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Eugene Pesci

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 12:26 am
by ItzToxie
Name: Eugene Pesci
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
Hobbies and Interests: Videogames, tabletop games, military, internet trolling, working out.

Appearance: Eugene stands at 5'8 weighing only 137 pounds. Despite his weight, Eugene looks heavier due to loose skin around his torso, a side effect of rapid weight loss. He has an oval shaped face, with a high forehead, protruding cheekbones and a wider jawline, with a squared off chin. His brown hair is styled into a messy high fade, combed towards the right side of his head, the bangs laying halfway along mid-forehead. He has dark blue eyes, with hooded almond shaped eyelids. His eyelids are asymmetrically shaped, with his left eye appearing larger than his right eye, not helped by his right eye being a lazy eye. It's even more pronounced as his right eyelids tend to squint harder than his left's when focusing or reading. His eyebrows are arched, rounded, and slightly on the bushy side. He's got a small upturned button nose. He's got thin bow shaped lips. He speaks with a thicker northern Florida accent and frequently stutters.

Recently, Eugene has taken greater care in his appearance, wearing newer clothes and making an effort to look presentable. On casting day, he wore a blue hoodie with a black trim and white graffiti pattern prints along the chest with the sleeves rolled up. Underneath the jacket he wore a white t-shirt and a black pair of jeans with a leather belt. He wore white Jordan’s with a blue and silver trim over black socks, and a black digital wrist watch.

Biography: Eugene was born in a Tampa hospital on October 11, 2003 to Dolly and Elwood Pesci. Dolly was a local school bus driver to the Tampa area and Elwood worked as a cross country truck driver. Elwood and Dolly were an older couple, both around their mid-fourties when Eugene was born, and both were from low income families and saved every little bit they could. They agreed with eachother to give Eugene the childhood they missed out on and do what they thought was best for their son.

Growing up, Eugene was taught at an early age that family was important and to always respect his elders. He was brought up and raised to be quiet and polite, and to hold his tongue if he had nothing productive to say. Eugene was also smart as a child, learning very quickly how to walk, how to speak, to tie his shoes, etcetera. Going into primary school, he made his parents rather proud.

Eugene was rather smart in the earlier part of growing up. He learned quickly and got excellent grades. He was amicable with his peers, though a few of the other kids thought him strange. That number would only increase as Eugene got older.

As Eugene got into the later years of elementary school, and the early years of middle school, issues started forming. Eugene wasn’t learning as fast as he did anymore, and his grades began to falter. Not only that, but he began to have more issues with other students, due to him maturing mentally slower than they were. Eugene got into altercations over it, and as a result got in trouble with his parents as well, who told him to do his best to ignore it. Through a mixture of his parents coddling him and an increase in bullying, Eugene became antisocial and spent the majority of his time away from school at home.

At home, Eugene spent all of his time playing video games online. One thing he quickly picked up on was the lack of real world consequences when Eugene retaliated. When someone would insult him, he would teamkill them, and their anger would increase. Eugene thought that was incredibly funny, and continued it more often. As a result of playing online with adults, Eugene grew up mentally, or at the very least spoke like he did.

Obviously that didn’t help Eugene’s social habits, and it just got him into even more trouble at school. Eugene’s parents weren’t happy to hear about the type of foul language he was using. His parents took to grounding him from the internet for acting up, and would do it every time he would get in trouble from that point on.

While that did improve Eugene’s behavioral pattern, it didn’t improve his quality of life at school. Bullying continued, and contrary to popular belief, ignoring it wouldn’t make it go away. Eugene became even more of a recluse as a result of this.

After a while, Eugene got into internet role playing games, like SS13 or Gmod Serious Rp. While he started out by trolling random servers, he’d gotten invested in others before he could finish griefing. Eventually joke characters became serious parts of the storyline, and Eugene found himself playing unironically. The fictional storylines he became involved with were more fun to be around than real life, so he spent even less time away from his computer, growing distant with even his own parents.

