Dragon's Dogma

When the aliens come down all they really wanna see is the pyramid by the river down in Memphis, Tennessee. Made of glass and some brass, it'll knock you on your ass and make your damn heart stop. What's that? It's our Bass Pro Shop. Duh, what'd you think it was? Doesn't ever city have a bigass pyramid by the mud? Yeah, the people wipe their eyes 'cause they think that they're on drugs but when really they're at the best place to shop - a Bass Pro Shop. Private. Tagging Jilly

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The Honeless Beard
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Dragon's Dogma


Post by The Honeless Beard »

From far away you could see the vein bulge in Ivan's forehead as he reared back away from Abel, as if pushed on the upper chest by an invisible hand, body at a 75 degree angle from the ground. The hiss of the buses as they left the depot overpowered the words he spoke, but he did speak - violently, poisonously, drops of acid pooling at the corners of his mouth and flinging towards Abel as Ivan stepped backwards to right his slight bend.

His backpack was over both shoulders, the city buses around him - bright pink, white, yellow, some kind of Miami Vice sendoff - creating an atmosphere of chaos, a parting sea of clothing worn by travelers clashing around them, hemming them into their own private thunderdome. Their voices rose slightly around the hustle and bustle of city pedestrian traffic, but it was unmistakable the way Ivan's mouth moved, and the way he stepped forwards, on the fringe of Abel's personal space.

They hadn't been there long.
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Post by Jilly »

Abel stepped away from Ivan. His arms crossed across his chest, his right hand gripped on the strap of his black messenger bag. He looked away from the little hooligan, a vein popping on Abel's own forehead as he bit the side of his mouth.

...No. Fuck this. He glared at Ivan and walked right back into his personal space.

"The hell's your problem, friend?"
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