Program V1: The Sixth Announcement

Announcements for the first version of The Program are stored here.

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Program V1: The Sixth Announcement


Post by MurderWeasel »

Brigadier General David Adams was drinking hot chocolate, yet again, and watching the tapes. There had been that little incident earlier, which had annoyed him greatly. People often ranted at the cameras. Sometimes it even made it to broadcast. It spiced things up a bit, and, really, who'd buy it if nobody complained? The more people raved and showed themselves as un-American, the more justified everything looked to the viewers.

Still, it was getting down to the wire. Fifteen students left, and two of them pretty clearly on the way out. The remaining contenders were a good batch. Maybe not the best he'd ever seen, but certainly better than many seasons. They still had a good number of active killers floating around, and even those who hadn't done much yet were the sorts who could be pushed to action. There were a disconcerting number of dissidents, but even that was okay, sometimes.

So it was time for the announcements again. These were getting a little boring, losing a little of their appeal. Adams was all ready to name the final four and be done with it. Still, a little more patriotic death to come first. At least that would be interesting.

He flicked the switch, and the broadcast began again.


"Greetings again, students of General's Pride High School," Adams said. "Have I told you all how apt that name is, by the way? You truly have done the General proud, for the most part, and his lowly brigadier general as well. Keep up the work, friends, and soon you will be the next Paul Reveres. Or something of the sort.

"Now, the deaths. Madeline Harris shot Jennifer Steinman, before turning her face into a kiddie craft project. Nasty stuff, there. You should really give it a watch.

"Kami Steele managed to start a firefight she couldn't win, eventually taking a shot to the head from Bryant Carver. At that point, it was really a mercy kill. Of course, since he gave her the injury that necessitated mercy-killing, maybe it's not quite so noble. I'll leave you to decide.

"Jessica Vogel learned the hard way that camping can have its hazards, when the flimsy trapdoor she'd been sitting on since the start of this game gave out and pitched her all the way down the watchtower. She broke her neck, and, well, pretty much everything else.

"Madeleine Harris again killed someone, this time stabbing Kendra Jones to death.

"Finally, one of our contestants, Tyler Blake, managed to offend dear old Uncle Sam enough to provoke retributive action. We have snipers on call for that sort of thing. Oh, did I forget to mention that earlier? Oops.

"Anyways, don't be like Blake, my fine patriots, and you may live through this yet.

"As always, this is Brigadier General David Adams, signing off."

And, the rolls:

#1 Alex Tartaglia (General Goose)
#2 Luke Mendoza (Keaka)
#3 Bryant Carver (Outfoxd) - John Ferrara (chitoryu12, hero Card used)

As always, three days for cards, seven more to compete deaths.
Avatar art by the lovely and inimitable Kotorikun
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