Jasper Suárez-King

Spanish American rich kid flirts with everyone, gambles a lot, and is built like a brick house. Details at eleven.

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Jasper Suárez-King


Post by AnimeNerd »

Name: Jasper Suárez-King
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
Hobbies and Interests: Rugby (Spectating), Exercise, SOTF-TV, Gambling, Fútbol, Swimming (Recreational), Karate

Appearance: Jasper is going into this season standing at 6’ 5”, and weighing 205 lbs, it certainly shows with his body type, being notably well-built and muscular, but not to the point that his muscles are bulky and hulking. He has a sandy, tanned skin tone thanks to his Spanish-American background and his regular outdoor activities. His naturally curly black hair goes past his shoulders at full length, but is usually kept up in a man bun. His face is triangular in shape, with a strong jawline, straight white teeth, a tall, refined nose, icey blue round eyes, thick, hard angled eyebrows, high, chiseled cheekbones, and slightly full lips that tend to be in a devious smile. He keeps a bit of beard and mustache stubble, just enough for it to be considered a beard, because he believes it makes him look older. Thanks to his five years in America, his accent hardly ever noticeable, if it’s even there when he speaks, and instead his deep voice may let out a couple Spanish words.

Jasper tends to test the limits of the school dress code, specifically what can be considered decent with how much skin he shows, or how much can be inferred with how tight the clothing can be. He enjoys showing off his body as much as possible, and tends to only hold back during the colder times of the year. On casting day, Jasper was picked up on his walk to school, before he could be told he needed to change, and as such wore a turquoise Hawaiian-style shirt with a pattern of dark red roses, left unbuttoned, revealing his toned pecs and six-pack abs, paired with a pair of dark blue swim trunks that end about six inches above the knees, light blue flip flops, and he had his hair in a half up man bun.

Biography: Jasper Suárez-King was born April 2nd of 2003, on the Canary Islands of Spain. His father, August King, a professional poker player from America already rich from his father’s work as a surgeon and his mother working the stock market, had been on vacation in the area, had stayed in a popular resort, and fallen for the resort owner’s daughter, Margarita Suárez. The feelings were mutual, and after two years of dating they were married. August agreed to stay in Spain, as Margarita had trouble learning English, and she wanted to continue working at the resort, generally feeling at home there, and generally feeling that it was too important too remove from her life. August had no qualms with this himself, as he could work anywhere he could gamble. It only took them a year to have Jasper, their first child.

Coming from two wealthy families, Jasper did not go through many hardships when he was younger. While his parents avoided spoiling him by giving him everything he wanted, he still grew up pampered compared to most. Everyday he was able to see his abuelo Rafael and abuela Mariana, and he got to visit his grandpa Monty and grandma Talli at least once per month with them flying out to Spain. He got to enjoy playing games with kids that visited the resort with their parents as well as kids that lived nearby, and he was allowed to take full advantage of living in a high class resort. He especially loved swimming, from pools to beaches, he loved being in the water. A part of it was simply trying to find a place to cool down on especially hot days, but he also liked just being in the water, actively trying to swim under the water sometimes, his family occasionally referring to him as pez pequeño, or little fish. Jasper generally loved living his life at the resort.

Of course, there were times where Jasper couldn’t play with his friends, or there were no kids staying at the resort, or when he couldn’t do whatever he wanted at the resort because Margarita, Rafael, and Mariana were all busy. During these times, he would be with August, who would teach him about some of the things from his own life. At age seven, Jasper saw his father at work at a poker game, and August earned twenty thousand euros in that game, and while half of it was his own money, the other half was all from August's competitors. He was introduced to two big sports in August’s life, rugby, a sport that he was always a fan of despite not being of Australian descent, and fútbol from Spain, the one he was introduced to and quickly became a fan of. When hanging out with August, Jasper would get to watch rugby streamed on a computer, or he'd help his father prepare for the family to watch a live fútbol game on TV, and learn just how big of a thing the sport really is. Jasper quickly became fascinated with all three things, amazed at how his father could earn so much money just by playing a game, and found the sports exciting, especially rugby, with how brutal the sport was compared to American football, something he’d been shown by a previous resident at the resort. He’d go on to learn two of the three activities, poker from his father, and fútbol from a friend of his Abuelo Rafael, a man named Antonio. While he wasn’t going to practice his favorite, as his grandparents worried about it being too dangerous, Jasper still proved he had worth in poker and fútbol, at one point beating his dad in a game by giving him a false tell, which made August shed a couple tears of pride, and showed a great potential as a goalie to Rafeal’s friend.

