cheesed to meet you

Day 1, before sunset (open)

This ship is a replica of a traditional clipper ship, painstakingly built to recreate the proper design elements and functionality. Originally used for filming and for theme tours in Southeast Asia, it was badly damaged when an inexperienced captain scraped a pier during a storm, and was put into dry dock pending repairs. Ultimately, however, insurance proceedings saw it declared a total write-off and sold for scrap. It has gashes in the sides that have been crudely but competently repaired, and inside the ships has wide expanses of wooden floor spanning two decks. The rigging is the most impressive part, with a crow's nest that serves as the highest point of the arena, should one dare venture up the rope ladder. A rather anachronistic yet fully functional cannon has been mounted on the deck, fixed in the vague direction of a section of outer marina, though only three cannonballs are present, each massive sphere tucked away in the back of the very bottom deck of the ship.
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cheesed to meet you


Post by Jilly »

((CK03: Leslie Lowell continued from If they won't let me swim away, then I'll just tread water))

It was starting to get late by the time Leslie left his little sailboat. It was an okay spot in the moment, but as night got closer he really needed to find somewhere safe to hunker down before it was too late. As he looked over the map and plotted his next move, he thought it'd probably be best in his favor to stay somewhere outside since most people were probably gonna head indoors. Really didn't feel like taking that risk, and it'd be wise to find a place with the best vantage point anyway.

So, he set his eyes for the deck of the clipper. Bet no one else was thinking about the crow's nest. It might've sucked if it decided to rain out of nowhere or if she did end up being a danger zone when the announcements got going, but he'd rather just go for it.

The sun was still hanging in the sky but looked like it was gonna start setting in the next hour or so by the time he made it to the deck and scoped around. Didn't look like it was seeing much activity up here. Perfect.

...Wait. What was that yellow-looking wheel thing?

As he stepped closer, the smell hit him. Yep. No mistaking it; it was just a big wheel of cheese. Right next to a somewhat suspicious cheese-wheel shaped cavity on the deck, too. He looked up and didn't really see no one up top. Huh.

He gently tapped it with one of his feet before stooping over to pick it up- no, no, nope, abort, abort, abort.

It landed on the deck with a CLONK before rolling away away which Leslie quickly put a stop to because he for sure wasn't gonna let this thing leave his sight. Those suckers were heavier than he realized, but at least he knew he wouldn't starve anymore.
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Post by Jilly »

Leslie knelt down and rolled the wheel back and forth along the wooden deck, one of his bear paws for hands caressing the printed words on the side as if it were Braille... though it might've been easier to read if it was just Braille.

He mouthed along with the words as he tried to mentally sound them out. Parm... parm me... reg guy no... oh, forget it. "Cheese". That was gouda 'nuff for him.

It was crazy someone would just leave this out here. Didn’t everyone love cheese? Who would be so cruel to just leave this child abandoned? The nerve of those Salers.

He bent down with his legs to deadlift it again, this time much more prepared and in much more control with the weight. And he did so, clutching and pressing it against his torso as he stood back up again. It felt about as heavy as one of the bags of gravel he helped redo part of Emmett's driveway with about a month ago. Maybe 70 or 80 lbs, if he had to guess?

...Wonder if Emmett got nabbed, too. If he did... honestly, Leslie really didn't feel much like seeing him right now.

Anyway, the cheese. If Leslie was gonna hang around up in the crow's nest, he couldn't take the wheel up with him; he was built for labor, but climbing up a pole with what was essentially a fourth-grader in tow was something completely different. But also he was gonna be damned if someone else came along and abducted his baby... much like he was doing right now but that’s besides the point.

Let's see... he needed a better place to stash it than out here in the open.

His eyes scanned around the place. They fell on the cannon.

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Post by Laurels »

((Shoshanna Kowalczyk continued from Puzzle Boxes are Meant to be Smashed Open))

"Wow. What a behemoth," Shoshanna said as she looked up at the clipper ship.

She had seen these ships around Miami for tours and whatever, but had never really been on one before. She hadn't really had much interest in them before, but here she was, standing on a jetty about to climb up onto a period setting.

