend sounds like a pretty snazzy way to live."

She really could spend the night just like this. Taking about clothes all pleasant-like. Joining an escape, being a part of a group in a real way instead of this silly made up nonsense. It was what she would have wanted.

"Chive's Sirens... heh. I get you, and I get why ducking out of this show is the best way about it. I really, really want to help you, but I can't. No talents, no real weapon, couldn't even do the whole honeypot gig our viewers love so very much." She was a tiny titless wonder, you see.

And this was SOTF-TV, you see.

Cassini lived in the real world.

"What on Earth would you want to work with me for, besides good old Taurus solidarity?
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Post by ItzToxie »

"You're not wrong. Playing to your own tune instead of the producer's really is the best way to go. Pretending to be someone else for the cameras just isn't my scene, and I figure if I'm going to die on the national telly, I'm gonna die as me, myself, and I. Plus, the honeypot gig is overrated, I'll give you that. Nobody's stupid enough to fall for an ambush anymore; It's not like it's the 70's, the moment Gene Wilder starts singing a world of pure imagination now, all the kids around are pretty aware they're walking into a death trap, you know?" Fisk shook his head, smiled. "Especially how they saw him push the fat kid into the lake. 'Hey, try this gum.' No thank you, blue isn't my color. 'Hey, step on this red X.' Do I look like Roadrunner to you?"

Fisk shrugged, laughed. "Nah, only idiots fall for ambushes now. You and me both know, neither of us are idiots. Anyways, that's fine if you don't want to stick to our group, you don't have to be a part to give us a hand." Technically, Fisk wasn't lying. "But, if you saw Giselle, maybe you could point me in the right direction, and I'll be out of your hair for a while. Fisk picked up on a little detail as he was speaking, something that might've made him think twice on what he was about to do if he were alone.

"By the way umm, no offence intended if you don't mind me asking, but uhhh, what happened to your face?"
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Sunnybunny »

"At least Willy Wonka had flair in his obvious traps... and he was tricking a bunch of actual kids. I can't really drag a ten-year old for wanting sugar at all costs, it's mean."

She chuckled, for more than a few reasons. Would have kept on with it if Fisk hadn't asked that, a question that made her stop and frown.

"I ran into a knife, I think. No one's asking me which toy I want at Mickey D's anymore once they get a good look, but I should have known Junji would be creaming himself to start acting up."

She doubted he had a whole lot else for him, which wasn't to say she felt sorry about it. In fact, it made her want to shit talk him worse. Super fans, super detractors, both groups were on the same shit when there was so much in the world to do and be. Cassini knew she was being a bit of a hypocrite, but that didn't make Junji not a bastard that needed a real fucking hobby.

She tilted her head from one side to the other, started pacing in thought.

"Shit, I'm not sure. I've seen a lot of people, it's pretty open air... what was she wearing?
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