It was when Jasper was eleven did he first hear about SOTF-TV. He had been playing with two of the kids of a family that had recently checked, they had been playing a game of tag, when they ran into the family’s oldest child, a teenager that was an avid fan of SOTF. He specifically remembers the look of shock on his face when Jasper asked about his shirt, a baseball style shirt with a bloody baseball bat and the words “Yamana and Robinson Approved” on it. When the teenager, Micheal, explained, Jasper was intrigued, and asked if he could watch. Micheal reluctantly agreed, so long as Jasper agreed not to say anything about it to either of their parents, and once he did, the two of them went back to the Micheal’s private room and binge watched the entire last season that aired, season thirty four. He quickly became a fan of it, not just for the action, which went even further than rugby, but he found the story itself intriguing, with a person you’d expect to be level-headed gunning people down whenever she could, a pair of exes helping each other out despite having had a nasty break-up and eventually rekindling their love, and a girl trying desperately to save anyone she could, only to be the sole survivor of it all, and even showing him his first instance of a person not getting a happy ending, despite them being a good person that wanted to save people. The more comedic moments sold it even more for him, as seeing a boy die because of a deer and an accident was hilarious when said boy was at risk of being killed by his classmates. When it was all over, he was actually upset, as he wanted to see more. Unfortunately, watching the previous seasons would have to wait, as Micheal’s parents texted him, letting him know they were going to check on him in five minutes after he and Jasper spent almost the entire day cooped up in his room, and Jasper was unceremoniously shoved out.

For the next year, Jasper would find out more about SOTF, from the previous seasons to the general fandom of the show, to even some of the not as action-packed parts, the parts that he finds boring, like various groups that actually managed to escape, or the winners that didn’t actually do much in their seasons, such as Brandon Parker and Susan Moreau. And in that year he saw his new favorite season, season thirty seven. Action-packed and with a winner that went through torture, and ripped out a girl’s throat with his teeth! It was incredible, and it cemented his love for the show as a whole. He kept his knowledge of the show a secret, however, as while he didn’t understand why it should be kept a secret when Micheal implied it, he figured that he had to be right in some way. He didn’t think he’d get in trouble for it, considering he was allowed to see action movies like Die Hard with no problems, but he didn’t want to risk it. So whenever he looked for episodes on previous seasons or current ones online, he always made sure that he was alone in the room, and was ready to close the videos in case anyone did walk in.

It was around his twelfth birthday did puberty hit Jasper, and it hit him hard. He quickly started getting taller, reaching 5’ 10” by the time he was thirteen. He started becoming muscular, not just from his general activities, but from him exercising, as he felt more self-conscious about his body, and Jasper wanted himself to look as good as possible. And while the most notable changes were external, internally, he had one of his biggest changes; his sexual awakening. All of a sudden he thought Elena, one of his friends, was incredibly attractive. When he was training with Antonio, he found himself blushing whenever he complimented Jasper, and had trouble with making eye contact with him. He even had trouble rewatching a season of SOTF, thirteen specifically, as he could barely look at Eric Cerrone and Monika Trace, as his eyes kept roaming to the wrong places.

Both Margarita and August noticed the change in their son, and while Margarita wanted to explain puberty and sexuality to him, August vetoed the idea, thinking it’d be a less awkward conversation if it was between two men, and he thought that if it turned out stressful, he should take that stress, since Margarita was pregnent with their second child, and he believed stress was bad for a pregnancy.

So, August gave Jasper the talk about puberty, explained how sex worked, and how to deal with certain urges. While the talk was still somewhat awkward, Jasper felt like he had a good understanding of the topic, and when he asked about his attraction to men as well as women, August told him that that’s just how some people are, and there’s nothing wrong with it. Though he still had one other question; what if he wanted to be with someone romantically? How would he talk with them?