"Well, I guess we better get onboard," she said to Gus and Jasper.

After the three of them had left the deck of the cruise ship, they made their way to the passenger quarters. Fortunately, there were pens and notepads in the rooms, so they were able to grab a few. Shoshanna wrote a few things out, explaining what they'd need and what they'd need to look out for. They'd have to wait a bit before they could really make their attempt, but their first steps were plotted. Shoshanna had suggested they try to remain near the cruise ship to keep it centralized, but suggested they make their way to the nearby Clipper Ship. There had to be some ropes and maybe some other tools on board. Maybe they could find a hammer or something else.

With that, the three of them made their way out of the cruise ship and made it across the unsteady jetties to the ship. It was getting close to the end of the day, so in the event it got dark before they left, they could at least fortify themselves somewhere on board.

Shoshanna began to climb onboard the ship. There was work to do, and time was limited.
G014: Mayumi Tendou
[+] Former Characters


Program V2
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
Louisa Bloom: Deceased

Program V3 Prologue
Rodney Vasicek: Escaped
Ambrose Lexington: Deceased
Helena Christensen: Deceased

Program V3
Philippa "Pippa" Andolini: Deceased
Nastasia "Nastya" Zharkova: Deceased


Asa Rosen: Deceased
Taylor DeVasher: Deceased

Dale Hawthorne: Deceased
Shoshanna Kowalczyk: Deceased

Second Chances:

Second Chances V1
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Post by AnimeNerd »

[Jasper Suárez-King continued from Puzzle Boxes are Meant to be Smashed Open]

Instead of responding verbally, Jasper chose to give an impressed whistle at the sight of the ship.

Yes, he had seen these kinds of ships before as well, and he figured Shoshanna and Gus had as well. That was the main reason why he didn't make a joke about it looking like it sailed right out of a history textbook. He was tempted to joke about making one of the cannons work, but decided against it for now.

Jasper's grin grew a tad wider. "Yeah, no use wasting time."

Jasper was a little saddened that they had to wait a little bit to make their escape attempt, but not exactly surprised or anything. As cool as it would be to escape early on in a season, they already had a lot to deal with as it was. No use crying over stuff he couldn't change, though, so he did bring up what he thought were some good points about people to look out for and a place to look through once they got the collars off. He wasn't sure if Akeno would even be here, or if the SOTF crew would've left the pans or other kitchen utensil in the floating restaurant, but hey, always good to think ahead.

He didn't have any complaints about going to the clipper ship. He'd never been on one himself, but he figured that, if they were good enough for people in the past to stay several nights in, it'd be enough for them to spend a night or two. Plus, despite his idea to search the restaurant, he didn't want to carry around anything extra until they really needed it.

After connecting the hook to the backpack-hanging it just right on the straps to keep it from cutting into anything, he went along with Shoshanna.

It was time to get to work.
[+] The Living
Joel Foster is having a reunion while it's time to call the police
Megumi Eto is wishing she could GTFO
[+] The Dead
RJ Blackburn was axed a question in The Jarvis Method
Jasper Suárez-King was silenced in When Betting On High Card Pays Off
Jia Li Qiáo took a tumble off in Rouge Angles of Satin
[+] The Future
Colton "Colt" Smirnov is ready to aim and fire
Roselia Watson is trying to run away from it all
Titania Zabelle is going to show the world her talent
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Post by Sh4dE »

((Gus continued from Puzzle Boxes))

Gus feet hurt from walking and walking and walking. Honestly, he was pretty much exhausted. He didn't dare to voice his hunger or exhaustion to his allies, though. He really did not want to complain and be perceived as a whining person, and he didn't want to slow them and their escape plot down by asking for food. He already owed them his clothes, so asking for food seemed like too much.

It's already turning darker? How long had they wandered? Gus had to admit he really did not enjoy being part of this crew. Searching for pens and notepads really wasn't fun and Gus did not know what he could do with them either to escape, but he was sure Shoshanna would have a plan. What were they even supposed to write down if they had cameras in their collars?

