Xander Miles

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Xander Miles


Post by Lilith »

Name: Xander Miles
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
Hobbies and Interests: Soccer (playing and referee), reading fanfictions, cheese club

Appearance: Xander Miles is 6'4" and weighs about 190 pounds. As a trained soccer player, Xander has a lean and toned body from years of playing soccer. His muscles are principally focused on his legs due to running and exercise, but he does also have a strong upper body due to personal training outside of classes.

While he has natural brown hair, he has a fresh buzzcut every week.

His face can be best described as pleasant. He has soft brown eyes and bushy eyebrows. He often has a thin stubble on his chin due to him liking how it looks. He is Caucasian. His skin is tanned from spending his majority of his time outside which is very noticeable during the warmer months. He has thick, full purple lips. His upper lip is smaller, though proportional to his lower lip. 

Xander enjoys dressing in fitting clothes, preferably from sport brands like Nike. He enjoys wearing clothes that reveal his muscles and his body. He does, however, prefer wearing practical articles over more fashionable ones. He prefers wearing the color black.

On the day of the casting, Xander was wearing the soccer uniform from the Mangrove Garden High School. He was wearing the orange and navy-blue varsity jacket which a sport shirt underneath with the label of the Florida panther. Xander was wearing his sport shorts with a pair of black leggings and black Adidas shoes.

Biography: Xander Miles was born to Carol Miles in the town Old Town, Florida. His father’s identity is unknown to both him and Carol. He was conceived during a party where Carol was heavily inebriated. His mother had a vague idea about who could have been the father, but she never seek out him out of a deep shame about what happened. After the first signs of her pregnancy, Carol had to make a choice. Not believing in abortions or in adoption, Carol chose to move back with her parents to raise the child. Xander’s grandparents, John and Marie, helped to raise the child with love and attention while Carol started her training to become a licensed nurse.

Xander was always a very energetic and curious child. He quickly realized that he was different from the other kids due to him not knowing his biological father. After multiple inquiries to his mother, she revealed to him that she also didn’t know the identity of his father. His mom, guilt-ridden, signed him up in a soccer class when he turned five. Her goal was that Xander could develop a male figure in his life other than his grandfather John who passed away quietly a year after they moved in. 

His coach, Mr. Black, quickly became one of the most important figures in his life. Xander was particularly good at soccer, he always strived to get better. From a young age, it was clear that he had a very strong interest in the sport. He was always watching games at home plus he played every week with the local team. As he grew older, Xander changed teams to join a competitive league.

Toward the end of elementary school, Xander was both playing for and outside the school. He started as a defender however he moved to the goalkeeping position. He enjoys that position because he feels very important in the team as the person prevents the other team from winning.

On the academic side, Xander studied as much as a possible to get good grades, but it never was a focus for him. Classes were always easy for him plus he had the support of his mother and grandmother when he needed help. When he started middle school, Xander had a perfect GPA. He was always very confident in his knowledge during exams and he kept his cool demeanour to stay focused on the goal.

Despite having a fulfilled life at school and in sport, Xander had a major problem on the social side. While he was a good leader during sports, he struggled in social situations. He gained the reputation of a gentle giant, never quite imposing himself in situations, but also always finding a way to stay connected with his peers. While it did get better overtime, Xander always kept that quiet nature with him.

When he was 13, he developed his first crush on his coach, Mr. Black, and another male player in his league. Xander was never quite able to process these feelings in a healthy way. Since he was in a very male dominated field where homophobia was rampant, he never felt comfortable to explore or to divulge his feelings to anyone. 

As he started high school and a new plethora of attractive boys started to come into his life, Xander’s attraction became even more repressed. He didn’t want to tell his mom due to her own personal bias or his grandmother due to her own heavy religious upbringing. While his grandmother wasn’t aggressively homophobic, she always made comments about the LGBTQ+ community. Whether it was about same-sex marriage, trans people in general, or just about fictional characters, Gina always had something to say negative about them. His mother was more ignorant toward gay people as she never really had any experience with them. Carol never researched or particularly cared about the community and their struggles, so she never informed herself about it. Because of these reasons, Xander felt deeply isolated from his caretaker. As he was left alone to deal with these feelings, Xander turned toward fanfictions to explore his own perception on the matter.

He originally found the topic of fanfiction from a friend. His friend, Logan, made fun of them in his English class and it made Xander curious on the topic. He seek out fanfictions for himself and he found many stories that deeply connected with him. Many of his favorite fanfictions are based around a character falling in love with the reader. He doesn’t really seek out specific fandoms, but rather looks at what is posted and goes through them. He often reads SOTF-TV fanfictions for multiple reasons. The first one is that the characters are real people, usually actual gay men who had relationships with other men. In a way, Xander feels reassured that people like him can find love despite their tragic lives. The second most important is that a lot of his new crushes are principally coming out of the SOTF-TV franchises. His biggest crushes are Kenny Yamada, Clives Torres, and Malik Ismat. While he thoroughly enjoys the fanfictions based on SOTF-TV, he doesn’t watch the series for the simple reason that he dislikes violence and blood. He does however enjoys the Heart of Life series, especially the first game with his celebrity crush Kenny.

As he explored his feelings through media, his latest crush Emmy Soon, a transgender woman on his soccer team, became more than that. As the goalkeeper, Xander often had the opportunity to often look at his crush and his attraction became more than just physical. As he started being Emmy’s friend, he quickly learned of her relationship Alaska Ferguson. While he originally felt jealous of that connection, Xander still enjoyed being near her presence. Even if he knew that it wasn’t likely that he would ever be in a romantic relationship with her, Xander felt like there was still a slim chance it could happen.

