Take Nothing For Granted

Phase 1 (0-12 Hours)

The trucking road, located at the outskirts of the fishing village, functions as the main entrance and exit to Cabeza del Dragón. The primary purpose for the trucking road, which is made of somewhat crumbly asphalt, was to facilitate the export of goods. Fish and other nautical resources made their way along this path, ending up in distant distribution centers for sorting and dispatch to other parts of America. As the road leads out of the main area of Cabeza del Dragón, the fishing village gives way to coastal grassland, and on the border between the fishing village and the grassland one can see several peddler stands dotting one side of the road. Although these stands are empty, they are now freely open, and still sport signs advertising their wares: seafood, horchata, and fresh fruits.
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Take Nothing For Granted


Post by Namira »

This wasn't an ideal start.

Grant probed at his temple and winced as he felt the tenderness right along his orbital bone. Felt as if it was already bruising; he was probably lucky that he hadn't broken the skin.

He started forward again, only for his stride to be inhibited by a protesting discomfort from his left leg. He glanced down at the blood-soaked bandage wrapped tightly around the knee.

Oh. Right.


Grant leaned on one of the abandoned stalls lining the road and shook his head from side to side. He immediately regretted it as it sent a dizzying sensation throughout his whole body, nearly forcing him to sit down flat on his ass.

Ugh. Just a couple hours in and he'd already got himself hurt. Stupid. Maybe he needed to rethink his strategy. Clearly the original one wasn't as good as he'd hoped if this was the result. Getting some space out of the buildings and immediate danger was a good first step, but didn't do much by itself.

He didn't, Grant noted darkly after a moment, have a whole lot of time to come up with something new either. Run into the wrong situation and he was straight up just dead, and he was actually kind of afraid to consider doing anything with the bomb he'd found in his pack. Screw up with that and he wouldn't need someone else to kill him.

If nothing else, Grant was certain that he did not want to go out like a punk by blowing himself up.
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((Mary Wieczorek continued from Cannery Blues))

Mary ran. She ran without any caution or sense of direction. She ran without knowing where she would end up. She ran as long as she could before she was forced to sit and rest.

It had been a few hours since then.

Now Mary was walking slowly down a crumbling road, replaying the events of the Cannery. She shouldn't have ran. It was cowardly and stupid. She had an ally, and she abandoned him. Why? Sure, James had killed someone, but it was clearly an accident, and he was just trying to defend himself, anyway. Trying to defend her, too. If she somehow met him again, she would have to apologize. She was at her safest around him. But still, she ran. Stupid. But, still...

She couldn't get the memory of Paxton out of her mind. His corpse lying limp against the door. The horrible crunching sound. The blood spatter.

Mary generally lived her life without much of a care. Grades, popularity, the future... she always thought it was useless to worry about that stuff. Just do your best and you'll end up where you end up. But now, Mary could feel all of those emotions she kept away boiling up inside her. Fear, hopelessness, paranoia, and some other feelings she couldn't yet describe. She didn't know how she would handle them. She didn't know what to do with herself. She just wanted to walk along this road, alone. The longer she avoided human contact, the longer she could put off her fears.

Mary realized, later than she should have, that she wasn't alone. While distracted with her worries, Mary had absentmindedly been looking at the cracks in the road. When she finally lifted her head, she saw that Grant Gault was leaning against a stall a short distance from her. Mary tensed up when she saw the boy, but she allowed herself to relax a bit when she saw that he was injured and didn't appear to have a weapon. Grant was very handsome, but he always came off as cold to Mary. He never spoke to her back in school. She didn't know whether he was the type to play or not, but he didn't look like a threat at the moment. If he tried anything, she could always outrun him. She could have outran him even if his leg wasn't injured.

Mary wasn't yet ready to deal with another stranger. It didn't seem like she had a choice, though. She told herself that it was fine, that she wasn't in any danger with him. She didn't believe it, put she pressed on anyway.

