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Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:23 pm
by Courtography
(Rebecca Clark continued from It's not like its for real or anything, right?)

Rebecca had made her way away from the scene. The hip injury felt like she was getting poked with needles at every step. She made her way to the nearest building now, the train station.

And there it was, a train in the station. Sure, there was no way it would actually go anywhere or let her out of there, but it was nice to see it. It was shelter, and one of the cars probably had a bed.

I'm so tired...

She boarded the front car of the train. It had couches and tables, along with the aisle going further back. Her injuries needed attention. She took off her pants, had to look at the wound. It didn't seem too deep, but it still stung like a bitch! She looked through her bag, finding the first aid kit. She needed to disinfect it first, right? She found some alcohol pads and applied them to the found, tears broke free of her eyes, "Shitfuck!" It hurt, but that meant the wound was cleaner now, right? She applied a bandage over it, seeing how it was still oozing blood.

Then she grabbed her pants. Wait. Rubbing the wound all the time with the pants probably wouldn't help it stop bleeding. She left them off, then made her way to the back of the train and found a bed. She threw herself on it, sleeping time...

She was out.

A few hours later a voice woke her up. Another announcement. Damn. More killing, more from her. It looked like she had killed the most of anyone, but she didn't pay that much attention. And then danger zones, the town and the chapel? Suited her just fine.

She was still tired. Needed more fucking rest. Otherwise she couldn't keep up like this. She checked to make sure the bow and arrows were still next to the bed and then drifted off to sleep.

Re: Sleep

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:23 pm
by shining knight*
Lena Lazarus continued from It's not like this is real or anything

Lena wandered the train station looking for the bitch who killed Sam. She spotted the lone train and began to smile. Could she be that silly. She was, the bitch was inside one of the carts. She grinned and then began to wait, and stalk.

She stalked her for the past few days. Waiting for the right moment to take down the bitch. Rip her throat open with one of her own arrows. The announcement happened and a furious rage bubbled up inside when she heard Sam and Eoins names.

She then saw her foe began to sleep and she knew her foe was ripe. It was time to bash her fucking brains in.

She opened the carriage door and moved over to the sleeping Rebecca. Her arms slowly moving towards Rebecca's neck. It was time for her to die....

Re: Sleep

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:24 pm
by Courtography

Her injuries were sucking. The bruises and her new gunshot wound were making her sleep restless at best and impossible at worst. It sucked, because the times where she tried to stay awake all she could think about was that she had been killing people. More people than the others, she was pretty sure.

That made her the worst. Sure she could try to feel superior to manwhore, Brian. After all he was the one who wanted her to work with Vivian. He probably had some crazy threesome idea too, well, probably sick, screw them and then spray their guts everywhere with his shotgun. Yeah, that was what Brian would do. Sick fucker...

She drifted off again, she didn't know how much later it was, maybe only a few minutes she heard a thump. Her crazy brain was probably inventing shit. She shut her eyes. Waited. Footsteps. This wasn't a crazy dream, someone was there. They stopped. She opened her eyes, everything was blurry.

It cleared. An arm! Oh shit! She scrambled up from the bed, swinging and clawing. "What the fuck!?" She kept attacking. Just leave her alone, why couldn't people leave her alone? Alex wouldn't have died if he had just left when she said her name. Leave her alone!

The girl retreated for a moment. Rebecca grabbed an arrow from the floor. Just leave me alone bitch, I've taken enough of a beating...just fuck off...

Re: Sleep

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:24 pm
by shining knight*
Lenas arm was so close to her target when the bitch woke up. She sprung into action and attacked Lena. Several of Rebeccas scratches struck her and scratched her. But Lena knew that Rebecca was slower than she should be and when she spotted her grabbing the arrow she moved over to snatch it from her.

"You killed Sam, why did you kill her?" cried Lena struggling to pull the arrow from her grasp. "Maybe I should take that arrow and violate you with it before I take my revenge! I didn't want to get involved with killing. I didn't want to hurt anyone less you! but you killed her! I'll violate you then kill you. Then I'll go after anyone you love...I'll make their lives miserable and when they ask why? I'll say REBECCA DID IT!" screamed Lena sadness and insanity in her eyes.

