Subject C17 - Cristo Ruiz

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Subject C17 - Cristo Ruiz


Post by Hallucinogenic* »

Name: Cristo Ruiz
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Hometown: Salamanca, Spain was birth place- currently lives in New York City, New York
Grade: 12th
Hobbies and Interests: Modeling, body building, movies, music, painting, and recreational drug use (marijuana and prescription drug abuse, such as painkillers)

Appearance: Cristo shows the typical Spanish traits in his face- he has a dark, brown tan, dark black hair, and piercing brown eyes. His face is very angular, with high defined cheekbones, a small, sharp nose, and a strong jaw line. He keeps himself clean shaven, and all of this factors into to make him seem to have a sort of androgynous beauty to his looks.

The build that he keeps himself at is very slender but still muscular, weighing in at 165 pounds and standing at about 5' 10". His body is perhaps his most prized possession, Cristo working hard to keep his body fat low while at the same time maintaining a muscular upper body, giving him a very in shape look. On the day of Evolution, Christo is wearing designer jeans, a blue open collared shirt, and a simple beaded necklace around his neck.

Biography: Cristo was born in Salamanca on May 23, 1992 to Anna and Hidalgo Ruiz. His mother was a famous Spanish model, and his father was the man who ran her modeling agency. From as far as Cristo could remember, he was brought up with the thought that modeling was the career that he not only wanted to go into, but had to go into. In 1998, where he was 6 years old, his parents and him moved to New York City.

In the New York City schools, as Cristo grew, he quickly found his niche in the community. He was naturally blessed with good looks, and as he grew older and began to actively work to maintain and improve these looks, he began to mold himself into the person his parents wanted him to be. This also got him entrance into the "popular" group of kids, mostly the athletes in his school. He himself did no sports- his mom forbid it, insisting that they only distracted him from his other goals and made him risk injury. As he grew older, he also began to become noticed by more of the girls in his school, his looks and charisma being a draw.

In 8th grade, his mother pulled him out of the school, and put him into a home schooling program- she was afraid that the people that he hung out with, and the girls he talked to, would bring him down. And in a way, she was right- by the time he was in eight grade, Cristo had already begun to use marijuana and abuse prescription drugs, using them as a way to relax himself. And, when he became home schooled, he began to use these even more, seeing them as one of his few ways, besides painting, something his dad had interested him in, to relax, now that his mother had made him stop associating with most of his friends.

As he grew into his teens, Cristo also began to get some modeling gigs, mainly for teen brands such as Abercrombie and Hollister. When he got these, his mother put even less focus into his schooling, making Cristo's days mostly nothing more than weight lifting and running, under advice from his personal nutritionist and fitness guide; using drugs, occasionally painting, and either searching for new modeling jobs or doing the ones he currently had. If he has time at the end of his day, he'll spend it either watching movies on his computer or listening to music, strung out on either weed or pain killers.

Now, Cristo knows that college is almost certainly not something that he's going to do. His mother wants him to take advantage of the new opportunities in modeling available now that he is over 18, and Cristo's grades are also at the point where the only college he could hope for would be a community college, or ones of those variety. Despite a distinct lack of social experience, due to being without almost any friends in his teenage years, Cristo has learned his social charms from his mother, who insisted that they are something he will need for his career.

Advantages: Cristo is in very good shape, due to his disciplined workouts. He also has the advantage of his looks, which may help put females- and perhaps some males- at ease and make them more likely to listen to him and help him.

Disadvantages: Cristo has little to no fighting experience, and he has little experience being on his own. He is also heavily addicted to prescription medication, enough that even a day without them would have an effect on him. Also, due to his pampered past, he has a very high opinion of himself, and a cocky and abrasive attitude.


Mutation Classification: Hallucinogenic Venom

Conclusion: So the drug addict now secretes a hallucinogen. Hm.
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