That was when August told Jasper a bit more about his life before Jasper was born, and even before he had fallen for Margarita, when he was a single bachelor that left a broken heart wherever he went; a Casanova of his generation. Over time, he taught Jasper how to flirt, and how to do it successfully, usually by noting a person’s most attractive feature, or the part of them that they seem to be most proud of, and complementing them for it. He let him know that, when he was older, if he kept up with his exercise, showing off his body may help, as the more attractive you are, the more likely they’ll be interested in him. Most importantly, August taught him the one rule more important than any other; when someone says no, they mean no. If someone isn’t interested, he shouldn’t try flirting with them, and he should just move on to someone else.

Jasper took the advice and ran with it, exercising a bit more to be more physically fit, flirting with a girl and a guy his age when their families visited the resort, even earning a kiss on the cheek from the former, and even started dressing a bit less modestly, though just by wearing shorts and t-shirts more often. He tried flirting with Elena, only to find out she was interested in girls, but they still kept their friendship going. He’d go on to flirt with almost everyone in his grade in school, go on dates with many girls, and even a couple guys, though it also became well known that any relationship he got into didn’t really last long. Even when on dates, he wouldn’t stop flirting with other people, not having enough self-control to really stop, let alone keep himself from checking people out. It was rare for him to get a second date, let alone for the first date to end well. Not that it seemed to bother him; Jasper was happy with his way of life, earning the attention of many people his age, and was mature enough to not hold any sort of grudge to those that dumped him. They simply just weren't interested in the same things. Most of the relationships, being so short-lived, didn't cause too much commotion at school, and even if they happened to, Jasper's generally relaxed demeanor was able to sooth things back to the status quo.

During this time, the rest of the family was aware of the goings on with August's flirting lessons and Jasper suddenly gaining a reputation among those his age, but Margarita simply stated that she trusted August to steer their son towards the right path, and the matter was not discussed further. Margarita giving birth to a baby girl named Catalina also kept attention away from Jasper at home, as the family now had her to watch over as well. Despite being twelve, and the complications that typically come from that age of moodiness, needless rebellion, and general brattiness among other things, Jasper instantly loved his baby sister. Not only did he find her just plain adorable, but when he was first allowed to hold her, Catalina smiled at him. Jasper immediately burst into happy tears, and repeatedly made promises to protect her, to always be there for her, that he’ll always love her, etc.

Unfortunately, when he was thirteen, Jasper learned that he couldn’t keep those promises, not out of tragedy, but because he couldn’t stay in Spain. Apparently, Grandma Talli had arranged for Jasper to attend a private school in America, some place called Mangrove Garden High, after it was recommended by a friend of hers. Apparently said friend had seen her son graduate from the school, and despite being a less than stellar student, managed to achieve success by becoming a lawyer. Talli, having met the son and known he was not very smart, became convinced that the school was doing something right with how they ran things, and decided that she may as well assure that her grandson would achieve success after graduating high school. Jasper was not happy with this, but he was given no choice in the matter; Talli and Monty had gone through all the arrangements without telling Jasper or the rest of the family. Everything had already been arranged, from the school agreeing to have him when he reached ninth grade, Talli having made a promise to Principal Knox to donate half a million dollars to the school as a token of gratitude, and the friend of Talli's (Catherine) agreeing to house him when the time came. He would've been living with Talli and Monty instead, but Monty unexpectedly breaking his hip the same day as Talli spraining her wrist made them worry about their future, and they checked into an expensive retirement home that did not allow overnight visitors. As Catherine was a childhood friend of Talli's, she and Monty were sure they could trust her with Jasper. Knowing the shame that would be brought upon them if they went back on the deal, as well as the suspicion that would arise if they randomly donated so much money to a school Jasper did not attend, the rest of the family agreed that the money would be donated, and Jasper would attend Mangrove Garden High to save face, even if he didn't want to leave Spain.

