Giselle Fillmore

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Giselle Fillmore


Post by Sh4dE »

Name: Giselle Fillmore
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
Hobbies and Interests: Anti-SOTF Blogging, Crime movies, musical acting, RPGMaker/GameMaker

Appearance: Giselle stands at 5'4" and 160 pounds, making her slightly overweight with a triangular body shape. She's caucasian and has brown eyes. While she was known to have worn a Shun-Young haircut during the period where she watched the show, Giselle now has grown her chestnut-brown hair long to emulate the hairstyle worn by Karen Ruiz. She has a round face, a snub nose and her lips are thin. Giselle wears minimal makeup on a day to day basis usually limited to mascara, a little bit concealer and powder. She doesn't like to wear lipstick.

On the day of the abduction she wore a pink fishermans hat, reflecting sunglasses, blue jeans, a dark-blue blouse with red dots on it and yellow sneakers.

Biography: Giselle was born to Ashton Fillmore, a post man, and Cary Fillmore, who works at Verizon as a teleworker. Being the only child she grew up quite spoilt with affection, as her parents tried to give her as much attention as she needs to compensate for the fact that both worked full time and had Ashton's brother Cave babysit her while they worked. Cave Fillmore mostly worked on night shifts which was why he could afford to babysit for his brother. Giselle has a good relationship to Cave who introduced her to jazz music at an early age.

Cave owned a collection of jazz and swing records, often playing Kenny G or Miles Davis when he babysits. Giselle continued loving Kenny G LPs and turned to love the sound of the saxophone. She likes the fact that she could always leave it on in the background. She loves the classiness of that style of music and it helped her whenever she had to study for school, which is why this is her preferred kind of genre.

Giselle did well in school, being particularly skilled in the logical side of things in like mathematics but she found herself disinterested in subjects like history as she found it to be very boring.

Giselle had an interesting history with SOTF. She grew up watching it with her family, who all enjoyed watching this high-quality entertainment show, but since then Giselle became an anti-SOTF activist. She was made aware of the bad morals of SOTF quickly on the internet when she was thirteen where she watched anti-SOTF youtubers and bloggers. These vloggers made it clear to her how much a human's life is worth and even though it was unlikely that she would be picked for the show, those who did and became victims of it, were affected by it in a sad way. She saw clips of family members of survivors, SOTF opponents and other likeminded individuals and came to the conclusion that the lives of these few did matter like everyone else's and that SOTF is an unfair institution even if it part of American culture by now.

This created a crack on the otherwise good relationship with her parents, who still enjoyed watching television. At the age of fourteen for example she just pulled the plug to make her parents stop watching, which lead to the relationship being worsened. She became more rebellious against her parents but also against everyone else who watched SOTF.

She's since then become active on the internet too, sharing articles and browsing in anti-SOTF forums. She became vocal against SOTF among her classmates too and would hang out with people who had the same state of mind as her. If one of her friends watches SOTF she tries to convince them to boycott watching it, sometimes even getting angry as she often feels overwhelmed in emotions due to the unfair, cruel nature of the game. She is not good at arguing and is bad at behaving appropiately when she's in a verbal fight with other people. Instead having a healthy discussion about the problem she often gets angry and tries to insult the opponent or make accusations about the person in front of her with no evidence. This can get hurtful and is the reason why she has a close-knitted group of friends and is not one of the popular kids.

Her parents paid the tuition for Mangrove as they thought it was important to invest their money in the future of Giselle and a good education. Giselle, knowing that money from hard work has been invested in her education tries her best not to fail school and academically does solidly, getting Bs on average with the occasional As or Cs.

In her free time she enjoys watching movies, but movies where the actors did not really die. She still liked violence, but only if it was fake. She enjoys watching crime movies as they were a better version of SOTF as the stories within these movies were constructed better and there were many critically acclaimed movies she enjoyed like the Godfather and Scarface. Recently she tried digging up old movies and discovered Angels with Dirty Faces, which remains her favorite crime movie up to this date due to its classiness.

Her love for movies also led her to take up acting as a hobby as her school offered a school musical she regularly attends as an actress, being convinced she knows how to act professionally in comparison to her classmates who she assumes to act worse based on watching SOTF. She is not actually a better actor than her classmates, but insists that she knows how to make things better making her look arrogant among her acting colleagues. She'd often suggest different ways to act to her colleagues with the intention to help them and the production. Sometimes, people take that well and sometimes people get annoyed at her for passively criticising their acting abilities as someone with no actual acting experience. It's even worse when she disagrees with the acting teacher, though she respects them more and acknowledges their experience. They immediately tell her to stop correcting others and while Giselle tries not to she still has the urge to talk to her classmates, tell them how she'd act the scene out and maybe recommend a movie or two.

She played RPGMaker games in her teens as most of them were either cheap or free. She got in contact with them by being popularised by youtubers. Inspired by those games she created some of her own with her own story and fight system. Soon that wasn't enough for her and she turned to GameMaker where she learnt a bit of programming to widen her abilities to create things in a game, and to have more freedom constructing gaming worlds.

Due to being good at math and knowing a bit of progamming she also uses her knowledge to create anti-SOTF propaganda games. She started out publishing some RPGMaker games based on a story with a message and a fun fighting system, then also published some based on GameMaker with a more exploration focus. Not all of her games are based upon SOTF though, sometimes she just creates fun shoot em ups or beat em ups based on movies she's seen.

