I'm In Despair! Mad Science Has Left Me In Despair!

South of the settlement lies a vast beach, with low cliffs cutting it off from the mainland. Inside the largest cliff a small cavern awaits, dark enough to allow any visitors the chance to become lost inside the twisting tunnels.
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I'm In Despair! Mad Science Has Left Me In Despair!


Post by KamiKaze »

((Holly Chapman continued from Lay Your Weary Head To Rest))

To anyone who saw her just a few hours ago, they would be surprised at the amount of energy passing through her. Holly had went from being too tired to even stand to back to her normal, energetic self. In fact, she once again hiked a long distance without tiring. Break? What was that? She was energetic and nothing was going to stop her!

... Well, okay. A number of things could stop her.

But where... where oh where was Iris taking her?

To be honest, the only thing she managed to get from the previous announcement was that the Settlement had become a Danger Zone. She didn't know who died and who lived beyond Scuba Suit man and Iris.

She could remember Iris saying that they needed to go somewhere. But in any case, they now appeared to be on the beach.

Wait, the beach? Holly was pretty sure that Iris wanted to go... well, elsewhere. Why the hell did they need to be on the beach? it made no sense. Was Iris lying to them?

And besides, what about the scuba suit man? He had only stood out to Holly because of the... well, scuba suit, but presumably he was tagging along. But was he trustworthy, or... another Cristo? They had to be careful around him, or else there would be a repeat of the situation they had with Cristo.

Well, actually... the beach was more of a... cove? Beach, cove, same thing once you got right down to it.

But, again, what the hell DID Iris have in mind? Holly was pretty sure that they were supposed to go elsewhere. Not this cove-beach-whatever this place was. Unless they were going en-route to it; Holly hadn't checked the map well-enough to know for sure. But, she was feeling nervous about this. She was pretty sure Iris said they were going to go elsewhere. Right? Right.

And that's when Holly stopped walking, and finally spoke up in a low voice.

"Iris... where the HELL are we?"
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
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Bella Bianchi
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Post by Ciel »

(Gm allowed by all parties.)

(Iris Landon and Johnny Marsh continued from Lay Your Weary Head to Rest)

"Iris," Holly had asked sternly. "Where the HELL are we?"

"I-I don't know-"

It was the first time Iris had lied in a long, long time. It just slipped out. Iris had not planned to lie. It just happened. Now Iris felt bad. Her chest was pounding like a drum and her lip quivered. If she had the chance to go back she would have told the truth. The whole truth, and nothing but.

Truth was Iris had a destination lined out the entire time. She just didn't tell the others. If she were alone with Johnny, she could have told him. He would have certainly sympathized with her. It was Holly she didn't want to tell. It wasn't like she was being deceitful to Holly. She hadn't been lying to her this entire time. A little twist of the facts never hurt anyone. That's what her mom always told her - sometimes lies were meant to make people feel better. If Holly knew about what Iris was doing, she would most definitely yell. Iris didn't want Holly to yell. She didn't like yelling.

Iris wanted to see Cristo. She felt so empty now that he was gone.

Iris would have felt tears running down her face if she had any more to give. Now she was empty. Incomplete. Iris wasn't aware though. That soul-crushing feeling had returned, attempting to roll poor little Iris into a ball of despair and yet not a single tear dripped. It was human to cry, Iris told herself, so why couldn't she manage a single tear? She was supposed to cry. She barely knew who Cristo was but she liked him. He was pretty. He was nice. Not like the boys at her school. She felt like she could just push aside Cristo's sins because of the words he spoke to her. Cristo was a good person. That she was sure of.


Iris turned to Holly. Holly's face looked scary. It made Iris quiver. "W-What?"

"Let me see the map."

"W-Wha..." Iris thought about

Holly reached her hand out, as though to make it very clear what she wanted. "Gimmie the map."

"I..." Iris's mouth was hanging open. She shook her head, cheeks on fire. "N-No..."

"Iris." Holly demanded. "I swear to god I'm not going to ask you again. Give me the map. Now."


