
Enter Holly Romero

At the very end of the river, centered in the shrubbery forest is the river creek. The river divides into several smaller streams which spread out in different directions. The area has a very pleasant atmosphere with it's abundant lakeside vegetation and healthier looking trees thanks to the water. There are a few tiny homes situated along the banks of the creek, which have long since been abandoned.
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Post by Flare* »


It felt odd. The darkness that filled Holly's unconscious eyes had been replaced by light in one unexpected second. She was forced to open them and figure out just what was happening.

Soon, her senses started warming up and she began to figure out her position. She was slumped against a tall tree, surrounded by others much like it. The sound of rushing water hit her ears, which helped her notice the crisp blue stream flowing in front of her.

Slowly and tiredly, Holly began to stand up. He limbs were a little numb from being in the same position for so long, but she managed it. She wearily began looking around, still very confused and feeling a little alone.

Did I fall asleep reading again... this place doesn't look familiar...

Holly tried to take a deep breath to calm herself, but she found her neck constricted by some strange object. A little cautiously, she lifter her hand up and pressed it gently on the cool metal surface.

Almost like a movie, everything came flying back to her at once. The screeching of the train wheels. The general confusion of her classmates. The threatening man with the thick Southern accent.

"Kill 'em or die."

Everything finally dawned on her.

She suddenly felt a little dizzy, sitting back down against the tree to steady herself. Was it really true? It couldn't be true, could it? How could this possibly happen?

The more she thought about it, the worse Holly felt. All the bad emotions she had felt over the years were flooding back to her. Loneliness. Fear. Pain. Confusion. None of it felt good.

A small tear formed in her eye, temporarily blurring her vision before it dropped out of sight. Then another. Then another. Before she knew it, Holly was crying.

Come on Holly, be strong. You can do this.

Holly wiped away the water on her cheeks and tried to stand up again. Her legs were more wobbly than ever, but soon she was once again upright. She closed her eyes for a second, letting the calming sound of the water relax her.

The tears may have gone, but the emptiness was still there. If all of this was true, Holly was probably going to die soon. She didn't want that. No one really did. She wanted to keep living out her life, see her parents one more time, maybe become an author. But most of all, she wanted someone to talk to.

Despite every part of her screaming not to do it, Holly meekly called out.

"H-hello? I-is anyone t-there?"
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(F19: Clark, Rebecca: START)

Rebecca let out a groan as she blinked her eyes open. God am I hungover? She lay her head down again, the uncomfortable wooden floor really wasn't a good place to be. Normally she didn't even pass out when drinking, something must have been up. She couldn't remember what, though. Wait. My friends usually hang out in their basements. Carpeted basements.

This didn't make any sense. Then she remembered. Mr. Sheriff man. Right that guy, what were they some oddly themed group of kidnappers? Seriously, why go through that trouble? It was like putting the spotlight on one of the random townspeople. Well not exactly, but it still didn't make sense.

Okay, stupid themed kidnappings aside what was she going to do? Well, getting off the fucking floor was a pretty good idea. She got up and was in some weird bedroom. She sat on the weird wooden bed, it looked really old. She picked up the tan backpack from the floor. She opened the zipper, and there it was. A bow. Like Indians, wow are they cliche...

There was also one of those quiver things with a bunch of arrows. Okay so I have this, and I don't know where my friends are. Fuck. She swung the quiver over her shoulder and grabbed the bow with one hand. Okay so she needed to find friends, otherwise she was screwed.

She left the house. Great a creek. Not that she was thirsty, not yet. Then she heard a voice asking if anyone was there. She sounded nervous. Rebecca spun towards the voice, spotting the girl. "Yeah, right here."
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Post by CondorTalon »

It was funny.

Clair had experienced so many bad things in life. The fight in Grade 9, the one that changed her personality. The loneliness that followed. Seeing what she was. It was all so horrible.

Those, of course, were personal conflicts. And she cried, she cried hard at those times. She was weak. She couldn't even think about her former life without feeling a ton of guilt pile on top of her. So weak.

