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Beauty is only skin deep

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:53 pm
by Vinny McQ*
Johnny lay inside the dilapidated shack in a dream like state, trying to determine fantasy from reality. Neither was satisfactory because they were both equally horrifying. He remembered fear, and confusion. His mouth was dry and he felt hot all over. I heard someone die. Actually, physically die. This can’t be a dream. Why would I ever dream up something so... so? Why would anybody do this?

Johnny took a deep breathe and opened his eyes. A rotten wooden roof cracked and broken greeted him. Between the broken planks he saw blue skies and heard the soft crash of gentle waves from the sea. For a moment Johnny forgot where he was, what had happened and what was still to happen. His fear washed away and he sighed, calmed by the sound of the sea. Johnny had always wanted to be by the sea. Out of the city and into the big wide world.

Unfortunately Johnny chose that moment to roll over and felt an uncomfortable lump digging into his back. A large but plain rucksack lay next to him. The lump of whatever it was told him that it wasn’t empty. They’ve given me something. What? Remember. What did the man say? Johnny undid the bag and tipped the contents onto the floor. Johnny saw the map and compass and heard the dull thuds of the knife and gun hitting the floor but they were just small distractions. What caught his eye was a small slip of paper. Possibly the most frightening slip of paper ever seen. A small slip of paper with the words ‘Transparent skin’ written on it.

Johnny dropped the paper and looked down. His heart raced and he could feel fear in his stomach, a writhing and twisting knot of fear. He was wearing a black and grey wetsuit, uncomfortably snug. Not one inch of skin was exposed. Sitting up Johnny looked frantically around the shack for a mirror, but there was no mirror in sight. The shack itself had nothing of note he could see bar a dirty mattress in the corner and a few crumbling pieces of furniture. Johnny stood up and lurched over to the door, roughly pushing it open and stepping outside.

Johnny squinted and held a hand up against the harsh light that hit his eyes. He stepped forward and felt the soft sand beneath his feet shift. He was on a small sand bank, separated from a large island by a small stretch of water, a brilliant blue that reflected the sunlight and gave off a sparkling sheen. Heart still pounding in his chest Johnny ran over to the water, splashing into it heavily. He stood impatiently as the water rippled around his knees, his reflection not visible. Breathing heavily he waited as the water became still and he could make out a picture in the water. He was wearing a mask.

Johnny groaned in frustration has he pulled and tore at the mask, reaching up to his neck and hooking the material with his thumbs. Leaning forwards he pulled the mask from his face and let it fall into the water.

My skin- oh god, what IS that?!

Re: Beauty is only skin deep

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:34 pm
by Namira
Feels like I done got kicked in the head again...

Billy-Jay Clarke had been awake for a little while, but the dull throb behind his eyes hadn't shown any signs of subsiding, nor this strange and foreign environment disintergrating like dreams rightfully should. But even for somebody who wasn't captain brains, he knew that was just wishful thinking. Dreams were fuzzy around the edges and indistinct, this felt too real not to be. He hadn't seen anyone else, which he didn't know whether to be relieved or worried about. Just because he personally didn't want to kill anybody didn't mean that NOBODY did.

Billy sighed and looked down at the pistol he had tucked into the waistband of his trousers. He had figured that at least having it visible would discourage anybody from thinking he was easy-pickings, but he couldn't say if he would be able to bring himself to actually use it if it's threat didn't ward others off. After all, everybody had one of these puppies. Plus some sort of weird mutation type thingy.

Ain't never heard of what that'un might mean. Ock-you-lar lum-in-ess-ance. Ain't as if anything feels different neither. Maybe it ain't nothing I can see...

"Sure fine mess you got yourself into now Billy-boy," he murmured to himself as he looked up and down the shore. Separated from the beach by some shallow-looking water, there was a spit of land, on which he could spy a little shack. It was the first shelter he'd seen since awakening. Shrugging his shoulders, he determined to make it across there. Removing his sneakers and socks and tying the laces together, he slung them over the back of his neck before rolling up his tracksuit bottoms. They'd likely still get a little wet, but at least they wouldn't be soaked.

