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Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:54 am
by KamiKaze
It was a typical, reasonably chilly Saturday afternoon in Bellington.

Puddles and mud dotted the roads from a bout of rain from the day before. Even then, the sound of construction still occasionally permeated the air, as there were historical buildings and just plain buildings that needed repair. Despite thick clouds promising more rain, there were still people out and about, some going about their business in their own way. Maybe because while there were still those rain clouds, it had cleared up a bit, and the sun was peeking out.

And, things were much the same on a quiet road lined with houses. A few people clutching umbrellas in preparation, a few stepping outside before tea, a few smokers.

And a small Scottie, bounding across the road.

Her nails clicked along the asphalt as she trotted along, her tongue lolling and the black fur on her paws already getting slick with mud. She dragged along a leash attached to a pink plaid-patterned harness she was wearing.

It was a squirrel and a moment of freedom. But, the squirrel had managed to run to safety, scurrying to the treetops. The Scottie stopped, and instead directed her attention towards one of the people out and about. Something about them seemed... intriguing.

She barked and wagged her tail.

And further up the road, if you could listen closely, you could hear a teenage girl call out “Pippi!”