This caused Jasper to become very frustrated with his situation very quickly, as he wanted to be the cool older brother for Catalina that was always there for her, rather than an older brother that she only sees through a screen. He became so frustrated with the school situation that it initiated one of Jasper’s few acts of rebellion in his life, as he decided he was old enough to take his father's advice from flirting lessons when he moved in with Catherine a couple of days after his birthday, and he started dressing more lewdly. His tank tops were modified so that the arm holes reached all the way to his hips. His button-up shirts lost their top four buttons, revealing more of his chest. He started only wearing shorts, and those shorts got notably shorter. He just stopped wearing underwear. The more salacious, the better. If they wanted him to go to this fancy school, fine, but he was doing it on his own terms.

The one upside Jasper found about the situation was where he was moving. From his normal island life to life in a state he mainly remembered for their beaches, he got to swim just as much as he did back home. Whether it was on some iconic Miami beaches or a more crowded public pools, if it was a sizable body of water he was happy with it.

By the time he officially entered Mangrove Garden High by paying the tuition, Jasper was somewhat well known as a flirty guy that wasn’t afraid to show off. During his time at the school, his reputation didn’t change much. In fact, it got even stronger, while adding in more details. As he got older, he got more bold with the outfits, from short-sleeved shirts that were tight enough to leave little to the imagination, to clothes that had enough holes you could mostly see through them. An especially infamous incident was when he wore tear-away clothing, and ripped it off in front of the gym teacher, which earned him a month’s worth of detention. He hasn’t pulled a stunt like that since, but mainly because he couldn’t talk with anyone in detention, and preferred spending time out and about.

This trend led to another, as Jasper quickly caught the attention of many people for both his outfits and body. When he was in the tenth grade, he was invited to a birthday party where that was explicitly advertised as extreme and unsupervised. While he didn’t even know the girl that sent it, as she went to another school, he agreed to go anyway, as he had nothing big planned for the night it was happening. The party was wild indeed, but Jasper found said wildness uninteresting, and was tempted to leave early. Before he could, he met the birthday girl, Delilah. A beautiful girl with a calm and cool attitude, she caught his attention immediately. After some heavy flirting, the two made out before sleeping with each other, which Jasper found he enjoyed very much come the next morning.

Jasper would go on to attend more parties, and while not every one of them ended with him having sex with someone, enough of them did for him to keep going. He kept up his usual Casanova conduct with during each interaction, stopping when people indicated they weren’t interested in him, and complimenting them for what they were most proud of. He added two other details, one as general knowledge and the other was advice from Delilah; never hit on people that are clearly drunk or high, because that could lead to a whole list of problems, and always make sure someone’s wearing a condom, because whether it was him wearing it or a guy he was hooking up with, it was always for the best.

Speaking of Delilah, the two of them didn’t become an official couple, but stayed good friends, and occasionally they would sleep with each other if they felt like it. They were friends with benefits, and there was nothing wrong with it, as far as they were concerned. Sometimes he’d bring her to a party, other times she brought him, but more often they’d hang out at her house, watching sports, SOTF-TV, or gambling. As it turned out, Delilah was skilled at poker as well, and knew other gambling card games, which she taught him. Jasper quickly found out how much he enjoyed gambling in general, with high risks but also high rewards when it was played right. From blackjack, to rummy, to craps, and even old maid, the two of them regularly gambled with hundreds of dollars, both of them getting the money from their rich parents. Sometimes they’d gamble at parties instead, and they’d both usually go home with more money than before. The two of them were pretty evenly matched whenever they played against each other, but when they worked together they were practically unstoppable.

Time went on, and not much changed. Jasper kept up his usual shtick, flirting with most people, hooking up with people on occasion, and keeping up with his hobbies. He practiced fútbol with friends of Delilah, gambled at parties, kept himself in shape, and swam whenever he could, at beaches or in swimming pools. His life was just fine, as far as he was concerned.