Then he started to wade.

He was most of the way across when somebody wearing a wetsuit and a mask emerged from the shack. Billy stopped dead, but they didn't appear to notice him, instead running over to the water and splashing into it. They looked pretty antsy, but Billy-Jay couldn't tell why from this distance.

Now maybe this ain't such a good idea... but I've got to least try make nice. It ain't Christian not to love thy neighbour an' all.

Billy stepped up onto the beach and hesitated only a moment before calling over to the wetsuited figure.

"Hey ya'll! Don't be getting mad, I ain't gonna hurt no-one. Name's Billy. Billy-Jay."

Re: Beauty is only skin deep

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 6:48 pm
by Vinny McQ*
"Hey ya'll! Don't be getting mad, I ain't gonna hurt no-one. Name's Billy. Billy-Jay."

A normal reaction to this would have hello. A smart reaction might have been to high tail it back to the shack where his gun and knife were. Johnny’s reaction was neither of these, because he was currently going through a personal crisis. What am I? Thought Johnny. After seeing what used to be his face staring back at him from the surface of the water Johnny was on the verge of screaming. If someone else saw what he was, someone who was just as scared as he was and perhaps a little better served by their injections then he was surely going to die. Johnny knew this because it was exactly what he would do. It would be instinctive.

And anyone who saw him wouldn’t see someone in the same situation as them. Not a boy who was away of home for the first and most likely last time of his life, scared and alone. They would see a monster, some malformed nightmare. And we get to go home if we win. What the hell would I do at home, looking like this? Johnny’s breath hitched and his vision blurred as his eyes began to fill with tears. Turning away from the voice Johnny covered his face with one arm while searching for the mask with the other. What if it’s been washed away! No, there it is. Johnny pulled the soaked material over his face and stood up. Then he slowly turned to face the speaker.

Oh fuck this guy’s built like a brick shit house

Compared to him the guy was huge and he could see his gun tucked into his waistband. If he was coming for a fight he would have had it out. And he wouldn’t have said anything. I wouldn’t anyhow. Johnny decided he had nothing to lose by talking to him. He’d hate to go out without a word.

‘Billy huh? I’m Johnny. Nice to meet you I guess. At least there’s one friendly face out here.’ He smiled weakly, thankful that his mask kept most of his face covered. What he was wouldn’t be seen now till he chose to show it. And that will be never.

The million dollar question came to Johnny. Do I want to kill? He could honestly say he didn’t. But do I want to live? Johnny didn’t have an answer for that yet.

Re: Beauty is only skin deep

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:34 pm
by Namira
Now ain't that odd?

Although pleased that the guy in the wetsuit (Johnny, he'd said his name was Johnny) hadn't reacted violently, Billy-Jay found himself somewhat perplexed by the other teen. He himself was still wearing his own clothes - school football jersey and all the rest, and something told him that this Johnny didn't go around town wearing a full body swimsuit and mask. Perhaps it was something to do with the so-called 'gifts' the dude in the kooky outfit had supposedly given them all. Whatever it was, Billy didn't know if he much liked the idea of finding out.

All the same... he really had to ask, didn't he?

Not right away though. That struck him as impolite. "Aw I'm sure anyone else would be the same, right enough," Billy-Jay nodded, unaware of how naive he sounded. "We're all in the same boat and there ain't nobody who really wants to kill. Well, I sure hope so..." Billy's countenance, momentarily sombre, brightened into a smile abruptly. "Things'll come together in the end, wait and see."

Billy-Jay looked at his feet for a second, then plucked up the courage to ask his question. "So uh, that funky wetsuit of yours... that anything to do with the whole 'powers' dohicky? I'd tell you what mine is, but I ain't got no idea what it's supposed to mean."