Around the time he began playing seriously, he’d found other likeminded individuals and they quickly formed a group. While they would play seriously for the most part, they frequently took antagonistic roles on the servers. People didn’t like them joining as they were often successful in their attempts, especially with Eugene leading the groups. Occasionally admins would get involved, and more corrupt ones would personally intervene through thinly veiled Deus Ex Machina scenarios. At times like these, Eugene would do what he does best, and lead his team into server wide griefing and mingebaggery. This usually resulted in him and his friends getting banned, followed by them rejoining on alts and continuing their harassment until the server’s derailed and people leave disinterested. At that point, the servers didn’t matter to Eugene, if he was playing seriously or if he was taking the piss, he was playing with actual friends and that was good enough for him. They’d eventually branch out from RP servers and group play other games, performing well cooperatively and indulging in the occasional competitive game griefing.

Even if Eugene was able to find friends online, all that time on the computer wasn’t healthy. A bad diet and a sedimentary lifestyle caused Eugene to grow overweight. This only added more material for bullies to use against Eugene, and caused his family to worry more about his wellbeing. They tried to get Eugene more active, but Eugene just didn’t care. At school as Eugene got fatter, the tormenting got worse. This instilled a cycle of events that continued to spiral on and negatively affect Eugene’s physical and mental health.

Eugene felt trapped. Even if he could escape at home for a little while, his issues would be waiting back at school for him. If he told the teachers, he’d be bullied harder for being a snitch, if he fought back, then he’d be in trouble as well due to the school system’s flawed and useless ‘No Tolerance Policy’. Eugene desperately needed something done, but anything he could do would just send him into trouble with his parents. As seventh grade was coming to a close, he tried to ride it out as much as he could.

Of course with the harassment that was becoming almost impossible. Each day he had to deal with the same thing over and over again. Eugene kept his mouth shut and let it happen, experiencing week after week of Groundhog Day. One time on the bus ride home, it got physical, and though Eugene did the bare minimum to defend himself, it was just enough to get him in trouble. Once Eugene got home, his parents had already heard the news. At that point, Eugene had made up his mind. If he was going to get into trouble for the bare minimum, than he was going all the way next time.

After his in-school suspension ended, Eugene got on the school bus like any other day. He dealt with the bullying like any other day. He got off the wrong stop unlike any other day. Eugene got off on the stop just after his target, one of his main bullies, and followed him. When he was confronted Eugene beat him with a text book and broke his nose. He threatened to kill him the next day at school if he told anyone. Shortly after, he fled the scene to run home.

Getting home over an hour late, Eugene’s parents questioned him. Eugene came clean almost instantly. His parents were furious and warned Eugene that there could be very real consequences for what he did. Eugene didn’t care. He snapped back, and told them that if something happened to him that no one would care, and that he didn’t care if he did get in trouble, he would do it again.

At this point Eugene’s parents realized the extent of the damage done to his mental state and knew something had to change. They warned Eugene that if anything came from this, there was only so much they could do, but if he doesn’t get caught, they would move and never mention it again. Eugene was fine with that.

The remaining month of school was quiet for Eugene. Nobody really spoke to or bothered him. There was tension in the air because of that, and it had Eugene worried that incident might come back to bite him. Surprisingly, the year ended, and nothing came of it. Eugene only felt relief once he left Tampa for Miami.

Even at a new school Eugene had trouble socializing. While he made more of an effort to talk with people, he had trouble making connections due to spending so long in isolation.

Eugene’s parents tried everything to get Eugene to open up to people, from sports, to school clubs, but not much was working. Eventually, he found a DnD club and got interested in that. After a few sessions at the local gaming store, Eugene browsed around and watched other players playing matches of 40k and the like. Eugene was drawn to the large scale battles shrunken down into minimal form, but moreso impressed with the smaller scale skirmish warfare, something that kicked into his love for squad based gun battles.