But, right now, in this horrifying life and death situation, Clair didn't cry. She should have, but she didn't. She didn't shed a single tear. Looking up at the sky, as the memories of the kidnapping slowly came back to her, she only had one thought in her head.


F01 - Clair Belvedere: START

Clair slowly and painfully sat up, the scene from before playing out in her head. She rubbed her head, looking around. She looked to be in a shrubland, near a few creeks. Good, she thought, at least I won't go thirsty... assuming they didn't poison the water or something. Clair stood up, and as she did, her foot hit a bag that was lying near her foot. This must be the daypack she was given.

She remembered what the Sheriff had said over the PA.

"Kill 'em, or die."

Oh, yep. That's happening, she thought, a bunch of school kids are going to kill each other because some guy with a southern drawl told them to. She shook her head. There was no way anyone was going to play.


She carefully sifted through her pack. She wasn't going to play, but if someone else was, she wanted to have something for self-defense. She sorted through the rations, the first aid kit, and all of the other things in her pack looking for her weapon.

She found a tin of cat food.

Self-defense... okay. Unless she ran into someone who was allergic to cat food, this wasn't going to help.

She spun on her heels when she heard the voice calling out. Clair faintly remembered that voice... it was, uh...

And then another voice responded back. Clair knew that voice too. She wasn't that good with voices, but those were...

"Holly? ...Rebecca?" she called, walking towards the voices, her daypack in tow.
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Post by Flare* »

The silence lasted a second. Just when Holly was about to give up and realize that it was probably dangerous to be announcing her location to a bunch of people who might want to kill her, a voice responded.

"Yeah, right here."

Holly jumped a little bit. She wasn't sure what she was expecting if actually getting an answer surprised her. She slowly turned to her head to the source of the voice, anticipating the worse.

Luckily, she was not met with a gun against her head or anything like that. Instead, another girl stood there, not seeming to threaten her in any way. Holly had been able to learn most of the class' names through quiet observation, so she recognized the girl as Rebecca Clark. From what little she knew about Rebecca, she was pretty relaxed seeing her.

What didn't really relax her, however, was the bow held in Rebecca's hand.

Holly got a bit of a knot in her throat, not sure what exactly to say to the newcomer. She didn't want to mess up and say anything that would warrant an arrow through her head. However, before Holly could even start speaking, she heard something that really threw her off: a second voice.

"Holly? ...Rebecca?"

The new voice wasn't visible at first, but it was very clearly feminine. There were probably around 25 girls in the class, though, so it was hard to pick out who it could be. She didn't have to think long, however, as the girl soon came in to sight.

Then Holly froze up even more.

It was probably one of the worst people to have been there at that moment. The young woman was none other than Clair Belvedere. Holly knew her from previous encounters a couple years ago as a evil, egocentric bitch who would always put Holly down in any way possible. Some pretty bad middle school memories had come from her, and now she might have the means to kill her.

It was at this thought that Holly Romero pretty much had a mental breakdown.

She could no longer feel her legs, and lack of control over them sent her plummeting to the ground. Though she wasn't sure when it started, she knew she had burst out in a fit of tears. She was lying on the ground, still feeling cold and alone. In any other situation she might have been embarrassed, but that was the least of her worries now.

Holly had accepted the fact that she was going to die.
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Post by Courtography »

Rebecca turned towards the new voice. Okay and that other girl was Holly, how had she forgotten that? Their class wasn't very big, so she really should have known her name. The new girl was named Clair. She remembered her, she was pretty quiet these days.

Rebecca saw the weird look that went over Holly at the arrival. Oh yeah, they hadn't gotten along during middle school, had they? Well this was awkward. Seriously. Fucking. Awkward.

Okay so these two weren't going to be great to be around now. "So, I'm gonna go now." She started backing away. "Take care, don't murder each other." That wasn't a good thing to bring up, especially with the bad history of those two.

She started backing away more, slowly, to make sure neither of them decided she was the real enemy, for whatever reason.
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Post by CondorTalon »

Clair had barely gotten close to the girls when one of them fell to the ground, sobbing. Clair recognized that one as Holly. Clair recognized this atmosphere. It happened often, before Clair changed. Unpleasant memories came flooding back.

