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Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2020 11:06 pm
by Rattlesnake

Name: Rebecca Roberts
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: 12
Hobbies and Interests: SOTF, writing, critiquing, painting, literature, dance, macabre art

Appearance: Rebecca is a half-hispanic, with a pale tan complexion to her. She stands at 5 ft, 6 inches, and is about 130lb. Although she isn't curvy or plus-sized, Rebecca has a very slightly larger frame then average, and has an overall stocky, rectangular body shape that doesn't even differ much at the hips or bust. Her face is a round heart shape, that could be seen as conventionally pretty. Her facial features can be considered conventionally pretty overall, if not plain, with large dark brown eyes, slightly bushy angular eyebrows and a small nose and mouth.

Although Rebecca doesn't have much acne or facial marks, it could be considered less because of her below-average skincare and more because of her naturally dry, dull, plain skin. Her medium-brown hair is also dull, straight, and completely flat, especially at the roots. It is cut just past her shoulders and is usually either let down in a plain hairstyle or tied back in a small ponytail. As her scalp is in the middle, Rebecca does not have a fringe, rather her front hair which is at its shortest, chin length, is tucked behind her ears. Rebecca has no preference on clothing, wearing whatever she feels is comfortable and normal, such as t-shirts and pants, although she generally also wears cheap jackets to prevent paint going on her clothes. She wears little to no accessories, and wears little makeup as well, usually only concealer.

On Casting Day, Rebecca had her hair down, in what can be best described as a bob-like hairstyle that grew down at the back. She wore a large plain mahogany t-shirt with black leggings. She wore an unbuttoned light brown, long sleeved jacket with some paint stains at the ends that she had forgotten to wash off. She was wearing red sneakers with stars at the end. Notably, her one accessory is a black earring on her left ear, which was a large black circle earring with a dangling small black diamond connected at the bottom.

Biography: Rebecca was born to Mila and Alex Roberts as an only child, in Miami on 17th of April, 2003. Her parents are both middle-class to high-class citizens who both work white-collar jobs, Alex being a nurse, and Mila being a secretary in a building company. Both of them are wealth orientated, often working overtime to earn more money, which they use for family holidays or tickets to events. As both their workplaces are so close, work isn't hard for them as they can just meet after work, and the money can be used for leisure. Rebecca usually was kept in the care of nannies if she wasn't out with her family, and usually didn't talk to her parents much. Although she doesn't dislike them, she isn't affectionate to them either, and neither are they to her. Although they do definitely always take Rebecca out to lavish events, her parents are generally more focused on each other, while Rebecca is encouraged to go play with herself or other kids while they spend time together alone.

Mila and Alex both are relatively young parents, being about their mid twenties when they met. Mila's building was close by the hospital and being a building company, the tradesmen and even Mila got injured quite often by accidental falls and some new builder slipping up and running over someone's foot with a wagon. As all of these accidents did not ultimately stop the builders from completing the building, and were all considered accidents, they never ended up with any run ins with the health inspector. As the two met up often, they began to form a romantic relationship, that only got more passionate and loving with each check up until they got married. Both of them are extremely romantic idealists, and even after having a child, still have that passionate love that usually dissipates after the honeymoon. They both decided to have Rebecca as both of them wanted a family together, and she could be seen as the very pinnacle for their love for each other. They both do love Rebecca, but love each other even more. They still focus on each other mainly, but part of the reason why they earn money is to compensate for their lack of attention on her, by giving her a lavish lifestyle with fun events and holidays.

Having a relatively below-average house, and a rather below-average relationship with her parents, Rebecca spent a lot of time in daycare and school, having little to nothing to do outside of it. Her parents never saw the point in having an expensive house that would need more rent, when they usually go out to eat and only ever spend time at home to sleep or relax in front of the TV. Their house is very old, and the bedrooms are quite small, although it isn't exactly in disrepair either. Being raised by practical, realistic parents, and old nannies, Rebecca had little to no interest in other classmates, and strongly disliked playing games, thinking herself too mature for that. She spent most of her time in preschool and primary school by herself, simply enjoying the outdoors, or looking at the non-fiction books every so often. As she got older, she also spent much of her time passing time leisurely, without social interaction, and would often go on her phone or watch television.

Eventually though, Rebecca did find something to enjoy around her age, SOTF. At first, it sickened her as a young child, and often made her upset. Overtime however, hearing her classmates talking about it, as well as the television being about the only entertaining thing in the house, Rebecca grew desensitised. It soon became one of her favourite things to watch on television. The other kids shows disappointed her with their bland writing, and tropes that she very quickly picked up on. She found SOTF to be different, chaotic and unpredictable. Her parents had no qualms about SOTF, simply seeing it as entertainment that they didn’t particularly hate or love, and so allowed Rebecca to watch SOTF as soon as she discovered it.