Holly closed her eyes. Iris was as stubborn as a mule. She wasn't going to just give Holly the map on her own. Holly quickly grabbed the map and wrenched it out of Iris's hands, pulling Iris along with it. Iris landed on her knees, shock at the sudden burst of strength. Iris was probably asking herself how a sick girl like Holly managed to grab her little map of secrets. Holly didn't really care what Iris thought, and she certainly didn't offer to help Iris up. Iris looked down at the sand like a sad puppy as Holly opened the map.

Iris bit her lip. Oh lord, Holly looked really mad.

"Iris. We're at the cove, right?"

Iris slumped. "Uhuh..."

"Iris," Holly stared daggers into Iris. "Why did you bring us here?"

"I-I like the beach..."

"Iris. WHY did you bring us here?"

"O-Or... m-maybe I wanted to... see Cristo..."

"What was that?" Holly blinked. "Did you just say Cristo?"

"Well yeah... he's dead an all s-so I tho-"

"GOD damn IT!" Holly threw the map at Iris. "You were lying to us! You knew exactly where we were going! I can't believe you!"

"N-No, I di-"

"I didn't think you could sink this low!" Holly glared. "Lying to us like this. How old are you?!"

Iris gulped. "I-I-"

"You thought you were smart? Thinking we wouldn't figure out your master plan? Hell, I just knew you were planning something like this! I just knew in the back of my head! What the hell did you even see in that guy? He was a creep! He killed someone Iris! He doesn't deserve a minute of your time!"

"He... He ain't that bad... D-Dun go getting mad at him."

"What the hell are you yammering about?! I'm not mad at Cristo! I'm mad at you Iris! YOU lied to us! Right to our faces!"

"I-I... I jus' wanted tah say goodbye..."

"He's dead," Holly interrupted her. She started ranting. "I can understand saying goodbye to someone, I mean, this is some huge crap we're in. But you've been leading us on a goose chase for hours! We've been walking NONSTOP, just skipping along like a bunch of dopes for hours Iris. FOR HOURS. You didn't even tell us where we were going or what you wanted to do! There was no "strategic plan" about it, you just to see your dead boyfriend! This whole time you've had me and Johnny under the impression that you really had a plan! We were totally under your command, we thought you had things covered! Then it turns out the only thing you had planned for us was to go to the beach and have us watch you as you rub up against a dead guy. How selfish can you be Iris? This isn't just about you! This isn't the Iris show! Grow the fuck up! I knew I shouldn't have let you lead us! I had a bad feeling this would hap-"

Iris had her hands to her face. Holly snapped out of her rage.

"Iris," Holly blinked.

Was it something she said? Holly didn't think she was yelling that loudly. She backtracked quickly., looking over at Johnny nervously. Please don't cry, please don't cry.

"Hey," Holly put her hands up defensively. "Calm down Iris, it's okay. I-I'm sorry I yelled at you alright? I got a little worked up there. I just-I don't like being lied to alright. I know you didn't mean anything, I..."

Holly sighed. Iris kept sobbing. It wasn't working. Holly bit her lip. This was bad. Holly had a tendency to run her mouth but she never made anyone cry before. She should have guessed Iris would turn on the water works if she started screaming. What was Iris saying? "I'm sorry." She was sobbing "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Holly felt her heart sink. Ahh jeez, she had really done it now. Holly brought her hand over. She squeezed the other girl's shoulder.


Then Iris shrugged her hand away. She screamed.


Holly frowned. “I-Iris…”

Oh man. Oh man Holly. You really fucked up here. Now Iris was really upset. She turned to Johnny a second time.

"H-Hey, do something! She's freaking out, I don't know what to do!"