For friends, Jasper mainly hangs out with anyone that wants to be around him. The number of people that wanted to be around him was small, as his large figure intimidated some, and the way he dressed combined with his flirty attitude tended to drive others way on principle. The fact that he maintains his attitude of being a laid back person, not solely interested in sex, does mean that some people can get over his usual attitude, though not everyone. He has made some enemies, mainly those who have tried to be in a relationship with Jasper only to break it off due to his unending flirting, but also those that are jealous of him for his looks. He handles those people simply by making sure to stay away from them, preferring to avoid confrontation, and trying to keep his relaxed attitude when he does have to interact with them, which can help keep the situation from escalating. Some have actually accused him of cheating on various people who have tried to date him, only for Jasper to use the simple loophole of never having said they were a couple. Indeed, he's always avoided using the term, and his relationships with his various partners mainly consisted of first and occasionally second dates, hook ups, and sometimes a combination of the two. While he's upset with people that accuse him of cheating, he never really holds a grudge against them, thinking that it was just a misstep in both their lives to try and be romantic with each other. He has explicitly not changed his behavior after any incidents, as he feels it wouldn't be honest to change himself when everyone already knew what he was like. The only regrets he holds are flirting and trying to be romantic with the wrong people, which either lead to the previously mentioned accusations if they get far enough into a relationship, or having especially bad attempts at flirting, where something just went wrong and things quickly became awkward between him and the other person. Again, he doesn't change, as he prefers being honest about his image.

It's well known by now that he is a fan of SOTF, and while not a super fan, he's still enough of a fan that he'll have conversations with people about previous seasons, sometimes even speculating what the next season will be like. He also actively tries to make friends with some people, mainly those that actively tried to do big, interesting things with their lives. He's intrigued by people that work so hard and make a big name for themselves, finding it cool and admiring their skill. Most notably, he's stricken up a friendship with Akeno Kudo after seeing her training at the dojo where she attends classes. He enjoys watching her at work, enjoying the action of her fighting with years of experience, and it even got to the point that she convinced him to start taking karate classes as well. He liked the idea of being able to fight like an action movie hero, and he thought that it may be generally useful for self-defense even if he wasn't likely to use it that often. These lessons are also public knowledge at Mangrove Garden, and while he knows that he is not the most skilled fighter, he does believe he's got a significant amount of skill despite having only trained for two years, and will occasionally boast about his skills being better than they really are. Meanwhile, while he does find Akeno attractive, he does not actively flirt with her however, as he believes he is simply not her type, and their conversations are more casual. For the majority of his fellow classmates, he'll occasionally wonder why the wanted to come to this school in the first place, but other than that he will think most of them are just fine people.

In the ranking system, Jasper is on the lower side of the rankings. His general conduct alone puts him pretty low, with how often teachers need to tell him to change, and the only saving graces being his grades, which tend to be C’s or B’s as he did not struggle with most classes, merely put little effort towards them, and the outlier A in in Gym Class. Meanwhile, his actual in class conduct also helps things, as he’s respectful enough to not actively disrupt class, and will do as teachers say during class time. Personally, Jasper doesn’t care about the rankings, finding them pointless when compared to actual grades, and combining that with his general dislike of the school in general, and it’s nothing to him. His original dislike of Mangrove Garden ballooned into a larger thing when he actually started attending, occasionally inwardly questioning what was so special about the school that meant he should attend it. It has come the point that his dislike towards Mangrove Garden has also influenced the reason why he doesn’t play any school sports; while he’d love to play any form of fútbol, or even start playing American football for its similarities to rugby, he’s so annoyed at the school, both for the expectations that were set for him and the actual reality of how it was run, that he doesn’t want to help it succeed in their sports.

Jasper is on good terms with most of his family; he loves everyone, and is grateful that they’re all still alive (his grandparents especially), but there are a couple he cares about more, and one that he’s less close with. He’s very close with August, having gained two of his biggest loves because of him, and he’d likely not be himself at all without August’s influence. While he’s not gotten to see her face-to-face as much as he likes, he adores Catalina, and he tries to have a conversation with her once everyday, whether it’s through calling, texting, or video chat. He tries to make up for his physical absence by being there to talk to whenever she needs him. Grandma Talli is the only one Jasper isn’t very close with, as he’s still bitter about her making him stay in America for five years, and with a woman that he wasn’t even related to. He had no actual issues with Catherine, in fact he even liked her; she was nice, drove him places until he got his license, let him stay in her house rent free, and turned a blind eye to partying and his general outlandishness. It didn’t change the fact that he had to move from his nice life, away from his baby sister, and attend this school he’d never heard, all because of a friend’s recommendation, and all against his will. He has skype sessions with his family in Spain at least once a week, and with his American grandparents once every two weeks. While his American grandparents do visit every once in a while, usually every three months or so, most of his family in Spain isn't able to visit him, preferring to be as hands on as possible when running the resort, and even taking their vacations there. He holds no ill will towards them for it, mainly because he acknowledges he would be a hypocrite if he did; if he had been allowed to stay, he would definitely continue staying in Spain for as long as possible, and staying with the hotel at least until he graduated. In fact, the only reason he doesn't go home during summer is because the entire family knows he would fight tooth and nail to stay there, and the resulting scene of trying to drag him to the airport would not be good for business; Jasper himself admits that the idea isn't impossible, and so he's lived in America for five straight years. He hasn’t told any of his family members most of his habits, usually talking about his practice with fútbol and how he was doing alright in school, and talking about other details carefully, talking about Delilah and how many games they play, but not going into more intimate details, or talking about some trouble he got in for the school dress code, but not showing the actual clothes that got him in trouble. He prefers to keep things like that a secret, considering how much trouble they could give him.