Re: Beauty is only skin deep

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:48 pm
by Vinny McQ*
As soon as words began coming out of Billy-Jay’s mouth Johnny felt at ease, and he felt a tenseness that he had previously not noticed leave him as he visibly relaxed. If he’d read the optimism correctly then Billy was no danger to him, or anyone for that matter. I hope he’s right. I’d give anything for him to be right, things’ll come together? I hope so. I really do. Johnny saw Billy look down and took a breath. He knew what was coming, it had to come eventually. It was perfectly natural and Johnny knew he would ask the question himself.

"So uh, that funky wetsuit of yours... that anything to do with the whole 'powers' doohickey? I'd tell you what mine is, but I ain't got no idea what it's supposed to mean."

Johnny wasn’t sure that he was willing to explain the nature of what he was to this guy, a nice enough looking guy by all accounts but a total stranger. Johnny had no way of telling how he’d react and that was a chance he didn’t want to take. But what would I tell him otherwise? Lie? Say it’s some kind of stupid thing like sensitive skin? Can’t go out in the sun? Count Marshula of Little Transylvania? Is it weird that I kinda like that? Johnny wrestled with the problem for a moment before deciding on a compromise of sorts. He wouldn’t lie about his power, but he could omit certain points until he was ready.

‘It’s uh, kinda complicated. I don’t really understand the details but they’ve done something to me. Changed me. It could be dangerous who knows? Think Rogue from the X-Men.’

Well I guess I did lie a bit then. But if it saves me from showing off what’s really going on then I guess it was worth it. Besides it might stand me in good stead to have an extra threat I can call on. Or it could be the biggest mistake of my life. It was too late for regrets, he'd committed himself now and there was no going back.

Re: Beauty is only skin deep

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:29 am
by Namira
Billy-Jay listened attentively with a sympathetic ear as Johnny answered his question. That sounded pretty bad right enough. He didn't have any suspicions that the other guy might be lying, simply because he himself hadn't been able to decipher his 'power' either. If it had been written out in techno-babble in the same way as Billy's own, then he wouldn't blame Johnny for not being able to puzzle it out. Still, if he needed to be in a full body suit because of it, then maybe it was dangerous.

Absently rubbing his eyes, which were itching - no doubt from some sand blowing into his face - with one arm, Billy walked over to Johnny and gave him a companionable clap on the shoulder. He offered the other a reassuring, one hundred percent genuine smile, which had been known to lift hearts and send others aflutter. "All I can say is that it ain't nothing you should worry about. Not a thing any of us all can do right now. You know? We ain't got no scientific labs to try and puzzle all these changes out, nor reverse them. Just have to take our licks up 'till we get a shot to overturn things," Billy frowned and picked delicately at the edge of his eye again. It sure felt gritty.

Say, sounded good and all... but you need a plan here. I ain't so good at those, not coming up with them. Coach hands me a strategy and I can see it through, but... mastermind Billy-Jay is not. Still, day's young. We've got time to thinks things over.

"Anyway buddy, I don't know if you've got a better idea, but I'm thinking that we co- ow!"

Billy's hand went up to his face again. Son of a bitch! It felt like something had stung him. Must've been one of those gnats on the beach. Jeez, he was starting to get sick of this. Give him that island any day of the week, just get him off this spit. He was glad he'd met Johnny and all, but too much grit and too many gribblies.

He gave Johnny a rueful smile. "Too many gnats out here buddy. Guess that suit of yours comes in handy for something eh?"

Urgh, was that sand still stuck in there? His eyes were really starting to water, they felt all irritable and inflamed. Great, it'd just be his luck to be getting sick on top of all of this, wouldn't it? Billy let most things roll off of his back, but being ill was a blow that he really didn't need. Still, no need to get on panic stations yet, maybe it was just a bad reaction to some of the beasties on the beach that had set his eyes streaming. Although the sun beating down felt real oppressive.