Eugene got into the 40k scene pretty quickly, and excelled at kill team. His parents were happy he found a hobby that could get him involved with people along with keeping him occupied. If he wasn’t playing, he was painting and building with others.

Through gaming, Eugene got interested in the actual military, and how actual war time operations are done. The more Eugene looked into it, the more he wanted to get involved with it. His parents humored him, but they didn’t expect him to follow through. They thought it was just a phase.

Once Eugene was reaching high school, his parents paid the tuition to enroll him into Mangrove Garden, with the hopes that he wouldn’t be bullied as he was in Tampa. They had also hoped he would excel in that environment so he could go to college once he was done. Eugene had other plans.

Eugene wanted the military life style. He didn’t care about school or college. He was just there to pass his tests and get out. He spent his off time at the local recruiting centers, asking for which options were open. He came to the Army, Navy, and National Guard branches, but none called him back. Eventually, during junior year. Eugene did get a phone call from a recruiter that wanted to talk with him. It wasn’t any of the previous branches that Eugene contacted, but it was the Marine Corps. Eugene went to see him later that day. The next day, he did his first pt with them. He didn’t make a single mile in the run without falling out.

Surprisingly his recruiter didn’t give up on him. He told Eugene that he’d get better with time and to keep working at it. This was the first time anyone had ever put faith into Eugene, so he did. Every day he would come and do the work outs. After school, on weekends, sometimes he would even skip school in the mornings to do two a day.

When his parents found this out, they were furious. They thought he was squandering every chance they were setting up for him, and they didn’t think he had what it takes. He didn’t listen. Even when they doubted him, his recruiter pushed him forward. Eventually Eugene was pushing himself.

By the end of summer break, Eugene dropped from 210 lbs to 140. Eugene’s family came to realize he was serious about his endeavor. They begrudgingly began to support him more, worried for what he was in for, but wanting the best for him. Eugene wasn’t skipping class as much, and put more effort into school work, just enough that he would be comfortably passing, though he still slacked off in class. He continued going to the recruiting office for pt, and to prepare to enlist after his school year was over.

As of now Eugene continues the routine of going to school first, then straight to the recruiting office to pt. Depending on the day, he would alternate between either building his miniatures collection and painting them, or going online to play with his old crew. Their most recent trolling endeavor involves stream sniping, and utilizing the phrase “Crush a can for Erin Crawford.” Those who do not crush a can get griefed.

Advantages: Eugene shows promising self discipline when it comes to things he cares about, and tends to look at adverse scenarios with a stoic demeanor. He’s also known to take initiative in situations regarding leadership and group efforts, and is a capable team player.
Disadvantages: Eugene isn’t well liked by many of his peers due to his toxic personality however, and that could cause difficulty in group decisions that may lead to bumping heads. When it comes to decision making, Eugene frequently sticks to his first choice, not even thinking about a backup plan or other options until it’s too late to change. He also has a complexity addiction, and tends to overthink situations or think too far ahead of the present.

Re: Eugene Pesci

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2020 10:44 pm
by Latin For Dragula
Heya Toxie, Eugene's off to a good start but DENIED on this pass pending some expansion. Let's get into it!

"Military" is a broad interest that could use some fine tuning; from the profile it seems his interest is primarily in the U.S. Military, and by the end this is honed further to the Marines. I would like to see this interest named to reflect that, or if you feel he has a more general interest in military history, theory, etc. to have it renamed and expanded on in the profile appropriately.
Despite his weight, Eugene looks heavier due to loose skin around his torso, a side effect of rapid weight loss.
I have some concerns about this description. From what I'm reading you don't see a significant amount of loose skin unless you lose over 100 pounds. Eugene's profile indicates he loses 70 pounds, and he has several advantages to avoid loose skin due to weight loss. He's young, male, has no notable damage to his skin, does not smoke, has not been overweight for relatively long, and assuming he's doing military work outs would be engaging in strength training. Some loose skin is understandable, but enough to make him look noticeably heavier while clothed doesn't seem feasible. I'd like to see this element toned down or cut pending some concerns with his weight loss further on down.

