Subject C04 - Otis Adelaide

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Subject C04 - Otis Adelaide


Post by Hallucinogenic* »

Name: Otis Adelaide
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Hometown: Miami
Grade: 12
Hobbies and Interests: Partying, Swimming, Soccer, Sailing, Song writing

Appearance: A good-looking guy by anyone’s standards, Otis likes to make sure all eyes are on him whenever he goes out. He makes sure he’s got his best sneakers on, with a famously-expensive sports brand plastered over the sides in case people didn’t already know how he rich he is, and a pair of small, white sports socks underneath. As for the rest of his outfit, he keeps in with the rest of the crowd by wearing something weather-appropriate, e.g. a tight white tank top tucked in to a pair of long, loosely-fitted camo shorts.

Born of Afro-Caribbean lineage, his skin also has a strong, sun-kissed tone to it thanks to living in a tropical climate, and as such he has his hair consistently shaved. As mentioned before, Otis is a good-looking guy, with a pair of deep brown eyes either side of his slight but prominent nose. He also possesses a full set of lips, which he deems his best feature, above a large and manly chin which highlights the heavy jaw behind it. Standing at around 5’11 with a weight of 187lbs, his years of swimming and soccer have defined his body nicely, which he tries to show as much as he can without getting into trouble with the law.

Biography: Growing up with one of the richest families in central Miami, Otis has never known hardship beyond having to find something new to wear whenever he goes out to the clubs. His father (Kym Adelaide) works as the head of a famous record label, which ensures they never go without the many luxuries in life, such as the small collection of motor yachts; one of which was bought for Otis’ 18th birthday. Mean while, his mother (Michele Adelaide) currently resides in their penthouse apartment down by the waterfront, sipping cocktails and generally living it up while her husband pays the bills.

This self-indulgent lifestyle has rubbed off on Otis, who’s never worked a day in his life for anything he’s ever wanted or needed. Whenever he wants to go out, his parents blindly fill his wallet with green, not realising that the other kids in his classes barely make that much in a year with their part-time jobs, let alone one night. Otis, however, is all too aware of this, and flaunts his excessive lifestyle whenever he gets the chance, much to the annoyance of his classmates. This doesn’t bother him at all though, as he’s had the same large circle of friends ever since he started high school.

The group mainly consists of leeches and money-grabbers, which only appear to hang out with him because he’s more than happy paying for everybody’s drinks, and of course, this catches the eye of many a girl in Miami’s clubs and dives. However, it’s not only the money that gets them interested, it’s the general Otis aura that draws people towards him. Never one to lack confidence, he’s always up for a challenge, be it drinking, a daredevil joyride in one of his father’s boats, or seeing who can pull the best-looking girl in the club. Oddly enough, Otis always seems to win the last one, but he’d never tell them how he does it.

Unfortunately, there’s one major aspect in his life that he doesn’t do so well in, and that’s school. Having spent a good part of his education writing songs at the back of the classroom, or lazing out with his friends by the beach, he’s extremely close to getting kicked out of high school altogether, and whenever the school tries to tell his father about his behaviour, he simply doesn’t acknowledge as a problem, seeing as he started up his own company without so much as graduating. His mother, on the other hand, has become greatly disappointed in her only son, but since her husband flat-out denies that there’s a problem with him, she simply sits back, watching him ruin any chances he may have of a good future.

A future, that is, which he has great plans for. Having seen his father rise to the top with relative ease, Otis seeks the same kind of power and wealth as him but without putting in any of the same effort or struggling the same way. He thinks he can throw away his school days by playing soccer out on the beach like he has done for the past 11 years without consequence, or go swimming with his friends late at night after they’ve finished checking out the nightlife. With an over-inflated ego and a whole lot left to learn, the road ahead of him doesn’t look as bright as the one he left behind.

Advantages: After playing soccer for so many years, both casually and competitively, he has a lot of stamina for someone his age, with the swimming he does only increasing it further. Put simply, he can run and swim for a fair while without feeling the strain. He’s also boldly confident, showing no fear when it comes to a challenge and being able to talk to anyone he meets without hesitation.

Disadvantages: That said, he’s never had to work or struggle for anything in his life, and his parents have always protected him financially and legally, preventing him from ever getting into any real trouble. His terrible record at school shows how little he cares for studying too, and as a result, comes across as a bit of a dunce who thinks far too much of himself. In addition, his over-confidence could annoy anyone he attempts to join up with, especially as he always assumes himself to be the leader whom no-one should ever try to question.


Mutation Classification: Memory Absorption

Conclusion: What a detestable child, all riches with none of the rags. Sadly, his physique gives him a slight advantage. Perhaps he'll try his luck with one of our patrol ships...
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