"What happened to your leg?" she asked, "Are you okay?"
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Grant saw that he had a visitor a long time before the visitor picked up that she was visiting. A lone figure wandering down the road with her head down and a slump in her shoulders that looked like a morning's worth of bad news. He caught sight of her some distance away, and found that he instinctively tensed, ready to duck out if need be. However, if she was armed she wasn't displaying it openly, and Grant figured that somebody looking to be a threat would probably look where they were going. Since she clearly wasn't paying attention, that put Grant just a little at ease.

He sort of recognised her, in that kind of 'seen you around school and shared a few classes' way where you knew someone on sight but couldn't think of more than a handful of words you'd ever exchanged with one another. Mary was her name, Grant recalled that much. And that was honestly about everything he remembered. She definitely wasn't in his social group, that was for sure, and no clubs or hobbies in common that he could think of.

Well, no better time than the Program to make new friends, right?

Grant straightened up, though he kept a portion of his weight and balance leaning on the stand. Before he could introduce himself, though, Mary spoke first.

"I tried to hop a wall and wiped out like a dumbass," he replied, pulling a face. "Bled a lot, hurts a lot, but I'm fine. Pretty fine."

He paused a second to look at her. Grant didn't know enough about Mary to get an idea of her emotions; he tended to need a little bit to get tuned in first.

He could take an educated guess at 'Scared shitless' though. Scared shitless was a good starting point here.

"You uh, everything good with you?"
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Grant seemed friendly, or at least Mary thought he did. She didn't know if she was a good judge of character. She had never considered it before. Anyway, Mary didn't feel like she was in danger yet.

"Uh, no, not really." she said "But it could be worse, I guess."

That was right, wasn't it?. Things were awful, but they could have been worse. They would get worse, though, eventually. That was inevitable.

"So, uh..." she stammered, trying to rid herself of the thought. "Why- why were you trying to hop a wall?"
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Post by Namira »

Everything not good. Stupid question really, wasn't it? 'Oh you know Grant I'm supposed to murder everyone I know so hey things are going pretty dang swell thanks for asking, thought I'd get in a little bit of murder this morning, have a light lunch, and then fill up my schedule with a good ol' bit of murder for the rest of the afternoon.'

Awkward. Maybe he needed a new greeting on top of a new plan.

"Sucks man," he said absently. Didn't need to double down on the stupid questions by asking just what was eating Mary.

He shrugged, smiling sheepishly at her question. "Failed shortcut. You never do that before?"
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Mary had hardly any idea what he was talking about. Grant was being really vague and barely answering her questions. On a normal day, Mary would just move on, but she was in a bad mood and she was starting to get a little ticked off.

A frightening idea came to her. What if he was lying? What if he had gotten hurt in a fight and didn't want her to know about it? That was a strong possibility out here. Mary would have to start being paranoid if she wanted to survive. She couldn't just... not be bothered by things that seemed off. Not anymore.

"So, uh..." Mary wasn't sure of what to say next. She decided not to pry any further on the leg injury. That would be useless if he was lying and still mostly useless if he was telling the truth. There was one other thing she wanted to know, but she didn't know if it would be good to just ask outright. But she didn't know what else she could do. Oh, to Hell with it.

"So what's your weapon?"
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Grant blinked a couple of times. She didn't know what hopping a wall was? Like, had she never taken a shortcut?

He wasn't really sure how to take that. How sheltered did you have to be? Eh, well. If she didn't get it, she didn't get it. Little late to start that kind of education.

Grant stretched out his bandaged leg, wincing a little bit, and then glanced back up to Mary.

"Okay so don't freak out, but it's, uh, it's totally a bomb." He didn't smile this time. Smiling probably wouldn't have been very appropriate. "It's, uh, it sure is a thing all right."
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Post by backslash »

((Charity Gardner continued from Shit's Fucked))

Charity was huffing and sweating by the time she reached the road, but she hadn't felt anything approaching comfortable until the beach was well out of sight and Frankie and her gun with it. She'd definitely gotten her weekly cardio in.

The question now was whether she could play her cards right to ensure that it'd do her any good in the long run.

She decided to take a break around the time that she caught sight of Grant and Mary, stopping a good few yards back from where they stood. At this distance, they both seemed unarmed; even if they were armed, it would be hard for either one to get the drop on her. She didn't plan on closing the distance until she'd sized up the situation this time.

