Laurels' character

Here are the profiles of all the students who competed in Season 67, as well as the teams to which they were assigned.
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Post by Deamon »


Name: Dale Hawthorne
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
Hobbies and Interests: Acting and performing, dancing, singing, physical fitness, watching movies and TV, fashion and personal grooming

Appearance: Dale Hawthorne stands at 5’10” and weighs roughly 144 pounds. Dale is British on his father’s side and Cuban on his mother’s side, reflected in his skin and hair. Dale has a healthy tan and clear skin that he takes great care of. His hair is a light brown color, which he keeps longer on top than on the sides and back. He has dark brown eyes, a slim nose, and a wide mouth that hides straight, white teeth. He is in decent shape from his regular exercise regimen, although he focuses more on staying toned than building muscle.

Dale’s personal style tends to favor clean, colorful, and fitted styles. He most often is seen in bright polo shirts and collared shirts and jeans. When it’s warmer, he will wear shorts to show off his toned legs. He prefers sweaters to hoodies when it’s colder. He also owns a lot of shoes, preferring nicer leather shoes to sneakers, albeit he has a few pairs when he exercises. Both his earlobes are pierced, although he doesn’t wear a lot of earrings, preferring studs when he does. He also likes to mix it up with bracelets, rings, and necklaces that go well with his style. Due to his family’s wealth, he is able to update his wardrobe regularly and tries to follow fashion magazines.

On the day he was cast, Dale was wearing a bright green collared shirt, dark blue jeans, and black oxford shoes. He also was wearing a digital watch on his left wrist and a black wristband on the other, a black threaded necklace with a shark tooth, and a junior class ring on his right ring finger.

Biography: Dale Rogelio Hawthorne was born September 5, 2003 in Miami, Florida to Victor and Blanca Hawthorne. Victor and Blanca were both actors by trade who met in various acting jobs around Miami and married after a year of dating. They both left acting after Dale was born as neither were finding much work, with Victor finding a job at a credit union and Blanca working in an independent women’s clothing store. Dale was their first child, followed two years later by his brother Diego and then two years after that by his sister Dolores. Victor is white of British decent, while Blanca is Cuban-American. This means Dale and his siblings grew up speaking English and Spanish in their home.

From a young age, both Victor and Blanca wanted their children to follow their footsteps into acting in hopes that they'd find more success than they did. All three of their children were pushed into acting and performing classes from a young age, including dance classes and singing lessons. They also took Dale and his siblings to various auditions and casting calls, as well as showing them a wide variety of movies from a young age. Their success varied, although Dale seemed to have the most luck, whether it was by his talent or by luck. Since he was young, Dale appeared in various acting roles around Miami, including local commercials and a minor role in a telenovela when he was six.

Of the siblings, Dale was the one who came to love the acting spotlight the most. He threw himself into various acting projects and lessons with gusto, doing everything he could to further himself in the field. As they got older, Diego and Dolores fell out of acting for various reasons, with Diego deciding he wasn’t interested in pursuing it and Dolores choosing to focus more on modeling than acting. This meant Dale was his parents’ favorite and the one who earned much of their favor. Because of his dedication to the work, Dale was often spoiled a bit more than his siblings, usually receiving gifts if he landed any roles.

This made Dale a bit conceited and spoiled growing up. Because of his success, he liked to lord it over people and also show off his skills if needed. This usually meant he wanted to get parts in school productions or talk about the sort of work he did if he saw an opening for it. While this made him some friends who wanted to be close to someone pseudo-famous, it did mean he also got a reputation for being a bit of a jerk. Dale tended to brush off or mock anyone who didn’t care for him and his prowess, which could land him in a few verbal confrontations.

As Dale got older, he started receiving more work, which happened to coincide with the family also rising a bit in their station. Victor was promoted to a better paying job at the credit union, while Blanca was able to buy the clothing store from the original owners when they decided to leave Miami. This allowed the Hawthornes to move to a nicer part of Miami. Around the time he entered middle school, Dale was able to begin focusing on similar parts of his acting career. Victor and Blanca made sure their kids were in good shape and had healthy diets, but it was also in this time that Dale started to care for more his appearance. His mother helped him develop his style, primarily with her connections in the fashion scene in Miami. Dale began to take great interest in personal grooming and fashion styling, usually trying to stay on trends and regularly switch out his wardrobe.

