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Into The Earth

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:45 am
by Courtography
(Rebecca Clark continued from Let's Get Rocked)

Rebecca had followed the river for awhile longer, following it's winding course with no idea of where to go. How was she supposed to find anyone with all the open space? No one in sight. Eventually the river had led her to what looked like tall cliffs over her. Fuck that, she wasn't climbing a freakin' mountain.

Instead she just walked along the base until she found the opening. It had led her into the passageways inside the mountain, or cliff, or whatever. She had the flashlight out now, to help guide her way through the seemingly endless passageways and turns. She didn't know where she was going now, didn't even remember which way she would need to go to get back out again.

Well I'm fucked aren't I?

Maybe, but she'd be okay, right? She had food and water. Plus she had the bow just in case she needed to tell anyone to fuck off. Yeah, she'd be okay.

Re: Into The Earth

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:46 am
by widespreadinman*
((Trevor Altahen continued from It's not for real or anything, is it?))

It seemed like forever since his departure from the trading post. At this point, it should have been a happy moment. He has no one to bother with his trading jargon, no one to yell at him for being too calm... and yet, he couldn't help but look at the ground in depression. His own group seemed to turn his back on him, leaving him for the buzzards. Especially Amelia, who seemed to be nice at first. But no, he had to go and mess it up for himself. And all he did was say things in a seemingly heartless manner. Guess grief really does affect emotions. He just wanted to crawl into a hole and wait it out, let his collar seal his fate. Either that, or walk into the nearby mine-
Wait, nearby mine... Probably perfect for a hiding spot. Or just a reflection area.
His walking speed slightly increased, heading towards the mine. It was way faster than the trip to it, saving him the trouble of burning in the sun. Now that he was inside a bit in, Trevor chucked his daypack to the side, leaning against a wooden support beam. His wrists were propped on his knees, and his head leaned back on the support.
"Dammit, Trevor... it's a game of life and death... why on earth would you even reason with grief-stricken people?" he said to himself. "I mean, they probably didn't think good of you in the first place..." He just sighed, looking to the ceiling. "That's the last time I offer help to mourning people. Should have just greeted the newcomers instead. Would've saved me the trouble of being hopelessly helpful."

Re: Into The Earth

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:46 am
by Courtography
Rebecca kept wandering the tunnels, having bothered to finish off a bottle of water along the way, and having eaten a little of the jerky. She had gotten tired of just biscuits, so the jerky, even if heavily salted, was good.

She wondered how long she had been in here? One hour? Two? Ugh, well it was taking forever, to say the least. No sign of everyone. Well yeah, who would fucking go into an abandoned mine? Right, well for future reference, the mine would be a bad place to be. That is, if she figured out how to get out.

She kept going, then heard a slight echo down the tunnel. A voice? She fitted another arrow to the string of the bow and had it at the ready. Too bad the flashlight took up a hand. Oh well, time to see who else decided to fall in a hole.

Re: Into The Earth

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:46 am
by widespreadinman*
Another sigh came about him. Trevor didn't pay much heed to Rebecca, or any other part of his surroundings. As of right now, he was merely a sitting duck. But then, the sound of a stomach rumbling could be heard. As it was, the young lad was famished.
"Hm..." he said to himself. "Some food sounds a bit good right now..."
Slowly, he grabbed the daypack that was tossed aside. Digging in, he grabbed a biscuit, which he ate. Trevor then grabbed a stick of jerky, biting into it. It wasn't much, but somehow, the saltiness took his mind off his failure of being a friend.
"Guess all I can do is just wait for this damn collar to go off..."

Re: Into The Earth

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:46 am
by Courtography
More echoing voice. She could hear it. It sounded like a guy. Well that guy was fucking dumb, right? No one smart would go down in an abandoned mine. You did. Yeah and I was fucking stupid to, happy brain? No answer, of course.

She tilted her head to the side. Was the voice this way? Another set of speech, trailing off at the end. Yes, that way. That was the way to winning. You won't be winning yet, they all have to be dead for that. Right, so how much longer would it be? Brian had probably shot a second person by now, and there was the guy covered in that blood, but was there anyone else out there killing? Maybe.