Re: Sleep

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:24 pm
by Courtography
The attacker tried to steal the arrow. Hell no, that's not how this went. You either ran away or you were fucking dying, especially after she was obviously trying to kill her in her sleep.

Then Rebecca's enemy started crying out about why Rebecca had killed someone. Wait. What da fuck. Violate her with an arrow. Sorry gorn dyke or whatever, but my vag is my own place, and the first visitor definitely is not a fucking arrow! And of course go after anyone she loved, after Rebecca had lost her virginity to an arrow and been killed. Obviously. Well I'm the bitch, but she's a crazy bitch...fuck it in the interest of having myself and whoever she think I love's vagina, just gonna stop this. Because well, Rebecca loved her family. She hadn't loved Brian even though they made out and shit, before all this. She didn't love Amelia, they were friends, great friends, but it wasn't love.

Screw this bitch, and not in the way the bitch wanted to screw her. She slashed forward with the arrow. Stabbing it at the girls neck and torso. This time it was self defense. She was justified. Besides, this girl was so off base it would almost be a gift to the world to not have trying to shove things up anyone's privates.

Yeah, fuck you!

Re: Sleep

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:24 pm
by shining knight*
Lena grinned as she pulled at the arrow and laughed an almost psychotic grin.

"Monster, vile monster. Why does Sam die and an evil whore like you gets to live?" she felt the arrow slippered from her grasp and then she felt something at her neck. blood began to drip down her. Before she could react to this she felt something in her chest. It had not penetrated but it still hurt like hell.

She screamed as the pain reached her and sat down breathing hard. The pain had returned to her chest.

"No, not before I get revenge!" she stared at Rebecca and almost pathetically asked "Why did you kill her?"

Re: Sleep

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:24 pm
by Courtography
Rebecca was barely acknowledging the psycho girl's words anymore. No matter of insults or begging was making her stop now. Why had she killed the other girl? If she remembered right it was when she tried to shoot Brian the second time, but what good would that do the insane girl?

Rebecca kept attacking with the arrow, wanting nothing more than to have the insane girl die or leave or something.

Re: Sleep

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:24 pm
by shining knight*
Rebeccas arrow stabbed into Lena. Each connected hit hurting her while putting pressure on her heart. Eventually she knew there was no way she could stop Rebecca and decided to turn away from her.

"Can't beat her...need to go...get patched up...then return,yes must..." she began to smile as blood leaked from the several stab wounds and she began to limp away.

Re: Sleep

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:24 pm
by Courtography
(GM'ing approved and all that jazz)

She had driven her off, more or less. But...who was to say that the girl wouldn't recover and go after her again? She needed to end this now before it came back and bit her in the ass.

She grabbed her bow from the floor. Then, the arrow was fitted to the string with a slight plink. End it. She pulled back the string and let the arrow go, hitting the limping girl in the lower back.

She saw the girl take off in a pathetic run. Rebecca didn't bother to chase her. There were all those stab wounds plus the arrow lodged in her. She was finished and Rebecca knew it.

She took a few moments to catch her breath. Fighting after being woken up suddenly, not to mention the condition she was in. Hopefully the rest did some good on that front.

She looked around, seeing her pants on the floor. Did I just kill a girl with my pants off? Weird shit...She had kept the pants off to let the wound air out and heal, but now it was time to go. One person had already found her here and more would follow.

She put her pants on making sure to be careful around the wound to her hip. What was next? Right, she put the quiver back on her shoulder. The remaining arrows rattled around a little too hollowly for her taste. She really needed to stop losing them in people. Or get a gun. She still needed one of those. Like it or not she was still at a disadvantage against, say, Brian if she went against him.

She fitted another arrow to the string of her bow.

Time to go.

(Rebecca Clark continued in Exhausted)

Re: Sleep

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:24 pm
by shining knight*
The arrow slammed in her back and she screamed "" yet somehow, despite the wounds. despite the arrow inside her. She still lived.

"" she sighed weakly and then outside of Rebeccas gaze she was gone

To be concluded in "The Ballad of the fallen"