Johnny just shrugged and looked away from Holly. He was going to stay out of this. Watching Iris cry caused him a little pain but the best thing he could do was to not get involved. He didn't want to take sides. This was Holly's mess and she should fix it. Holly glared at Johnny for a few minutes before giving up. She sighed.
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Post by Vinny McQ* »

Leaving the house thingy Johnny was surprised to see the change in Holly. She must be a morning person. He most definitely wasn’t one in any case. Altercation with the toilet notwithstanding the long trek across the island was tiring as anything. To me anyway, bloody wonder woman over there hasn’t even broken a sweat. I’m sweating like a beast in this thing. Wish I could take it off. Yeah they’d shoot you though Johnny boy wouldn’t they, or laser beam you to death. Tired as he was he was still aware enough to recognise the terrain in some small way. He had just come from here the night before after all. They were going back to the beach. Back to the shack. Back to Billy.

Johnny kept quiet as they walked. He’d just have to pretend that he had no idea what was in store when they got there. Act surprised. If you mention it they’ll think you did it. They won’t trust you. They’ll think it’s to do with the suit, try and make you take it off. Then they’ll see what you are. What I am. They’ll kill me. Be surprised. This is life or death. While he was caught up in his own thoughts the girls began to talk. Except it wasn’t just plain old chit chat. It was tense. Edgy. He focussed his attention on them, his mind running over what he would do, what he should do if things got out of hand. His sense of self-preservation had been his greatest asset so far, even if he had blundered on the way.

Then the truth came out. Holly had turned the tables on Iris and now it was game time.

She came to see Christo.

Christo killed people. He’s a killer.

Can’t be trusted don’t trust her they wouldn’t trust you they’d shoot you

Shoot her so easy just take the gun and pull the trigger. Better safe than sorry.

Safe and sorry. Play the game his game creep’s game

She was so kind she could have killed you easy she didn’t HELP HER

NO stay out you don’t know what’s going on you could make a terrible mistake.

Holly was asking him to help. She doesn’t know what to do. How the fuck am I supposed to know what to do? What do we do how do we live we have to be good people we are all good people but then you kill people and then you’re a bad person and good people can’t be friends with bad people it makes them bad too

Iris is a bad person.

Johnny just shrugged. He had his own demons to deal with.
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Post by Fenrir »

((Simon Matthews continued from Darkness))

After leaving the Cable Car Station Simon had begun to wander, not much else to do when he couldn’t read a map without burning it and no one else to help him find his way. He just picked a direction, started walking and hoped it wouldn’t lead him to one of the dangerzones. This had led him to a beach at the edge of the island, not exactly the kind of place he wanted to end up but what could he do? Maybe this was the cove that he had heard mention of?

If he was being honest with himself, all Simon really wanted right now was a place to lie down. This game had been going for maybe 24 hours now and he was starting to feel the tiredness; he had started up longer than this plenty of times before of course, all nighters weren’t anything new to him, but they were usually spent sitting and studying not walking for hours on end across rough terrain. However, from the sounds of it all of the places where one could expect to find beds were now locked off by dangerzones; the settlement, the holding cells and of course the radio tower.

Stepping out onto the sand, feeling it give way under his feet, Simon began walking forward. Still, he probably had a few hours left in him before the exhaustion really kicked in; he had plenty of time to find somewhere to rest. He recalled that he heard something on the announcements earlier about a shack that was supposed to be on the coast somewhere, maybe if he followed the beach around he would find it? Didn’t sound like the most comfortable place to spend time but right now his options were pretty limited.
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
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Vinny McQ*
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Post by Vinny McQ* »

(Moving this on, we are in time with pippi’s death right? If not I can change this post but I’d rather work it in somehow)

In retrospect Johnny would have judged Iris for keeping her secret. Johnny had a secret too. One he’d been determined to keep under wraps for the rest of his life. That wasn’t such a hard thought considering the rest of his life could be limited to a day or two. The revelation of Iris’s relationship with Cristo had been at the forefront of his mind. Until now. Now his mind had been invaded by a new force. The most terrible and anguished scream he’d ever heard. It pierced his soul, took hold of his mind and shook it like a rabid dog. His mouth opened in his own scream. His rational mind was kicked aside as basic instinct took over. He scratched and clawed at his face but it didn’t stop the scream.