Her flashlight illuminated the boy. Trevor something. Right. What would be the right thing to do? Not fucking kill him. Right, but other than that, what could make this better? "Umm," she lifted the bow into position, causing the light to leave them in shadows. "Is there anything you want to say first?"

Yeah let him say something so you feel better about killing him, even though you'll still kill him because you're a bitch.

Shut up.


Re: Into The Earth

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:46 am
by widespreadinman*
Oh yay, another voice. Another person to call him out for at least trying to help. Another person to get bitched out by. The thing is, it came from within. And it was familiar! Well, as were Amelia's voice... and that turned out terrible.

"Like what?" he said in a slightly agitated voice. "Whining about how I'm gonna die? Let out one last lament of my life? Try to freaking trade?!" But then, his conscience calmed him down. Trevor looked back to the ground. "Sorry... just had a bit of a conflict..." And then it clicked.

Rebecca. That was the girl's name.

"... Then again, you probably want me dead regardless of who I was. Or am I missing something, Rebecca?"

Re: Into The Earth

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:46 am
by Courtography
Wow. Just fucking wow. She tried to make herself feel better by giving him a chance to say something and he had to fucking make her feel worse about calling her out on shit. She had expected like something for his family if she got back or some bullshit like that not talking about whining or calling her out about being a murderer.

Just do it.

Why do I need to respond to him.

Just do.

"Tha-that's right." Why are you nervous, you've done this before? That was different, it was just a single pull and then it was done. Not like this.

She pulled the arrow back and let it go.

Re: Into The Earth

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:46 am
by widespreadinman*
Giving one last look the voice of his would-be murderer, Trevor would have said something. Sadly, the arrow flew right into his neck, flying out through his jugular vein. He flinched back, feeling the blood come from the severed veins as well as the pain from the arrow. A hand went to try to cover it, hold off the bleeding... but he knew that his death was inevitable. It had to be done now. That puddle of blood isn't going to shrink.

See Trevor, this is why you shouldn't help people... His mind thought, before descending into an incoherent mess of jumbled words and mumbling, until finally, the cold clutches of death took his soul. Trevor Altahen, the amateur trader of Alderbrook, had performed his last trade.

STUDENT M05: Trevor Altahen/STATUS: Dead

Re: Into The Earth

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:47 am
by CondorTalon
((Clair Belvedere continued from Snake in the Grass.))

Clair had made her way over to the mines with difficulty. By this time, her legs were just about calling it quits. She wanted to rest, but she had already done that. Besides, she wanted to find Delilah. No. She needed to find Delilah. She wasn't going to give up now. She had to keep going.

Soon they had made it to the entrance of the mine. She looked over at Sam, then took a step forward. She strained her eyes to see into the mines. Holy shit, was it dark. As she stepped further in, and as it got darker, she realized she needed some light. In the twilight of the cave, she swung her pack in front of her, one strap hanging from her forearm, and fumbled around for the flashlight. Whipping it out, she flicked it on.

What she saw was not what she expected to see.


What she saw

Oh God...

was not what she wanted to see.

There she was, in the distance. Rebecca. She saw her before, in the creek, when she woke up. She was here, right now. And she was holding a bow. And there was a corpse, just a few feet away.

Clair had reached the conclusion in an instant.

"Rebecca... did you...? Y... Y-you did this, didn't you?"

Re: Into The Earth

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:47 am
by Iceblock
((Samuel Wilson continued from Snake in the Grass))

It had taken them a while to traverse what appeared to be the length of the map, if he had remembered correctly. The bridge, the train tracks... They weren't any different than he had left them. He had avoided looking for Richard's body.

As they began to navigate the mines and the yawning darkness of the tunnels, Clair looked back at him. He nodded slightly, though he wasn't sure she saw. It was already dark, tunnels or not; the sun had set a while ago.

She flicked on her flashlight. He flicked on his as well, pausing to check that it was actually on.