Plus, this far back they were less likely to be able to make out the sweat stains forming under her arms. She would need to ditch her hoodie soon and come up with a better way to transport her axe without just wandering around carrying it like a slasher villain. She hadn't exactly been planning on a beach getaway with a side of murder this holiday season.

Charity squatted down to catch her breath, not taking her eyes off Grant and Mary as she did so. She wasn't exactly sneaking around, but she didn't plan on drawing their attention to her just yet. They could notice her when they were ready or she was. She swept a few strands of sweat-damp hair back behind her ears, idly wondering if anyone had actually died yet.

Should she hope that she wouldn't hear the names of anyone she was close to?

It would hurt, yes, it'd hurt like hell. But it would hurt no matter what happened to her friends and when; maybe it would be better to get all of that out of the way as soon as possible. Like ripping off a band-aid. Better to not let that inevitable wound fester and cripple her when it finally struck.

Of course, that line of thought begged another question: what would she do if she ran into someone she was close to, somebody she couldn't idly debate over putting an axe in their head like she had with Frankie? Say Mina decided to stroll up right about now and go, "Hey Charity, I'm unarmed and we both know nobody back home will miss me. What's up?"

Charity had the means and the motive. If she had the opening, just how much would she hesitate to introduce her good friend to the business end of an axe when it was her life or Mina's, or anyone else's for that matter?

...Jeez, she wasn't usually this much of a downer. Shouldn't have taken philosophy as an elective this year.
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Post by Polybius »

A bomb?

"A bomb?" Mary repeated aloud. Grant told her not to freak out. She didn't want to freak out, but it was getting difficult. Mary took a few steps backwards as she stared at Grant's bag. She shouldn't panic, but what should she do? Leave? Shrug it off? Ask to follow him?

Mary stopped when she saw a shape in the corner of her eye. She swiveled to face the shape, maybe a bit too quickly, maybe a bit too dramatically. Charity was squatting near them. Mary didn't know Charity well, but she recognized her immediately. She was an easy person to remember, with her unique name and her loud appearance. And her loud personality, at that. Mary wondered how long she had been there and how much she had heard. And why she was watching them.

"Um... hi." Mary said to her. "How are you, uh... what's up?"
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Post by Namira »

Mary backed right the heck up, which Grant supposed was fair. If he hadn't read the—concerningly brief—instructions up and down then backwards, (and inside out) he didn't know if he would have been able to get over his nerves that the thing might just explode at any second. That the arming mechanism was relatively simple was both comforting and not, in the kind of way it was probably quite comforting to know that sharks didn't usually attack humans whilst swimming in the ocean.

Sure, nothing should go wrong, but tell the dude who got his leg bitten off that this was statistically improbable.

Grant wanted to say something about the further she was from him, the less safe she was, cause y'know, if he pulled the bomb out and detonated it he'd just kill himself whereas he could probably like, lob it at her if she ran away and have a pretty good chance of taking her out.

But, you know, that again probably wasn't very appropriate and also slightly psychotic.

Regardless, someone else showed up, derailing any potential bomb-speculating and distracting Mary before she back-pedalled too too far. Actually, it was more that Mary caught sight of someone and Grant kind of followed her sightlines, but hey, he was still feeling a little groggy from his tumble.

What a punk way to go out that would have been.

Anyhow, that was Charity, who he knew a good bit better than Mary, on account they'd brushed across each other at parties more that once, and hey, couldn't miss that pink hair. She was okay people, good people even. Started shit now and then, but not bad enough to actual bother him. Like that was low key disruptive to the 'authorities' and Grant most definitely wasn't those. If you could have a good time, then heck, just do it.

He flashed a little wave, kind of two raised fingers, flickered them back and forth.

Then he winked and grinned.
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Post by backslash »

Charity's respite wasn't as long as she might have liked, but Mary was pretty clearly on the back foot and Grant was radiating some good, old-fashioned Grant charm, so Charity was willing to take that to mean that her preferred pick was the one in control of the situation here. Well, second place pick. Obviously the best scenario was for Charity herself to be in charge, but she'd settle for Grant. An axe wasn't a perfect replacement for people skills, after all.