This, however, changed when Emmy came out to the team and promptly left it. Xander’s feelings once again became clustered with a mix of anger, confusion and love, leading to him being even more distressed. Because of her coming out, Xander felt like he had no chance to be with her as of her new gender identity and presentation, but his feelings for her stayed the same. Due to Xander’s caretakers struggling with anything related to the LGBT community and since he was unable to communicate his feelings properly with his friends, his emotions about her were never quite processed. The subject of Emmy is still a very sore topic and he cannot talk about it without becoming irrationally angry, more at himself than at her.

While a lot of his teammates particularly disliked Emmy for letting them down as the team captain or due to their own bigotry, Xander’s dislike for her came from a deeper place than that. Xander still has a deep crush on Emmy, often wondering about her whereabouts, but he is unable to talk to her. Xander’s struggles to talk about his emotions became more and more hard to conceal. He was always a secretive man, but this event took it to another level. He let himself go and he started blowing up at people when Emmy was brought up. When he wasn’t angry about Emmy, he was depressed and morose. He felt very conflicted because at the same time he wanted to tell people about his feelings, but another part of him didn’t want to show weakness to his friends and family. Mixed with the fact he had just recently came to term with his sexuality and now it was already being questioned and tested by this event, only made Xander even moodier.

Xander’s feelings of depression and confusion was noticed by his family, and he quickly came clean about his sexuality. His mother was surprised since he did not fit the stereotypical nature of a gay man. However, she started to become more and more informed on the topic and actually became closer to him because of that. Carol principally used the Internet and forums as a way to connect with the community. His mother is very important to him because of her acceptance of his sexuality. His grandmother was also very accepting despite her initial reservations. Marie was always very conservative, but she did make effort since she loved her grandchild. It did take time to accept, but when she learned that Xander was still planning to have children, she was very happy. Despite the tragic surrounding of his coming out, Xander is very happy how it turned out. Xander did try to bring up the topic of Emmy to his family, but Xander struggled to properly communicate his feelings and it made him more angry than anything else.

Due to Emmy leaving the team, Xander took up the role of the team captain. He wasn’t quite cut-out for the job, however. It took several weeks of training with the team, tips from his coach and peers to be able to work through his quietness. After that, he quickly proved himself and he was able to perform at a much better level than before. However, the team was demoralized because of Emmy’s leaving them so they fought an uphill battle as they tried to go to the championship. In the end, they did not get into it, but Xander was still proud of what they had achieved.

Bummed out after the soccer drama, Xander created the Cheese Club out of a desire to expand his gastronomical ventures and to meet new friends. As the president of the Cheese Club, Xander is charged to bring new cheese at the weekly club meeting. The activities of the group are based around discussion around the food, rating it on their Excel page. Currently, their list has 43 entries. The club has gained traction in the latest year, their attendance peaking at 12 members. Usually after their weekly degustation, the group discuss various school affairs such as drama and near events like dances. The club is open to everyone, but they need to hand in a letter to Xander that develops on their love for cheese.

As he continued his schooling at the Mangrove Garden High School, Xander continued to be popular with his peers. He was still recognized as a gentle giant, quickly gaining friends and managing to become popular within his circle. He started a better school routine to study after his classes so that he would keep his perfect GPA. Despite his early hardships in his sophomore year, Xander’s high school life was going very well.

Recently, Xander has taken up being a referee in a junior league. Xander had mentioned to his coach about his interest into trying it because of his love for the sport. Even if he started recently, he profoundly enjoys the experiences because he is able to participate in a sport he loves while helping others to enjoy it. While he sometimes has to deal with angry parents, Xander still manages to keep a positive energy in his work. He is interested in continuing to be a referee at an advanced level.

Xander is currently waiting back for answers from universities for his scholarship application to their soccer program. He is very confident that he will be called back due to his very good GPA and plus of his years as a team captain. He also plans on studying Health and Physical Education then continue to get a master’s degree to become a Physical Education Teacher.

Advantages: He is a fit and strong individual. His body is used to long distance running. Xander is also capable of taking leadership of groups and he is capable to be a leader and help others to succeed in their goals.
Disadvantages: Despite working on it for a long time, Xander struggles to communicate his feelings. Alongside the fact that he is a very quiet and secretive man, this might lead to problems with making allies.
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Post by Namira »

Hi Lore, Xander is looking okay but is temporarily denied pending some revisions.

I'd like at least one additional interest (and biographical information to discuss it). Two would be preferable.

"He has natural brown hair, which he shaves regularly."
- do you mean he has a buzz cut?

"due to personal training outside of classes."
- Missing a word here.

" though proportional to his lower lip."
- Missing word.

It's a bit of a delicate subject, but why doesn't Xander's mother know who his dad is?

He's mentioned to have struggled in social situations, but then seems fine later on, becomes a team captain, and indeed has his social skills and leadership qualities as an advantage. How did he manage to turn this around and grow his confidence?

"who stops the other team to win." -> "stops the other team from winning" or "prevents the other team from winning."

"didn’t want to tell his mom due to her own personal bias or his grandmother due to her own heavy religious upbringing."
- I'd like you to explore this a bit more. How did he run across these attitudes from his mother and grandmother? Little is stated and I'd like to know both the contexts and the extent of the bias. Are they outwardly homophobic? Just microaggressive? I'm curious because subsequently they reacted very well to his coming out and sort to educate themselves and the picture of where this journey started isn't very clear.

Can I get a bit more about his difficulty reconciling his feelings for a woman with his sexuality? (or his perception of his sexuality, at least)

I'd like to know more about his dependence on others. He has developed friends but the dependence doesn't really come up as a biographical descriptor. His stubborness doesn't come up all that much either and we don't see much where he has been angry or disagreeing with people other than being upset with Emmy.

Let me know when you've made some edits and I'll take another look.
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Post by Lilith »

i tried
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Post by Namira »

You succeeded

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