What is Eugene's ethnicity?

As a general note for the bio there are a lot of isolated sentences I would like to see these condensed into paragraphs so it's easier to tell when we're switching subjects.

How often was Elwood at home? Cross country truck drivers can be absent anywhere from days to weeks at a time, and since his parents respond to his behavior often throughout the bio I'd like a better sense of what those interactions look like.
Eugene was rather smart in the earlier part of growing up. He learned quickly and got excellent grades. He was amicable with his peers, though a few of the other kids thought him strange. That number would only increase as Eugene got older.
The first part of this sentence is redundant, as you already described his intelligence in the last sentence. Why did other kids think of him as strange? At this age the three adjectives you've used for him are polite, quiet, and smart and he's had no issues with other children before now. The same issue comes up when you describe him as "maturing mentally slower" than other students down the line. What does this mean? Does Eugene have social or learning disabilities? Even if he doesn't, do his parents or teachers consider the possibility?
Eugene got into altercations over it, and as a result got in trouble with his parents as well, who told him to do his best to ignore it. Through a mixture of his parents coddling him and an increase in bullying, Eugene became antisocial and spent the majority of his time away from school at home.
The "it" in this first sentence is unclear and part of the need for clarity on Eugene's "mental maturity." Is he starting these fights? Is he being bullied/perceiving bullying and lashing out in response? What does the school he's in at the time have to say about this? You say that Eugene is coddled by his parents but also constantly getting into trouble with them over his behavior at school. Chastising him to ignore the bad behavior of others does not sound like coddling to me, so one of those two elements has to go.

Was Eugene spending the majority of his time away from school somewhere else prior to the bullying?
Eugene grew up mentally, or at the very least spoke like he did.
This is a cute joke but too informal for profile tone. If Eugene actually matured as a person due to his experiences online, detail how. If he only picked up profane vocabulary his parents did not approve of, I'd like to hear a little more about how his online relationships encouraged his immaturity and strained his in person interactions. Did he ever get in trouble at school for the way he spoke? What kind of language is he using? Online gaming communities often go beyond common profanity into slurs; did Eugene embrace those as well? If he did, were there consequences with his parents, and if he didn't why did he draw that line?

Why did grounding improve Eugene's behavioral pattern? What did he do while he didn't have access to his online communities? At this point in his life that's the only thing he has going for him, so isolating him from them seems like it would have very negative effects on his mood and behavior unless he had other interests to fill the void.
A bad diet and a sedimentary lifestyle
Sedimentary should be sedentary. When did Eugene become overweight? From the way the timeline is described it sounds like his issue start in middle school or even high school. Were his parents ever concerned about his weight before now?

Before we get into the rest of Eugene's weight issues, we need to talk about his fights. To summarize what you've put down he went to a school with a harsh enough no tolerance policy that he was suspended from school for doing the bare minimum to protect himself; what constitutes as the bare minimum in this instance? Then when he returns to school he stalks a bully between bus stops, breaks his nose, and threatens his life. No one witnesses this, the bully does not retaliate, and the incident is not reported. Despite this all his other bullies decide to leave him alone. This all occurs when he's about 13 and his bully is at most 14 since you mention he has a year of middle school left before the move. While it is theoretically possible for events to play out this way, it stretches the bounds of realism past what I'm comfortable approving. At the very least the school is going to question him about the incident;from the way you describe it it occurs shortly after he returns from a violence based suspension and victimizes one of his most well known bullies, and given how quickly Eugene cracks to his parents it seems unlikely he would fare better when confronted by school staff. If you want the violence of this incident to stand he needs to get caught, and there need to be severe consequences; expulsion is a hell of a good reason for the move that comes immediately after this. I also want more long term implications for Eugene's personality. As is he stalks, maims, and threatens someone at the age of 13, then has no further struggles with violent impulses for the rest of his life. That kind of behavior doesn't vanish on its own. If you don't want to go that far, then I would suggest cutting this incident entirely and hanging his parents' wake-up call on the suspension alone.