Walking over to the water's edge, Billy knelt and splashed some cool water onto his face, taking care to avoid getting it around his eyes. Washing them out was tempting, but he really didn't want to aggravate things any more than they already were. It helped a little, but the sun, which had all of a sudden become rather oppressive, was still staring a baleful gaze down upon him. Billy looked up and gave a glare (or at least, a disgruntled squint) at the object that was causing him such discomfort.

It would, as it happened, be the last thing he ever saw.

Ocular Luminescence had been the eventual classification of the mutation developed by subject C18, Billy-Jay Clarke. Initial testing had quickly shown that whilst in near or total darkness, Billy's eyes would exihibit twin beams of light, much like those of a handheld torch. Further examaination had revealed that these beams were solar powered, produced by energy which Billy's body had somehow stored during exposure to sunlight. It had been deemed an interesting enough power, although low on the scale of usefulness, particularly because its use was involuntary.

What the testing hadn't shown, chiefly because it wasn't an aspect the scientists had considered, was the capacity for storage. Billy's exposure by necessity had been in the short term. Just long enough to be able to determine precisely the nature of his mutation. They didn't have time to be conducting rigourous examination of each and every one of the twenty subjects. Now, though, that question was about to be raised.

Since waking up, Billy-Jay Clarke had spent several hours under direct sunlight, some unseen mechanism secretly absorbing the energy all the while. Whatever hidden recepticle this solar power was contained within was now filled to bursting and at that moment, it gave way.

A rush of pain ripped through Billy's head and centred on his eyes. He let out a gargled cry as the accumulated energy released itself not as light, but as heat. In a split second, both of his eyes dissolved into a mess of clear liquid, losing all shape and substance before the piping hot fluid ran its way down his face, scorching his skin as he howled in pain.


Briefly, Billy-Jay flailed around on the beach, blind to the world and without a thought in his brain that wasn't centred on the ruin of his sight. Mercifully, a couple of seconds later the wave of heat struck the rest of his skull and switched the lights out for good.

C18: Billy-Jay Clarke: Eliminated

Re: Beauty is only skin deep

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:40 pm
by Vinny McQ*
Johnny let out an inward sigh of relief as Billy listened to his story and bought it. At least if he thinks I'm dangerous I might be ok in the end, big guy like him looks like he stepped right out of Hollywood I bet there's not many who'd not trust him right away. Even here of all places. Billy rubbed his eyes with one arm and clapped him on the shoulder. While he could tell it was meant to be light hearted Johnny was very glad that he was on good terms with Billy at the moment. He near knocked me on my face there, if that's his soft touch I wonder how hard this guy can go when he gets pissed.

"All I can say is that it ain't nothing you should worry about. Not a thing any of us all can do right now. You know? We ain't got no scientific labs to try and puzzle all these changes out, nor reverse them. Just have to take our licks up 'till we get a shot to overturn things,"

Johnny looked at Billy as he said this and found himself relaxing. Billy was right, in the end maybe he shouldn't let himself freak out when confronted by what had happened. It's what's on the inside that counts. I'm still the same person underneath he mused, Beauty is only skin deep after all. Johnny smiled and managed not to notice how Billy was picking at his eye again until he let out small cry of pain. Johnny immediately tensed and almost began to crouch when he heard the reassuring voice of Billy making a joke about the many gnats on the small spit of land they were on. True enough Johnny looked at his arms and around his head to see the small lack shapes darting about haphazardly.

Billy walked over to the waters edge and knelt down. Johnny absentmindedly began to slip his hands into his pockets before the spongy texture of the wet suit reminded him that he had no pockets. Annoyed Johnny let his arms dangle loosely at his sides instead and began to walk over to Billy's side. It was then that Billy gave an almost accusing glare at the sun. Followed by a blood curdling scream. Johnny watched in horror as Billy's eyes liquefied into boiling hot pools of clear fluid which ran down his face, leaving tracks of seared flesh in their wake.