He fell to his knees, past caring whether the ground was hard or soft. He could have been kneeling on broken glass. He’d have welcomed it; the pain would be such a pleasurable distraction. Now the scratching and clawing was taking its toll on his mask. The mask that was keeping everyone from killing him. If anyone saw it… the last desperate whimpers of sensible thought petered off and died.

Johnny tore the remnants of the mask from his face.

As abruptly as the screams started they stopped.

Panting Johnny held his tattered mask in his hands. The useless material fell from his grasp.

It’s, over…

What’s the use in any of it now? You’re a monster. You’ve been one this whole time, you can’t hide anymore. Not now they know about you…but no one else does.

Johnny’s hand tightened its grip on his gun. His other crept slowly towards his boot.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Iris was such a pain. At least, right now.

And yet... seeing her upset like that really upset her. For real. It wasn't as if Iris meant anything bad. She had previously just realized Cristo had died, herself. And here Holly was, bitching her heart out like some deranged psycho. To be honest, she was glad she snapped out of it as quickly as she did, or else... well, she would do something that would have been easy to do with super strength. Like snap Iris' neck, or throw something at her, or...

She couldn't bear to think.

Fucking Cristo. Even in death he gave everyone trouble! Dear god, that douche.

Holly found herself starting to become angry again, her fist clenching. However, she loosen her grip, and tried to think of something to say to calm her down.

"Iris, I-"


Holly's head whipped over to Scuba Suit Guy, who was on the ground, clawing at his face like some sort of crazed meth addict. He kept clawing and clawing... as his nails tore through his mask, Holly at first thought that he had clawed enough to draw blood. But as the mask tore further and was eventually torn from his face, Holly saw.

He had no skin.

Scuba Suit Guy had no skin under that suit.

Holly couldn't believe what she was seeing. It was like something out of a bad horror movie. She could only stare at the... the... the freak in front of her.

Yes, that was what he was.

A freak.

An abomination.

A monster.

Holly pulled her gun out of her pocket where she had hidden it earlier and pointed it at him.

"S-stop... stay back! Fucking stay back!"

Quickly whipping her head towards Iris with her gun still focused on the guy (though she wasn't even sure if he was even still a person), she yelled "Iris, don't go near him! Whatever you do, DON'T GO FUCKING NEAR HIM!"

Turning back at the creature in front of her, she felt her heart begin to race again. Oh god, this fucking douchebag probably damn near gave her a fucking heart attack and then they would all fucking killed by this fucking monster that would god knows what kind of shit to them and... and... and...

Fucking hell.

Fuck him. Fuck this abomination to fucking death.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
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Currently: In the student lounge
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Post by Fenrir »

(OOC: Not sure what has happened to the post order in this thread, but it's been two weeks since I posted and I'm getting warnings so here it is)

Well, at least Simon didn’t feel tired anymore, it was hard to feel anything but pain once that scream intruded on his mind and refused to go away. It was a terrible, bone chilling scream of someone in the worst pain imaginable, that had to be the only way someone could make a sound like that. He was just glad he still had enough sense to fight the urge to clamp his hands over his ears to block the sound out, that would have been bad.

Not that it would have been much use anyway, the sound wasn’t coming from outside. Simon had looked everywhere around him once the scream started, fearing an attack from this ‘Banshee’ mentioned earlier that he still didn’t know anything about, but after a while it became apparent that the scream was originating somewhere inside of him. It was like someone was bypassing the ears entirely and screaming directly into his brain. And so far he only knew of one person who could do something like that.


As sudden as it started it was gone, the scream dying away as its source probably did the same. So, that made the third person he’d met on the island so far to die; if that Chris kid’s name was read out during the next announcement he was officially ready to declare himself cursed.

As the pain faded from his mind the tiredness began to return in full force, it’s absence only making its return all the more potent. Simon pushed on, putting the thought of the most likely dead girl aside for the moment to keep walking in the direction her had been heading before all this happened.
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
Posts: 130
Joined: Mon Mar 18, 2019 3:40 am


Post by Ciel »

(Sorry if this feels rushed, didn't want to hold you guys up.)

