Program V1: The Fifth Announcement

Credit: Toben

Announcements for the first version of The Program are stored here.

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Program V1: The Fifth Announcement


Post by Namira »

It had been inevitable. After losing over half of the contestants in the course of a day, it had been mathematically certain that the death rate would slow pretty soon. Brigadier General David Adams still felt a little disappointed, though. Things had been rolling along so smoothly, so wonderfully. Still, at least they hadn't seen a repeat of the abysmal first six hours. That had been one of the most excruciating boring experiences of his life.

Adams sat in the broadcasting van, a mug of hot chocolate resting on the control console, between Adams' boots. He was leaning way back in his chair, but was completely focused on not kicking over his drink. He was also watching a screen, paying only half attention, waiting for either another death or the time for the next announcement.

Announcement time got there first.


"A big hello to all of Uncle Sam's little nieces and nephews," Adams began. "I hope you're doing well. Today's show will be a bit shorter, since you haven't been as busy. Tut tut tut.

"So, here's the low down. True patriot and budding tactician Brett Torres shot some nice holes in Michael Maxwell, in a wonderful display of using positioning and terrain to your advantage. It reminded me of a few times in my early tours, only with less blood.

"Sophie... er... Stephanie.... anyways, a Mason twin beat in Corrina Landrey's head. It was pretty bloody all around. Always good to see tools put to their proper uses.

"Claire Heartland got herself shot by John Ferrara, marking his second time on these charts. I mean, well, yeah, second time, even though he was kinda responsible for those other two deaths way back—whoops.

"Anyways, in the least exciting moment ever, William Chandler shot himself in the head. We gave you a perfectly good gun, and you used it on yourself? How ungrateful. Well, if anyone wants a slightly bloodstained TEC-9, you just have to track down Chandler's body. It'll be like a treasure hunt! Exciting, mm?

"Our last death for the day came when Ryan Montoya shot one of those Mason twins. I still don't have a clue which is which. The one that didn't do the beating died, I think. Maybe. Anyways, there's only one left. It'd be lovely if you, say, turned to look at the camera and said your name. Future announcements will be so much easier, now that there isn't any confusion.

"And with that, this is Brigadier General David Adams, signing off."

And, the rolls:
#1: M06, Karl Chalmers (KillerVole)
#2: F13, Jennifer Steinman (Lord_Shadow)
#3: F08, Ryan Montoya (Hollyquin)

As always, three days for cards, and a further seven for deaths. Ask for extension here.
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