After he graduates, Jasper plans on moving back to Spain, living with his family again, and becoming a professional poker player like his father. He plans to do more gambling than that, but he believes the term “professional gambler” doesn’t sound as nice. Additionally, he plans to help run Abuelo Rafael’s resort when he can, wanting it to stay in the family, as well as to give back all the help raising him. He plans to never marry, and become a life long Casanova bachelor.

Advantages: Jasper is one of the stronger competitors of this season, thanks to his regular exercise routine, his fútbol practice, how often he swims, and his training in karate. Said karate experience is likely to help him if he gets in a hand-to-hand fight. His gambling experience may be an interesting factor, with a good poker face having the potential to get him out of some bad situations. His following of SOTF is sure to help him as well, whether it also helps him in a bad situation, or makes a good situation even better.
Disadvantages: When it comes to allies, Jasper is likely to come up short, as most of his close friends either attend a different school or live in a different country, and any friends he does have are more likely to see him as the threat he is, with his knowledge of SOTF and karate being no secret around the school. His reputation has more than likely earned him the ire of some of his classmates, whether it’s jilted ex-lovers or people jealous of him. His big, broad frame may also give him problems, as it makes him a much bigger target for anyone that wants to kill him. Despite what he's learned in karate, he believes he is better at it than he really is, which will likely stir up problems if he comes across anyone who is more experienced in fighting than him.
[+] The Living
Joel Foster is having a reunion while it's time to call the police
Megumi Eto is wishing she could GTFO
[+] The Dead
RJ Blackburn was axed a question in The Jarvis Method
Jasper Suárez-King was silenced in When Betting On High Card Pays Off
Jia Li Qiáo took a tumble off in Rouge Angles of Satin
[+] The Future
Colton "Colt" Smirnov is ready to aim and fire
Roselia Watson is trying to run away from it all
Titania Zabelle is going to show the world her talent
Maud Sparrow Jr. is already painting her own portrait
Aqua Elle is a literal spitfire when you think about it
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Heya, AnimeNerd! Apologies for the wait here! Jasper's looking like a solid start but he is DENIED pending a little bit of tweaking and expansion.

The detail about Jasper's family staying in Spain due to his mother's difficulty with the English language is good. I wonder a bit about the secondary reason, though, since it sounds like his family was well-off enough that his mother didn't even necessarily have to work. Can I get this clarified a bit (did she really want to have a job, for instance? Or was staying involved in the family business important enough to her on a personal level to impact their decision, which is sort of implied later on? Or was it just an excuse and the English thing was really the major deciding factor)?

When Jasper was visiting both sets of grandparents growing up, what did that look like? Did his father's family move to Spain, or fly out frequently? Was he often going to the US to visit?

With a 2003 birthday, Jasper would've lived in the Euro era, with pesetas no longer really in use.

Jasper's sports interests are attributed to his father, but there's not much info given on that side; all the details around them are discussed by their relation to other people. Can I just get maybe a sentence about the circumstances of August introducing him to them?

The timeline on Jasper's first foray into SOTF is a little odd to me; how long did he spend on Season 34? It sounds like he got a good overview of the season, which for such a broad thing would probably take a significant amount of time. Was it maybe over a few meetings? Or was he just camped out watching all day long?