It was also then when Dale began to try to expand his interest in film and television. While Victor and Blanca heavily regulated what kind of media their children were exposed to, Dale began to do his own research and seek out movies and shows that could help him learn more acting. He is primarily drawn to older and critically-acclaimed dramatic films from the early-20th century, although he tries to also branch out into comedies and musicals if he finds one particularly interesting to him. Dale tends to binge watch television series since he often finds himself too busy to watch currently airing shows, although he'll make an effort if it's a very notable one his friends are watching. He doesn't watch a lot of unscripted television series as these tend to be uninteresting to him and aren't worth studying to hone his craft. This means that he's seen clips of shows like Survival of the Fittest, but he's not very drawn to follow it since he considers it a reality TV show and not something that could help him as an actor, and he is also a bit bitter that it dominates a lot of the U.S. media landscape instead of better, scripted programs.

Dale’s family paid the tuition to send him to Mangrove Garden High School, where he immediately fell into the drama scene there. Dale would regularly audition for plays and musicals, often finding leading roles in them. As a drama club member, Dale works hard to ensure the productions run smoothly. To his fellow actors, he often tries to put himself in a position of coaching and lecturing, owing it to his previous acting success. While some may appreciate and listen to him, others may find him a braggart and a bit hypercritical. Whether Dale is being constructive or critical often depends on his mood and the situation, although he tries to be more constructive.

It was also in high school that some personal issues began to arise for Dale. While his home life and school life were fine, Dale began to find himself a bit stressed trying to balance all of it together. He began to find himself being a lot more critical of his work and the work of others, often trying his hardest to handle it by himself. Because of this, he has also tried to find ways to manage his stress through anything that can alter his mood. This has led to him experimenting with underage drinking and smoking, something he works hard to hide from his teachers and parents. If he's unable to manage his stress, he can get quite surly and rude to others, and is also prone to cursing and bouts of self loathing. Dale is worried about anything that could potentially harm his future career, so he tries to keep those to a minimal and avoids anything harder.

Socially, Dale is mostly friends with artistic types at Mangrove, particularly those in the Drama Club. To his friends, Dale is a bit of a charming, smarmy guy, but one who is often there for those he likes. To his enemies, Dale is mostly just a braggart and primadonna who finds himself verbally sparring with them, although he is terrified of violence and tries his hardest to get involved in anything that could scar or injure him greatly. Dale also likes to party and date around, these being avenues where he can drink and smoke. He has had a few flings and a few ex-girlfriends, and at the time of abduction he is currently single.

Academically, Dale is within the top 50 of the senior class. He knows how competitive and selective acting schools are, so he tries his hardest to maintain his scores. He does especially well in the humanities and electives, but since these aren't weighted as much, he makes sure to study really hard to stay ahead in core subjects, with English his best. The one course he struggles the most with is mathematics, as he finds it a bit more challenging and not as personally interesting. Dale does seek out tutoring for math so he doesn’t fall too far behind, trying to meet once a week with a tutor. Because of this, he has managed to maintain a low B grade in math for most of his high school year, although he can teeter close to earning a C depending on whether or not his other commitments get in the way of studying.

After high school, Dale plans to go to New York University for their drama department. He has spent his high school years honing his acting, singing, and dancing abilities, with the hopes that he can graduate and begin work on Broadway or in movies and television. He recently was cast as Orin Scrivello in Mangrove’s production of Little Shop of Horrors, something he hopes will aid in his acting resume. He was also recently cast in an arc for a telenovela being filmed in Miami starting at the end of June called Invitación al amor. Although he will only be in a few episodes, this is the largest acting project Dale has landed to date, so he’s mostly hoping to pass through the last few months of high school with ease and prepare himself for his role.

Advantages: Dale is a trained actor, and his abilities may help him hide his intentions and feelings, while also being able to read and act in favorable ways with other students. He also regularly exercises and is in decent shape.
Disadvantages: Dale doesn’t have the best reputation, being known for being a bit arrogant, which could hinder potential alliances. Dale also has some issues with stress he has been trying to manage on his own, which he could find trouble with in the game, as he often becomes surly and prone to self loathing, which could impact some of his in-game relationships.

Designated Number: Claudia's Krakens 06 (CK06)


Designated Weapon: Complete Set Of Team Bandannas From Season 66

Mentor Comment: "An actor with a full set of team bandannas, I smell characters! But for real though that's a useful draw you could pretend to be in any team you wanted and blend in until the time is right to strike.


"The bandannas are from last season."

"What? Oh, shit. I guess I can't read."


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