When middle school began, Rebecca began to get tired of passing her time non-productively, like spending afternoons watching SOTF, and upon seeing others take up sports, or fandoms, Rebecca tried to take up hobbies as well, to pass the time. After getting involved with many things, she finally settled on literature, fiction, this time. She also realised that her lack of exercise was starting to hamper her, and settled on doing bi-weekly light exercise such as yoga. This was in part of her trying to keep healthy and her mind clear, and also a way to pass time when there was nothing to do.

Even though she had always loved reading even when little, the content within disappointed her. Rebecca had always liked pointing out things, or noticing others didn't, likely to boost her ego, but this eventually just made her analyse books to the point they were no longer fun, and she could guess tropes and story devices being used. This is especially annoying, as her favourite type of genre is romance, and Rebecca always preferred characters and their relationships over world building. Whenever the characters in the character-heavy genre turned out to be one-note in a stale, generic relationship, or worse, abusive, it left her especially disappointing. To her, as much as she liked reading to relax, it eventually always left a bad taste in her mouth. Rebecca still loved her thrill of reading, as much as it frustrated her. This would lead to her hobby of writing.

When she was still experimenting on what she liked, and what she should focus on, Rebecca fell into quite a few classmate circles. At first, she was awkward, having had rarely talked to people before, and not really having much to talk about. She preferred to sit in the back, and be quiet, simply listening and learning from others. She left her circles as soon as she grew tired of why she joined them, and has not really kept any lasting connection from this time in middle school. While she has learnt who her classmates are, and gained some knowledge on socialising, Rebecca didn't, and still has no desire to be close with anyone. It tired her out as an introvert, to try to socialise, and she gave up. Nowadays, she can keep up a conversation, but won't try to seek them out.

Near the end of middle school, Rebecca realised how much books annoyed her to the point of always disliking any book she liked at first. She wanted creativity, but all her wild ideas and theories would always turn out to be stale cookie-cutter tropes in the end. Eventually, Rebecca started writing her own ideas. At first, they were fanfics, as she changed pre-existing stories to how she felt it should have gone, which turned out bad at first, and often went the way of some character changing what she thought the original source had screwed up. But with practice, and reviews from teachers, Rebecca began writing more convincing alternate ending fanfics, and eventually her own short stories. Her skills have only improved from middle school, and now, she can write stories of many genres, although alternate history or romance are still her favourite. Her best story is considered, by her classmates, her romance novella. Rebecca is currently trying to self-publish them.

Up until this point, Rebecca had only been doing self-taught exercises and online-guided yoga, something she had neglected over the years. As she transitioned to high school, although Rebecca had no severe body esteem issues, she compared her pudgy figure built up over years on the sofa, to the thin girls in her year. She had also noticed that walking was starting to be painful and decided something needed to be done. Rebecca sought out a more organised form of exercise, one that she could actually show off as something concrete rather than just some yoga positions, and Rebecca was getting the feeling her self-taught programs weren't helping her anyways. Rebecca knew that her exercises weren't helping out at their full potential. During her first year at Mangrove, Rebecca enrolled into an out of school dance studio, more of a youth community centre than anything else, where she was one of the older students. Overtime, she transferred to her current studio, a small, friendly non-competitive ballet studio. As Rebecca is mostly doing this to clear her head and pass time, and not out of actual passion of dancing, she isn't as good as her other dance mates, and is usually a substitute at dance recitals. Her dance form outside of the studio can be considered an interpretive modern/classical ballet hybrid.

At Mangrove High, Rebecca began to notice that some things couldn't be put down into words, and thus began to start sketching. However, she found her sketches to look monochrome, lifeless, even despite her innate skill with drawing. She tried using colour pencils, but she couldn't remove the feeling of lack of freedom in her drawings. She tried other forms of art, and finally discovered painting. She enjoys making abstract paintings, as nothing dictates what she has to paint, which was always something she disliked about sketching. The canvas became a way for her to express her views to others, to vent without talking, as talking exhausted her when this did not.

Watching SOTF made her very interested in the morbid, in the violence, and all those bland books had made her wary of feel-good things such as lessons in tv shows, or black and white moralities. Furthermore, Rebecca is very focused on the students in SOTF, and the psychology on why students the same age as her could commit such stupid, or heinous actions. She likes most contestants, with the exception of extremely annoying characters that she just couldn't believe to be real people, or contestants who she thinks is 'Parkering'. She is especially interested in villains, and female villains especially. Her favourite contestants are Karen Ruiz from Season 65, and Elliot Rakowski from Season 46. Rebecca has a very pragmatic view when watching SOTF, and finds overly moral, erratic or stupid decisions from the contestants frustrating, and when she imagines being in SOTF, it's always as her being a competent villain, or a killer.