Gus really hoped they would rest in that ship, but Shoshanna was still her hard-working self and only thought about her plan, they were still going to search for material and tools. Working, working, working, but no rest for Gus.

Gustavo wasn't sure what he thought about spending the night with these two, but sleeping with them seemed better than sleeping alone. Well, there was obviously a thing. A thing even he knew about. The smothering incident a couple of months ago. It wasn't a thing he heard from his brother, no, he heard it from his classmates. It was a big topic amongst classmates, the smother kill. Someone got killed in their sleep in SOTF and that got lots of watchers excited. Gus only thought poor girl.

Gustavo also climbed onboard and looked at Jasper and Shoshanna. Gus knew he could trust them, but...could he really?
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Post by Jilly »

Leslie, with his cheese in tow, lumbered over to the large cannon setup on the starboard side of the clipper. He looked out at the yacht and the boxes floating in the water and the people running around the jetties over yonder. He wondered if this baby could actually fire or not. It was a lame wish but firing a cannon was always something of a bucket list item for him ever since he saw that Civil War re-enactment as a kid visiting his uncle's family up in Missurah. Maybe if he had the time he could look around the ship to see if she actually had gunpowder and round shots or something. That'd be cool.

But right now, he needed to hide his child.

He walked over to the front of the cannon parked a little ways from the broadside. He looked down at the cheese in his hands and glanced back and forth between that and the cannon's mouth. It looked like it was gonna be a close fit; if only he had his knife to split it or something. But maybe...

And so Leslie tried to shove and pound the cheese into the cannon's tight hole. It was going great until his hands slipped, and the cheese crashed on his right foot before rolling a good few feet or three towards the center of the ship.

Leslie's boots weren't steel-toe.

He clenched his teeth and stomped on the ground in a rat-a-tat with his heel before he keeled over against the cannon's side casing. He pressed against his toes with his right palm as he shouted quite a few expletives to himself that came out as a big ol' jumble of swears.
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Post by Laurels »

Shoshanna, in her time studying and writing about this game, knew that one of the tenets to take away is "Murphy's Law is real, deal with it." Anything could happen, it probably will happen, and just let it happen. People you know for years could become spree killers, people you think have everything together can fall apart, things that you don't think could kill a person can kill a person, and so on and so forth. That preparedness for the unknown was what would help her survive this game.

So when Shoshanna reached the ship, saw what looked like a big wheel of cheese come rolling to the ground, followed by the symphony of stomping and cursing, she told herself not to dwell on it for too long.

She stepped closer to the cheese wheel, then towards the sounds. It looked like a guy was furious with the world or something. Shoshanna glanced to the guys with her.

"Hey, guys," she said. "Get ready, we've got someone to deal with."

Shoshanna cleared her throat and looked to the guy by the cannon.

"Hey, you alright man?"
G014: Mayumi Tendou
[+] Former Characters


Program V2
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
Louisa Bloom: Deceased

Program V3 Prologue
Rodney Vasicek: Escaped
Ambrose Lexington: Deceased
Helena Christensen: Deceased

Program V3
Philippa "Pippa" Andolini: Deceased
Nastasia "Nastya" Zharkova: Deceased


Asa Rosen: Deceased
Taylor DeVasher: Deceased

Dale Hawthorne: Deceased
Shoshanna Kowalczyk: Deceased

Second Chances:

Second Chances V1
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Amber Whimsy: Deceased

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Post by AnimeNerd »

Honestly? Things had been going great so far for Jasper. Yes, he was on SOTF, which really sucked, but look at where he was! He had gotten an ally almost immediately into the game, his weapon was actually decent compared to so many joke weapons he’s seen in other seasons, and he had an escape group before the first day had even ended. This was going amazing so far.

Of course, the luck streak has to end at some point, and coming across someone potentially dangerous was as good a way as any to end it.

Though it coming from a rolling cheese wheel and the genuine possibility that said potentially dangerous person had broken their toes dropping it...that wasn’t something Jasper had seen before.