When he looked back up, things were happening. Clair was already speaking, stuttering an accusation about the newly bloodied, newly illuminated corpse on the ground. In a flash of realization, Sam recognized Trevor Altahen. And the girl, a little distance away, with the bow in her hand - Rebecca Clark.

He almost charged at her. Maybe he would have if he hadn't been trying to take all the information in at once. If Rebecca had done this- maybe she hadn't- she had a bow, arrow- Trevor had an arrow in his neck- they had to run.

If he'd been collected enough, maybe he would have told Clair all that.

Instead, his hand just made a feeble grab for Clair's shoulder.

Re: Into The Earth

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:47 am
by Courtography
Arrow in neck. Dead Trevor. He called her out on it. Bastard. No he's not, you're the one who killed him. Bitch. Then a sudden light shining on her. Ow that's bright whathefuck? Oh fuck someone else.

She was stammering. Rebecca was already reaching for the arrow. She let it fly. It missed. Shit. She fumbled around for another, where is it? There were several in the quiver, but she couldn't get a grip on one. Were her hands sweaty?

Fucking dammit.

Re: Into The Earth

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:47 am
by CondorTalon
As Clair awaited a response, she shifted her weight from one leg to the other.

"I just want to know-" she started.

Then she felt something fly past her. There was a stinging pain on her cheek, and then wetness. Her eyes widened as she realized what had just happened. She had been shot at.

Oh god, she was playing. She had the bow and the arrows and she was playing and she'd just shot at her.

Something was building up inside Clair. It was rage, panic, adrenaline, because she had been shot at and if she did nothing she was going to die, and then Sam was probably going to die.

Rebecca was a killer. Had she attempted to explain herself Clair might have let her go but she's just shot at her and Clair knew she was playing and killing of her own accord and she needed to be dealt with. She needed to stop killing.

She felt Sam grasp at her shoulder but it was too late.


She charged forward.


Re: Into The Earth

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:47 am
by Iceblock
Then everything went to hell in a handbasket.

There was a sound, a peculiar sort of recoil-like noise that Sam had never heard before, and then the arrow flew past Clair.

Sam's hand twitched instinctively, just barely missing Clair's shoulder by that fraction of a second.

And then Clair was running forwards. Towards Rebecca. Towards someone that was trying to murder her.

Sam just stood there, rooted to the ground, his brain working furiously to convey to his mouth the simple words that he needed to say. He needed to say something, something that'd get them out of here alive, away from Rebecca. This was worse than Richard. This was just spinning out of control right before his eyes.

"Clair!" he yelled, even as she got farther and farther away. "Snap out of it!"

Re: Into The Earth

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:47 am
by Courtography

Clair was tackling her. Hitting her, she felt a blow on her face, another to the stomach. Fucking fuck, she needed to get this psycho bitch off of her. Why couldn't she just run away like a sane person.

Rebecca pushed Clair off of her, for just long enough. She pulled an arrow out of the quiver. She could feel her arm quivering, fucking description. Clair got back on her, Rebecca took a punch to the eye.

She shoved the arrow up.

Re: Into The Earth

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:47 am
by CondorTalon
Clair felt a satisfying thump as she knocked Rebecca onto the ground. She quickly began to throw punches at her. You bitch. Clair was barely thinking straight now. There was nothing but rage as she hit her again.

Rebecca pushed her off for only a second, but Clair didn't give up. She dove back onto her, landing another punch to her eye before she felt a sharp pain in her stomach.

What the...

The blows stopped. She could only look down in surprise as the arrow, the one Rebecca had in her hand, stuck itself in her stomach. The dark stain on her hoodie began to grow as felt her strength, her rage, leaving her. She was pushed off easily.

And she lay there, as the blood leaked out, as the pain grew. And she knew.

She knew.

She was going to die.

Why? She didn't deserve this. She was just looking for Delilah and now she'd been stabbed for it. She closed her eyes, and found it difficult to open them again. She was going... to die...

No... please...

"Sam...?" she called out weakly, into the darkness were she knew Sam was.

She didn't want to die alone.

Holly had disappeared. Delilah had run away from her.

Sam was the only one left.