The scream made Iris stop crying. She cringed, buried her face in the ground. It stung. She lifted her head just as Johnny ripped his mask off.

She was disgusted. However her reaction was different from Holly's.

"Oh lord," Iris muttered, feeling ready to cry again. "You... poor soul..."

There was hate now. Not for Johnny. No, definitely not for Johnny. She pitied Johnny. Why should she hate him? No, hate for the system. Hate shot through her veins. Iris was not the epitome of hate, never hated anyone in her beautifully pathetic life. Now hate was all she could feel, and it came so naturally that it was as if she had felt hate all the time. Hate. It brewed violently, she gritted her teeth. Her look of anger looked like one of sadness.

That was when Holly pulled out the gun and started screaming.

"Holly... N-No..."

She just didn't want Holly to kill him. Didn't want anyone to die. If someone died, Iris didn't know what she would do. No. This was too much. No. Please stop. She wanted to rip that gun out of her hands and break it in half. She wanted so many things. Yet she couldn't do it, she just couldn't. Her body was frozen. Not a single muscle moved.

She whispered. "Holly, jus' calm down... Please... T-This... Johnny, he... he isn't bad. He don't look like us... but that ain't his fault... We're all the same..."

She was aware Holly couldn't hear her. As far as Holly was concerned, Iris was being a good little girl and staying put.

"All the same... deep... down..."
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Post by KamiKaze »

Holly wasn't even sure what was going on anymore.

That scream didn't even sound like a scream that would come from a guy, now that she thought of it. That sounded like a woman in pain if anything. No, wait, it sounded like there were two people screaming at once. Even the act of screaming didn't seem natural coming from him. She was sure it was no one else, since they were the only ones here that she knew of. This only made him seem even more like a freak. And his appearance... oh Christ. She felt ill to her stomach looking at him. No person should look like that. He looked fucked up. This was like some scene out of a bad horror movie. There was no way he was safe, looking like that.





Her hands trembled as they held the gun, keeping her aim unsteady.


Was she whispering? She couldn't hear her words. She was scared. The guy was scaring her.

Yes! That was it. She was scared out of her wits. The freakazoid was frightening her. And yet, he wouldn't go away. Just for Iris's sake. Or for his god damn fucking life.

He wouldn't go away.



"... GO AWAY!" Holly screamed again, and fired her gun.

It was only a warning shot for now. She didn't know what would happen if she actually got him. Her mind was too far panicked, too far scared, to make any good decisions. She could feel her hands being pushed back by the recoil, and a slight ache forming within those seconds, but it was all too quick and hectic for it for her to actually take notice.

All she wanted was for him to go the fuck away.

Was that too much to ask for?
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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Vinny McQ*
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Post by Vinny McQ* »

(GMing permitted)


You know how in Die Hard Bruce Willis gets shot a shit ton of times and still beats the crap out of the Russian guy from Rocky 4? That superhuman resistance to bullets provided by adrenaline? That wasn’t what happened to Johnny when Holly shot him. He’d been up and moving when he felt the pain in his right leg. He tried to fight through the pain and keep going but as soon as he put weight on the leg again it collapsed, taking a very surprised Johnny to the ground. He only wished he’d been clear minded to cry out something more insightful than the strangled ‘ARGH’ that he managed.

He didn’t have time to wax lyrical about how pointless it had all been. Holly was moving towards him fast. I don’t care if this even counts as murder you ain’t putting me down that easy. She was close now. So close. His hand slid into his boot. He felt the handle of his knife. Just a little closer come on bitch you haven’t killed me yet. Johnny gasped as he accidently leant on his wounded leg. Holly closed the distance between them. He swung his gun around. Holly caught his wrist. Too slow Johnny. Holly tightened her grip around his wrist and Johnny felt the gun fall from his fingers as he heard a small snap . He let out an anguished yell-

-which morphed into a yell of anger as he brought the knife swinging round from the other side. His arm jerked as he drove it deep into Holly’s body, right through the armpit. ‘HA, got y-‘Johnny’s celebrations were cut short. Holly stepped back and kicked him in the chest. Hard.

