Program V1: The Eighth Announcement

Let's get this show on the road!

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Program V1: The Eighth Announcement


Post by MurderWeasel »

Things had tapered off a little bit since the last time Brigadier General David Adams had addressed the compound. There were only four students left alive, and they had all managed to separate from each other. The storm had largely subsided. That would have been just fine if three of them had been bleeding to death. Right now, though, there was still one last little bit of violence to wring out of the season. All of these delays had Adams pondering some small changes for the next time around. It was simply no fun when people coasted through by just sitting in place while everyone interesting killed each other. That wasn't the type of winner he was looking for at all.

So, in the broadcasting van, Adams prepared to give what he seriously hoped would be his last speech to this particular batch. He drained his cup of coffee, leaned forward, and pressed the switch. It was exactly noon.

"Good afternoon, America," he began. "To all you patriots out there, I truly wish you the best. And I also wish well to the four patriots still engaged in a deadly struggle for the benefit of our great nation—er, for a certain value of wishing well, that is.

"Yes, that's right. There are only four of you left now. That would have been impressive if more than three had died in the last six hours. As it is, your effort is somewhat lacking. Such a disappointment. It's almost like you don't want to dress up for dear old Uncle Sam's annual holiday visit.

"Here's how it went down: Melinda Schenn decided to finally actually do something. She came down from her ivory tower to interact with the common folk, and got immediately shot to death by Sophie Mason. Elitism isn't patriotic, kids. You have to mingle, make connections, you know. That's how you get ahead in life.

"Marilyn Williams finished off Juliet Watanabe next. You know it's down to the wire when even the minorities turn on each other. Williams sure took her time, though. Can she possibly make up for it now?

"Finally, Sophie Mason shot someone else: Louis Johnson. The drama was enthralling. So many questions: would Louis' friend catch her? Does anyone other than Mason even know how to pull a trigger?

"I guess we're about to find out. Just as a little reminder, here's who's left:

"Sophie Mason, you've lost your sister, your decency, and your mind! What happened to that calm and plotting side of you we saw at the start? What happened to playing it smart? Who the hell cares, as long as you can shoot everyone you have to? You're tied with Ms. I-can't-even-manage-to-not-blow-myself-up as the top killer this season. One more bullet, and, live or die, you prove yourself more competent than a girl who made out with a moldy corpse.

"Marilyn Williams, until your run in with Watanabe, I actually forgot you weren't shot on the first day. Your subtlety knows no bounds, or you're just a coward. You can't run and hide forever, not with nearly everyone who isn't a dangerous killer dead. You worked up the guts to shoot once, but can you do it again? I really don't think so but, hey, no skin off my back if you manage it. It takes all sorts, even the useless ones.

"Speaking of, Brendon Arrington, how does it feel to have succeeded in saving all your friends? Wait, what's that? You totally failed? The only person you 'helped' was the one you shot in the head? You didn't even manage to hit the people you actually wanted to kill? Good thing you've watched your share of action movies, 'cause you're sure never gonna be in one. But, hey, prove me wrong. Show us what a real patriot can do. I... damn, there was some quote. I'll get back to you on that.

"Brett Torres, you're America's only hope. You've made it this far by actually playing it smart. You know strategy. You have tactics. You're fairly sane. Yeah, you wussed out a time or two, but we all have our failings. Can you maintain? Can you keep going? Only three left. Can you make it? I doubt it, now that you've left your little hole, but I'm rooting for you.

"I'm rooting for all of you. I mean, except the ones I can't stand. You know who you are. Anyways, we'll get this show on the road. Again. Do it, kids. Do it for me. Do it for yourselves. But most of all, do it for America. Track each other down and end this.

"God bless. Brigadier General David Adams, out."

Yes, the Program does still exist. A winner has been determined, a plan has been laid, and Endgame is set to start any moment. We'll have Final Program Hammers up in the next day or so, too! (There were no mid-game Program Hammers as we had not yet determined if we were going to do them on Mini) Stay tuned, because it's looking to be an exciting conclusion.
Avatar art by the lovely and inimitable Kotorikun
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