Can we get "the talk" maybe switched to something a bit less colloquial—"wanted to explain puberty and sexuality to him" or something like that?

Was Jasper's family besides his dad aware of the flirting lessons? Did his mother have any thoughts? Did his father launch straight into this, and how did Jasper feel about it all? Was he mature enough to grasp things quickly, or did he struggle with it some?

How did Jasper feel about his bad luck getting past a first date? Did his father have any advice? Did Jasper ever lose friends due to his behavior? Or was this more of a kind of chaste, not-particularly-serious middle school romance/drama that passed largely under the radar?

Why did Jasper's family place such high stock in Mangrove Garden? Also, why did his objections carry such little weight compared to other situations, in which he seems to have generally been taken seriously by his family? What led them to trust his host family so much? Why not have him live with his grandparents?

Why did Jasper pick sexual provocation as his chosen form of rebellion?

This: "When he was in the tenth grade, he was invited to a birthday party where things would get “really fucking crazy,” as the invite said." is a bit too informal for the profile tone; maybe something a bit more like "When he was in the tenth grade, he was invited to a birthday party explicitly billed as extreme and unsupervised."

We don't need the precise sequence of events leading to Jasper's first one-night stand—it's not bad info, but it doesn't quite fit with the more objective tone we shoot for in profiles (and might be better conveyed in a thread in-game, either a recollection where appropriate or a memory thread of its own). This is actually a thing that comes up in a few places, but mostly it can slide for now and be a thing to keep in mind for future profiles—you have a really, really good grasp of Jasper's history and have a bunch of details that pop out, but sometimes a quick and direct summary can make it easier for the reader to get a feel for the character at first glance and elaboration (Jasper's promises to his sister, the moment he out-bluffs his dad, etc.) can land better in story proper. It's not something to worry a ton about right now (the only place I'd like to see slimmed down for sure is the party, which can be fairly clinical and quick—"Jasper didn't gel with the atmosphere of the party at first, but ultimately ended up flirting, making out, and eventually sleeping with the hostess, Delilah, something he felt pretty good about the next day.") but worth keeping an eye on moving forward!

Can I hear a bit more about how Jasper acts in school? Who does he socialize with? Which classes are his best, and which subjects his worst? How does he feel about his classmates (besides his general dissatisfaction with the institution)?

This gets a bit informal again: "Don’t get him wrong, he liked Catherine; she was nice, drove him places until he got his license, let him stay in her house rent free, and let him get away with a lot of stuff, turning a blind eye and calling it “normal teen shenanigans.”" Maybe something more like: "He did like Catherine; she was nice, drove him places until he got his license, let him stay in her house rent free, and turned a blind eye to his partying and acting up."

Can I hear just a bit more about Jasper's swimming in his bio? What about it especially appeals? Is it a constant from his island upbringing that he can stick to even in Miami?

Can I hear a bit more about what would make Jasper seem a threat to his peers at Mangrove Garden somewhere in his bio? Similarly, I'd love to hear a bit more about some of his negative relationships (maybe when adding a bit to how he gets along with his classmates); right now, Jasper feels a bit to the side of the school population, which is good in that that is in fact what his role actually is, but at the same time I want to have just a bit more of a feel for how it manifests during the large chunk of each weekday he has to spend with them.

Post when you've got that taken care of, and we'll give Jasper another look. Thanks! :)
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Post by AnimeNerd »

Alright, I think I updated everything that needed changing!

Also made a change because no, Jasper does not use Australian phrases, that was just a remnant of when I thought he could be Spanish-Australian.
[+] The Living
Joel Foster is having a reunion while it's time to call the police
Megumi Eto is wishing she could GTFO
[+] The Dead
RJ Blackburn was axed a question in The Jarvis Method
Jasper Suárez-King was silenced in When Betting On High Card Pays Off
Jia Li Qiáo took a tumble off in Rouge Angles of Satin
[+] The Future
Colton "Colt" Smirnov is ready to aim and fire
Roselia Watson is trying to run away from it all
Titania Zabelle is going to show the world her talent
Maud Sparrow Jr. is already painting her own portrait
Aqua Elle is a literal spitfire when you think about it
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Hey again! Jasper's looking a lot better, but there are a few little wrinkles that persist.