No... don't cry... please... I've changed, really...

Clair barely managed to hold back her tears. It wouldn't be good if someone came across two girls sobbing their eyes out. She barely registered Rebecca moving away from them, the words from her mouth not reaching her ears. Right now, Holly was Clair's priority. She had the find some way to calm her down, up on her feet again. Maybe once that was figured out, they could figure out a plan to survive.

She put a hand on Holly's shoulder.

"Hey, come on," she said, in the softest tone she could manage, "don't cry... please. Look, I'm not dangerous."

Taking out her tin of cat food, she continued, "Look, this is what they gave me. I couldn't hurt someone with this, right?"
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Post by Flare* »

Holly felt sick to her stomach. Nothing was right anymore. Though she couldn't see anymore with her face pointing to the ground, she could just imagine Clair pulling out a gun, aiming it, and BAM, there went Holly. It was the last thought she wanted running through her head at the moment, but she knew it was inevitable.

Then a hand touched her shoulder.

Her body literally quivering with fear, Holly turned to see who it could be. She nearly jumped right back up when she saw it was Clair, standing there right in front of her.

Oh god, please don't kill me, I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die...

"Hey, come on, don't cry... please. Look, I'm not dangerous."

Holly stopped shaking long enough to look back at Clair for a second. Now that she mentioned it, Clair didn't really look menacing. In fact, she looked... sad. Just like her.

Clair reached down into her pocket, grasping an object. Holly flinched, still expecting a gun. However, Clair instead showed Holly... a can of tin food. Holly almost smiled. She would've fully smiled in any other situation at how out of place that seemed, but she was still deeply distressed.

"Look, this is what they gave me. I couldn't hurt someone with this, right?"

"Well... yeah, I guess you're right..." Holly finally managed to let out a tiny laugh. It was barely audible and sounded a bit more forced than she would've liked, but she was happy that the shock was lifting a little.

"Wait a minute, I didn't get any-"

Peering over Clair's shoulder, Holly noticed the tan backpack sitting by the tree she woke up near. She guessed she was just a little busy fearing for her life at the beginning to see it. Still a bit cautious, she let go of Clair and slowly crawled over towards it.

Holly grabbed the strap of the daypack and sat down with it next to the tree, temporarily oblivious to Clair and managing to focus on something besides her doomed situation. She unzipped it and started rifling through the contents.

Food... water... first-aid kit...

At first, Holly could find nothing besides the ordinary survival kit stuff. She was about to give up when her hand grasped something cold and metallic in feel.

Did I get a can of cat food like her?

What she pulled out was anything but that.

It was made of metal, sure. But what Holly was holding in her hand was a gun. A real, loaded, you-can-actually-shoot-someone-with-this gun. The sun hit the barrel, just showing off how shiny it was. Holly wasn't too knowledgeable when it came to guns, but from what little she knew she could tell it was a pistol.

She let out a yelp of surprise and dropped the gun, watching it clang to the ground and luckily not fire. She crawled away from it, as if it were going to attack her.

A gun... me... I got a gun?
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Post by Courtography »

As Rebecca moved away she saw the Clair girl trying to comfort Holly. Comforting, really? She watched the conversation for a moment, and then saw Holly pull out a gun. Shit, okay really leaving, bye!

(Rebecca Clark continued in Horror Business)
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Post by CondorTalon »

Ok, good. Holly wasn't freaking out as much now. That was good. Clair thought she heard her laugh a bit too.

"Wait a minute, I didn't get any-"

With those words, Holly crawled over to a bag near a tree. Clair followed, staying a bit behind so as not to invade her personal space. As Holly sorted through the pack, Clair looked around, noticing that Rebecca was gone now. She couldn't see where she had gone off too, but maybe it was time to-

Her thoughts were interrupted by a yelp and a clattering on the ground. Clair whipped her head towards Holly.

"Hey, are you alright? What happened?"

She spotted the gun on the ground, watching Holly crawl away from it. Oh, she got a gun.