Why didn’t I get that power? he thought as he flew bodily into the cliff face. Several things snapped. Head lolling forwards he couldn’t help but see the ribs jutting out of his chest through the wetsuit. He tried to move. Nothing responded. He could feel himself falling sideways. His head hit the sand with a soft thump. Blood leaked from his broken body and turned the sand red. He saw a darkness creeping through his vision even though his eyes were wide open.

Subject C07, Johnny Marsh DECEASED.

Johnny felt a cool hand on his face. His eyes came back into focus. There was a woman, a woman all in black standing over him. She was smiling. She helped him to his feet. Silently she gestured for him to follow her. He turned back to look at himself once more. Slowly the monster that he was changed back into the ordinary boy he used to be.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Vinny McQ. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Everything seemed to be a blur.

He fell to the ground, and Holly felt herself approaching him.

Holy shit. Was he dead? He couldn't be! That was a warning shot! It was supposed to scare him away, not kill him! That wasn't right! She didn't mean to...

But she had to.


With her heart racing even faster, she walked towards him.

All this was to protect Iris, wasn't it?

She saw that he was still alive once she got closer. Not only that, but he was getting out a knife... holy shit. She really just pissed him off. Keeping a good grip on her gun in one hand, she got close enough, and...

He swung his gun towards her.

Holly's first reaction was to grab his wrist. As she squeezed hard, she could vaguely hear a snapping noise, as if it were a twig. The gun fell as he yelled in pain.

But within the next second, Holly forgot his other arm. It swung around, and before she knew it, there was a piercing pain in her armpit. Holly screamed in pain and dropped her gun as well, as she felt it swarm beneath her arm.

That creature, this abomination. He had stabbed her.

"Son of a BITCH!" she yelled, not caring for the pain at the moment.

Her foot lifted, striking him in the chest. Within the panic she could see him hit the side of the cliff.

He didn't get back up.

Holly collapsed to her knees. It hurt. It hurt so much. He definitely stabbed her. Her hand wandered to the knife sticking out of her armpit, and pulled it out. OH GOD, that hurt even more. She screamed again as her hand dropped the knife and covered the newly formed wound. That was definitely a bad idea.

Her eyes wandered to the freak... and she saw a horrific sight. He was definitely not going to get back up. His ribs were sticking up in various ways, and blood pulled around him. He was gone.

Holly closed her eyes, breathing heavily.

And suddenly, she fell to her side on the sand.

She felt so cold... Jesus Christ, that fucker got her good. Holly wasn't sure whether or not she was going to make it. Holly felt her eyes starting to get wet, and suddenly, she started sobbing.

Oh god, the pain.

Once she opened her eyes again, everything was a blur. In fact, she wasn't even sure where she was or where Iris was-


She watched it all.

Iris was watching them. She was scared.

Not just of that freak. But of her.

She scared her.

She didn't see that guy as the monster, but she saw Holly as one.

If she'd just calmed down, things would have been okay. Was that right? Her mind wasn't able to concentrate that well, was it?

And to make matters worse.... She could feel the heart in her chest struggling away to pump her blood. She wasn't sure if she was going to make it. Everything started to dull.

She had a future ahead of her, though! She was supposed to grow up and become just like her dad! She was supposed to be with her friends at school! It wasn't fair that she was going out so soon! As some kind of... some kind of... freak!

And now that she thought of it, if she had ever made it off the island, she had a whole world of possibilities now that she had super strength. She could have easily helped her dad in the car garage now that she was so strong. She could have became a superhero-type vigilante, as silly as it sounded. She could have won a assload of world records based on strength. She could have gotten all sorts of jobs. She could have been successful once she got off the island.

She knew a whole world of possibilities were being shut off to her.

All because she screwed up and freaked out.

She wanted to apologize to Iris, just to say she was sorry. She really did screw up.

She made a foul mistake. And in the end, she became another freak.

Holly Chapman wasn't that much better than Cristo or that guy in the scuba suit.

