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Is this Loss?

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 12:58 am
by CondorTalon
((Cassandra Argent continued from what if I... put my Wharf... next to yours .. aha ha, just kidding.. unless..?))

There once was a girl named Cassandra, who was forcefully taken from her home and placed into an impossible scenario. Told to kill her classmates or be killed, the girl quickly broke down mentally. She faced harrowing situation after harrowing situation, each one doing a number on her mind. And yet, somehow, she survived through the majority of it. Oh, sure, she had to do things no girl should be forced to do, but she survived. She had no choice.

As the girl's time in the scenario grew, so did her paranoia. Everyone was out to get her, she thought. There had been... an accident, for lack of a better term. And the girl thought, surely, everyone would want her to pay. She wouldn't let them. She wouldn't let them...

There was a rock.

As the girl moved around, down to the final stretch, she saw the rock. It jutted out from the water, close enough, she assumed, that it would still be within bounds. Far enough, though, she thought, that no one else would try and get to it.

It was the perfect place to hide.

It was a bit of a swim, of course, but it'd be no problem for her. She was, after all, a great swimmer. She was tired, and it would take a lot of her energy, but once she was there she could conserve. So she went for it.

The girl swam, kicking her legs, moving her arms, moving back into the steady rhythm that she'd relied on for so long. The water stung in her wounds, and it was frighteningly cold. But she continued to swim. She continued to swim until eventually her hands touched rock.

There. She'd made it.

And she was just... so tired.

And cold.

But she'd made it.

Now she could... now she could...

She was finding it hard to really think. The girl slowly, carefully, maneuvered around the edge, until the rest of the arena retreated behind the cover of the rock.

Then she sat down. Here, she was safe. Here, no one would try to look for her.

Her teeth chattered, and she pulled her legs in, wrapping her arms around her form. She shivered, rubbing her hands against her arms.

She could hide out here.

The girl closed her eyes. She was just going to rest for a bit.

F15, Cassandra Argent: DECEASED