She raised one hand in a cursory wave back at Grant. "Don't mind me," she called, still a little breathless. "Just on the run from a chick with a gun. You know how it is."

Charity rubbed the back of her neck and grinned, standing up. That'd probably give Grant and Mary a few uncomfortable seconds before she bothered to clarify.

"I'm not being chased, I don't think. Frankie Matsui's down at the beach with a machine gun though, so I wouldn't plan on taking a dip anytime soon."
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Post by Polybius »

Charity said that we she on the run from a girl with a gun. Mary's breath caught in her throat, and she looked past Charity's shoulder and scanned the horizon. She didn't see any other people coming their way. Mary relaxed a little bit when Charity explained that she wasn't actually being chased at the moment, but she was annoyed at Charity for scaring her.

"You seem pretty casual about it." she said. Maybe she was being a bit hypocritical, since she had been acting pretty flippant about the situation earlier. Still, the relaxed attitude that Charity and Grant were showing was starting to get to her. They could talk about bombs and getting chased by gun-wielding psychos without any sense of alarm. Were they still processing the situation, or did it really not bother them? The latter possibility scared her, and she considered just leaving.

But they still seemed friendly. Would it really be a good idea to just head off on her own, unarmed, based on just a silly bad feeling? Just a few minutes earlier, she had wanted to be alone, but now that she had company the possibility of striking off into the unknown by herself felt intimidating yet again.

"But... uh... yeah, I won't. Thanks for the warning." she said absentmindedly. She just wasn't sure.
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Post by Namira »

Charity was direct. Very direct. Grant didn't flinch, but the smile on his face froze up more than a little. Right. Running from people out to kill you. That sure was a thing all right.It was nice of her to clear up that she wasn't currently being tailed, cause that would definitely have put a damper on this whole little gathering they had going here, and with his leg all wrapped up this he didn't much feel like having to run for his life.

Really, running away was just rude. They only wanted to have a friendly murderchat.

Frankie with a gun though... She was a pretty unknown quantity to Grant, so the only thing to know about her was that she was armed and dangerous wasn't ideal. He'd have to keep it in mind. Keep an eye out.

"Dude way to scare me. Jeez," he breathed out through his nose. "Glad you got away. Sounds like a bitch."

He glanced at Mary, then back to Charity. Could do worse.

"So you guys have any... well, you know, any plans?" He gestured vaguely around him. "For all this."
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Post by backslash »

Charity shot Mary a sidelong look. "Hey, I'm keeping my cool under pressure. Not being casual. There's a difference, and it's the same difference between whether or not you get careless and take a bullet from some-" Wait, was Frankie Japanese or Chinese? Gotta make sure you use the accurate insult. Oh, but now she'd spent too long thinking about it and the moment had passed.

Charity shook her head, exhaling a little forcefully through her nose. "Anyway. Yeah, it was tense, but I'm fine and not full of holes. Obviously. As for an actual plan... well, I'm still working on that bit. My minute-to-minute plan is to continue not being full of holes, you feel me?"

Grant had his head screwed on straight, at least, and he wasn't giving her any shit. You'd think Mary could be a little more sympathetic to someone who may or may not have had a narrow miss with a machine gun.

Charity rolled her shoulders and then her neck, and swung her arms to loosen some of the tension that she had carried since leaving the beach. Her sweatshirt was getting more than a little uncomfortable between the warmth and her recent exertion, but she'd have to deal for the next few minutes.

"What about you, Golden Boy? Got anything cooking?"
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Post by Polybius »

Mary didn't respond to Charity's rebuke. She was probably right, Mary was just getting too caught up in her own head. Maybe she was being the unreasonable one out of the three of them. Charity was just being cool when she was talking about Frankie and smiling and scaring the- wait, no, that wasn't right.

Mary squinted at Charity for a moment, then decided that it was still best not to say anything. She turned back to Grant.

"No. I don't have any plans aside from... just trying to stay safe and running from any sign of danger."

How would that work in the long run, though? Only one of them would get out. She wouldn't survive by just avoiding people.

"No." she repeated "I don't have any plans 'for all this'."
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