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Important Notice

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 10:33 pm
by Hallucinogenic*
This is important, so pay attention.

I miscalculated a few things when I wrote the rules - eg. when the rolls and the announcements would take place. For some reason I thought they would occur together, but I've realized that it doesn't make sense to do it that way.

Instead, the first announcement will now occur next Friday, on the 23rd of July, detailing the placements of dangerzones and character deaths while the first rolls are announced this Friday, on the 16th.

In-game, the first announcement will still happen at midnight (12 hours after the game started), and the first week of Evo will be referred to as the "Awakening" stage of the game, for those of you keeping a time-line. (Keeping with the rules, the announcements will still be broadcast every 12 hours in-game after the first.)

This also helps the numerous people who've been "away" over the past week or so, since it gives you another week to rp before the first 12 hours are up.

Also, there'll be a change in the rules regarding the posting of announcements, and the new schedule will go as follows: (Green = finished, red = the current week (as of this post))

Week 1 - "Awakening" Stage

Week 2 - First rolls (Friday the 16th)

Week 3 - First announcement (Friday the 23rd)

Week 4 - Second rolls (Friday the 30th)

Week 5 - Second announcement (Friday the 6th of August)


Each set of rolls/announcement will fall upon the Friday of that week, roughly in the evening (GMT).


I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and if you have any further questions or queries, feel free to PM me or post them here.

Thank you.