"You're not hurt, are you?"
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Post by Flare* »

Well, it was certainly... unexpected. Looking back, Holly wasn't really sure why the gun freaked her out so much. Was it just because of what it could do? The fear that she might accidentally shoot someone with it? She couldn't know for sure, but at the moment she and the gun were like mortal enemies.

The next thing she knew, Clair was yelling, asking if she was OK. It calmed her down a bit, just hearing someone else's voice. Reminded her that, hey, not everyone was out to get her.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine..." Holly replied quite meekly. She really didn't sound that OK, but it was really the best she could muster up in her current state.

Her attention was brought back to the gun, lying in the grass right where she dropped it. As much as she hated it, it was better that she had it than some psycho who would go on a giant killing rampage. Simply the thought made her shudder a little. She needed the gun.

Come on, you can do this... just pick it up, no big deal.

Slowly, Holly stood up.

She took a small step forward. Then two.

Soon she was walking normally, something she hadn't done since she had woken up. Soon she was bending down, hand shaking as it grasped the weapon. It was slightly warmer than when she had first found it, whether due to the heat of the sun or the warmth of her hand, which at least made it seem less threatening. She turned back and looked at Clair, worried about what she might think.

"Heh... sorry about that."
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Post by CondorTalon »

Clair watched as Holly sat on the ground for a few moments. It was definitely eerie, watching how this situation would unfold. How this situation could unfold. If anything, Clair was a little scared now. Of the gun. Of Holly. Of what she could do with that thing. She gulped.

Holly looked back at her, told her she was fine. She didn't sound like it. Clair just watched as Holly slowly stood up, walking towards the gun. Hesitantly, she picked up the gun. She turned around.




Clair had half-expected that to happen, but she shook the thought out of her head.

"Heh... sorry about that."

"Yeah... uh, don't worry about it."

She turned around. It was a good idea to move. Clair didn't think it was safe to stay in one place for long periods of time. She looked over her shoulder, at Holly, who was standing behind her.

"We should probably start moving somewhere else."
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Post by Flare* »

Holly turned her gun over, inspecting it from every angle. In reality, it didn't look much different than she could have expected. It had the trigger, the barrel, the place to put ammo, everything. It was just... intriguing to actually be holding one.

"We should probably start moving somewhere else."

Holly's head snapped up, the gun dropping to her sign. She hadn't really thought about leaving, but staying in one place and just waiting for someone to come find them didn't seem too smart.

"Yeah... good idea."

She looked around again, trying to get her bearings. Being back in the forest, even in this odd game of death, was relaxing somehow. It made her feel like she was at home, like she could just take out a book, sit down and start reading, then all her troubles would go away. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

"Well... following the river seems like a good plan. More plants will grow alongside the river due to the fresh water, giving us some possible extra rations, plus some extra fresh water too. Not to mention there's more likely to be some sort of building built close by for those same reasons."

Alright, nature. That was something she could talk about.
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Holly said something about going upriver. Clair hesitated. Many people would probably flock to the river, to get water. Clair didn't want to run into hordes of people, especially if some of them were trying to kill them. But Holly had a good point. And the way she talked implied that she liked nature.

Fair enough.

"Alright," she said, "Let's get going then."

And she walked off, trying to keep her head high. Although on the inside she was unsure of what would happen next, she wouldn't show it.

She wouldn't cry. She wouldn't be weak.

((Clair Belvedere continued in Water Under the Bridge.))
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Post by Flare* »

Holly was actually a bit taken aback when Clair agreed with her. She felt a little more powerful, more in control of the situation having someone listen to her ideas, even if that control was just imaginary.

Clair started walking away, looking as brave as she possibly could. Holly couldn't tell whether it was real or just her trying to look tough for the both of them. Either way, having Clair around might be a little refreshing. She certainly didn't want to be alone during all of this, considering how drastic the situation was. Snapping out of her thoughts, Holly ran to catch up with Clair.

"But how long are we really going to last out here?" Holly asked herself.

Only time would be able to answer that.

(Holly Romero continued in Water Under the Bridge)
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