Jasper tilted his hook toward the sounds of cursing, looking to see the guy holding his toes and shout in pain. He could probably take him, if necessary, but it was good to point the weapon in his direction anyway.

He didn’t say anything. Yet. Wasn’t much to say yet, until they figured out if he really was dangerous or not.
[+] The Living
Joel Foster is having a reunion while it's time to call the police
Megumi Eto is wishing she could GTFO
[+] The Dead
RJ Blackburn was axed a question in The Jarvis Method
Jasper Suárez-King was silenced in When Betting On High Card Pays Off
Jia Li Qiáo took a tumble off in Rouge Angles of Satin
[+] The Future
Colton "Colt" Smirnov is ready to aim and fire
Roselia Watson is trying to run away from it all
Titania Zabelle is going to show the world her talent
Maud Sparrow Jr. is already painting her own portrait
Aqua Elle is a literal spitfire when you think about it
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Post by Sh4dE »

Wow. What a behemoth, Gus thought as he looked at the cheese wheel. Was it real cheese? Gus' hungry stomach now was filled with memories of cheese tastings from the past. Gus' hungry mind was spontanously overflown by the emotions of what pure cheese could taste like, tasty, cheesy cheese, but he had no time to recollect these emotions in tranquility, no, he had to save it first.

The cheese was in danger. Gus leaped to the cheese to embrace it in a hug to stop it from rolling over board. Oh my, he could feel the cheese on his palms, he could smell it. Well, he couldn't smell anything right now, because he got a cold, but he imagined it to smell delicious.

Gus didn't know how to react to the curses coming from the ship. He patiently waited for something to happen.
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Post by Jilly »

Leslie kept hissing under his breath with his fun new swear words. Today fucking sucked. First he got kidnapped in the parking lot on the way to school (he literally got pulled out of his truck; those men in black suits were gonna buy him a new fucking window, he could tell you that much)... had Kamille and Mariko and conservatively maybe half a billion other people see him wake up and cry in a women's restroom... got his lunch stolen by a seagull... crushed his foot on 70 lbs of cheddar... fucking hell.

The only thing that would make it worse was if some... more... people... ran into him...

Oh, God damn it. Why did people never show up when Leslie was pulling up a big fucking fish or something cool like that for once?

They didn't seem... confrontive, and one of them seemed more interested in the cheese wheel than murdering him so that was maybe good. Though maybe if he just ignored them or pretended he was deaf, they'd fuck off and leave him be because that strategy worked really well when people like Mariko and Kamille and that other girl who just kinda disappeared now that Leslie thought about it liked to butt into problems that didn't concern them.

...Fine. Leslie sighed and flagged the newcomers down with a half-dismissive, half-defeated flail of his free hand, adjusting his sunglasses closer to his eyes with the back of his hand before setting it down. "I'm fine... just... stubbed my foot on that dang ol' cheese wheel... was try'na hide it, but..."

He recognized the men. The guy who doth possess the cheese now was that Gus feller back on the bridge a few weeks ago. The smack from that longboard still hurt but in the grand scheme of things maybe it wasn't that bad, at least in comparison to smashing your foot with a cheese brick. And then the hippie looking dude with the god awful manbun was that Jasper feller. Leslie didn't really have that much of an opinion on him, but from all the hearsay and rumors and stuff that even worked their way down to someone far on the outside of things, he didn't seem the type Leslie would be too fond of neither.

The girl... she was one of the underclassmen, but that was all Leslie could say. More importantly she seemed like she was the one wearing the pants here out of the three of them, so maybe not rocking the boat too much would be the way to go about things so to speak. Which that was fine; that was usually Leslie's style, anyway, or at least he tried to be like that when kidnapping wasn't involved.

Leslie looked at Jasper with the gaff leaning in Leslie's direction. He opened his mouth to speak about maybe not pointing those kinds of things at strangers, but then he noticed his bandana, his brand. It was the same black one Mariko had.

He looked at the girl. She had a pink one tied in her hair.

He glanced at Gus. At his brand. It was the same crimson red as Leslie's.