And so, with a bloody knife only a few inches away from her on one side, a gun on the other, and a bloody corpse that was barely recognizable within a few steps away from her, Holly stopped sobbing and let her senses fade away.

Subject C09 Holly Chapman- ELIMINATED
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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Team Affiliation: Emmy's Selkies


Post by Fenrir »

(OOC: Not sure where everyone is in this thread other than being vaguely on the beach, so if any of this is wrong, correct me)

As soon as Simon heard the shot he was running, not away from the sound as you’d expect, but towards it. The sound brought a new alertness to his mind and gave him a reason to push his tired body past its previous limits to run to where he needed to be. A gunshot meant people which hopefully meant more experiments that wanted to escape like himself; though more likely he was about to emerge onto the scene of another murder.

Simon finally broke free from the tree line and onto the beach proper and the first thing he saw, after his eyes had adjusted to the new light, was the three people who currently occupied it with him. Though, only two of them appeared to still be alive, what with two of them presently lying in a pool of their own blood. One, which Simon could only just manage to look at, lay crumpled at the base of the cliff and from the looks of the stain on the rock behind it appeared to have collided with it with some force. The second lay much more naturally, with only the puddle and the bloody knife evidence to the fact that something was wrong. The only person still alive on the scene was rather small looking girl, had she done this? But she looked so… innocent?

“What… what happened here?”
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
Posts: 130
Joined: Mon Mar 18, 2019 3:40 am


Post by Ciel »

Iris had never been to the beach. Never got to see the ocean. Daddy was well-off but vacations were never on his schedule. Iris only knew about the ocean from the old textbooks she read. She used to stay up late at night, just reading her books, imagining what the world was like. What the ocean was like. What everything was like. The thought made Iris smile. She used to live in those books. She never had any friends so those books were like her second family. They kept her safe, taught her things, cheered her up, helped her through life. She loved her books. They loved her back. They never lied to her.

And yet... the ocean was so different! It was nothing like what the books said. She had to tell someone!

"Guess wha' Momma?" She told her mom. Her treasure. "I saw tha' ocean! It was purty strange too! The sand is really red. I never knew it was so red. Didja' eva go to tha ocean when you were lil momma?"

Momma just smiled at her. She didn't respond.

"I... I love yah."

Someone said something. For a second Iris thought that Momma actually responded. That was embarrassing! Iris looked up at a boy who looked upset. He looked shocked. His eyes were wide. Why did he looked so shocked? Iris was a bit confused, but that didn't stop her. She responded.


She said that with gusto. With enthusiasm. Like she was being paid to do it. Like it made her happy. She smiled too, a genuine little smile for the little stranger who she had never met before. Momma always told her never to talk to strangers, but maybe this boy was different. Maybe Momma was... wrong... She wasn't even sure if it was morning. She didn't care about that anymore. She was here, at the beach, with her best friend and Momma. It was a very beautiful beach. The boy must have noticed this! Oh! That must be it!

"Nice ain't it?" Oh. He wasn't wondering about the beach was he? Oh how silly. Iris looked over at Johnny just lounging out. Silly Johnny. "Oh, nothin' happened. Just a lil' disagreement. Holly didn't like Johnny's face yah'see. Johnny got a lil' mad, he's very sensitive 'bout his face. All just'a misunderstanding! It's all settled. Nothin' tah be worried 'bout..."

Iris idly stroked her friends hair, that smile still prominent.

"Nothin' tah be worried 'bout... dun worry..."

Holly was her only friend. Friends to the end.

She giggled. Out of irony. Out of pure joy. Perhaps out of both.

Silence hit.

Then the smile disappeared, and she turned back to Simon.

"... You got business here?"

The boy didn't answer. He looked scared. Iris was sure that he looked scared. Why did he looked scared? Did he think Iris was crazy? She wasn't crazy. She was just sitting here with her best friend, just sitting here looking out at the sky. So if he had a problem then he's the one who's crazy. She wasn't crazy.