She is also getting some, but not much money from her video game patreon account. She is currently developing a bigger game, switching to unity as she heard it was a better programme to create games, with an anti-SOTF message, thinking about making an SOTF-simulator with the twist of marketing as a SOTF battle clone but instead primarily focussing on the tragic fates of the family members, criticising the current SOTF fandom and using real life examples of SOTF victims to break the suspension of disbelief a player might want to find in a game. She uses her patreon money to go the city with her friends to play snooker, an activity she enjoys doing on her weekends, or for shopping.

She has not applied for an university yet and has no plan on what to do after school. Giselle is looking forward to move out and get away from her parents who she still judges for enjoying watching entertainment that's based off the deaths of innocents instead of supporting her in her views completely. Her parents compromised by not watching SOTF when Giselle's nor talking about it, making it a taboo topic in the Fillmore's house.

Cave doesn't have as much contact to Giselle nowadays primarily because he switched jobs to work full-time to earn more money. Since SOTF was a taboo topic at the lunch table when he visited his brother and Giselle respectfully doesn't bring this topic up during family events to prevent causing drama at such times, Cave doesn't see the rebellious side of her. However, during private conversations with her, her opinion on SOTF was made clear by Giselle herself and while Cave tries to understand her anger, he personally believes that there's nothing that can be done about it and that she shouldn't worry about this and usually tries to change the subject to music or the likes.

Ashton and Cary heard from other parents that this rebellious behaviour is normal for a teenager and that it's going to end when she grows up. While they can understand some points of her anger at the establishment, it's not the most important problem in the world in their view. Since they can understand her to an extent they do not dislike her for having these opinions and still love her.

Advantages: While she doesn't watch SOTF actively, she still is up to date due to her activity in anti-SOTF forums. Her being extremely involved in the activism against SOTF makes her a bit more knowledgable about SOTF than the average viewer. She also is a logical and focussed person who can achieve her goals.
Disadvantages: Giselle is an impulsive person which could get her into trouble and she has made more enemies in school than people she could call friends. She doesn't have any outside hobbies outside of going to the city with her friends at the weekend so she's not the most physically-advantaged person.
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Post by Namira »

Hello RC, thank you for the application. Giselle is temporarily denied, pending some additional revisions, mostly around expanding the detail of her biography.

What kind of body type and shape does Giselle have?

Please add a skintone so that she is not grayscale.

Can you go into a bit more detail about her hairstyle? I figure you mean 'a hairstyle like Karen Ruiz' here, but I would prefer if you described the style and then referenced it being patterned after Karen's.

Can you add some detail to her childhood and early education? It feels like we skip straight into middle and high school education because of programming coming up so early. I'd like to know a bit more about her formative years.

I'd like you to expand on exactly what turned her against SOTF. If she grew up being a regular watcher of the show, it seems a little odd that just a few forum posts could completely turn her against it. Were there particular arguments that got to the heart of it for her? Was there a defining moment?

Some more development in her relationship with her parents would be good, as you reference Giselle turning against SOTF as creating a crack but then don't follow up: that was four years ago now, what has happened in the meantime? Similarly, does Cave have an opinion on this? Is she still close to him? Obviously he'd be less prominent now that she doesn't need a babysitter, but he would have been a really big part of her life for a long time and he fades all the way out.

Can you add a bit more to her lack of popularity, considering her activism? This is a disadvantage for her so more depth would be ideal.

There's currently no information about how Giselle got into Mangrove Garden (entrance exam, paid tuition), nor how she ranks in terms of her grades on the leaderboards. Please add some detail around this.

Do her opinions on acting hold any ground in practice? It's quite arrogant to assume others are automatically worse at acting and it's an interesting character beat, I'd like to see more on this point as it could add a whole extra facet to Giselle.

Can you elaborate on the video games she makes? What kind of games are they? Her patreon seems pretty successful to be able to finance her motorcycle license (how did she afford a motorcycle, by the by?), so that means it could use more depth than it currently has. Anti-SOTF games are kind of niche, so I'd like you to nail down a bit better how much money the patreon generates, when she set it up, when she started to make games, and how she moved into posting about it online into making games.

On a related note we don't currently know how she got into programming, just that she's good at it, so I'd like you to develop that point further.

Since the advantages/disadvantages are currently a bit brief, I'd like you to either include one more apiece, or to go into extra detail on what is already there (or hey, both, that'd be great too).

Let me know when you've made edits and I'll have another look.
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Post by Sh4dE »


-added makeup because mimi reminded me it was a thing
-added size/bodyshape
-added ethnicity
-clarified hair
-removed programming from education to create a clearer timeline
-elaborated her anti-SOTF stances
-added some updates on her relationship with her parents at the end of the profile
-added smol cave paragraph at the end too
-elaborated a bit of why she's not that easy to deal with for her classmates
-added that her parents paid for mangrove
-added that she does well in mangrove
-expanded acting section
-added how she got into gaming
-changed programming to RPGMaker/GameMaker
-elaborated on what kind of game she makes
-removed the motorcycle thing so she doesn't actually gain much money to be able to afford this but only enough to use it for going out and spend it in the city
-nerfed her programming skills. it's not a hobby anymore, she knows a bit of it now
-updated adv/disadv
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