"...Y'all ain't got the same bandanas." Leslie stayed seated against the cannon, his palm pressing against his toes. They didn't hurt as much now, but he didn't want to get up just yet.
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Post by Laurels »

Shoshanna quickly glanced back to her allies. Gus seemed preoccupied with the cheese, while Jasper at least seemed willing to focus on two things at once. Apparently, the new guy had stubbed himself on the cheese wheel. Shoshanna had to raise an eyebrow at that. That sounded like something that was very rarely ever uttered. Some cheesemakers may have said it, but it probably wasn't that common an utterance.

"Sorry to hear that," Shoshanna said. "Hope you've still got five working toes after that."

The boy then remarked that the three of them happened to have different bandannas. Shoshanna could see his bandanna. The same color as Gus's.

Shoshanna nodded.

"Yep, but we're ignoring the colors and only looking at them as tools to avoid getting our heads blown off," she explained, tapping her collar with her finger. "Otherwise, we're focused on more important matters than arbitrary team divisions."

Shoshanna stepped a little closer to the boy.

"Have you gotten to look around the inside of this ship?" she asked. "If so, is there anything that could help people looking to bust out of here?"
G014: Mayumi Tendou
[+] Former Characters


Program V2
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
Louisa Bloom: Deceased

Program V3 Prologue
Rodney Vasicek: Escaped
Ambrose Lexington: Deceased
Helena Christensen: Deceased

Program V3
Philippa "Pippa" Andolini: Deceased
Nastasia "Nastya" Zharkova: Deceased


Asa Rosen: Deceased
Taylor DeVasher: Deceased

Dale Hawthorne: Deceased
Shoshanna Kowalczyk: Deceased

Second Chances:

Second Chances V1
Paige Strand: Deceased
Amber Whimsy: Deceased

Second Chances V2
Sophie McDowell: Deceased
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
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Post by Jilly »

Ignoring colors and thinking about more important matters...

Leslie's free hand rubbed against his own collar. He hated how smooth it felt in his palm.

He shook his head, looking up at the underclassman now. "Nah, I ain’t been down. Think it's just me here though, but... well, not anymore I guess."

He slowly pushed himself up from his perch, one of his hands running along the cannon as a guide until he got up on his feet.

...Man, even in boots, Leslie was barely as tall as she was. Not that he was that insecure anymore, you kinda just have to work with what you got, but man. He could at least've had a bone thrown at him every once in a while.

He tapped his hurt foot a few times down on the deck. "If y'all are lookin' to jailbreak and stuff... well, I can’t help y'all with that, but good luck."
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Post by AnimeNerd »

...oh shit, right, only Jasper and Shoshanna had food. Gus might be starving for all they knew.

Hopefully he wouldn't go feral and maul the cheese wheel as the three of them talked, but if it happened, it happened. Better to deal with that after this confrontation than risk the new guy attacking them once they were distracted watching Gus.

Keeping a bit more of his attention on the new guy, Jasper kept his hook tilted that way, but didn't move it much. Guy still didn't seem like much, but it was good to be prepared, at least until they were sure he was harmless.

Okay, so it seemed like he was off about his toes being broken, or it looked like it anyway. Probably a good thing, considering how that could easily screw him over in this situation.

At the comment about their bandana's, Jasper simply shrugged slightly, a small smile gracing his lips. He would've said some things about it, but as usual Shoshanna beat him to the punch. He didn't mind. Wasn't like he would've said something else, even if it would've been said differently.

The guy hadn't explored much, supposedly. At least not the clipper ship. And it seemed like he was alone. Jasper felt inclined to believe him, figuring that if he wasn't, someone probably would've come out in the open by now, expecting it to still just be the guy by himself.

But the guy apparently wasn't up for escaping? Or at least wasn't up for helping get the collars off.

Looking the guy up and down for a moment, and thinking about the accent he had, Jasper came to a realization.

"It's...Leslie, right?" he asked, smile still on his face, though a bit softer than usual. "What's got you thinking like that, if you don't mind me asking?"