Once she was old enough to have social media and to go onto the internet unsupervised, Rebecca followed SOTF, this time, the outside media as well as the television show itself. However, as she dislikes socialising even on social media, and she prefers to be private on the internet, she is mainly a lurker or a watcher. The most she generally does is leave reviews or thoughts on writing, or comment on her classmate’s Champion streams. She is not as knowledgeable on the SOTF media outside of the show, but is still extremely knowledgeable about it. She follows interviews and SOTF winners’ social media, and focuses on official sources, rather than fan forums or fan works.

Her interest in the morbid has spread to her paintings, and thus, her paintings are usually quite violent, grim or gory. This has brought concern from some students who see her as mentally disturbed. Rebecca’s parents also used to be concerned with her interest, and referred her to a psychologist once. A few sessions, and an honest talk with her parents later, Rebecca was found to be perfectly sane and acknowledgeable that her interest may be weird. She simply doesn’t mind what others think of her, and although it is something she is passionate about, she knows her boundaries and avoids focusing on it to the point it becomes unhealthy to her. Due to her calm nature, and otherwise completely normal nature, only people who don't know her outside her paintings will generally judge.

Rebecca is nearly an unknown in her year, due to her never attending parties outside of school events and keeping to herself. She is not good at small talk, even worse at drama and gossip, and her one track mind on her hobbies mean that most conversations with her don't last long. However, anyone who talks about something that she is also interested in, such as SOTF, will have far better luck. She isn't regarded as an outcast since she is willing to talk to anybody and everyone, but she isn't really in any friendship groups either. Rebecca has little to no participation in the social part of school, and thus, treats everyone equally. Unless someone has done something personally to make her dislike or like them, Rebecca is civil, polite and blunt to everyone, even teachers. Outside of names, personal experiences and basic standing on the social totem pole, Rebecca has little to no knowledge about other classmates.

Rebecca's most outstanding feature to most students is her writing or her art, since she so frequently focuses on it even to the consequence of not focusing on anything else. She spends her time at lunch in the art room painting or at the library to type ideas up, so she is well known amongst the art-focused students or anyone else who frequents the library. Although she rarely talks, at the same time, she is open for conversation anytime there. In particular, Rebecca is a critic of writing and art, and she isn't just restricted to commenting on her works or asking for criticism with it. She will also critique other people's art or writing, usually when asked but she will also give constructive criticism even when not asked to occasionally. Her style of criticism is blunt, polite and usually, constructive. Since her critiques are calm and she won't usually do it outside of being asked to, Rebecca isn't seen as a purist snob for the most part. However, most of her detractors come from this area, since her calm and blunt criticism can be easily seen as arrogant or cold, especially to people who are unfortunate enough to get their works get broken down completely without even asking for criticism.

Rebecca got into Mangrove, not from a scholarship, but from regular paid tuition, her parents being rich, and Rebecca's middle school marks not being exceptional. This has meant that, while she only performs very slightly below average, getting nearly all Bs, and does usually pass her tests, compared to her other classmates, her academic skills aren't great. By Mangrove's standards, Rebecca is ranked below most of her class, only winning out over people who don't care about schooling or the unfortunately slow or dull-witted. Rebecca has no interest in academics, only trying to do well enough to get into a good university, and have a good lucrative job like her parents. She hasn't quite decided what to do after school yet, only wanting a good job to support herself on, time to work on her art and writing, and nothing more.

Advantages: Rebecca has a very stable, logical mindset, owning to her intelligence and her maturity, as well as her unemotional nature. She has religiously watched SOTF, and thus might be slightly genre-savvy. Due to her practising dance she is not unfit either, and her endurance may be better.
Disadvantages: Rebecca has little to no social connections, and no close friends at all, similarly, she isn't familiar with many in her year, knowing names and not much more. It is also easy to interpret her listlessness as coldness, or her tendency to point mistakes as arrogance, thanks to her social skills being less than ideal. Although she does practice dance, she can be quite easily overpowered by anyone who does the slightest amount of athletics or sport.

Designated Number: BC06


Designated Weapon: Gift Basket

Mentor Comment: "We've got more than a couple fans of the show on this team, but Rebecca here thinks she can do one better. And, honestly? I don't doubt her. Someone's gotta step up to the plate, after all. The weapon draw is a bit of a shame but hey, we can't make things too easy, now can we?"