Johnny stood open mouthed as Billy flailed painfully about the beach for a few moments before falling to the ground like a felled tree. There was a silence. If he hadn't been in shock he might have noticed the quiet sizzling coming from Billy's face. Johnny didn't remain stunned motionless for long. Running over to the big man he collapsed to the ground next to him and began shaking him violently. 'Billy man talk to me. Come on man say something for Christ's sake!' Johnny was shouting at the body now, willing it to move even though he knew it was futile. He felt his mouth fill with cold saliva and his stomach churn. Turning away from Billy he threw up painfully, the sick was watery and had no real substance to it. Even after his stomach was empty he continued to retch till the pain made him collapse onto his side where he began to cry silently.

Fuck Billy man I'm sorry. I'm really fucking sorry. What is this? Why are they doing this? WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?

Sitting up Johnny reached over to Billy to shut his eyes before recoiling in fear. Ashamed he gently
pushed Billy's face with his foot so that it was turned away. He lay on the sand breathing heavily, trying to regain control. Billy was dead and nothing he could do could change that. He had to find some way of dealing with it and making them pay for what they'd done. 'He'd done nothing' Johnny whispered bitterly. 'What did he do to deserve that? Eh? What have any of us done? Is that the end result, your precious data? Is that what you want? IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?' Johnny looked at the island with a murderous rage. He was going to find the people in charge of this and make them pay, make them suffer painfully for doing it. But first there was the matter of Billy's body.

Johnny didn't know for sure what faith Billy held dear, if any, and the whole situation was making him question it himself. Nevertheless he couldn't bring himself to just leave Billy out there in the sun. He looked around the beach. There was no way he could bury him without some kind of shovel and the water was too shallow between the islands to bury him at sea. Johnny held his head in his hands as he came to the only conclusion he could. He looked at the shack and then at Billy. It wasn't far but the guy was big. He was huge and Johnny was decidedly not. It was going to be a struggle. Steeling himself Johnny reached under Billy's arms and tried to drag him along the beach to the shack. He didn't move an inch. Johnny tried again but his hands slipped and he fell backwards onto the sand, grunting in pain. Johnny felt the anger rise. He wasn't going to be beaten by this. He owed it to Billy to do something at least, get him under some sort of cover out of the way. The shack would be his own little tomb and Johnny would never return once he left. Standing again Johnny dug his feet into the sand and pulled as hard as he could. Billy moved a little. Gritting his teeth and letting out an undignified cry of effort he began the slow process of dragging Billy to the shack.

Come on Billy boy, gotta get you to that shack. Out of the way, out of the sun. you'd like that I think. I say that, didn't even know you. But you deserve it. I know that.

After what felt like eternity Johnny had gotten Billy inside the shack and onto the mattress. Looking around Johnny found a ragged old sheet and covered Billy with it. He deserved some dignity. Looking around Johnny picked up his pack from the corner it had been in and left the shack for the last time. Walking towards the island he felt a sharp pain as he stubbed his toe on something in the sand. Looking down he saw the ugly metal of a gun. Billy's gun. He hadn't even noticed it fall from his body. Johnny picked it up. It wouldn't do Billy any good now. This thought in his mind Johnny made his way to Billy's pack which was lying forgotten on the sand. Searching through it he drank from the water bottle and ate some bread to settle his stomach. Caught up in the sensation of eating he pried open Billy's can of peaches and greedily ate them too. Johnny ignored the voice in his head that told him it was wrong to do these things, that he should leave Billy's stuff where it was as a mark of respect. Billy would understand and Johnny knew that if their situations had been reversed he'd have wanted Billy to be as prepared as could to avenge him.

Sliding Billy's knife into his left boot Johnny kept his own safely stowed in case of emergencies. He also switched his gun with Billy's so that that Billy's was in his pack and he was holding his own in his hand. That at least left him with some options. With one last look back at the shack Johnny began to wade into the water.

(Johnny Marsh continued in All Apologies)