Iris shrunk. Yes, breaking one of Momma's lessons had been a bad idea indeed. Momma was never wrong. "Never talk to strangers Iris," she said. "Never talk to strangers Iris. Never get into cars with strangers Iris. Not everyone in this world was as kind-hearted as you Iris. There are some dark people out there." Momma had been crying when she told Iris this. Iris could remember that. She had been crying for a long, long time. Iris couldn't remember about what. She had been holding her eye the whole time. Maybe it hurt from her to cry? She died a few months later. Yeah, that was her last memory of momma. Crying, telling Iris never to talk to strangers, never to go into cars with strangers, strangers weren't all nice and for every single lesson that Momma taught Iris that last lesson had stuck in twice as firm.

Momma was never wrong. Momma was always right. Strangers. Strangers weren't all nice. Not as nice as Iris. Not as nice as Holly.

Her hand flew out of nowhere, gun raised, safety off, target locked. Her hand trembled to keep her friend up. Holly was pretty heavy. She didn't want to drop her. Holly would wake up then. She'd be mad. She might yell at Iris again, and Iris couldn't have that could she? She didn't like Holly when she yelled. Friends helped friends.

Her voice was filled with more lead than the very gun she held.

"If not, then yah best turn tail and walk back! Come another step and... we'll hav'a problem! Got it?!"
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Team Affiliation: Emmy's Selkies


Post by Fenrir »

The girl’s unnaturally cheerful greeting threw Simon off for a second, as it had not been something he had expected and it disturbed him quite a bit. The things she was saying, the giggling, the way she kept stroking the dead girl’s hair like there was nothing wrong; did she even know anything was wrong? Had she been the one to kill these two or had she just been a witness to it and lost her mind. The things she said about there being a disagreement made it sound like the two had killed each other, as unlikely as that was.

Still, he didn’t think this girl was capable of this kind of violence; it was clear there was something wrong with this girl’s mind so either seeing this gristly scene pushed her other the edge or she was like this already. If it was the former then it seemed unlikely she would have had the stomach to kill two people, if her mind was that easily broken by violence. If, however, she was already crazy then it still seemed unlikely she would kill them, the way she acted now made it seem like she knew them, cared about them. He didn’t think she was capable of anything that aggressive. And then she pointed a gun at him.

Simon jumped back at the sight of the weapon being pulled out, his hands thrown up in a defensive and warding gesture. “Whoa, whoa. I’m not here to cause any trouble, I just heard the gunshots and thought someone could use some help. I… guess I was wrong, doesn’t look like anybody here needs any help”

If this girl was under the impression that the girl in her arms and the guy in pieces against the wall were still alive then it was probably best not to break the news to her too suddenly. If he was smarter he would just leave right now and never look back, but he couldn’t just leave this girl here like she was, completely helpless to the next person that came along and wasn’t so peacefully inclined.
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
Posts: 130
Joined: Mon Mar 18, 2019 3:40 am


Post by Ciel »

"Ain't no gunshots," Iris said, mouth dry, voice drier. "Must'a been hearing things cuz' I was 'ere the whole time and ain't heard no gunshots. You callin' me crazy? Cuz the only one actin' crazy 'ere is you."

That wasn't just an observation this boy had made. That was an insult aimed at her. How DARE he suggest that these? Where did HE get off? Everything was fine! Nothing was wrong! This stranger had no right coming here and starting trouble like that! Then he did agree with her. He backtracked, said that nothing wrong. That he had been wrong. Iris's face relaxed. Maybe he wasn't crazy. Good. She looked down at her best friend Holly. Holly was still cross. Even in her sleep she looked angry.

"Yeah," she agreed. "Nothin' wrong here. They were screamin' at each other, got tired and decided to tak'a load off. Yeah. Exactly... what happened."

And for only a moment, it sounded as though Iris wasn't sure of this. Then she snapped back into reality, her world. She smiled at the boy she did not know. That gun was still pointed at him.

"I'm Iris," she said at last, eyes twinkling. "I'm from Iowa."

She didn't ask for the boy's name. Strange. She always did.
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