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Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 5:05 am
by The Honeless Beard
((Trace Carver, start))

Trace would watch her as she ran.

It wasn't - not like that. He didn't have one of those - a 'thing', or whatever - he just liked to see the way her body moved.

Okay, jesus, not like that either. It wasn't - it's not like, look, he didn't get what he wanted, alright? And he was fine with that - changing directions suddenly can be a good thing. That's what you do in dogfights - change suddenly, keep yourself unpredictable. But his change was all mental, like - hey, he couldn't see certain colours and thought they were other colours, and that meant he was a liability in the air. That's fine.

He's fine with that.

But other people - he liked to see them move, their bodies - how they used their gifts. And Dakota ran with this weird, like, ferocity.

She ran like she was running from something.

Whatever. You can take whatever you want from it.

Trace would watch her as she ran.