The amount of money Jasper's dad made in the noted game is incredibly high; was this all take-home money, or was some of it on behalf of others/paid back to people sponsoring him? Was this his career high? Was it a life-changingly significant amount of money, or was it within the realm of notable but not entirely unusual given the wealth of his own parents? Usually that's the sort of giant payoff more associated with cleaning up in a tournament than in everyday games. If it's not a tournament run, we could maybe see it reduced to something smaller but still significant (casually winning 10,000 Euros is still incredibly impressive and would set some families up for half a year).

A few details of the Mangrove Garden move could still use some fleshing out. Tuition for the school wouldn't be due until right before Jasper actually started attending, so there wouldn't be too much money on the table yet (and his family doesn't seem to be at a shortage in that front anyways). Did his parents have some reason to especially want to humor them? Did they think it might be a good opportunity for Jasper (to practice his English, get a feel for the world and foster independence, have an "enriching" experience, etc.)? Might his reservations have been smaller before he actually arrived, and become amplified over his time at school?

Regarding Jasper's flirting while in relationships, has he ever cheated on a partner (or have there ever been misunderstandings regarding whether or not something he did was cheating)? How has he felt about breakups based on his behavior? Does he have any regrets?

Does Jasper visit his American grandparents often? Has he gotten to visit his nuclear family at all since moving (especially given his grandparents' frequent visits early in life, has he been able to go home for the summer, say)?

I'd still like to hear a little more about what might make others think Jasper a threat in-game. Is his SOTF fandom widely known? Does he have a reputation for being selfish (perhaps due to his romantic history and/or feelings about the school)?

Post when you've got that tweaked, and we'll give Jasper another look. Thanks!
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Post by AnimeNerd »

Okay! I think I got everything there! Also, added some details about Jasper knowing some karate, and put in changes that I thought deserved to be there.

[+] The Living
Joel Foster is having a reunion while it's time to call the police
Megumi Eto is wishing she could GTFO
[+] The Dead
RJ Blackburn was axed a question in The Jarvis Method
Jasper Suárez-King was silenced in When Betting On High Card Pays Off
Jia Li Qiáo took a tumble off in Rouge Angles of Satin
[+] The Future
Colton "Colt" Smirnov is ready to aim and fire
Roselia Watson is trying to run away from it all
Titania Zabelle is going to show the world her talent
Maud Sparrow Jr. is already painting her own portrait
Aqua Elle is a literal spitfire when you think about it
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Hey again! Jasper's looking much better! Just a few teeny little details left.

I think Jasper's sexually adventurous nature is pretty well detailed, but I actually would remove "Sex" from his hobbies and interests list, just because having it alongside sports, major hobbies, etc. feels weird.

Paying tuition in advance for the school doesn't quite make sense to me; what would Jasper's family gain from this? Perhaps, instead, they promised a notable donation and it would be embarrassing and seen as going back on their word if they flaked out and didn't send him/give the money?

I've been informed that with mostly Cs and Bs and just the occasional A, Jasper would be on the lower side of the rankings (though not at the bottom) rather than the middle. You could just note that that's the case (which is totally fine and works as-is) or bump him to more Bs with the rare C or A in about equal measure (which would land him closer to the middle and also not require other further changes).

The big paragraph on Jasper's relationships would probably read better if split in two, starting a new paragraph at "It's well known by now that he is a fan of SOTF..."

Post when that's adjusted, and we'll give him another look. Thanks! :)
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Post by AnimeNerd »

Please let this be the last time. Please.
[+] The Living
Joel Foster is having a reunion while it's time to call the police
Megumi Eto is wishing she could GTFO
[+] The Dead
RJ Blackburn was axed a question in The Jarvis Method
Jasper Suárez-King was silenced in When Betting On High Card Pays Off
Jia Li Qiáo took a tumble off in Rouge Angles of Satin
[+] The Future
Colton "Colt" Smirnov is ready to aim and fire
Roselia Watson is trying to run away from it all
Titania Zabelle is going to show the world her talent
Maud Sparrow Jr. is already painting her own portrait
Aqua Elle is a literal spitfire when you think about it
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Post by MurderWeasel »

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