He didn't know much about the guy-heck, the only reason Jasper recognized him was because he remembered the accent going with a name that didn't usually match with a guy-but he didn't seem like the kind of guy that would go for the win, let alone the ten kill release rule. Heck, he would've thought he'd jump at the chance to get out without killing anyone.

Though there was always a chance Jasper read him wrong, he supposed.
[+] The Living
Joel Foster is having a reunion while it's time to call the police
Megumi Eto is wishing she could GTFO
[+] The Dead
RJ Blackburn was axed a question in The Jarvis Method
Jasper Suárez-King was silenced in When Betting On High Card Pays Off
Jia Li Qiáo took a tumble off in Rouge Angles of Satin
[+] The Future
Colton "Colt" Smirnov is ready to aim and fire
Roselia Watson is trying to run away from it all
Titania Zabelle is going to show the world her talent
Maud Sparrow Jr. is already painting her own portrait
Aqua Elle is a literal spitfire when you think about it
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Post by Sh4dE »

Oh boy, it was Leslie. According to his bandanna he also was on the team mentored by the cute girl. He apparently hurt his feet by dropping the cheese on them. Poor guy. It looked like Gus wasn't the only one with a bad day, though honestly that can be accounted to the panic and the unusualness of the whole situation. If they would get accostumed to this situation they would have better days and not do dumb stuff. Learning by doing, learning by repetition, learning by getting used to it.

Gus still was hungry, but it appears like the ownership of the cheese did not belong to him, but Leslie. He was really tempted to bite into it or like scratch it with his fingernails or like try to like pull it apart with force, but it's not his cheese. Gus could respect property and he wouldn't stoop down to the level of Eric and steal anything.

Eric! That was the name. Man, he needed to tell them immediately about the identity of Eric Cunningham, but to be fair, now didn't seem like a good situation to tell it to them, he should probably wait until things have calmed down. He'd tell them when they lunched, in case he didn't forget by then.

He wasn't exactly sure how true the statement was that they didn't care about teams colors. He kinda did? He kinda knew Leslie and in case the whole escape thing doesn't work out, he wouldn't mind surviving with him. Not that he didn't want to survive together with Shoshanna and Jasper! Optimally, he'd like everyone to survive, but just in case, y'know. Thoughts like that made him want to be a tree again so he distracted himself by focussing on what's in front of him.

"Hey, Leslie!," Gus exclaimed with his usual big grin on his face. He waved his hand shortly before grabbing onto the cheese again. "'Tis your cheese?"
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Post by Jilly »

"Uhm...," Leslie said, his eyes looking away from Jasper and his dumb smile and his dumb hair and his dumb open shirt. Leslie fiddled with and adjusted his sunglasses again.

His face turned turned towards the ocean. Towards the sounds of gunfire far, far away and the people out on the deck of the yacht that looked like ants from here. He bit his lip and pounded his fist a few times on the rough iron of the cannon that was surprisingly cool to the touch.

He wanted to tell them he was scared.

He wanted to tell them he didn't want to be here, and in truth he did want to go home, but he was scared. Not really scared of dying, well maybe a little bit, but...

He wanted to tell them about the New Coke conspiracy, where the Coca-Cola Company intentionally fucked with their own formula to get the public talking and then changed it back and doubled their profits. He wanted to tell them how scared he was that they were the New Coke in the show producers' eyes.

He wanted to escape, but he didn't want to be used. He didn't want his name attached forever to something without his consent, dead or alive.

He was scared.

"...It's nothing. Ain't for me."

Leslie turned around as Gus called for him, with that stupid grin that was the same stupid grin from back on the bridge. That stupid grin holding the cheese wheel, though... sum'n about it Leslie didn't mind so much, returning a faint smile of his own.

Gus had a bandana, but his clothes didn't have the right colors. He didn't have his own bag. Didn't have a real weapon neither, now that Leslie really noticed. There must've been a hell'va story here, but there were more pressing matters.

Leslie's faint smile returned to its natural frown. "Nah, I ain’t know whose it is, but it was sitting by that there spot under the crow's nest. If you can cut it it's yours, but I want a piece, too."
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