Eugene's parents are worried about his mental state after these incidents, but you don't mention them doing anything but hoping he doesn't get caught. Did they consider therapy? Did they punish him at all for what he did?
Even at a new school Eugene had trouble socializing. While he made more of an effort to talk with people, he had trouble making connections due to spending so long in isolation.

Eugene’s parents tried everything to get Eugene to open up to people, from sports, to school clubs, but not much was working. Eventually, he found a DnD club and got interested in that. After a few sessions at the local gaming store, Eugene browsed around and watched other players playing matches of 40k and the like. Eugene was drawn to the large scale battles shrunken down into minimal form, but moreso impressed with the smaller scale skirmish warfare, something that kicked into his love for squad based gun battles.
The timeline is unclear here. Does all of this occur in Eugene's last year of middle school in Miami? Did he have any interest in roleplaying or war games before now? With how much time Eugene spends online in nerd culture spaces, did he have any exposure to the likes of DnD or 40k before he started playing?

The first time you use the PT shorthand for physical training it should be spelled out as such, then note the shorthand. The meaning is not clear to those inexperienced with Marine Corps terminology.

Let's talk about Eugene's weight loss. My main concern here is time period. It sounds like Eugene was contacted the fall of Junior year and begins working out around that same time. How many months is Eugene's weight loss spread over? In his appearance you describe his weight loss as rapid, but it seems he has been at it for about a year by the time his parents start taking him seriously. Even accounting for muscle mass a net loss of 70 lbs. is not so dramatic in that period, is his weight loss period meant to be shorter than this? I'm also curious about how Eugene's diet changed during this period, as his parents are not supporting his goals and he does not work a job. Is he making any major changes to the way he eats, and if so how his financing them?

Eugene's lack of job brings up a couple other issues. War game miniatures are expensive, so how does Eugene fund this hobby? How often was Eugene cutting class to go work out, and where was he doing these workouts? Does he have a gym membership? Does he have a car? Did his parents buy it for him, and if so do they restrict how he uses it based on behavior similar to his internet access?

How does Eugene feel about SotF? The only mention of it in his profile is to past contestant Erin Crawford, which implies a certain level of knowledge. I would like more detail about his consumption of/feelings towards TV.

How does Eugene perform academically these days? Back in middle school he was already struggling, and the only mention we get of him in high school is that he's more focused on recruitment than doing well. For someone who was already falling behind when school had his full attention, it seems like his goal of passing tests and escaping would be an even greater challenge once he has so many other responsibilities to occupy his attention. I'd also like to know more about Eugene's high school social experience. Was he still being bullied prior to his weight loss? Has he had any luck finding others who share his interests like he did in middle school, and has that improved his social disposition at all? His disadvantages mention that he is well known as a toxic personality, but right now there is no mention of interaction with other students at all since so much of his time goes to PT. Where does this toxic reputation come from?

Eugene's second advantage is questionable. He struggles to interact with others his age for his entire profile and fails at every team activity he attempts other than D&D. His first advantage further contradicts this by saying he is well known as a toxic personality who will cause difficulty in group decisions, which is the opposite of a team player. I'm also unsure what leadership initiative he has taken outside of online spaces and whether that would translate in person since he still appears socially withdrawn. His physical conditioning is also an advantage worth noting.

I covered my issues with Eugene's first disadvantage above, but his second and third are in conflict. If Eugene frequently sticks to his first choice without considering any others, how does he end up overthinking too far from the present? I'd like you to pick one or the other and make sure it is well represented within his bio. His tendency to deliberately antagonize others is also a disadvantage worth noting.

That's what I've got on Eugene this pass. Post when you've made the edits and I'll give him another look!

Re: Eugene Pesci

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 12:09 am
by Latin For Dragula
Moved to Forfeited/Abandoned on request.

This character is eligible for resubmission upon the edits requested by staff.